Entrepreneur Mindset: 9 Ways to Think Like an Entrepreneur

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aroundknowledge.co.id – It takes a long time to develop an Entrepreneur Mindset. Honestly, I think I spent most of my early twenties trying to undo the mindset I learned in school. But what about entrepreneurship?

In hindsight, it's sad that teachers care so much about getting their students good jobs, but never once said we could start a business.

It's even more disheartening when you consider where most of the work comes from. These are people who decide to forge their own path, start businesses, and hire other people. What do you get?

After years of hard work and many failed businesses, I have finally learned how to think like an entrepreneur. Results? Good money, fun jobs, endless travel and freedom. Not bad, right?

If you want to learn how to develop an entrepreneurial mindset so you can build a successful business, you've come to the right place. In this article, we'll look at 9 important mindset traits of successful entrepreneurs. But first, what does it mean to be an entrepreneur and why is it important?

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What is Entrepreneur Mindset?

The Entrepreneurial Mindset is a way of seeing the world that drives a set of entrepreneurial beliefs, thought processes, and behaviors. Entrepreneurs, as a rule, firmly believe that it is possible to improve their life circumstances and live their lives in their own way.

They also believe in their ability to learn, grow, adapt, and succeed. The mindset of a successful entrepreneur differs from the mindset of a traditional worker in many ways.

For example, if traditional workers need to earn more money, they will often dust off their resumes and look for better paying jobs. However, someone with an entrepreneurial spirit will find ways to make money starting or growing a business.

Here it is: Anyone can develop the mindset of a successful entrepreneur. Henry Ford, founder of the Ford Motor Company, once said, "whether you think you can or you think you can't, do you think you are right."

9 Ways to Think Like an Entrepreneur

If you want to learn how to build an entrepreneur mindset, you need to know how successful entrepreneurs think. Now let's take a closer look at the 9 Essential Traits of an Entrepreneurial Mindset.

1. independence

This is one of the most important aspects of entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurs don't follow the crowd or look to others for directions. Instead, they listened to their intuition and forged their own path.

As Apple founder Steve Jobs said, "Don't let other people's opinions drown out your inner voice."

2. Responsibility

The independent mindset of a successful entrepreneur comes from full responsibility. Entrepreneurs don't blame other people for their life circumstances. Failures, successes, life circumstances – it doesn't matter what they are. Even if it's not your fault, you can improve by taking responsibility.

3. Rich

The key to entrepreneurial success is abundance. Successful entrepreneurs know they can improve things, make more money, and create new opportunities. The sky is always the limit.

As a result, entrepreneurs do not hoard money or knowledge. They are open and generous and understand that “you get what you give”.

Author and entrepreneur Robert Kiyosaki said, “I have never met a rich person who has never lost money. But I have met many poor people who have never lost a penny.”

4. Goal Oriented

Goal-oriented entrepreneurial thinking. In other words, successful entrepreneurs have goals and plans, not wishes or dreams. So, when creating an entrepreneurial mindset, set the following SMART goals:

  • Specific
  • Scalable
  • That can be a dispute
  • Related
  • Time sensitive

5. Not Afraid to Fail

When you learn to think like an entrepreneur, you need to see failure differently than most people. Entrepreneurs are not afraid to fail.

Every "failure" is just a stepping stone to a lesson that will help you get closer to success. As the famous inventor Thomas Edison said, “I have not failed. I just found 10,000 ways that don't work.”

Failing at something of course doesn't mean you have failed. It's just that something didn't work out the way you expected and you have to try again.

6. Growth Oriented

Studying failure, Stanford University psychologist Dr. Says Carol Dweck, “My 20 years of research have shows that the perspective you adopt for yourself has a huge impact on the way you live life."

In particular, he found that there are two main types of mindsets: fixed and growing. A person with a fixed mindset believes that he or she is relatively permanent and cannot change much. Entrepreneurship is growth oriented.

Entrepreneurs believe they can grow as people, learn new things and develop new skills. They believe that with some effort, you can become anyone you want.

Bestselling author and entrepreneur Hal Elrod says:

In other words, personal growth tends to lead to success. So keep trying to improve yourself.

7. Looking for Feedback

The most successful entrepreneurs don't worry about looking great. They just want to be successful and know that learning from feedback helps speed up the process.

“Why waste time proving how great you are when you can be even better?” Dweck said.

In short, don't seek validation, seek feedback.

8. Learning Oriented

Most people spend their free time looking for entertainment, whether it's social media, Netflix, playing games, reading novels, or hanging out with friends. Entrepreneurial minds, however, are more concerned with learning and development. For example:

  • Instead of watching TV, entrepreneurs can take online courses to help them achieve their goals.
  • Instead of playing games, entrepreneurs often spend hours tweaking the sales funnel.
  • And entrepreneurs are more likely to listen to motivational podcasts or read business books than they are to browse social media.

Entrepreneur and speaker Jim Rohn says: Self-education will make you rich.”

9. Future Oriented Thinking

If you want to learn how to think like an entrepreneur, you have to think long term. Renowned billionaire investor Warren Buffett said, "Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago."

Successful entrepreneurs know that achieving big goals takes a long time. So they started with a goal and worked backwards through reverse engineering every step of the way. In other words, “If I want this, I have to do that. But to do that, I have to do this.

They keep working and patient in terms of compensation. They know that the tortoise always beats the hare.

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