30 Understanding of Democracy According to Experts (Full Discussion)

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30 Understanding of Democracy According to Experts (Full Discussion) – This discussion will explain what democracy means literally and in terms and definitions of democracy explained by experts in their fields.

30 Understanding of Democracy According to Experts (Full Discussion)

Literally or the language of the word democracy comes from the Greek language namely demo And kratos. Demos means "people" and kratos means "power“. Meanwhile, in terms of democracy is a system of state government in which the people are involved. To find out in full about the meaning of democracy, see the opinions of the experts below about the meaning of democracy.

Definition of Democracy According to Experts

The following is the definition of democracy according to experts

1. Aristotle

Stated that democracy is a freedom or the principle of democracy is freedom, because only through freedom can every citizen share power within his country. Aristotle also said that if a person lives without freedom in choosing his way of life, then he is just like a slave.

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2. Harris Soche

Explains that democracy is a form of people's government, therefore governmental power is attached to the people as well Human rights for the people to defend, organize and protect themselves from any coercion in a body that is handed over to Reign.

3. Abraham Lincoln

Democracy means government of the people, by the people and for the people.

4. Kranemburg

Put forward democracy in accordance with its basic meaning, namely governing the people.

5. Henry B. mayo

Explaining in running a democratic political system, the government takes a policy generally determined by most of the people's representatives and supervised effectively by the community or people.

6. Koentjoro Poerbopanoto

Meaning that democracy is a system in which the people must actively participate in a state government.

7. Charles Costello

According to him, democracy is a political and social system of government with government power What is limited by law is also a freedom for citizens to protect her rights.

8. Samuel Huntington

Says that democracy exists when the strongest decision makers in a system are elected through honest, fair and periodic elections as well as the freedom to compete for each candidate in obtaining voice.

9. Sydney Hook

According to him democracy is a form of government in which a government decision directly or indirectly must be based on a general agreement given by the people freely.

10. Maurice Duverger

Defines democracy as a way of government in which a group is governed and ruled the same or inseparable.

11. Prof. Mr. Muhammad Yamen

Stated that democracy is a basis in the formation of government and those in it (society) in the power to regulate and govern legally controlled by all members public.

12. Yusuf Al-Qoradawi

Explains democracy as a forum for people to choose someone who is appropriate in managing all their affairs. Everything is wanted by the community such as: the leader is not someone who is hated, the rules are set according to what is desired them, and have the right to hold accountable these leaders and have the right to dismiss the rulers or leaders if deviate.

13. International Commission of Jurists

Democracy is a form of government in which the right to make a political decision must be exercised by the people through elected representatives in an electoral process.

14. Affan Ghafar

Understanding democracy into two things, namely normative and empirical. Normative democracy is democracy that is generally realized by a country. While empirical is a democracy whose embodiment is only in the world of politics.

15. Sumarno AP and Yeni R. Painting

They argue that democracy is government of the people, by the people and for the people in the declaration of independence, namely of the people, for the people, and by the people.

16. KBBI or Big Indonesian Dictionary put forward:

  • Democracy is a form or system of government in which all the people participate in government, namely through the intermediary of elected representatives.
  • Democracy is an idea or way of life that prioritizes equality and obligations and equal treatment for all its citizens.

17. John L Esposito

In essence, democracy is a form of government of the people and for the people. Therefore the people have the right to participate, play an active role even when controlling the policies that have been issued by the government. In addition, in official government institutions, there is a clear separator consisting of various elements, such as exclusive, legislative and judicial elements.

18. C.F. strong

Stated that democracy is a form of government in which most of the members of the council who come from the community participate in political activities which is based on a representative system, in which in the end the government can guarantee and be accountable for all its actions to the majority the.

