Baseball: Definition, History, Techniques, Facilities, How to Play and Game Rules

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Kastiball: Definition, History, Techniques, Facilities, How to Play and Game Rules – What is called a Kasti Ball Game? At this opportunity About the will discuss about Kasti Ball and the things that surround it. Let's look at the discussion in the article below to understand it better.

Baseball: Definition, History, Techniques, Facilities, How to Play and Game Rules

Baseball game is a game played by two teams, each team consisting of 12 people. Kasti is a game that originates from the Netherlands. The definition of rounders has actually been known to us for quite a long time, the game is played by children (Deni Kurniadi, Suro Prapanca, BSE, Class IV Physical Education, 2000: 3).

Kasti games are included in small ball games that are played in teams, namely the batting team and the guard team. The game is declared won when one of the teams collects more points.

According to Iwan Ridwan and Ikman Sulaeman (2008: 12) Kasti is a type of small ball game. Baseball games include team games. This game emphasizes the excitement and dexterity of the players. To be able to win the game, a team is required to work well together

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History of the Game of Baseball

The game of baseball has existed in England since 1744, to be precise in the Little Pocket-Book, which at that time was called by John Newbery. "environment", then in 1828 the first caste rules were made in England, namely by Willam Clarake in the publication of the second book The boy.

In the following year the book was published in Baston, Massachusetts which made a national regulation by Athletic Gaelic Association (GAA) in Ireland in 1884, while in England governed by English Rounders formed in 1943.

Although there are those who formulate a baseball game older than the game of baseball taken from literary references to the form early 'ball' in the Great Britain Pre, but this game is arguably quite popular because it is played to a level International.

Basic Techniques of Baseball Game

After we discussed the various meanings and history of baseball, now we will move on to the basic techniques of playing baseball, because before To play a baseball game, you should first know the basic techniques of the game, for more details, follow the basic game techniques baseball :

Ball holding technique

The steps are:

  • the ball is held with all the fingers;
  • the ball is held tightly so that it does not come off;
  • open fingers facing up.

Ball Throwing Technique

The technique of throwing the ball is very necessary for a team that has a duty as a guard, this throwing technique is very important to use to pass the ball to friends and throw the ball into the opponent's body.

The baseball throwing technique consists of throwing the ball up and horizontally, respectively each has its own purpose, depending on the situation and conditions at the time of the game going on.

Throwing Bounce

The technique of throwing the ball by bouncing is used to pass the ball to a friend who is quite far away. besides that, this technique is also used to give the ball to the bat so that the bat is easy to hit the ball the.

Here's how to throw the ball by bouncing in a baseball game:

  • Focus your gaze forward towards the goal of the ball to be thrown /
  • Stand sideways with your right foot in front and your left foot behind.
  • Open your feet wide enough.
  • The knee of the left leg is straight and the right leg is slightly bent.
  • The ball is held using the right hand.
  • Straighten your left hand with your shoulder and point it forward.
  • Throw the ball up over the head so that the ball soars high.
  • Practice regularly to get used to it and right on target.
Throw Straight or Flat

Throwing straight or flat is a throwing technique that is usually used to throw the ball to the attacking team's body parts that run after hitting the ball, in this technique it takes a fairly mature estimate of energy, because if the throw is too hard it is feared it can injure the players whereas if the throw is too slow the ball will not reach the target.

The following is a straight or flat throwing technique:

  • The view is focused forward towards the intended target.
  • Stand sideways.
  • Put your left foot straight forward and your right leg bent slightly.
  • Hold the ball with your right hand at an angle of about 90 degrees.
  • Straighten the left hand in line with the shoulder.
  • Throw the ball parallel to the head and body following the flow of the throw.
  • Practice regularly so that you throw precision at the targeted object.

Ball Catching Technique

After knowing the technique of throwing the ball then we will move on to the technique of catching the ball, this technique is very necessary for the team who served as a guard team, both catching balls from the results of the opponent's blows and catching balls thrown by their own friends.

