Microscope Images: Definition, History, Types, Parts, How Microscopes Work and Care

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Microscope Images: Definition, History, Types, Parts, How Microscopes Work and Care – How closely do you recognize the form and function of a microscope?At this time About the knowledge.co.id will discuss about the Microscope and the things that surround it. Let's look at the discussion in the article below to understand it better.

Microscope Images: Definition, History, Types, Parts, How Microscopes Work and Care

The word microscope comes from the Greek words micron which means small and scropos which means to see or aim. So it can be said that a microscope is a tool for viewing objects that are too small to be seen with the naked eye.

A microscope (Greek: micron = small and scopos = aim) is an instrument for viewing objects that are too small to be seen with the naked eye. The science of studying small objects using this tool is called microscopy, and the word microscopic means very small, not easily visible to the eye.

A microscope is an instrument that uses very small objects that cannot be seen with the naked eye. Its main function is to see the image of an object that is bigger and clearer.

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This optical instrument uses two positive lenses, the one near the object is called the objective lens and the one close to the lens is called the ocular lens. The nature of the image formed by the microscope is virtual, inverted and magnified.

History of the Microscope

The history of the microscope begins with the discovery of glass by the Romans around the 1st century AD, or around 100. They started using glass, testing and experimenting with different forms of clear glass. In one condition they found a glass with a thick structure in the middle and thin on the edges (edges). Perhaps this is what a convex lens meant at the time. They begin to realize and use the lens to see objects around them, and it turns out that they look bigger than their actual size.

So it is true that the microscope started with the discovery of glass, then the convex lens was found, then the use of a convex lens to see objects with a small size even used to focus sunlight so that it can burn objects certain.

The lens, which was invented by the Romans, did not become widely used until the 13th century, when there were lens craftsmen who produced lenses to make glasses.

The earliest simple microscope invented was a magnifying glass with a magnification of about 6 to 10 times magnification. The most common and often observed things are small insects and fleas. Initially this magnifying glass was called "flea glasses".

Around the 1590s Zaccharias Janssen and his father Hans made experiments with this convex lens. They tried to fit several convex lenses into a tube and made a very important discovery. In this experiment it was found that the object at the end of the tube looked so big, more than a simple magnifying glass or microscope in the previous version. It turned out that Zaccharias Janssen and Hans had just invented a compound microscope (known as a microscope that uses two or more lenses).

Galileo Galilei heard of the experiments conducted by Janssen and Hans, then he started experimenting himself. Galileo began to describe the principles of lenses, light and apply them to microscopes and telescopes. He also began adding focusing devices to his microscopes and exploring the sky with his telescope.

In another country there was Anthony Leeuwenhoek from the Netherlands who became very interested in lenses and magnifying glasses. He was interested in observing and counting the number of threads in the woven fabric. Anthony became very interested in lenses, he began learning to make lenses, grinding and polishing them until they were the right size and curvature. Anthony's artificial lens is even capable of zooming up to 270X.

Leeuwenhoek became more involved in science and science with his microscope. The new things he observed were bacteria, yeast, cells, blood and many small animals that were present in a drop of water. Around 1632-1723 Anthony Leeuwenhoek became famous and was called the "Father of Microscopy" or "Father of Microscopy"

On the other hand, there is Robert Hooke, an English national (sometimes called the "English Father of Microscopy"), also a person who Largely influential in creating precise microscope designs, he spent most of his life working with microscope.

Until around the middle of the 19th century, great strides were made in the civilization of the microscope, so that various quality instruments such as today's microscopes appeared before us. Several countries that have been manufacturers of microscopes are Germany, America, Japan, Italy and China. Make sure you get a microscope with the best quality for your laboratory.

The development of science is growing with the support of the development of a tool (instrument). The microscope is one of the instruments which is one of the supporting factors in developing knowledge knowledge, especially in observing and researching small objects that cannot be seen by the eye naked.

It can be considered that the discovery of the first optical instruments is already the starting point for the discovery of the microscope. The use of the optical properties of a curved surface has been carried out by Euclid (3000SM), Ptolemy (127-151), and by Alhazan in the early 11th century, but the practical use of optical magnification has not yet been established. done. Only in the 16th century, Leonardo da Vinci and Maurolyco used lenses to see small objects.

Dutch spectacle makers named Zachary and Francis Jansen in 1590 discovered the use of two convex lenses in a tube. This invention is considered to be the prototype of the microscope.

In 1610 Galileo with a combination of several lenses mounted in a tin tube for the first time was successfully used as a simple microscope.

