Sentences are: Definition, Characteristics, Elements, Types and Examples

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Sentences are, characteristics, elements, types and examples - On this occasion About Knowledge will discuss about Sentences. Which in this discussion explains the meaning of sentences, characteristics, elements, types and examples briefly and clearly. For more details, please refer to the following description.

Sentences are, characteristics, elements, types and examples

The definition of a sentence is a collection of words that have meaning and a language consisting of more than two words that have a final meaning and intonation pattern. For more details, let's look at the following explanation.

Meaning of Sentence

Sentence is a unit of language whose content is a complete thought. In a sentence there are at least two elements that contain a subject and a predicate. In an oral sentence, it is pronounced in a rising and falling voice, loud and soft, interrupted by pauses and ending with a final intonation. In written form, sentences consist of several Latin letters in a sentence starting with a capital letter and ending with a full stop (.), question mark (?) and exclamation point (!).

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According to Susilo (1990: 2), he revealed that there are five characteristics of sentences in Indonesian, namely:

  1. Meaningful
  2. Phrase ordering system
  3. Can stand alone in conjunction with another sentence
  4. pause
  5. Stop with the end of an intonation.
  6. In the end, this does not guarantee that a sentence is a standard type of Indonesian sentence.

Definition of Sentences According to Experts

The following is the meaning according to experts, including:

Kridalaksana (2001:92)

Sentences according to Kridalaksana (2001: 92) are units of language that are relatively independent, have final intonation patterns, and actually or potentially consist of clauses; free clauses which are part of the cognitive part of the conversation; a propositional unit which is a combination of clauses or constitutes a clause, which forms an independent unit; minimal answers, exclamations, greetings, and so on.

Keraf ( 1984:156)

Sentences according to Keraf (1984: 156) state that a sentence is a part of speech which is preceded and followed by silence, while the intonation indicates that part of the utterance is complete.

Alwi et al., (2000:311)

The definition of a sentence according to Alwi et al, namely in the form of writing, in sentences in the form of speech there are usually ups and downs and loud and soft in between as well with pauses, and ends with intonation by silence which prevents fusion, either in sound assimilation or phonological processes other."

Dardjowidojo (1988: 254)

Sentences according to Dardjowidojo (1988: 254) are the smallest part of an utterance or text (discourse) which grammatically expresses a complete thought.

Slametmuljana (1969)

The definition of a sentence from Slametmuljana is a sentence that as a whole uses a word that has a tone, arranged in the system of the language concerned; maybe the word used is only one or more.

Sentence Features

The following are the characteristics of the sentence, among others:

  • Sentences in spoken form usually use a rising and falling tone, and the loudness of the sound is interspersed with pauses and ends with silence.
  • Sentences in the form of writing with Latin letters are characterized by starting with a capital letter and ending with a full stop (.) question mark (?) and can also use an exclamation point (!).
  • Sentences in spoken form are usually pronounced with a rising and turning tone and loudness of voice, interrupted by pauses, then ending with a final intonation.
  • A sentence contains at least one object and predicate.
  • Sentence is a language that has a unit that has phonemes and morphemes. Phoneme is the sound of a language that can distinguish meaning from a word, while morpheme is a language that has meaning in a word.
  • It can stand alone without adding a complete sentence.
  • Has a final intonation pattern.
  • There are capital letters and punctuation marks in a sentence.

Sentence Types

Sentences have various types of sentences, including:

1. Single Sentence

The definition of a single sentence is a sentence that has only one pattern in the sentence, which has one subject and predicate.

2. Compound Sentences

A compound sentence is a sentence that has two or more sentence patterns. In a compound sentence there is a main clause and a subordinate clause. To distinguish between main clauses and subordinate clauses, that is by looking at the location of the conjunctions. In the main clause there is no conjunction in the sentence in it, the conjunction itself is only in the subordinate clause.

In a compound sentence there is a different conjunction, so we can know this type of sentence by looking at the conjunctions used. There are several types of compound sentences, namely:

Equivalent Compound Sentences

Equivalent compound sentences are a combination of two or more single sentences that have equal or equal positions.

Example: Maya goes to school while Sindi goes to campus. (compound sentence)

Meeting Compound Sentences

A compound compound sentence is a combination of several single sentences because the subject, object and predicate are the same, so in that part the same thing is only mentioned once.

Example: Every day Rio's work is just eating, sleeping, smoking. (compound sentence.

3. Multilevel Compound Sentences

Multilevel compound sentences are a development between two or more single sentences that have different positions. In multilevel compound sentences there is a main clause and a subordinate clause. In clauses arise due to the expansion of patterns contained in the main sentence.

Example: Father washes the car when the sun is on the eastern horizon. (compound sentence multilevel way 2)

4. Mixed Compound Sentences

A mixed compound sentence is a combination of compound sentences equivalent to multilevel compound sentences, consisting of at least three sentences.

