Environmental Speech: Definition, Purpose, Characteristics and Examples

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Environmental Speech: Definition, Purpose, Characteristics and Examples – How is the arrangement of environmental speech text good and correct?, On this occasion About the knowledge.co.id will discuss it and of course the things that also cover it. Let's look at the discussion in the article below to understand it better.

Environmental Speech: Definition, Purpose, Characteristics and Examples

Speech is an activity that will be carried out in the framework of an oration with the aim of expressing opinions and giving description of a matter because a speech can be made by anyone brought by someone at the event certain.

Speech is an activity to convey aspirations, opinions or opinions on something in front of a large audience. The form of speech is like an oration, and is delivered with a specific purpose and describes something that is generally a hot topic.

Speeches become a training ground to train our courage to speak in public and to train us to be able to express opinions logically. Maybe those who are not used to giving speeches will feel nervous for the first time.

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When you get used to it, it will be easier for you to express your various opinions in public. It's not just a matter of courage, but the speech must also be pleasant to the ear of the audience so it's easy to understand.

The Purpose Of Delivering Speeches

Below are some of the objectives of reading speech text, here are some of the objectives:

Aims to influence others to want to follow what we want voluntarily.
Used to provide an understanding or information to others.
Aims to make other people happy by delivering entertaining speeches so that other people are happy and satisfied with what we convey.

Characteristics Of Speech

In general, Speech has several characteristics that are used to distinguish it from other communication processes. The following are some features of the speech:

  • Every speech that is delivered must have a clear purpose, namely to convey ideas, ideas, or other things in front of the crowd.
  • The contents of the speech delivered can be adjusted to a particular theme that is currently or will take place.
    The delivery of this speech uses language that is easier for the listeners to understand.
  • The delivery method of this speech can be adjusted to the audience or listeners.
  • The speech that we will deliver must be clear, objective, contain the truth, and also not cause conflict.
  • In delivering the speech, this speech uses clear articulation, intonation, and volume.

Environmental Speech Examples

  • Example 1 Environmental Speech

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb
Dear Mr/Ms and community leaders

Let us offer our praise and gratitude to the presence of Allah SWT so that we can gather in activities to keep our environment clean.

Let us send sholawat and greetings to our prophet Muhammad SAW.

Ladies and gentlemen, on this glorious occasion and on this sunny morning, I hope we are all in good health so that we can gather this morning.

Ladies and gentlemen, I am here as the head of the environment, I would like to invite all of you to always maintain our harmony and be able to keep our environment clean, come on. we together have to take care of our environment as well as possible so that our earth can generate profits and for all of us because by keeping our environment This.

Ladies and gentlemen, in order to achieve environmental cleanliness, we must first know what environmental cleanliness means Environmental cleanliness can be interpreted as a condition in which the environment will be suitable for human habitation.

Ladies and gentlemen, keeping the environment clean is the best way to prevent various diseases that will lurk during the rainy and dry seasons like now.

Ladies and gentlemen Keeping the environment clean can be done by disposing of trash in its place and carrying out activities with mutual cooperation royong which we will hold regularly every Sunday in order to clean up the environment and to get rid of fever bloody.

Ladies and gentlemen, in closing, I will quote again that cleanliness is part of faith, because actually people who believe will always keep the environment clean.

I'm so sorry..

Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb….

  • Example 2: Short Speech About School Environment

Good Morning Mr/Ms teachers we respect,
As well as all my friends that I love

First of all, let's give praise and gratitude to the presence of Allah SWT for His blessings and gifts so that we can gather at this morning's event.

Ladies and Gentlemen, teachers and friends who I love, as we know that the environment around us has become a reflection of our school's culture. It would be unwise if the environment around us looks unsightly and feels uncomfortable again. Moreover, this school has become our second home where we stop by every day to study.

The school environment should always be maintained and have a cool atmosphere so that we can concentrate more in the process of teaching and learning activities. Therefore, as part of the family at this school, I really want that we can continue to maintain the cleanliness of the school environment that we love. Each class should have its own discipline regarding the importance of cleanliness. Like the previously established policy, each student already has their own picket schedule, it is fitting for all of your friends to always come early to be able to clean the class first so that when the first lesson starts, our classroom environment is clean and comfortable for us occupied.

And don't forget, all of us as students should always be aware that the existence of trash cans is not without purpose. You should be able to learn to be obedient to be able to dispose of trash in its place, so that the cleanliness of our school is maintained and free from scattered rubbish.
Mr/Mrs teachers and friends that I love.

I hope that with the small actions that I mentioned earlier, it is hoped that we will be able to make all of us aware of keeping the school environment clean. Cleanliness has a big effect on health, therefore cleanliness needs to be maintained by us and for us too. To God Almighty.

Finally, thank you for the opportunity given the time to deliver a few words of this short speech, if there is a wrong word I hope it can be forgiven.

  • Example 3: Short Speech on the Environment

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

The honorable Mr. Principal of SMP Negeri Harapan. What I respect, ladies and gentlemen, teachers and staff, and I love all my friends. Before we start this activity, let us offer our praise and gratitude to the presence of Allah SWT who has given us health and the opportunity to be able to gather here today. Shalawat and greetings are also bestowed on the Prophet Muhammad SAW.

Ladies and gentlemen, maybe all this time we have felt that it is enough to maintain personal hygiene and the environment around us to the fullest. But sometimes it is still not maximally done. Surely sometimes we still often throw away small trash like candy wrappers or drinks carelessly. What's more, we often meet at various events with so many people, of course there will also be so much trash left behind. Basically it is very easy to be able to maintain a clean environment, starting from self-discipline. You can start to get used to throwing trash in its place, no matter how small the trash is.

