Sickness Certificate: Definition, Structure, Benefits, Legal Responsibilities and Examples

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Sickness Certificate: Definition, Structure, Benefits, Legal Responsibilities and Examples – What is meant by a Sickness Certificate? On this occasion About the will discuss about the Sickness Certificate and the things that surround it. Let's look at the discussion in the article below to understand it better.

Sickness Certificate: Definition, Structure, Benefits, Legal Responsibilities and Examples

Illness Certificate is a letter containing an explanation about (the patient) or a person's condition (illness patient) made by the doctor, or a letter containing an explanation of the disease suffered by patient.

Sickness certificate (SKS) is a letter of explanation made by a doctor and can be a letter 'magic' because it has full power and nothing can cancel it, except MKDKI and/or MKEK,

Because of this, it is often abused by those who have bad interests, starting from reasons not to going to work/school, avoiding summons for police inspection, until the opportunity not to stay at home prisoner.

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According to Law Number 29 of 2004 concerning Medical Practice Article 35 paragraph (1) letter h, that: Doctors or dentists who have having STR has the authority to practice medicine in accordance with the education and competence possessed, which consists of: on:

  • interviewing patients;
  • examine the patient's physical and mental;
  • determine supporting examinations;
  • establish a diagnosis;
  • determine management and treatment of patients;
  • perform medical or dental procedures;
  • writing prescriptions for medicines and medical devices;
  • issue a doctor's or dentist's certificate;
  • store the drug in the amount and type that is permitted; And
  • dispensing and dispensing drugs to patients, for those who practice in remote areas where there are no pharmacies.

Because the issuance of the SKS is part of medical practice, its existence is absolutely the authority and responsibility of the doctor, as is the responsibility of the doctor in making a diagnosis.

Because the issuance of the SKS is the authority of the doctor, it is the one who can determine whether the issuance of the SKS is correct or not wrong, only the Indonesian Medical Discipline Honorary Council (MKDKI) and/or Medical Ethics Honorary Council (MKEC). If there is a criminal element in the publication, MKDKI can hand it over to the police to be followed up according to applicable law.

Pay attention to the awarding of credits for employees/laborers who experience prolonged illness and require a period of rest beyond 12 (twelve) months, because it can lead to termination of employment (Law No. 13 of 2003 concerning Manpower, Article 172)

Sickness Certificate Structure

Basically the main contents of the SKS are:

Personal data of the explaining party, (doctor)
Personal data of the explained party (patient)
Fill in the description: the patient's condition/illness, stated in general, that is sick.
The purpose of the statement, apart from explaining pain, can be added, for example: needing to rest, or not being able to do certain activities.
Closing, generally contains an appeal or hope that third parties understand.

Benefits of a Sickness Certificate

The benefits of SKS include:

  • For patients: as moral support because the contents reinforce their illness.
  • For doctors: as a way of informing related parties. For example school, office etc
  • For related parties (third parties): as a tool to find out identity, and information that the patient is sick, and (if necessary) unable to carry out certain activities.

Legal Responsibility for Sickness Certificate.

SKS is issued by a doctor, and the issuance is part of a series of guaranteed medical procedures by law, therefore the SKS becomes the authority of the doctor and its issuance must be obtained be held accountable. SKS legal responsibility is seen from two aspects:

Formal Aspect:

The formal aspect, related to the issuance of credits, is a doctor who has the right to issue credits. If the doctor issues the SKS then someone changes it so that the contents are different, for a specific purpose, for example: the date of treatment, originally not given rest, it is changed as necessary rest for a few days or extend the rest period made by the doctor, then there has been SKS falsification, the sanctions are as referred to in Article 268 Criminal Code

Any person who fakes or falsifies a doctor's certificate regarding the presence or absence of disease or weakness or disabled, with intent to mislead the public authorities or the guarantor, shall be punished by a maximum imprisonment of four year.

Shall be punished with the same penalty, any person who with the same intention uses a statement that is not true or that is forged, as if the letter was true and not forged.

