Short Recount Text Example: Definition, Characteristics, Types and Structure of Recount Text

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Short Recount Text Example: Definition, Characteristics, Types and Structure of Recount Text – What is meant by recount text and what are the examples? On this occasion About the will discuss whether it is recount text and the things that surround it. Let's look at the discussion together in the article below to better understand it.

Short Recount Text Example: Definition, Characteristics, Types and Structure of Recount Text

Recount Text is a reading text that contains a story or sequence of events or experiences that occurred in the past. In other words, recount text can also be said that this text is a kind of story text, however recount text is taken from experiences that occurred in the past and have been before experienced

The definition of recount text is a form of text that tells stories in the past personal experiences, group experiences, or any particular events written in the language English.

In Indonesian or Indonesian writing contexts, this type of recount text can be equated with personal notes such as diaries or observation notes which function more as reminder.

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Recount Text can also be interpreted as an activity to "recall" an event that has occurred in the past through the story of a text.

Features of Recount Text

There are characteristics of recount text, namely as follows:

  • Because it tells about events that happened in the past, recount text always uses the past tense. Like: Last month, I spent my holiday in Bali island with my friends.
  • Use conjunctions and time connectives such as before, after, then, when and first to string together one event and another.
  • Using action verbs such as visit, walk, eat and go.
  • Use adverbs and adverbial phrases to describe time, place and manner. Like: last month, in Malang, recently, etc
  • Using action verbs. Such as: visited, ate, spent, went, brought, took, etc.
  • Because of its nature to tell or describe an event, many use verbs (words verb), and adverbs (which describe in more detail how the verb done.

Types of Recount Text

In general, there are 4 types of recount text, namely:

Personal AccountText

Personal recount text is a type of recount text that tells the author's personal experiences such as experiences holidays, experiences at school or even unforgettable experiences that make us keep remembering events the.

Imaginative Count Text

Imaginative recount text is a type of recount text which tells the author's imagination about something and is written in the past tense. In the discussion below, we provide an example of imaginative recount text with the title spiderman. Please read to understand more.

Factual Recount Text

Factual recount text is a type of recount text that discusses something that actually happened (a fact) in the past. Below, we provide an example of a factual recount about the Titanic.

Historical Recount Text

Historical recount text is a type of recount text that discusses history, both historical places and historical objects. We wrote historical recount text with the title Borobudur to make it easier for you to understand historical recount text.

Recount Text Structure

There are 3 elements of recount text structure, namely:

  • Orientation (Open), Orientation contains the beginning of the story. This section usually explains the setting of the story, such as the place and time it happened.
  • Event (Content), Event contains the essence of the story from the recount text. This section describes events sequentially from event A to event B.
  • Reorientation (Conclusion or Closing Text), Reorientation contains repetition and closing of the story

First Short Recount Text Example

  • Climbing Mount Merapi


Two days ago I went to the Merapi Mountain. It was the first time I climbed the mountain. I did it with some of my friends.

We start climbing at 8 p.m. It was so dark and we only used flashlight to get the way.

I felt no worries because all of my friends were professional climbers. I just followed their instructions.


We climbed slowly and enjoyed the night there.

After 7 hours walking in the dark, we could reach the top of the mountain. It was at 3 a.m. early in the morning.

We were not alone. There were a lot of people who reached that top before us.

We waited for the sun to rise by cooking some food and making some hot drinks to get back our energy. We sang some songs together, shared stories and got acquainted with people there.

After seeing the sun raised, we had to go back home. Getting down the mountain was not as hard as the climbing process because we only spent a few energy and even time we had to be more careful in doing this process.

However, it was a great experience i have ever done so far.


After all, that was my great experience I've ever had.

Indonesian translation

Orientation (Open)

Two days ago I went to Mount Merapi. It was my first time going mountain climbing. I did it together with my friends.

We started our hike at 8pm. The situation was very dark and we only used flashlights to find the hiking trail.

I'm not worried because my friends are professional climbers. I just follow their instructions.

Events (Contents)

We hiked slowly and enjoyed our time there.

After 7 hours of climbing, we finally reached the top of the mountain. The clock shows 3 am.

Turns out we weren't alone. Many people had already reached the top of the mountain before we arrived.

We waited for the sun to rise while cooking food and making hot drinks to recharge our batteries. We also sang together, swapped stories and got to know new people there.

After enjoying the sunrise, we have to go home soon. Going down the mountain is not as tiring as climbing, we just need a little effort and time but we have to do it carefully.

However, it was the most memorable experience I've had so far.

Reorientation (Conclusion)

The rest, the experience is a great experience that I've ever had.