Dear friends, to maximize our comfort in attending lessons, class cleanliness must also be a part of which we pay close attention. The little thing we can do is not leave trash in lockers and under tables. With clean and comfortable classroom conditions, it will certainly be more optimal in teaching and learning activities to achieve their goals. Not only is it a waste problem, we can also pay attention to the survival of several plants in the school environment. Just watering it is a small thing that means a lot to the cleanliness and beauty of the school. If the school environment becomes cleaner and greener, of course there will be a different impression that we all feel. This is important to note because school cleanliness is not only the responsibility of school cleaners but is part of our shared responsibility as school residents.

At least by doing small things but really disciplining yourself to the fullest, the impact will be huge for the school environment. Especially if all students can work together and remind each other in maintaining and loving the school environment more. The most important thing of all is that "take action" should not just be lip service. Then our school environment will be much better and fun to serve as a place of learning.

Ladies and gentlemen, let's build a comfortable and clean school environment so that the environmental speech is clean I convey that it is not just an appeal but can be realized with all residents school. That's all I can say, the end of the word.

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

  • Example 4 Environmental Speech

Peace be upon you, and Allah's mercy and blessings…

The honorable Mr. village head and Mrs. village head
Honorable ladies and gentlemen of this village and who are the traditional leaders

First of all, we offer our gratitude to the presence of the Almighty God, who has given us grace and protection.

May we all be blessed by Him. Amennn

In the afternoon I will deliver a speech about our environment, which so far has received a lot of complaints from society because our environment is no longer safe and the many diseases that attack the disease are getting more and more polluted.

Whether you lean on or not, our lives really depend on the environment because we have several aspects of what exists in our environment, such as we have good water sources in our environment, as well as on our main roads street lighting that has been installed at several points on the electric poles so that when we are going to travel we don't feel it scared again.

Therefore ladies and gentlemen, whether our environment is good or bad depends on how we take care of it, let's improve it again in protecting this environment, because it greatly influences the pros and cons of our future lives, especially for children We.

Ladies and gentlemen, in the past few years, of course, we have experienced a shortage of clean water sources and this problem has been resolved because there used to be a lot of them the trees in our environment have been cut down but now we have replanted them and these trees have started to grow big.

Ladies and gentlemen, in the past few years we have also had many complaints about street lighting, but now it has been resolved, of course we have experienced this ourselves when we want to leave the house we will feel uncomfortable so now we have done the street lighting properly so that our street lighting is comfortable in Look.

Ladies and gentlemen, let's go forward and see from the experiences we have experienced. Be aware that damage to our environment is very dangerous for us. So what should we do? we do it in order to maintain the cleanliness of our environment, with very sad and critical conditions in our environment I would like to invite you to do some activities among them

carry out collaborative activities
do night watch
holding meetings between residents
carry out study activities
and so on, all of that will be my program in the future

For the sake of keeping our environment safe, peaceful and serene from all things.
Thus this short speech

Thank You

Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh…

Environmental Speech: Definition, Purpose, Characteristics and Examples

  • Example 5 Environmental Speech

Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

First of all, let us pray to the presence of Allah SWT, because of his blessings and gifts we can all gather on this sunny morning in good health. Blessings and greetings may be bestowed on the Prophet Muhammad SAW, his family, his friends, and hopefully to us as his followers.

Ladies and gentlemen teachers that I respect and friends that I love and I'm proud of. On this day I will deliver a speech about "Maintaining the Environment in Schools".

Friends, know that the environment is a place for all living things to live. Therefore we must preserve our environment so that we can live comfortably. One of the ways to preserve the environment is to keep it clean.

Keeping the environment clean can be started from small things, but sometimes it is very difficult for us to do. An example is throwing trash in its place.

At present the awareness to maintain cleanliness among us as students is lacking.

Judging from our school environment, there is still trash scattered around, either food-drink plastic waste, or paper. The trash bins provided by the school are sufficient. In every corner of the school there are trash cans, even in the classroom there are trash cans.

But there is no awareness from us to dispose of trash in its place as a form of maintaining the cleanliness of our school environment. In addition to disposing of trash in its place, we can also carry out class pickets as an act of maintaining a clean environment within the school.

And make it a habit to sort waste according to the group before putting it in the trash.

Types of waste are divided into 3, namely:

1. Wet waste is waste that easily decomposes and decomposes.

example; food scraps, vegetables and fruits, garden waste and kitchen waste.

2. Dry waste is waste that cannot decompose and decomposes naturally.

Example: paper, cardboard, plastic, textile, rubber, glass, cans, etc

3. B3 waste (Hazardous & Toxic Materials) is toxic and reactive waste that is very harmful to the health and life of organisms, including batteries, paint, pesticides, hospital waste, etc.

However, there are only 2 types of bins that are usually provided, namely wet waste and dry waste. But in the end the separation of wet waste and dry waste is finally disposed of put back together so it's useless if we separate the wet and dry waste in the end put back together.

This requires cooperation between the government and schools for the disposal of wet and dry waste to reduce environmental pollution.

In closing, I just want to convey the message of my speech by conveying a saying. Cleanliness is part of faith. With this I hope that friends care and are aware of the importance of maintaining cleanliness.

Thus the speech that I can convey apologize if there are errors in speech. Thanks for your attention.

WalbilaihiTaufikWalhidayah Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

Thus the review from About the knowledge.co.id about Environmental Speech , hopefully can add to your insight and knowledge. Thank you for visiting and don't forget to read other articles

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