Palm Bone Function: Structure, Parts, Bone Set, Muscles and Nerves

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Functions of the Palm Bones: Structure, Parts, Bone Sets, Muscles and Nerves – What are the functions of the palm bones? On this occasion About the will discuss it, including structure, muscles and of course other things that also cover it. Let's look at the discussion together in the article below to better understand it

Palm Bone Function: Structure, Parts, Bone Set, Muscles and Nerves

The palm bones are the skeletal structures in the middle of the hand that form the connection between the carpal bones (wrist) and the phalanges (fingers).

The bones of the palm are the bones that make up the palm of the hand which are located between the distal ends of the ulna and ulna and the bones of the fingers (ossa metacarpus).

We need to know that the hands that are in us humans that have been used today, unable to work in such a way because of the bones of the palm or ossa carpus and ossa carpal.

Some of the functions of the palm bones in humans are below:

  • Arranging the shape of human hands and palms so that they can form what they are today
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  • As a tool for passive movement of the human upper extremities
  • Able to provide stability to the hand while moving
  • Able to provide structural strength of the hand so that it can withstand heavy loads
  • As a place to attach the ends of the muscles of the forearm or small muscles in the fingers.
  • One of the places where it attaches (connective tissue) to the finger bone or forearm bone (ultimate or lever)
  • Keeping the fingers on the hands from falling apart or unraveling due to the connective tissue.
  • Due to the presence of hand bones (os. carpal / carpus), the hand can be bent slightly (abduction) towards the radius (radius) and 40 degrees (abduction) towards the ulna.
  • Functions in palmar flexion and dorsoflexion (see image below).

Palm Bone Structure

The bones of the palm are very functional so that the hand can carry out activities such as deficiency, when one of the meta carpals, namely attached to the thumb and located on the little finger, close together, the palm becomes dry stand out.

  • The Hard/Bone Section

On the hard part there are several types of bones, namely carpal metacarpal bones and phalanges. The carpal is a short and moon-shaped bone which is eight in number, articulates or is continuous with the ends of the distal bones and the radius. The metacarpals are the five bones in the wrist. The phalanges are the radius bones which have bullet joints in them.

  • Soft Parts

Furthermore, in the soft part of the palm there are various hand muscles where there are functions different types, the nerves consisting of the median nerve together with the cranial nerve ulnar. On the palms there is also a palm artery consisting of the ulnar artery and the radial artery.

The metacarpals, also known as the palm bones, consist of five vertebrae articulate or connect with the carpal bones in the wrist and finger bones "phalanges". The articulations in the wrist bones form five joints which are known as the carpometacarpals. These joints are able to move the bones to form an arc.

The joints that connect these two types of bones allow movement in many directions just like bones palms with thumb bones, thus being able to move with either extension or movement flex. These metacarpal bones are arranged in planes parallel to each other, between these parallel arrangements is implied a cavity which will later be filled by the muscles of the hand.

Palm Bone Series in Humans

What is the function of the wrist bones? Arrangement, Layout, Image

  • Hat bone
  • The wrist bones form a sickle
  • Small round bone
  • Palm bones
  • Picker bone
  • The bones of the base of the arm
  • Veil bone
  • Trapezoid bone
  • Finger bones
  • Hind knuckles
  • Fingertip space bones
  • Hind knuckles
  • Middle finger joint

Muscles in the Palm Bones

The muscles that work around the palm bones are called intrinsic muscles. Intrinsic muscles play an important role in providing strength to the fingers when performing fine motor movements, namely abilities related to physical skills that use small muscles and hand-eye coordination, such as being able to clench, grip, grip, pinch, and so on other movements.

Injury to the Palm Bones

The palm bones (metacapral) can be injured, such as breaking if they are hit by a direct blow that is so hard. This condition can be found in many boxers. Injuries that attack the bones of the palm of the hand can take a long time to heal to permanently change the structure and dexterity of the hand.

Palm Nerves

The nerves in the palms are connected to the wrists. All of these nerves run towards the side of the hand adjacent to the blood vessels. Nerves carry signals from the brain to the muscles to move the muscles in the palms. Nerves also carry signals back to the brain so you can feel sensations like touch, pain, and temperature.

Palm Bone Function: Structure, Parts, Bone Set, Muscles and Nerves

Thus the review from About the about Palm Bone Function: Structure, Parts, Bone Set, Muscles and Nerves, hopefully can add to your insight and knowledge. Thank you for visiting and don't forget to read other articles.

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