Second Short Recount Text Example

  • Going to Mirror Beach
    (Go to Mirror Beach)

Orientation (Opening)

A few months ago, I went to Cermin beach with my family. It is located in Serdang Bedagai district about 53 km from Medan city, North Sumatra. The trip there took about 1.5 hours. We left from Medan at 07.30 using a car and we arrived about 09.00 o'clock.

Events (Contents)

As arrived there, my parents rented a hut to take a rest. I and my brother immediately ran towards the beach. It looked sunny day with the blue sky and I felt a gentle breeze. The waves there were suitable for swimming, but unfortunately I couldn't swim. I just played with white sand and built a sand castle. I didn't forget to take a selfie with the background of a beautiful beach.

At noon, I began to feel hungry. I approached the rented hut. Apparently, my mother had prepared food for us. I feel happy to be able to go on vacation with my family and enjoy the beauty of nature created by God.


Not felt, the day had begun in the evening. We hurried to go home. Before going home, I bought some souvenirs there. Finally, we arrived at 6:00 PM because the trip was jammed.

Translation :

A few months ago, I went to the mirror beach with my family. The location of the beach is located in Serdang Bedagai Regency, about 53 km from the city of Medan, North Sumatra. The trip there takes 1.5 hours. We departed from the city of Medan at 07.30 by car and we arrived at around 09.00.

When I got there, my parents rented a hut for a place to rest. My sister and I ran towards the beach. My sister and I immediately ran to the beach. It was a very sunny day with a blue sky and I felt a gentle breeze. The waves there are suitable for swimming, but unfortunately I can't swim. I just play white sand and build a sand castle. I also did not forget to take selfies with a very beautiful beach background.

At noon, I started to feel hungry. I approached the rented cottage. Apparently, my mother had already prepared food for us. I feel happy to be on vacation with my family and enjoy the natural beauty created by God.

Imperceptibly, it was already evening. We rushed to go home. Before going home, I bought some souvenirs there. Finally, we got home at 18.00 because all the way jammed.

Third Short Recount Text Example

  • A Trip to the Zoo

Yesterday my family went to the zoo to see the elephant and other animals. When we got to the zoo, we went to the shop to buy some food to give to the animals.

After getting the food we went to the nocturnal house where we saw birds and reptiles which only come out at night.

Before lunch we went for a ride on the elephant. It was a thrill to ride it. Dad nearly fell off when he let go of the rope. During lunch we fed some birds in the park. In the afternoon we saw the animals being fed.

When we returned home we were tired but happy because we had so much fun.

Translation :

Trip to the Zoo

Yesterday my family went to the zoo to see elephants and other animals. When we arrived at the zoo, we went to the shop to buy food which I would give directly to the animals.

After getting the food, we went to the nocturnal house where we could see birds and reptiles that only come out at night.

Before lunch we went for an elephant ride. It's really fun to drive it. Dad almost fell when he let go of the rope that was given to him. At lunch we fed some of the birds in the garden. In the evening, we saw the animals being fed by the officers.

When we returned home, we were tired but happy because we had so much fun.
Watching Movies

My sister and I went to see a film last night. It was an American movie called The Lost Flight. It showed how people can quickly change when they have to look after themselves in the jungle. It was an interesting film about a plane which crashed on a small empty island in the Pacific Ocean.

Although the passengers were safe, nobody knew where the plane had crashed. So the passengers had to learn how to hunt for food in the jungle and how to catch fish from the sea to eat. After a few weeks, the passengers were eating raw fish and meat.

After they had been on the island for two months, three of the men made a boat and sailed away to find help. But their boat sank and they were drowned.

The film ended without saying whether the passengers were rescued or not. But my sister and I enjoyed the film.

Fourth Short Recount Text Example

  • Holiday To Yogyakarta


That day was August 23, 2016. A week before that day I had been preparing everything. Then, at that day I was ready for my holiday.

At 9 in the morning, I went to the station. The train would arrive at 10 a.m. It took 30 minutes walking from my home to the station. At that station, I bought the ticket to go to Yogyakarta.


It takes around 5 hours to go to Yogyakarta from Tulungagung by train.

I arrived at Tugu Station Yogyakarta at 3.15 pm. I had no fixed idea about the places at which I would visit. So, I was free to do anything in this city.

At first, I went walking around at Malioboro Street. I saw so many people in this street. Perhaps, they did the same thing as I did, just walking and sometimes stopping at some street merchandise sellers a long way.

At 6 p.m, i was tired and hungry. I was at Alun-Alun Kidul, the south side of Yogyakarta Palace.

I looked around and found Angkringan, at that place I ordered for a glass of ice tea and ate some Sego Kucing with Sate and also Gorengan.

After eating, I began to think of where I would get a cheap hotel to stay for several days in Yogyakarta.


That was my story which I always remember about my holiday at Yogyakarta.

