√ Definition of Character, Elements, Types and Processes of Their Formation

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Definition of Character, Elements, Types and Processes of Their Formation – In this discussion we will explain about the characters. Which includes the definition of character, character elements, types of character and the process of character formation which is discussed in full and lightly.

Definition of Character, Elements, Types and Processes of Their Formation

For more details, please see the review below carefully.

Definition of Character

Character or also known as character in general is an inner trait that influences the thoughts, behavior, character and character possessed by humans or other living things.

Definition of Character According to Experts

The following is a definition of character according to experts.

1. Coons

The definition of character according to Coon is a subjective assessment of a person's personality related to personality attributes that can or cannot be accepted by society.

2. Mansur Muslich (2010:70)

The definition of character according to Mansur Muslich is a person's way of thinking and behaving characterizes each individual to live and work together, both in the family, community and society country

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3. Simon Phillips

The definition of character according to Simon Philips is a collection of values ​​leading to a system, which underlies the thoughts, attitudes and behavior displayed.

4. Poerwadar Minta

The definition of character according to Poerwadar Minta character means character, psychological traits, morals or manners that distinguish a person from other people.

5. Alwisol

The definition of character according to Alwisol is a description of behavior that is carried out by highlighting values ​​(right-wrong, good-bad) implicitly or explicitly. Character is not the same as personality which is completely unrelated to values

6. Wynes

The definition of character according to Wyne marks how or technically which focuses on applying good values ​​into actions or behavior.

7. Maxwell

Understanding character according to Maxwell is far better than just words. More than that, character is a choice that determines the level of success.

8. Doni Kusuma

The definition of character according to Doni Kusuma is character, style, nature or characteristics of a person who comes from formations or forgings obtained from the surrounding environment.

9. Thursday (1997:281)

The definition of character according to Kamisa is the psychological traits, morals or manners that distinguish one person from another, character, character. Character means having character, having personality

10. Gulo W (1982:29)

The definition of character according to Gulo. W is personality in terms of ethical or moral points, for example a person's honesty, usually related to relatively fixed traits.

11. W.B. Saunders (1977:126)

The definition of character according to W.B. Saunders is a real and distinct trait exhibited by individuals, a number of observable attributes in individuals.

12. Wikipedia

The definition of character according to Wikipedia is the inner nature that influences all thoughts, behavior, character, and character possessed by humans or other living things.

13. Ryan and Bohlin (1999)

The definition of character according to Ryan and Bohlin is a pattern of a person's behavior.

14. Ministry of National Education Language Center (2008)

The definition of character according to the Language Center of the Ministry of National Education is innate, heart, soul, personality, character, behavior, personality, nature, character, temperament, character.

15. Imam Al-Ghajali

The definition of character or morals according to Imam Al-Ghajali is a trait that is embedded in the soul and that trait someone will spontaneously be able to easily emit attitudes, actions, as well deed.

16. Drs. Hanna Djumhana Bastaman, M.Psi

The definition of character according to Drs. Hanna Djumhana Bastaman, M.Psi is internal self-actualization and internalization of moral values ​​from outside to become part of his personality.

17. Prof. Dr. H. M. Quraysh Shihab

Definition of character according to Prof. Dr. H.M. Quraish Shihab is a collection of experiences about historical education that can encourage an ability within oneself, so that they can become the measuring instrument or side of a human being in making it happen, both in thoughts, attitudes, and behavior including character or noble character and mind character.

18. Ministry of Education and Culture (Ministry of Education and National Culture)

The definition of character according to the Ministry of Education and Culture is a form of a person's way of thinking and behaving which then becomes his trademark.

19. Soemarno Soedarsono

The definition of character according to Soemarno Soedarsono is a value that is imprinted in us through education, experience, trial, sacrifice and influence. environment, combined with values ​​in human beings to become a kind of intrinsic value that is embodied in the power system that underlies the thoughts, attitudes and behavior.

20. KBBI (Big Indonesian Dictionary)

The definition of character according to KBBI is character; psychological characteristics, morals or manners that distinguish one person from another; character.

Character Elements

Based on the psychological and sociological side, humans have several elements related to the formation of character. These elements show how a person's character. These elements include:


A person's attitude is part of character, even attitude is considered as a reflection of that person's character. A person's attitude about something that is in front of him, often shows how the character of that person. So, the better a person's attitude, it can be said that the person has good character. And conversely, the less good a person's attitude is, the more likely that person has a bad character.


Emotions are dynamic phenomena in human situations that are accompanied by effects on consciousness, behavior, and this is a physiological process. These emotions are the same as strong feelings.


Trust is a human cognitive component of socio-psychological factors. Believing that something is right or wrong on the basis of evidence, suggestion of authority, experience and intuition is so important in building human nature and character. So that trust makes self-existence and relationships with others stronger.

Habits and Will

Habits are aspects of human behavior that are fixed, take place automatically for a long time, are carried out spontaneously and are repeated many times. Meanwhile, will is a condition that describes a person's character because will is closely related to actions that describe the person's behavior.


Self-conception is the process of totality, consciously or unconsciously on how one's character and self are formed. So, self-concept is how we have to build ourselves, what we want and how we place ourselves in life.

Character Types

The types of character that are often encountered around us are as follows:

  • Quiet type
  • Coward
  • vengeful
  • Diligent
  • Greedy
  • Honest
  • Wise
  • Cheerful
  • Traitor
  • Caring
  • haters
  • Lazy person
  • Sorry
  • Angry person
Definition of Character, Elements, Types, Formation Process

Character Formation Process

A person's character is basically formed through a long learning process. Human character is not innate at birth, because character is formed by environmental factors and also the people around that environment.

Character is formed through various learning processes that are obtained from various places such as homes, schools, and also the environment in which they live. Parties that have a role in shaping a person's character are family, teachers and friends

Character is often closely related to a person's behavior. If someone has good behavior, it is likely that person has good character too. However, if someone has bad behavior, it is likely that the character possessed by that person is also bad.

Thus has been explained about Definition of Character, Elements, Types and Processes of Their Formation, hopefully can add to your insight and knowledge. Thank you for visiting and don't forget to read our other articles.

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