In 1632-1723, Anthony van Lauwenhoek was able to make lenses with a satisfactory magnification for viewing small objects. Even so, there are limitations to the ability of a microscope in its decoding power. This is clearly seen in a formula invented by the Abbe centuries ago.

Microscope Types

  • Light microscope

A light microscope is a type of microscope that uses light as its energy source to magnify the image of the object being studied observed, in other words that this type of light microscope utilizes light as an energy source to be able to clearly enlarge the image from object.

This light microscope has 3 magnification lenses. namely among others as follows: a. Weak (4 times/10 times) b. Moderate (40 times) c. Strong (100 times)

And also the ocular lens has a magnification of 10 times. So most of these light microscopes have a maximum magnification of 1000 times the actual size.
In this type of light microscope, there are also differences in the lenses that are owned, among others as follows:

Light microscopes that only have 1 eyepiece (monocular) This type of one eyepiece (monocular) can only see the length and width of the object to be observed.

A light microscope that has 2 ocular lenses (binoculars) The type of one ocular lens (binoculars) or also known as With this Stereo Microscope you can see the length, width and height of the object to be observed in 3 dimensions (3D).

  • Electron microscope

An electron microscope is a type of microscope that uses electrons as an energy source to magnify the image of the object to be studied observed, in other words that this type of electron microscope utilizes electrons as an energy source to be able to clearly magnify images from object.

In electron microscopes, magnets are used as a substitute for lenses with the function of concentrating electrons (energy sources) on objects. which include the following:

  • Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) The transmission electron microscope (TEM) works by penetrating electrons to the object to be observed and an image of the object to be observed will be seen in screen.
  • Scanning Electron Microscopes Scanning electron microscopes work by providing an overview of surfaces, tissues and the structure of the observed object and can display an image of the object to be observed with a 3-dimensional image (3D).

Microscope Parts

In order to use a microscope, we must know its parts first, the Microscope Section is divided into an Optical section and a Mechanical (Non-Optical) section.

  • Optical Parts

    • The ocular lens, which is the lens at the top end of the tube in the image, the observer sees the object through this lens. The ocular lens serves to magnify the image from the objective lens. The ocular lens usually has a magnification of 6, 10, or 12 times.
    • Objective lens, namely the lens that is close to the object. Usually there are 3 objective lenses in a microscope, namely with a magnification of 10, 40, or 100 times. When using the objective lens the observer must apply immersion oil to the object, this immersion oil functions as a lubricant and to clarify the image of the object, because when the magnification is 100 times, the location of the lens with the object being observed is very close, sometimes even touch.
    • Condenser, which is a part that can be rotated up and down whose function is to collect the light reflected by the mirror and concentrate it on the object.
    • Diaphragm, which is the part that functions to regulate the amount of light that enters and hits the preparation. Mirror, which is the part that functions to receive and direct the light received. Mirrors direct light by reflecting it.
  • Mechanical Parts (Non-Optical)

    • Revolver, which is the part that functions to adjust the magnification of the desired objective lens.
    • Microscope tube, which is the part that serves to connect the objective lens and the ocular lens of the microscope.
    • Microscope Arm, which is the part whose function is to place the observer holding the microscope.
    • Object table, which is the part that serves as a place to place the object to be observed, on the object table there is an object clamp, which keeps the object in the desired place.
    • Macrometer (rough player), namely the part that functions to raise or lower the tube quickly for settings to get clarity of the image of the desired object.
    • Micrometer (smooth player), namely the part whose function is to raise or lower the tube slowly for settings to get clarity of the image of the desired object.
    • Microscope leg, which is the part whose function is as a support that keeps the microscope in the desired place, and also as a place to hold the microscope when the microscope is to be moved.

Microscope Functions

  • Ocular Lens
    to magnify objects formed by the objective lens
  • Microscope Tube
    To adjust the focus, it can be raised and lowered
  • Coarse focus adjustment knob
    To find the focus of the image of an object quickly so that the microscope tube goes down or up quickly
  • Soft focus adjustment knob
    To focus the image of an object slowly, so that the microscope tube goes up or down slowly
  • revolvers
    To select the objective lens to be used
  • Objective Lens
    To determine the objective image and magnify the object being observed. Generally there are 3 objective lenses with 4x, 10x, and 40x magnification.
  • Microscope Arm
    For grip when carrying the microscope
  • Preparation table
    To put the object (object) to be observed
  • Glass Object Clamp
    To clamp the preparations on the preparation table so that the preparations do not shift.
  • Condenser
    Is an additional lens that serves to collect light entering the microscope
  • Diaphragm
    In the form of holes that range in size from small to as wide as the holes on the object table. Serves to regulate the amount of light that will enter the microscope
  • Reflector/mirror
    To reflect and direct light into the microscope. There are 2 types of mirrors, namely flat and concave. If the light source is weak, for example a lamp, a concave mirror is used, but if the light source is strong, for example, sunlight penetrating the room, use a flat mirror.
  • Microscope Feet
    To keep the microscope in order to stand steadily on the table

