Tawhid is: Understanding and its Kinds

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Tawhid is: Understanding and its Kinds – Have you ever heard of the word monotheism? Or have you ever studied it? As Muslims, we must know the science of monotheism. There are three important foundations that must be learned for every Muslim, including:

  • Know the Lord;
  • Knowing his din (religion);
  • Get to know his prophet, namely Muhammad SAW.

Tawhid is: Understanding and its Kinds

On this occasion aroundknowledge.co.id will explain the meaning of Tawhid and its various kinds. Here's an explanation.

Definition of Tawhid

Tawhid literally means oneness, affirming God. Uniting God means believing that God is one and only. God Almighty is Allah SWT. And the science of monotheism is a science that studies or discusses everything that is believed or believed from the postulates of belief and law in Islam including the law regarding believing that Allah is one.

The purpose of studying the science of monotheism is to get to know Allah more closely and His Messenger with arguments that are certain to be true. A Muslim certainly believes in the oneness of Allah.

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Kinds of Tawhid

The following are some kinds of monotheism.

Tauhid Rububiya

That is the oneness of Allah (Rabb) in all his actions. It means trusting and fully believing that only Allah the Lord creates, revives, regulates and others. Allah says which means: "Praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds“. (Q.S Al-Fatihah: 2).

Tauhid Rububiyah is the belief that Allah is the creator, regulator and ruler of everything that exists in this universe. Those included in rububiyah monotheism include: Belief in Allah as the Right to Act, such as creates anything, gives sustenance, determines qodo' and qadar, turns off and revives every creature and other.

Tawhid Uluhiyah

That is oneness of Allah by means of worship, such as prayer, dhikr, pray, pray and others. Allah says which means: "And your God is God Almighty, There is no God but Him“. (Q.S Al-Baqarah: 163). In addition, we can also see in the Qur'an the letter Al-Anbiya verse 25, QS. An-Nahl verse 36, QS. Al-An'am verse 102, QS. Al-Bayyinah verse 5.

Tawhid Asma' and Shifat

Namely the oneness of Allah with the names and attributes that He describes in His holy book and through the mouth of His Messenger. Namely by specifying the names and characteristics that He has determined and denying what He denies, without changing or denying, asking how or likening.

However, we believe that indeed Allah: "There is nothing like Him, and He is the All-Hearing, All-Seeing“. (QS. Ashura: 11)

God has an infinite nature. Like Allah who is Ar-rohman and Ar-rohim, Allah has love for every creature without limitation. God gives without limits.

Unlike his servant who has limits in love and affection. Allah said in QS. Al-A'raf verse 180 which means: "And Allah has the asma-ul husna (the best names), so ask Him by mentioning the asma-ul husna and leave those who misinterpret His names. They will be rewarded for what they do“.

The Definition of Monotheism And Kinds Of Monotheism

Allah has obligatory, impossible and jaiz properties. There are 20 obligatory attributes for Allah as well as impossible attributes for Allah.

The obligatory and impossible characteristics of Allah are as follows:

  1. Being (There is), 'Adam (That which is not);
  2. Qidam (Former), Huduts (New);
  3. Baqa.' (Eternal), Fanaa' (Destroyed);
  4. Mukhalafatu lil Hawadisi (Different from His creatures), Mumaasilatu lilhawaadis (Equal to the new);
  5. Qiyamu binafsihi (Standing alone), Qiyamuhu ma'a ghairihi (Standing together with others);
  6. Wahdaniyyah (The One), Ta'addud (Multiple or more than one);
  7. Qudrah (The Almighty), 'Ajzun (Weak);
  8. Iradah (who wills), Karahah (forced);
  9. 'Knowledge (Knowing), Jahlun (Stupid);
  10. Hayat (Life), Al-maut (Dead);
  11. Sama' (Hearing), Ash-shummu (Deaf);
  12. Bashar (Seeing), Al-'umyu (Blind);
  13. Kalam (Speaking), Al-bukmu (Silent);
  14. Qaadiran (The Almighty), 'Aajizan (The Weak);
  15. Muriidan (Which Has a Will), Mukrohan (Which has no will);
  16. 'Aliman (The All-Knowing), Jaahilan (The Foolish);
  17. Hayyan (The Living One), Mayyitan (The Dead);
  18. Samii'an (The All Hearing), ash-shomma (The deaf);
  19. Bashiiran (Seeing One), A'maa (Blind One);
  20. Mutakalliman (The One who Speaks or speaks), Abkam (The one who is mute)

The nature of Jaiz Allah is authorized to do or not to do.

Thus our discussion this time about Tawhid is: Understanding and its Kinds, I hope the article above can add to our knowledge, insight and faith in Allah SWT. That is all and thank you.

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