The following is a technique for catching the ball in an appropriate and correct baseball game:

Catching the Bounce Ball
  • Stand straight ahead with your right foot in front
  • Focus your eyes on the direction of the ball
  • Bend your elbows and face to face ready to receive the ball
  • Relax and stretch your fingers
  • Catch the ball well
  • Practice regularly to get used to catching stomach balls
Catching a Flat Ball
  • Stand straight ahead with your right foot in front
  • Focus your eyes on the direction of the ball
  • Bend your elbows and hands facing in front of your chest to get ready to receive the ball
  • Relax and stretch your fingers
  • Catch the ball well
  • Practice regularly to get used to catching balls that come horizontally

Keep in mind that horizontal balls usually have a fairly high speed, make sure both hands are really ready to catch the ball so that the ball does not escape from your fingers.

Catching the Ball Along the Ground
  • Sit squatting on the ground with an upright body position.
  • Point your gaze in the direction of the ball
  • Bend and place your left leg in front and your right leg bent against the ground.
  • Place both palms in front of the right foot and open it facing forward.
  • Catch the ball well and carefully.

Ball Hitting Technique

After discussing throwing techniques and ball catching techniques, we will now move on to techniques that are no less important, especially for a team that has the task of being an attacker.

All players in baseball games must be able to know the technique of hitting the ball because it is one of the keys to success Players can surround all the markers, hitting the ball as hard as possible so that it is difficult for the keepers to catch the ball the.

  • The correct way to hold the bat

Before we know how to hit the ball in a baseball game, first understand how to hold the bat correctly, here's how to hold the bat correctly:

    • Lean toward the ball thrower
    • Open your feet shoulder-width apart
    • Hold the stick with your right hand. Pull the stick back up to the shoulders
    • Signal the thrower with your left hand
    • Pay attention to the direction the ball is coming from
    • The batting movement is carried out with the power of the body movement along with the right hand.
Bounce Punch

The bounce technique is usually used to toss the ball as far as possible so that the ball lingers in the air so that the bat can run as fast as possible freely.

Here's how to use the bounce punch technique:

  • Open your legs by placing your left foot in front so that your right foot is behind you
  • Look at the direction the ball is coming from
  • Hit the ball as hard as possible by swinging it until your hands reach the upper left side
Flat Hit

The flat hitting technique in the baseball game has the goal so that the ball can go as fast as possible so that the keeper will have trouble when he wants to take the ball.

Here's how to hit the ball with a flat stroke technique:

  • Open your legs and place your left foot in front so that your right foot is behind you.
  • Position the bat so that it is in line with your shoulders.
  • The left hand gives the code for the desired ball direction.
  • Hit the ball as hard as possible horizontally.
Humble Punch

The low hitting technique in the game of baseball has a goal so that the ball that is hit can go fast and bounce off the ground.

Here's how to hit the ball with a low hitting technique.

  • Open your legs so that your left foot is in front and your right foot is behind you
  • Pull the ball bat back up
  • Look at the direction the ball is coming from
  • Hit the ball by swinging the bat from top to bottom as hard as possible

Baseball Game Facility

To be clearer about the rules of the baseball game, here is the explanation:

  • Field – in general, a baseball game has a field size of 60-70 meters long and 30 meters wide. For more details, please read the article about baseball field sizes.
  • A baseball has a circumference of about 28-30.5 cm and has a smooth surface, so the ball can roll easily.
  • A bat made of strong wood

Baseball Game Rules

In a baseball game there are several game rules that need to be understood. These regulations include.

  • Number of Players

The number of players in a baseball game is 12 people in each team and 6 substitute or reserve players, where one of the 12 players acts as captain. Just like ball sports in general, each player must wear a chest number from 1 to 12.
Also Read: Handball: Definition, History, Types, Field Sizes and Regulations

  • Game Time

There are 2 rounds in a baseball game. Where each run is around 20-30 minutes, and there is a 15-minute break in each round.