19. Sydney Hook

Democracy is a form of government in which the government's important decisions either directly or indirectly directly or indirectly based on the majority agreement given by the people who are adults freely

20. Cannon, Webster's Dictionary

Defining democracy is defined as:

  • A government by the people, especially majority sovereignty.
  • A government in which the highest power is held by the people, directly or indirectly the implementation is carried out by them through a representative system which is carried out by holding general elections or elections periodically.

21. Abdul Ghani Ar Rahhal

Stated in his book entitled Al Islamiyyin wa Sarah Ad Dimuqrathiyya stated that Democracy is a form of people's rule by the people. In other words, the people are the source power. Abdul Ghani Ar Rahhal also said that Plato was the first person to reveal the theory of democracy, where the source of power is one and not multiple desires. Another writer, namely Muhammad Qutb in his book entitled Madzahib Fikriyyah Mu'ashirah, also stated the same thing about the definition of democracy.

22. Robert A Dahl

Put forward A democratic system should ideally have:

  • Equal voting rights in determining binding collective decisions.
  • There is effective participation. This means that all citizens have equal opportunities in the collective decision-making process.
  • Disclosure of the truth, namely the existence of equal opportunities for every citizen in order to provide an assessment of the logical course of the political and government process.
  • Control or final inspection of the agenda, namely the existence of an exclusive right for the community to determine which agenda should or should not be must be decided through the governance process, including in delegating such power to other people or institutions that can represent they
  • Coverage, namely the coverage of the community that is covered by all adults related to the law.

23. Amen Rais

states that there are several criteria that must be met in order for a country to be called a democracy. These criteria include:

  1. Participation in decision making.
  2. Have equality before the law.
  3. Fair distribution of opinions.
  4. Have equal opportunities in obtaining education.
  5. Availability and disclosure of information.
  6. Pay attention to or heed the fatsoen or political manners.
  7. Individual or individual freedom.
  8. Passion to work together.
  9. There is a right to protest.

24. Abdul Wadud Nasruddin

Put forward Democracy is a system of life in which the opinion of the people is placed as a top priority in making policies. The opinion must meet several criteria such as:

  1. Religion
  2. Susila
  3. Law
  4. Passion to uphold the common good.

Opinions or voices from the people must be accompanied by a sense of responsibility. The existence of a positive commitment to its implementation must go through a continuous evaluation stage to suit common needs. Aside from being a political tool, democracy also acts as a tool to shape other aspects of social order, such as in the economic, social, and cultural aspects. Only people who are able to be responsible and understand related to the opinions they convey both scientifically, syar'i, and socially.

25. Ranny

Put forward democracy is a form of government in which the arrangement and organization is carried out based on the following principles:

  1. Sovereignty of the people or popular sovereignty.
  2. Political equality or political equality.
  3. Consultation or dialogue with the community or political consultation.
  4. Majority rule or most.

26. Joseph A. Schumpeter

Stating that a political system can be said to be democratic if the collective decision makers are the strongest elected through a general election that is held periodically in which there is the right for adult humans to choose. A democracy must include 2 things, namely competition and participation.

27. Sergeant General

Put forward every democratic system is always based on the idea that the state should be involved in certain kinds of good things directly or through their elected representatives in the representative council in the field of making political decisions.

15 Definition of Democracy According to Complete Experts

28. Hans Kelsen

Democracy is government of the people and for the people. In this case, the people's elected representatives are the executors of state power, which the people already have the belief that all their will and interests will always be considered in the implementation of government the.

29. Philippe C. Schmitters

Declaring Democracy is a theory which states that a state should be responsive to the needs and interests of its citizens, where they must participate to participate in formulating needs and expressing interests actively and free. Not only must he have a clear understanding, but he must also have various sources and the desire to involve himself in the political struggle necessary so that their preferences will later become a material consideration for the rulers or also by trying to occupy positions in the government.

30. Wikipedia

Democracy is a form of government in which all citizens have equal rights in making decisions that can change their lives

Thus our explanation this time about 30 Understanding of Democracy According to Experts (Full Discussion), hopefully it can be helpful and useful for readers. thank you

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