√ 9 Definitions of Physical Fitness According to Experts, Elements & Benefits

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9 Definitions of Physical Fitness According to Experts, Elements, Complete Benefits of Physical Fitness – In this discussion, we will explain about Physical Fitness. The discussion includes the meaning, elements, benefits of physical fitness which will be discussed in full and easy to understand. Therefore, follow the discussion below carefully.

9 Understanding of Physical Fitness According to Experts, Elements & Benefits

The following is the definition of physical fitness according to leading experts

Definition of Physical Fitness According to Experts

  1. Suratman (1975)

    The definition of physical fitness according to Suratman is a physical aspect of overall fitness or total fitness that gives the ability of a person to lead a productive life and be able to adapt to any physical burden or stress reasonable.

  2. Djoko Pekik

    According to Djoko Pekik, the definition of physical fitness is everyone's ability to do work day-to-day activities efficiently without significant fatigue so that you can still enjoy your time spare.

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  4. Muhajir

    The definition of physical fitness according to Muhajir is the body's ability to adapt to the work done without significant fatigue.

  5. Agus Mukholid, M.Pd (2004:3)

    The definition of physical fitness according to Agus Muklolid, M.Pd is the ability and ability to carry out activities or work, enhance work power without experiencing fatigue excessive.

  6. Rusley Lutan

    The definition of physical fitness according to Rusli Lutan is a person's ability to do all kinds of physical work that requires flexibility, endurance and strength.

  7. Mochamad Sajoto and Judith Rink

    The definition of physical fitness according to Mochamad Sajoto and Judith Rink is a person's ability to complete daily work without experiencing fatigue. excessive with the expenditure of energy large enough to meet the needs of movement and enjoy leisure and to meet emergency needs if necessary anytime.

  8. Sadoso Sumarsardjuno

    The definition of physical fitness according to Sadoso Sumosardjuno is a person's ability to carry out their daily tasks easily, without feeling excessively tired, and still have spare or energy reserves to enjoy the time his leisure.

  9. Ministry of Education and Culture (1996:4)

    The definition of physical fitness according to the Ministry of Education and Culture is a person's physical ability or ability to carry out their daily tasks efficiently and effectively in a relatively long time without fatigue means.

  10. Kockey In Sumarjo (2002:43)

    The definition of physical fitness according to Kockey is the ability to complete daily tasks easily, without fatigue which means and can still enjoy his spare time and in an emergency still able to do work that is not expected.

    In general, physical fitness is the ability of a person's body to carry out activities in a healthy state both mentally and physically.

Elements of Physical Fitness

Elements of physical fitness or components of physical fitness can be divided in the form of physical fitness training which can be done as follows.

  • Strength
    Strength in the element of physical fitness is the condition of the body that is able to use the muscles when charged to carry out an activity. By doing strenuous exercise routinely and consistently strong muscles can be obtained. Physical exercises that can be done are such as Push-Ups (training arm muscles), Sit-Ups (training abdominal muscles), squat hours (training leg muscles and abdominal muscles).
  • Endurance
    Endurance is a person's ability to use the body's organs such as the heart, lungs and others effectively in carrying out activities. Forms of physical exercise can be done by running or jogging regularly for about 30 minutes per day.
  • Muscular Power
    Muscle Power is the ability of every person to utilize maximum muscle strength in the shortest possible time. This relates to the anaerobic system in meeting energy needs. Forms of exercise that can be done to train muscle power include: Vertical Jump (training explosive power limbs), Front Jump (training the ability of the calf and leg muscles, and Sid Jump (training the explosive power of the leg and leg muscles). thigh)
  • Speed
    Speed ​​is the ability of a person to make continuous movements in the shortest possible time. The form of exercise that can be done is running a short distance of 50-200 meters.
  • Flexibility
    Flexibility has a relationship with the effectiveness of the body in adjusting to movements or activities that rely on body flexibility. Exercises that can be done alone are by doing gymnastics, yoga and swimming.
  • Agility
    Agility is a person's ability to adjust to body position. His fitness training is to run zig-zah and up and down stairs.
  • Coordination
    Is a person's ability to integrate different body movements in one effective movement. The practice that can be done is to bounce the ball off the wall with your right hand and catch it with your left hand.
  • Balance (Accuracy)
    Accuracy is the ability to control the gear according to the target. The exercise that can be done is to throw the ball into the basket or other target.
  • Reaction
    Reaction is the ability to respond to stimuli given by others. Exercises that can be done for fitness are throwing and catching the ball.
9 Definitions of Physical Fitness According to Experts, Elements, Complete Benefits of Physical Fitness

Physical Fitness Benefits

The benefits of doing physical fitness movements are:

  • Can reduce the risk of Obesity (overweight)
  • To prevent heart disease
  • Able to reduce high blood pressure
  • Eliminate Depression
  • Energy Increase
  • Circulation or movement of blood and the working system of the heart increases
  • May reduce the risk of porous bones (osteoporosis)
  • Muscle strength and speed increase
  • Stamina and body strength increase
  • The body's response becomes fast and precise
  • Flexibility in joints increases
  • Endurance increases

Thus has been explained about 9 Understanding of Physical Fitness According to Experts, Elements & Benefits hopefully can add to your insight and knowledge. Thank you for visiting.

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