Characteristics of Planets: Types of Planets and Their Characteristics

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Characteristics of Planets: Types of Planets and Their Characteristics – What are the Characteristics that a Planet should have?, At this opportunity About the will discuss it, including objectives, examples and of course other things that also cover it. Let's look at the discussion together in the article below to better understand it

Characteristics of Planets: Types of Planets and Their Characteristics

A planet is a celestial body that does not have or emit its own light. They only reflect light from the light source, namely the sun.

According to the International Astronomical Audit (IAU), a planet is a celestial body that has an orbit around the sun.

Planets are celestial bodies that do not give off heat or light and move around the sun constantly. The definition of a planet also has certain characteristics such as having an orbit, atmosphere, axial tilt, gravitational force and so on.

There are currently 8 planetary orders in the solar system. The names of the planets in the solar system are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. Among them, only planet Earth is capable of being inhabited by living things.

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The characteristic planet must be orbiting a star or stellar remnant that is massive enough to have its own gravity, it is not too big to create thermonuclear fusion and has cleared the area around its filled orbit planetesimal.

The following are the characteristics of the planets, both in general, the characteristics of the inner and outer planets and the characteristics of each planet from Mercury to Neptune.

General Characteristics of the Planets

Each planet certainly has characteristics in general. These planetary characteristics are important in distinguishing planets from other celestial bodies. For example, Pluto was once recognized as a planet, but in 2006 Pluto was no longer included in the planet category because it was deemed too small.

Planets must also be different from other celestial bodies such as stars. Planets cannot give off their own light so they are different from stars. What are the characteristics and characteristics of the planets in general? The following are the characteristics of the planets in the solar system in full.

  • Each planet has a gravitational force
  • Each planet has a magnetic field
  • Each planet has an axial tilt
  • Each planet has an atmosphere
  • Each planet has its own orbit
  • Each planet goes around the sun in its orbit (revolution)
  • Each planet rotates on its axis (rotation)
  • Each planet is spherical
  • Each planet cannot give off its own light
  • Each planet has a mass limit of 13 times the mass of Jupiter (13 MJ)

Inner Planets Characteristics

The definition of the inner planets are the planets whose orbits are between the sun and the Earth. The inner planets include the planet Mercury, the planet Venus and the planet Earth. The following are the characteristics of the inner planets that these 3 planets have.

  • The inner planets are generally made of rock and metal
  • The inner planets have a solid surface
  • The inner planets have no rings
  • The inner planets have very few, if not none, satellites

Characteristics of the Outer Planets

The definition of outer planets are planets whose orbits are not between the sun and Earth. The outer planets include the planet Mars, the planet Jupiter, the planet Saturn, the planet Uranus and the planet Neptune. The following are the characteristics of the outer planets that these 5 planets have.

  • The outer planets are generally composed of hydrogen and helium
  • The outer planets have a large number of satellites
  • The outer planets have rings (except Mars)
  • The outer planets have thick atmospheres

Planet Mercury and Its Characteristics

The following are the characteristics of the planet Mercury, including the distance from the sun, the time of rotation and revolution, average temperature, area and diameter, mass, gravity, number of satellites and the characteristics of the planet Mercury other.

  • Distance, Rotation and Revolution of the Planet Mercury

The planet's distance from the sun: 57 million kilometers
Rotation time: 59 days
Revolution time: 88 days
Average temperature: 340 Kelvin

  • Size of the Planet Mercury

Surface area: 7.48 x 107 km2
Diameter: 4879.4 km
Volume: 6,083 x 1010 km3
Mass: 3.3011 x 1023 kg
Gravity: 3.7 m/s2

  • Characteristics of the Planet Mercury

The planet Mercury is the closest planet to the sun
Planet Mercury is the smallest planet in the solar system
The planet Mercury consists of 70% metal and 30% silicates
The planet Mercury is gray
The planet Mercury belongs to the category of inner planets
The planet Mercury has no satellites
The planet Mercury has no rings
The planet Mercury has the fastest revolution time in the solar system

Planet Venus and Its Characteristics

The following are the characteristics of the planet Venus, including distance from the sun, time of rotation and revolution, average temperature, area and diameter, mass, gravity, number of satellites and characteristics of the planet Venus other.

