Definition of Social Control and Its Characteristics (Discuss Completely)

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Definition of Social Control and Its Characteristics (Discuss Completely) - On this occasion, About Knowledge will discuss what is meant by social control and what are its characteristics.

Definition of Social Control and Its Characteristics (Discuss Completely)

Let's discuss the full definition below.

Definition of Social Control

the notion of social control is an act of supervision in the behavior or activities of members society and community groups so as not to deviate from social values ​​and prevailing norms. So, social control can be interpreted as a process as well as ways, both planned and unplanned in human efforts to control each individual or certain community groups so that they can behave in accordance with certain values ​​and norms that already apply in life socialize.

In line with the opinion of some experts regarding the meaning of social control, namely:

1. Peter L. Berger

In his opinion, social control is a way or an effort used by society in controlling deviant members of society.

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2. Joseph S. Roucek

The definition of social control according to Joseoh's opinion is a set of control methods and processes, whether planned or not by inviting, educating, so that this can force members of the public to comply with all the values ​​and norms that are currently in force.

3. Bruce J. Cohen

Social control according to his opinion, namely the various methods and methods used in encouraging someone to be able to behave in accordance with the will of a particular society and in accordance with rule.

4. Paul B. Horton and Chester L. Hunt

Social control in their opinion is all the ways and processes in which this is taken by a group of people as well as from the community so that its members can act in accordance with the expectations of the group or from that community Alone.

5. Karel J. Veegers

Social control is the continuation of the socialization process and is related to the ways and methods used used to encourage someone to behave according to the wishes of a group or society.

6. Robert M. Z. Mace

The definition of social control in the opinion of Robert is all the methods used in a society to return deviants to the normal or actual line.

There is also the purpose of this social control which is carried out so that social values ​​and norms can carried out by the community so that this can create an atmosphere that is safe, comfortable, orderly and peaceful within public.

Characteristics of Social Control

The characteristics of social control are as follows:

  • A technique or way to bring order to society.
  • Can be done by individuals against individuals, groups against groups or groups against individuals.
  • To achieve harmony between stability and the changes that continue to occur in society.
  • It is carried out reciprocally, although sometimes it is still not realized by both parties.

Kinds of Social Control

The following are some types of social control, including:

Based on Time

  • Preventive Control

Preventive social control is a type of social control where this is done before the occurrence of a behavioral deviation, for example it can be in the form of advice, suggestions and others etc.

  • Repressive Control

Repressive social control is social control in which this is done after violations or deviations in behavior have occurred. For example, that is, it can be in reprimands, warnings in oral and written form, administrative sanctions, fines, even the death penalty.

  • Curative Control

Curative social control, which is a type of social control that is carried out when there is a social deviation. For example, a teacher who is reprimanding and advising his students because this student was caught cheating during a test was taking place. This is done with the aim of raising awareness of behavior and giving a deterrent effect to students.

By Method

Judging from the dimensions of how it is implemented, social control can be
distinguish between social control carried out persuasively and social control carried out coercively.

  • Persuasive Way

The persuasive method is a social control effort that is carried out by emphasizing actions which invites or guides citizens to be willing to act in accordance with applicable norms. Persuasive methods tend to emphasize community awareness efforts. For example, some artists hand out flowers as an invitation to bring peace; a Guidance and Counseling (BP) teacher reprimanded and advised a student who was caught smoking at school.

  • Coercive Way

Coercive control is a social control effort that is carried out by emphasizing actions that are forcing citizens to want to act in accordance with applicable norms. Coercive methods tend to emphasize various efforts to coerce society. This effort should be used to a minimum, that is, if persuasive efforts do not produce results. For example, city law enforcement officers ordered through loudspeakers that all street vendors do not trade in restricted areas (pressure), but then municipal order officials hauled away the stalls used by street vendors trading on the premises forbidden. This was done because the warnings that had been given several times were not heeded.

By Nature

  • Curative social control

Quantitative social control, namely social control in the form of coaching or healing various forms of deviant behavior, for example healing for former drug users.

  • Participatory social control

Participatory social control, namely social control carried out by involving actors to heal or improve behavior. For example, a former thief assigned to be a security officer.

Institution of Social Control

The following are 6 types of social control institutions including the following:

  • Police Agency
    The police themselves are a group of security and order apparatus in society whose police function is to protect public order.
  • Prosecutor's Office
    The Prosecutor's Office is essentially a formal institution that functions as a public prosecutor, namely the party that tries people who commit violations of the law based on the applicable legal order.
  • Court Institution
    The Judicial Institution is essentially also a formal social justice institution whose job is to re-examine results of investigations and BAPs from the police as well as following up on demands from the prosecutor's office in cases of these violations Alone.
  • KPK Institute
    KPK itself is an institution formed with the aim of eradicating corruption in the country.
  • Customary Institution
    Deviations of behavior where this is resolved based on the rules of customary law that apply under the violations of local traditional leaders.
  • Community Figures
    These community leaders are role models as well as controllers who are obeyed by other members of the community. Efforts by community members to provide opinions and emphasis on parties deemed to have violated the provisions applicable laws and regulations, whether conveyed directly or indirectly, are called controls social.
Complete Definition of Social Control and Its Characteristics

Social Control Process

The process of social control through three patterns, namely:

♦ Group to group control. This happens when a group supervises the behavior of other groups.
Example: The police are a unit that is monitoring the behavior of the community in order to create security and order.

♦ Group control over its members. This occurs when a group determines the behavior of its members.
Example: A group of lecturers who are coaching and educating their students.

♦ Individual control over other individuals. This happens when an individual is supervising another individual.
Example: A mother who educates her child to comply with the rules in her family.

So that's our little review this time about Definition of Social Control and Its Characteristics (Discuss Completely), hopefully it can provide benefits to readers. Thank you very much 🙂

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