Definition of Volleyball, History and Game Rules

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Definition of Volleyball, History and Game Rules – One of the popular sports besides football is volleyball. This sport is often a sports activity in schools and colleges, this type of sport relies on hand strokes and certain techniques. For more details, let's discuss here.

Definition of Volleyball, History and Game Rules

For those of you who are fans of volleyball, it's a good idea to learn the ins and outs of this sport. What is volleyball? How was it at first? so what are the rules? To answer all these questions, let's start with the definition first.

Definition of Volleyball

Volleyball or volleyball game is one of the branches of ball sports which is how to play it namely by dropping the ball into the opponent's field with the aim of seeking victory in play. In dropping the ball there is a net as a barrier between each team.

The movement in volleyball is called volleying, namely the movement of hitting the ball before it hits the court, the volleying movement and bouncing the ball up can be done using all members of the body with the condition that the touch or reflection must be perfect. Volleyball game is played by two teams, each of which consists of 6 people. Here is the history of the game of volleyball.

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Definition of Volleyball According to Experts

For more details, you can listen to the opinions of several explanations of the meaning of volleyball below which will be explained by the experts.

1. Indonesian Volleyball Association

According to the Indonesian Volleyball Association, the game of volleyball is a sports game which is played by two teams or also two teams on the field using the net as a separator between the two team.

2. Wikipedia

The definition of volleyball according to Wikipedia is a sport played by two opposing teams.

3. Aip Syaifudin and Muhadi

According to Aip Syaifudin and Muhadi, volleyball is played by two teams with 6 players in each team and each team try to hit the ball and be able to drop the ball in the opponent's field by crossing the net and can also prevent the opponent from dropping the ball to our place.

4. Suharno

The definition of volleyball according to Suharto is a team sport which is played with a provision that each team consists of 6 people, playing in the field with a size of 18 × 9 meters, and is done by bouncing the ball alternately, each player will try to drop the ball in the area enemy.

5. Mahfud Irshad

The definition of volleyball game according to Mahfud Irsyada is a team game which involves several players in each team with the aim that can score points by passing the ball over the net and dropping the ball in the opposing team's defense area so that the team can win something victory.

History of the Game of Volleyball

At first this game was not called volleyball but had the name Mintonette. This volleyball sport was first discovered by William G. Morgan more precisely on February 9, 1895 in Holyoke, United States. William G. Morgan is an instructor or coach of physical education (Director of Phsycal Education) at the Young Men Christian Association (YMCA).

Inventor of the game of volleyball or, William G. Morgan was born in 1870 in Lockport, New York and died in 1942. The YMCA organization was first established on June 6, 1884 in London, England by George William. After meeting with James Naismith (he is an inventor or creator of the sport of basketball who was born on November 6, 1861, and died on November 28, 1939).

There was a name change from mintonette to volleyball, this name change occurred in 1896 precisely in its first demonstration at the International YMCA Training School. After seeing the rapid development of the game of volleyball, the YMCA began holding national level volleyball championships, then volleyball games spread all over the world.

For the first time a volleyball game held a match in Poland in 1974 with quite a lot of participants. And in 1984 an international volleyball federation or IVBF was also founded, in which 15 member countries and based in Paris. The organization is the parent of the international volleyball game.

Volleyball Game Rules

In the game of volleyball there are several rules, and the rules must be known by each player. The following are the rules contained in the game of volleyball, including:

1. Calculation of numbers

If the opposing party can put the ball into our field area then we lose the ball and the enemy will get a point or score. Therefore you must be able to serve in order to cross the net and enter the enemy area. If you don't enter the enemy area, the enemy will get points/values.

2. Match System

This match system uses a semi-competition system consisting of 8 (eight) teams will be distributed into 2 (two) groups, each of which consists of (four) team.

Each team consists of ats 10 (ten) players which include 6 (six) core players where these players play on the field and 4 (four) players as reserves. The substitution of core players and substitute players is not limited while the match is in progress.

3. The minimum number of players who may play is 4 (four) people

If there are less than 4 (four) people in the match, the team will be disqualified. This volleyball match lasts for 3 rounds (Best of Three), except, if in the 2nd (second) round it has been determined who the winner is, then this 3rd (third) round does not need to be held again. In calculating points using a system of 25 rally points.

If the points for each of these teams are a draw (draw 24-24) then the match will be added to 2 points. For the first participant who excels in the difference of 2 points, the team will win the match.

Winning in a preliminary match will get a point/value of 1. If there are two or more teams that get the same points/value, the determination of the group winners and runners-up will be determined by the quality of the points from each set played.

Each of these teams is required to switch court positions at the end of the round. And if the deciding round or 3rd set is determined, the team that gets the lowest score can ask to change fields as soon as the opposing team reaches 13 points.

Definition, History and Regulations of Volleyball Games

4. Time Out

Time outs may only be made once in each half and the time out is only 1 minute long. Apart from the rules listed here, the game rules follow international rules.

Thus our discussion of Definition of Volleyball, History and Game Rules, I hope the article above can add to our insights and of course useful. Thank You ?

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