  • Distance, Rotation and Revolution of the Planet Venus

The planet's distance from the sun: 108 million kilometers
Rotation time: 243 days
Revolution time: 225 days
Average temperature: 737 Kelvin

  • Size of the Planet Venus

Surface area: 4.6023 x 108 km2
Diameter: 12103.6 km
Volume: 9.2843 x 1011 km3
Mass: 4.8675 x 1024 kg
Gravity: 8.87 m/s2

  • Characteristics of the Planet Venus

The planet Venus is the second closest planet from the sun
The planet Venus is the planet with the highest average temperature in the solar system
The planet Venus is the only planet with a reverse rotation direction
The planet Venus has a shape, size and composition similar to planet Earth
The planet Venus is the brightest planet in the solar system
The planet Venus is yellowish white
The planet Venus is included in the category of inner planets
The planet Venus has no satellites
The planet Venus has no rings
The planet Venus has the longest rotation time in the solar system
The planet Venus is the only planet where the rotation time is longer than the revolution time

Planet Earth and Its Characteristics

The following are the characteristics of planet Earth, including distance from the sun, time of rotation and revolution, average temperature, area and diameter, mass, gravity, number of satellites and the characteristics of planet Earth other.

  • Distance, Rotation and Revolution of Planet Earth

The planet's distance from the sun: 150 million kilometers
Rotation time: 24 hours
Revolution time: 365 days
Average temperature: 288 Kelvin

  • Size of Planet Earth

Surface area: 510 million km2
Diameter: 12742 km
Volume: 1083.21 x 1012 km3
Mass: 5972.37 x 1024 kg
Gravity: 9.8 m/s2

  • Characteristics of Planet Earth

Planet Earth is the only planet inhabited by living things
Planet Earth is the third closest planet to the sun
Planet Earth is the densest planet in the solar system
Planet Earth consists of a composition of 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen and other gases
Planet Earth is turquoise as seen from space
Planet Earth's surface area consists of 70% water and 30% land
Planet Earth has 1 natural satellite called the moon
Planet Earth has no rings

Planet Mars and Its Characteristics

The following are the characteristics of the planet Mars, including the distance from the sun, the time of rotation and revolution, the average temperature, area and diameter, mass, gravity, number of satellites and characteristics of the planet Mars other.

  • Distance, Rotation and Revolution of Planet Earth

The planet's distance from the sun: 230 million kilometers
Rotation time: 25 hours
Revolution time: 687 days
Average temperature: 210 Kelvin

  • Size of the Planet Mars

Surface area: 145 million km2
Diameter: 6794 km
Volume: 1.6318 x 1011 km3
Mass: 6.417 x 1023 kg
Gravity: 3.7 m/s2

  • Characteristics of the Planet Mars

Planet Mars is the closest planet to planet Earth
Planet Mars is the second smallest planet in the solar system
The planet Mars has a reddish color, so it is nicknamed the Red Planet
Planet Mars consists of a composition of 95% carbon dioxide, 3% nitrogen and other gases
Planet Mars is included in the category of outer planets
The planet Mars has 2 natural satellites named Phobos and Deimos
The planet Mars has no rings

Planet Jupiter and its Characteristics

The following are the characteristics of the planet Jupiter, including distance from the sun, rotation and revolution time, average temperature, area and diameter, mass, gravity, number of satellites and characteristics of the planet Jupiter other.