Material Aspect:

The material aspect relates to the contents described in the SKS, the contents in question are information regarding what is known, seen and based on the results of the examinations that have been carried out. Doctors as SKS issuers must be able to account for the information provided on the SKS.

If the doctor issues an SKS that is not in accordance with what is known and the results of the examinations that have been carried out, then the doctor can be deemed to have issued it False SKS, the certificate is actually made by a doctor, but in reality the patient is not sick, then the doctor can be subject to sanctions as in Article 267 Criminal Code:

Both faking SKS or making fake SKS are both criminal acts that can be subject to legal sanctions, the impact of p is that it can bring harm, either to doctors, patients or third parties (related institutions: offices, schools or other).

If a doctor's SKS is falsified, and the doctor feels aggrieved, then the doctor whose SKS is falsified can complain on the basis of Article 263 of the Criminal Code.

Whoever makes a fake letter or falsifies a letter that can give rise to a right, agreement or debt relief, or intended as evidence of something with the intention to use or order others to use the letter as if it were its contents true and not falsified, is threatened if said use can cause harm, due to falsification of documents, with a maximum imprisonment of six years.

Shall be punished with the same penalty, any person who deliberately uses a fake document or one that has been forged to pretend to be genuine, if the use of said letter can cause harm.

The imposition of Article 263 of the Criminal Code must fulfill the following elements: (R. Soesilo p. 196)

when forging the letter, it must be with the intention of using or instructing other people to use the letter as if it were genuine and not forged.
its use must be capable of incurring a loss. What is meant by the word "may" is that there is no need for the loss to actually exist, only then is it sufficient for the possibility that there will be a loss. The losses referred to are not only material losses, but also immaterial losses such as public unrest or offensive values ​​of decency or honor.
those punished according to this article not only falsified, but also deliberately used forged documents. What is meant by "intentionally" is that the person using it must really know that the letter he is using is fake. If he doesn't know, he won't be punished

The doctor patient relationship is an agreement, (Permenkes No 2052 of 2011 concerning Practice Permits and Implementation of Medical Practices Article 21) because of that there are rights and obligations that must be fulfilled by the parties, in terms of issuing SKS, the patient has the right to request SKS, if the results doctor's examination, it was stated that the patient was sick, if the results of the doctor's examination found that the patient was not sick, then the doctor could not give credits.

Therefore, every credit issuance must be accompanied by good motives and in accordance with applicable ethics, as stated in Chapter I Article 7 of the KODEKI: Each doctor only provides information and opinions that have been examined by himself the truth. The emphasis is on checking the truth yourself and not based on another doctor's examination or other people's statements.

Sample Sickness Certificate

  • Sample sick note from the hospital

Jl. Struggle No. 123, Medan
tel. 123456789 Fax. 123456789

No. 123/SKS/May/2018

The undersigned certifies that:
Name: Gerry Nio
Place/Date of Birth: Medan/20/09/1994
Occupation: Private Employee

In the medical examination that has been carried out today, we hereby declare the person concerned in an unhealthy condition, so he needed to rest for 5 days, from May 12 to May 16 2018.

Thus this certificate is made and given to be known and used accordingly.

Medan, 12 May 2018.

examining doctor,

dr. Decky Ahmad.

  • Sample sick note from doctor

Address: Jl. Battle No. 123, Banjarnegara


The undersigned certifies that:
Name: Gerry Nio
Male gender
Age: 23 Years
Occupation: Private Employee
Address: Jl. Struggle No. 123, Banjarnegara

Based on the results of the examination that had been carried out, the patient was in a sick condition, so he needed to rest for 3 days, from 12 May to 14 May 2018.

Diagnosis: Dengue Fever.

Thus this certificate is given, to be known and used accordingly.

Banjarnegara, 12 May 2018.

examining doctor,

dr. Decky Ahmad.