How Microscopes Work

  • The objective lens is used to form the first image and determine the structure and details that will be visible in the image end and has the ability to enlarge the shadow of an object so that it can have an "aperture" value, which is a measure of the resolving power of a material objective lens which will determine the resolving power of the specimen, so as to be able to show the adjacent microstructure as two separate objects separated.
  • The ocular lens, is a microscope lens that is located at the top end of the tube adjacent to the eye observer, and serves to magnify the image produced by the objective lens ranging from 4 to 25 times.
  • Condenser lens, is a lens that functions to support the creation of lighting on the object to be seen so that with the right settings, maximum resolving power will be obtained.
    If the resolving power is less than the maximum, then two objects will appear as one and the magnification will be less than optimal.
  • The nature of the image in a microscope is determined by 2 lenses, namely the objective lens and the ocular lens. The objective lens has virtual, inverted and diminished image properties. While the ocular lens has the properties of a real image, upright and magnified.
  • The object being observed is placed as close as possible to the focal point of the objective lens. While our eyes are right on the eyepiece lens. The observer's eye is behind the objective lens which happens to be the image from the ocular right at the focal point of the ocular lens is called a relaxed observer and the observation is carried out in a recommended manner when the objective image is in the main room ocular.

A microscope consisting of a positive lens, the final image is infinitely far away, which has the properties of an enlarged, virtual and upright image.

Microscope Treatment

Microscopy is a biological tool that needs to be treated properly. Some things that must be considered so that the performance of the microscope remains good, namely:

  • The way to carry a microscope properly is to hold the arm of the microscope with your right hand and place your left hand to support it.
  • Do not swing, toss or vibrate when placing the microscope and do not lift it microscope on the body of the tube because there will be parts that come loose or fall if this happens done.
  • Microscopes that have been used must be cleaned, use a plastic cover or put it in a box to avoid dust.
  • Store in a dry place and try in a cupboard equipped with a lamp to reduce humidity.
  • Dirty lenses should be cleaned with a soft cloth, cotton swab or lens paper moistened with soapy water, alcohol or xylol. Do this carefully because the lens is easily scratched which can result in a less clear view.
Microscope Images: Definition, History, Types, Parts, How Microscopes Work and Care

How to Use a Microscope

The correct way to use a microscope must follow the instructions contained in the manual book. If you have just bought or have a microscope, make sure you read the manual before installing the microscope components. Several parts of the microscope that must be paid more attention to in the process of its use are the preparation table, revolver, coarse player and smooth player.

The following are the steps for using a microscope in general on a microscope with a light microscope type (not an electron microscope):

  • Place the microscope on a flat and stable table, make sure the table is sturdy and not easily swayed.
    If the microscope uses a power source for object observation media, make sure the microscope cable reaches the power source and connect it.
  • Prepare the object to be observed with a microscope and place it close to the microscope.
  • Loosen the macrometer first so that placing objects on the preparation table can be done easily.
  • Prepare the sample or object to be observed under a microscope and then place it on the preparation table and clamp it.
  • Rotate the revolver to select the required magnification (4x, 10x, 40x or 100x) to observe the object.
  • Turn on the light to observe objects on the preparation table, if you are using a microscope with natural lighting (sunlight) you need to do a mirror setting to focus the light on object.
  • Start observing the object that has been placed on the preparation table. If you use a monocular type microscope, you can only observe it with one eye. If you use a binocular type microscope you can observe with both eyes. And if you use a trinocular type microscope with a properly installed camera, you can see it on the available monitor.
  • Several types of microscopes have several macrometers and micrometers in one microscope unit, this makes it easier for you to observe objects.
  • Rotate the macrometer or micrometer on the preparation (swipe right-left) to place it in the appropriate position.
  • Rotate the macrometer or micrometer on the microscope arm (slide up and down) to focus on the object being observed.
  • A good microscope has a light feature that can be adjusted to the brightness level (bright and dim).
    Set the lens revolver to select the desired magnification, making sure when adjusting the lens revolver magnification, the distance between the preparation table and the objective lens is far enough, so that there is no friction between both of them.
  • Along with frequently using a microscope, of course we will be more adept at playing the instruments on the microscope, but still be careful in using it.

Thus the review from About the knowledge.co.id about Microscope Image, hopefully can add to your insight and knowledge. Thank you for visiting and don't forget to read other articles

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