Translation :

Orientation (Open)

That day was August 23, 2016. A week before, I had prepared everything. And on that day, I was ready to go on vacation.

At 9 am I left for the station. From the house to the station it takes approximately 30 minutes on foot. Arriving at the station, I bought a ticket to go to Yogyakarta.

Events (Contents)

The train journey from Tulungagung to Yogyakarta takes about 5 hours.

The train stops at Tugu Yogyakarta station at around 3.15 in the afternoon. I don't have a definite destination for the places I'm going to visit. That's why I can feel free to travel anywhere in this city.

The first thing I did was take a walk along Jalan Malioboro. I saw many people there. Maybe they also did the same thing as I did, namely walking around and occasionally stopping at handicraft sellers along the way.

At 6 pm, I feel very tired and hungry. I was in Alun-Alun Kidul, south of the Yogyakarta Palace.

I looked around and found an angkringan. At the angringan I ordered a glass of iced tea and ate some cat rice, satay and fried food.

After eating, I just started thinking about finding a cheap hotel to stay for a few days in Yogyakarta.

Reorientation (Conclusion)

That's my story that I will always remember about my vacation in Yogyakarta

Fifth Short Recount Text Example

  • MathTeacher


I had a very kind teacher at senior high school. He was math teacher. He was never angry at class even the students were lazy to do the homework. He always taught slowly so that we could have good understanding.


One day when I was at third grade, we all got bad news. Our best teacher passed away because of cancer in his head.

We were so sad. There was no class that day. All teachers and students went to mourn and gave our last honor to him at the funerary event. We all were crying. We all were praying for him.


He left us forever but left a good knowledge for us to learn math in a good way. Thanks for him, for his kindness and wisdom as our teacher and also our father.

Translation :

Orientation (Open)

I had a kind teacher in high school. He is a math teacher. He never gets angry in class even though we are all students who are lazy to do homework. He always taught slowly so that we could have a good understanding.

Events (Contents)

One day when I was in third grade, we all got bad news. Our best teacher has passed away due to cancer in his head.

We are all very sad. There were no classes that day. all the teachers and students came to mourn and pay their last respects at his funeral. We all cried. We all pray for him.

Reorientation (Conclusion)

He has left us forever as well as leaving a good knowledge for us to learn mathematics in a good way. Thanks to him for all his kindness and wisdom as a teacher and father for all of us

Short Recount Text Example: Definition, Characteristics, Types and Structure of Recount Text

Sixth Short Recount Text Example

  • Camping


One of my favorite things in Junior High School was camping.

Once a mount my school held a routine extracurricular that was camping at some mountain or camping field in my town. Usually the event was on the first Saturday night in a month.


One day at the camping time, we all gathered at the school first before we went together at the camping area.

We were grouped in teams and each team has its own tent. We went to the camping area by bus.

At the afternoon around 4 pm we had already been there. We built our own tent before we continue the activities.

After building the tent, bathing, and having a break, we start the rundown of the activities.

One thing I love most is the activity of Jerit Malam (nightmare training). It was held at 10 pm to 1 am in the morning.

We all, every team, were scattered into the jungle to find the letters in a bottle. The camping committees had prepared something to frighten us by wearing a ghost or zombie costume and chased after us.

Anyway, I was never afraid of that but I was so happy seeing some of my friends screaming and running. I laughed loudly at that event because I thought both the ghost and the victims were totally funny.

The ghost or the zombie never frightened us who were not afraid, but they will run after those who were too afraid.


That was so fun experience that I had in Junior High School

Translation :

Orientation (Open)

One of my favorites in middle school was camping.

Once a month my school holds regular extracurriculars, namely camping held in the mountains or a campground in our town. Usually, the event is held on the first Saturday of each month.

Events (Contents)

One day at the camping event, we all gathered first at school before we went together to the camping site.

We are all grouped into several teams and each team will get one tent. We went to the camping site by bus.

Around 4pm we got there. We set up our tents before continuing with other activities.

After we finished setting up our tents, showered and rested, we proceeded to the agenda.

One of the shows that I like the most is Jerit Malam. The event took place from 10 pm to 1 am.

We all, every team, are loose in the woods on a mission to find the letter in the bottle. The camping committee had prepared something to frighten us such as by wearing ghost or zombie clothes and then chasing us all.

I've never been afraid of it and instead I'm even happy to see my friends scream in fear. I laughed so hard during the event because I thought both the scares and the scares all looked funny.

The ghosts and zombies wouldn't scare those of us who weren't afraid, on the contrary, they would chase anyone who looked scared.

Reorientation (Conclusion)

It was a fun experience I had when I was in middle school.

Thus the review from About the about Short Recount Text Example, hopefully can add to your insight and knowledge. Thank you for visiting and don't forget to read other articles.

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