√ Definition of Literary Arts, Functions, Characteristics, Benefits, Elements and Types

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Definition of Literary Arts, Functions, Characteristics, Benefits, Elements and Types – In this discussion we will explain about literary art. Which includes the definition of literary arts, the functions of literary arts, characteristics, benefits, elements, types of literary arts which are discussed in full and light.

Definition of Literary Arts, Functions, Characteristics, Benefits, Elements and Types

For more details, please see the review below carefully.

Definition of Literary Arts

Literature or literature is a form of art that displays the beauty of speech and stories.

From the general understanding above, below we also include the meaning of literary arts based on the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI).

The definition of Literary Arts according to KBBI is:

  • Literary Arts
    Literary art comes from two words, namely art and literature. Art means the expression of human feelings that have a value of beauty. Meanwhile, literature is an absorption word that comes from Sanskrit which means guide, guideline or command in the form of text or sound. So it can be concluded that, literary art is a writing or story originating from the expression of human feelings that have aesthetic value.
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  • Literary Arts or Literature
    Literary arts or literature is something in the form of writing or stories that have artistic and cultural values ​​that display the beauty of speech and language to convey certain meanings.
  • Literature
    Literature is the language used in books and is not everyday language. Furthermore, literature can also be interpreted as a written work which when compared with other writings has various superior characteristics, such as originality, artistry and also beauty in content or the expression.

Functions of Literary Arts

The functions of the literary arts are as follows:

  • Conveying a Moral Message

    In a literary work, there is a moral message tucked in several parts, such as at the beginning, middle or end of the work. Some of the moral messages are conveyed directly and some are hidden. The aim is for readers or connoisseurs of the literary work to have views or will act and behave as the invitation from the creator of the literary work.

  • Delivering Criticism

    There are also literary works that are deliberately made to convey social, economic, political criticism and so on. It has the aim that literary connoisseurs have awareness of these criticisms and follow up.

  • Making a Sense of Nationalism Arise

    Literature builds a sense of nationalism through suggestions that are raised from within the audience and then these suggestions are strengthened by instilling the values ​​and spirit of nationalism and nationalism.

  • Cultural Preservation

    Literature is one of the means to preserve culture, that is, culture that originates from the oral tradition and is then enshrined in writing.

  • Education facility

    Indirectly, someone who enjoys literary works also learns the values, norms and teachings of noble character.

Characteristics of Literary Arts

The characteristics of the literary arts are as follows:

  • Literary Arts in the Form of Language
    Literary arts in the form of language have literary intentions in the form of expressions, words, stories and style of language.
  • Literary Art in the Form of Expression of Feelings
    Literary arts in the form of expressions of feelings have literary intentions in the form of books, books, writings and essays.
  • Literary Art Confined In Ideas Or Values
    Literary arts which are embodied in ideas or values, have literary intentions in the form of teachings, guidelines, orders or education.

Benefits of Literary Arts

The benefits of literary arts are as follows:

  • Showing the truth of life in the form of a story that is in it.
  • Enrich the spiritual connoisseurs. In general, literature leaves values ​​and messages for its connoisseurs, making it spiritually enriching for those connoisseurs of literature
  • Transcending the boundaries of nations and ages. The literary works of a country can also be famous in other countries. Literary works also live on even though they were written hundreds of years ago.
  • The language presented in literature is both beautiful and interesting. With an interesting language, literary works often use polite sentences so that they will be attached to the connoisseurs of the literature.
  • Literature contains culture so that it can make its connoisseurs become more cultured human beings.

Elements of Literary Arts

The elements of literary art include the following:

Intrinsic Elements of Literary Arts

Intrinsic elements, namely elements that become the influence of literary arts that exist within the literary arts themselves, intrinsic elements of literary arts include:

  1. Theme: is the main problem in the story
  2. Mandate: is the message that the author wants to convey to the reader
  3. Character/characteristic: Is a character in the story, the character can be divided into:
    • Main character: is the main character in the story
    • Supporting character: is a character who accompanies the main character
      When viewed from the good or bad character, the character is divided into protagonist (bad) and antagonist (good).
  4. Conflict: Is the problem experienced by the characters in the story. Conflict is divided into 2 types, namely internal conflict (conflict that does not involve other characters) and external conflict (conflict that involves other figures).
  5. Settings/background: is a description of a place, time, and atmosphere
  6. Plor/groove: is the storyline in the work from start to finish
  7. Symbol: is the use of literary works as a representative of something that is abstract in nature
  8. Viewpoint: is the embodiment of the character of the character by the author in the story. Point of view is divided into: First person (me or I), Second person (you), Third person (they or him)

Extrinsic Elements of Literary Arts

Extrinsic elements of literary works are elements that form a literary work from the outside. In general, these elements take the form of the background of the author's life, the beliefs and perspectives of the author, customs, political, historical and economic situations contained in literary works.

Types of Literary Arts

Types of literary arts include:


Prose is a literary work in the form of a description conveyed in free language and not bound by rhythm, diction, rhyme and sonority of sound or rules as well as literary guidelines other. This type of writing is often used in prose or types of writing that are described based on facts or ideas.

Prose can be used for newspapers, novels, magazines, encyclopedias and various other types of media. Prose is divided into 4 types, namely:

  • Narrative Prose
  • Descriptive Prose
  • Expositional Prose
  • Prose of Argumentation There are two forms of prose, namely:
    Romance is a story that tells about the character as a whole from birth to the end of his life.
    The novel is a story that tells about some of the lives of the characters
Definition of Literary Arts, Functions, Characteristics, Benefits, Elements, Types


Poetry is a literary work whose description uses diction or selected words. In general, poetry indirectly creates a tendency for someone to sharpen awareness with language that has rhythm and special meaning. Examples are poems such as rhymes, rhymes and ballads

Based on its content, literary art is divided into four namely:

  1. Epic
    Epic is an essay that describes something objectively without following the author's personal thoughts and feelings.
  2. Lyrics
    Lyrics are essays in the form of a subjective outpouring of the author's feelings
  3. Didactive
    Didactic is a literary work whose content is in the form of moral messages, manners, religion and so on
  4. dramatic
    Dramatic is a literary work whose contents depict an exaggerated event.

Based on its history, literary works are divided into two types, namely:

  1. Old Literature
    Old literature is a type of literary work created by writers who were in the royal era or where there was no national movement. Old literature consists of rhymes, fairy tales, and saga.
  2. Modern Literature
    Modern literature is literature that develops in the life of modern society. The literary work was born after the emergence of the national movement. Modern literature includes poetry, prose, short stories, novels, romance and drama.

Thus has been explained about Definition of Literary Arts, Functions, Characteristics, Benefits, Elements and Types, hopefully can add to your insight and knowledge. Thank you for visiting and don't forget to read our other articles.

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