  • Sample sick note from clinic

Jl. Healthy No. 123, Medan
tel. 12345678. Fax. 12345678


The undersigned doctor certifies that:
Name: Gerry Nio
NIK: 987654334657

Permission is required to rest for 3 days, starting from today, 12 May 2018.

examining doctor,

dr. Decky Ahmad.

  • Sample sick note from the health center

Address: Jl. Battle No. 123, Banda Aceh Tel. 12345678

No. peg. 812/ /2018

The undersigned, a doctor at the Samudera Geudong District Community Health Center, testifies that:
Name: Gerry Nio
Place/Date of Birth: Banda Aceh/20/09/1994
Male gender
Occupation: Private Employee
Address: Jl. Cempaka No. 123, Banda Aceh

On our examination he was really sick, and needed to be given rest during the healing period. as of May 12, 2018.

Thus this certificate is actually made to be used as necessary.

Banda Aceh, 12 May 2018.

health center doctor,

dr. Decky Ahmad.

  • Sample Letter of Sickness for Insurance Claims

Jalan Dunia Baru Raya No. 1 Bandung 38901
tel. 022 – 508976 (Hunting), 508975, 508976 Ext. 71 Faxes. 022 – 508999

Number: 170/569/SK-3/IV/18

The undersigned certifies that:
Patient Name: Gerry Nio
Np. Medical Records: 2089/RM/RSUF/678/IV/2018
Age: 35 Years
Address: Jl. Battle No. 123, Bandung

From 12 May 2018 to 18 May 2018 he was hospitalized in the White Lotus Class VVIP room at Fadillah General Hospital, Bandung, with a final diagnosis: Symptoms of Typhoid. The purpose of issuing this letter is for the purposes of INSURANCE CLAIM.

Thus this certificate is made to be used properly.

Bandung, 18 May 2018.

treating Doctor,

dr. Decky Ahmad.

  • Sample Sickness Certificate for BPJS Claims

Jalan Dunia Baru Raya No. 1 Bandung 38901
tel. 022 – 508976 (Hunting), 508975, 508976 Ext. 71 Faxes. 022 – 508999

Number: 170/569/SK-3/IV/18

The undersigned, General Practitioner at Fadillah General Hospital, Bandung City, explains that:
Patient Name: Gerry Nio
Age: 32 Years
Address; Jl. Capt. Pattimura No. 123, Bandung
Diagnosis: Food Poisoning
Requirements: BPJS Health Claims

On May 10 2018, until now, he is still hospitalized in the White Lotus Class II room, Fadillah General Hospital, Bandung.

Thus this certificate is made properly.

Bandung, 12 May 2018,

examining doctor,

dr. Decky Ahmad.

  • Sample Sickness Certificate from Midwife

Jl. Struggle No. 123 Medan
tel. 12345678. Fax. 12345678


I, the undersigned, certify that:
Name: Gerry Nio
Male gender
Age: 23 Years
Address: Jl. Purbasari No. 123, Medan

it is true that he is sick. For this reason, relatives with the names mentioned above need to rest for 3 days, starting from May 12, 2018.

Thus this letter was made truthfully, without any pressure or intervention from the patient.

Medan, 12 May 2018.

examiner midwife,

Suleima, Am. b.

Sickness Certificate: Definition, Structure, Benefits, Legal Responsibilities and Examples
  • Sample Letter of Sickness for Absence of Work


I, the undersigned, certify that:
Name: Anton Sanjaya
Place/Date of Birth: Medan/20/09/1994
Male gender
Age; 23 years
Occupation: Private Employee
Address: Jl. Struggle No. 123, Medan

indeed in a state of illness according to our diagnosis. For that, a brother with the name mentioned above needs rest for 3 days, starting from today.

Thus this letter is made truthfully and without any pressure or coercion from the patient.

Medan, 10 May 2018.

examining doctor,

dr. Decky Ahmad.

Thus the review from About the about Sick letter , hopefully can add to your insight and knowledge. Thank you for visiting and don't forget to read other articles

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