Example: Iskandar is playing a game with Kiki, Maya is playing with dolls in her room when I come to her house. (compound compound sentence)

Sentence Elements

A sentence cannot be separated from an element, namely:

1. subject

The subject is the part of the sentence that marks what the author is saying. The subject itself can take the form of a noun, a noun phrase, a verb.


  • Ari is cycling. (noun)
  • Ari's sweet girlfriend. (noun phrase)
  • Ari's hobby is cycling. (verb)

Subject characteristics

  • The answer to the question 'what' or 'who'.
  • Accompanied by the word 'that'.
  • Preceded by the word 'that'.
  • Has a delimiter 'which' (a liaison by using the word 'which').
  • Not preceded by prepositions such as 'from', 'in', 'in', 'to', 'to', 'on'.
  • In the form of nouns or nominal phrases

2. Predicate

The predicate is the part of the sentence stated by the writer about an object. In predicates usually take the form of verbs, verb phrases, numeral phrases (numbers), nouns, noun phrases, prepositional phrases (prepositions), adjectives, or adjective phrases.


  • Ari eats. (verb)
  • Ari is eating. (verb phrase)
  • Ari Andi three people. (numeric phrase)
  • Ari businessman. (noun)
  • Ari property entrepreneur. (noun phrase)
  • Ari to the office. (prepositional phrase)
  • Handsome Ari (adjective)
  • Ari is so handsome (adjective phrase)

Predicate features

  • The answer to the question 'Why' or 'How'.
  • Can be the word 'Is' or 'Is'.
  • Can be denied which is embodied by the word 'No'.
  • Can Be Accompanied by Aspect or Modality Words such as 'has', 'already', 'is', 'yet', 'will', 'want', 'want', 'want', etc.

3. object

The object is the part of the sentence that completes the verb. The object can usually be a noun as well as a noun phrase. This part of the sentence is located after the predicate which is written as a transitive active verb (-kan, -i, me-).


  • Deni loves Soraya. (noun)
  • Danny put his book in his bag. (noun phrase)
  • Deni plays the prince. (noun phrase)

Object characteristics

  • Immediately after the predicate.
  • Can be the subject of a passive sentence.
  • Not preceded by a preposition.
  • Preceded by the word 'that'.

4. Complementary

These complements or complements are very often equated with objects. Actually, this complement is different from an object because this complement cannot become a subject if the sentence is passive. In the complement it is followed by predicates with affixes ber-, ter-, ber-an, ber-kan, and special words (is, based on, and becomes).


  • Budi is well-built.
  • Budi was sweating profusely.
  • Budi's room is decorated with colorful lights.
  • Budi is a Korean citizen.
  • The court judge's decision is based on law.
  • Budi became the manager.

Complementary Features

  • Behind the Predicate
  • These properties are the same as the object. The difference is that the object is right behind the predicate, while other elements can still be inserted in the complement, namely the object.

5. Information

Adverb is a part contained in a sentence that has a function to expand or limit the meaning of a subject or predicate.


  • Doni lives in Jakarta.
  • Every Saturday Doni has a culinary tour.
Sentences are, characteristics, elements, types and examples

Sentence Structure

In a sentence that we often use, it comes from several structures or patterns from the basic sentence. According to our needs, basic sentences can be developed based on applicable rules. In Indonesian there are basic sentence patterns, namely:

1. Basic sentence pattern S P

Basic sentences like this only have subject and predicate elements. The predicate can be a verb, noun, adjective, or number. Example:

TrainThat's Long


2. The basic sentence is patterned S P O

This sentence pattern is often used in everyday life. These elements have subject and object predicates. Example:



3. Basic sentences patterned S P Pel

Example :


S P Pel

4. Basic sentences patterned S P O Pel

Example :

Andithrow awayrubbishhaphazard.

S P O Pel

5. The basic sentence is patterned S P K

Example :

Amelsewthis morning.


6. The basic sentence is patterned S P O K

Example :

Amelsewdressthis morning.


7. Basic sentence pattern S P O Pel k

This type of basic sentence has elements of subject, predicate, object, complement, and adverb. The subject is a nominal noun or phrase, the predicate is a dwitransitive verb, the object is a noun or nominal phrases, Supplements in the form of nouns or nominal phrases and information in the form of phrases prepositional.

Example: Mother bought rani new clothes at the market

8. Basic sentences patterned S P Pel K

This type of basic sentence has elements of subject, predicate, complement and adverb. The subject can be a nominal noun or phrase, the predicate is an intransitive verb, the adjectives and complements are nouns or adjectives and the description is a prepositional phrase.

Example: Sindi was sad when her brother was admitted to the hospital

Thus a brief explanation about Sentences are, characteristics, elements, types and examples. Hopefully the above knowledge can be useful for all readers. Thank You.

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