  • Referee

Baseball matches are led by a referee assisted by 3 linesmen and 1 timekeeper.

  • Beating Squad

The batting team has the right to hit once, but the last hitter has the right to hit up to 3 times.
After hitting, the bat must be placed in the batting chamber. If the bat is placed outside, then the player does not get a point, unless he immediately puts it in the batting room. If the ball is hit beyond the hit line and does not hit the bat's hand, then the hit is declared correct.

  • Guard Squad

This team has the task of turning off the opponent by throwing the ball at the bat or catching the ball directly who was hit bounced by the batting team, or even burned the free space by occupying the free space if blank.

  • Float

The bouncer has the duty to toss the ball according to the hitter's request. However, if the ball that is bounced does not match the hitter's request, the hitter has the right not to hit it. However, if in 3 consecutive times the batsman does not get the appropriate hull ball, the batsman can run freely to the first stopping post.

  • Place Change

If a batting team is hit by a ball, there will be a change of place, not only that when the ball is hit the batting team is immediately caught by the guard team 3 times in a row, or when the bat is released when hitting

  • How To Get Value

In baseball, the way players get points when the player hits the ball gets a value of 1. The player successfully passes the stop and returns to the free space resulting from his own ball hitting, gets a value of 2. The ball is caught directly by the guard team, gets a value of 1. And the winner is determined from the team that gets the most points.

How to Play Baseball

In the game of baseball, we will need cooperation within each team and carry out a sense of responsibility between individuals.

And what is no less important, during the game you must always uphold sportsmanship.

Before playing the game, determine in advance two teams or teams that will compete with the number of each team being 12 people.

  • Beating Squad
    • Each player will be given the right to hit once, except for the last player who has the right to hit up to 3 times.
    • After hitting, the tool used must be placed in the beating room.
    • If the bat is placed outside or loose, then the player will not get a point, unless the player immediately puts it back into the batting area.
    • The stroke will be declared valid if the ball that is hit can go beyond the strike line, does not fall in free space, and also does not hit the hitter's hand.
  • Guard Squad

As for some of the tasks of the guard team that you should know, including:

    • Turn off the opposing team's game by throwing the ball at the bat or directly catching a baseball that has been hit by the batting team.
    • Burn free space. Namely by occupying free space if the space is empty.
  • Float

As for some of the duties of the buoy that you should know, including:

    • Toss the ball according to the batsman's request.
    • If the ball that has been bounced by the bouncer does not match the bat's request, the batter has the right not to hit it.
    • If this happens up to 3 times in a row, the batsman must run freely to the first stopping post.
  • Place Change

Change of place between the batting team and the guard team occurs when:

    • One of the players on the batting team was hit by a ball.
    • The hitting ball from the batting team is caught directly by the opposing team 3 times in a row.
    • The bat is released during the stroke.
Baseball: Definition, History, Techniques, Facilities, How to Play and Game Rules
  • How To Get Value

To be able to get value or points in a baseball game is determined in several ways, namely:

    • The successful player hits the ball, and then runs to stops I, II, III. As well as free space gradually, it will automatically get a value of 1.
    • The player who manages to run past the stopping posts and is able to return to the free space for his own strokes, the batting team will get 2 points.
    • The guard team that manages to catch the ball directly hit by the batting team will get 1 point.
    • The team that managed to get the most value or points is declared the winner.
  • Free exchange

Free exchange occurs when:

  • after 5 catches and no exchange has taken place,
  • if the last stroke of the reliever was a wrong stroke, or the clear has been burned, because no one on the batting team remains,
  • if the runner entering the free space crosses the back line of the free space,
  • if a player on the batting team goes out of the free space not to bat,
  • if a player from the batting team goes out of bounds,
  • if the bat at the time to hit regardless of the bat's hand.

Thus the review from About the about Baseball, hopefully can add to your insight and knowledge. Thank you for visiting and don't forget to read other articles

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