  • Distance, Rotation and Revolution of the Planet Jupiter

The planet's distance from the sun: 778 million kilometers
Rotation time: 10 hours
Revolution time: 11 years
Average temperature: 165 Kelvin

  • Size of the Planet Jupiter

Surface area: 6,142 x 1010 km2
Diameter: 142984 km
Volume: 1.43 x 1015 km3
Mass: 1.898 x 1027 kg
Gravity: 24.8 m/s2

  • Characteristics of the Planet Jupiter

Planet Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system
The planet Jupiter consists of a composition of 89% hydrogen and 10% helium
The planet Jupiter is included in the category of outer planets
The planet Jupiter has a color that appears to be layered with a combination of orange and white
The planet Jupiter has 79 natural satellites
The planet Jupiter has rings
Jupiter is the planet with the largest number of natural satellites in the solar system
The planet Jupiter has the fastest rotation time in the solar system

Planet Saturn and Its Characteristics

The following are the characteristics of the planet Saturn, including distance from the sun, time of rotation and revolution, average temperature, area and diameter, mass, gravity, number of satellites and the characteristics of the planet Saturn other.

  • Distance, Rotation and Revolution of the Planet Saturn

The planet's distance from the sun: 1.4 billion kilometers
Rotation time: 11 hours
Revolution time: 29 years
Average temperature: 134 Kelvin

  • Size of the Planet Saturn

Surface area: 4.27 x 1010 km2
Diameter: 120536 km
Volume: 8,271 x 1014 km3
Mass: 5.683 x 1026 kg
Gravity: 10.44 m/s2

  • Characteristics of the Planet Saturn

Planet Saturn is the second largest planet in the solar system
The planet Saturn consists of 96% hydrogen gas as its largest component
The planet Saturn is included in the category of outer planets
The planet Saturn is pale yellow
The planet Saturn has 62 natural satellites, including Titan and Rhea
The planet Saturn has large rings of chunks of ice
The planet Saturn is often called the most beautiful planet because of its beautiful rings
The planet Saturn has the second fastest rotation time in the solar system

Characteristics of Planets: Types of Planets and Their Characteristics

Planet Uranus and Its Characteristics

The following are the characteristics of the planet Uranus, including distance from the sun, rotation and revolution time, average temperature, area and diameter, mass, gravity, number of satellites and characteristics of the planet Uranus other.

Distance, Rotation and Revolution of the Planet Uranus

The planet's distance from the sun: 3 billion kilometers
Rotation time: 17 hours
Revolution time: 84 years
Average temperature: 76 Kelvin

  • Size of the Planet Uranus

Surface area: 8,116 x 109 km2
Diameter: 50724 km
Volume: 6.83 x 1013 km3
Mass: (8.6810 ± 0.0013) x 1025 kg
Gravity: 8.69 m/s2

  • Characteristics of the Planet Uranus

Planet Uranus is the second coldest planet in the solar system
The planet Uranus is included in the category of outer planets
The planet Uranus is light blue
The planet Uranus has 27 natural satellites
The planet Uranus has rings vertically

Planet Neptune and Its Characteristics

The following are the characteristics of the planet Neptune, including the distance from the sun, the time of rotation and revolution, the average temperature, area and diameter, mass, gravity, number of satellites and the characteristics of the planet Neptune other.

order of the planets neptune

  • Distance, Rotation and Revolution of the Planet Neptune

The planet's distance from the sun: 4.5 billion kilometers
Rotation time: 16 hours
Revolution time: 165 years
Average temperature: 72 Kelvin

  • Size of the Planet Neptune

Surface area: 7,168 x 1013 km2
Diameter: 49530 km
Volume: 6,254 x 1013 km3
Mass: 1.024 x 1026 kg
Gravity: 11.15 m/s2

  • Characteristics of the Planet Neptune

The planet Neptune is the farthest planet from the sun
Planet Neptune is the farthest planet from planet Earth
Planet Neptune is the coldest planet with the lowest average temperature in the solar system
The planet Neptune is bluish in color so it is nicknamed the Blue Planet
The planet Neptune belongs to the category of outer planets
The planet Neptune has 14 natural satellites
The planet Neptune has rings
Planet Neptune is the planet with the longest revolution time in the solar system

Thus the review from About the about Characteristics of Planets: Types of Planets and Their Characteristics, hopefully can add to your insight and knowledge. Thank you for visiting and don't forget to read other articles.

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