74 Definition of Education According to Experts

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74 Definition of Education According to Experts Humans from birth into the world have received education until they enter school. The word education is no longer foreign to our ears, because all human beings who live definitely need education, so that their goals in life are achieved and can eliminate ignorance. According to KBBI, the word education comes from the word "education" with the affix "pe" and the ending "an", which means the method, process or act of educating.

The word education in language comes from the word "pedagogy" namely "paid" which means child and "agogos" which means to guide, so pedagogy is the science of guiding children. Meanwhile, in terms of the definition of education is a process of changing a person's attitude and behavior or groups in an effort to mature humans or students through teaching and training.

74 Definition of Education According to Experts

Let's discuss the full definition of education according to experts

Definition of Education According to Experts

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The notions or definitions of education according to experts in their fields include:

1. Prof. H. Muhammad Yunus

What is meant by education is an effort that is deliberately chosen to influence and help children with goals increase knowledge, physical and moral so that it can slowly lead children to their goals and ideals highest. In order to live happily and what he does can benefit himself, society, nation, state and religion.

2. Prof. Dr. John Dewey

According to him education is a process of experience. Because according to him education is a process of experience. Because life is growth, education means helping human inner growth without being limited by age. The growth process is the process of adjusting to each phase and adding skills in one's development through education.

3. M.J. Langeveld

Education is an effort to guide immature humans towards maturity. Education is an effort to help children carry out their life tasks, so that they are morally independent and responsible. Education is also interpreted as an effort to achieve self-determination and responsibility.

4. Prof. Herman H. horns

He argues that education is a higher adjustment process for beings who have developed physically and mental free and conscious of God as manifested in environmental, intellectual, emotional and will man.

5. Driyarkara

Education is defined as an effort to humanize the younger generation or elevate the younger generation to a humane level.

6. Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI)

Education is a learning process for each individual to achieve higher knowledge and understanding of certain and specific objects. This formally obtained knowledge results in each individual having a mindset, behavior and morals that are in accordance with the education he has received.

7. Ki Hadjar Dewantara

According to him, education is a necessity in the development of children. The point is that education guides all natural forces that exist in students so that as humans and members of society can achieve the highest safety and happiness in life.

8. Stella van Petten Henderson

Education is a combination of human growth and development with social inheritance.

9. Kohnstamm and Gunning

Education is a formation of the human conscience, namely education is a process of formation and ethics of self-determination in accordance with conscience.

10. Horne

Stating that education is a process that is carried out continuously from a higher adjustment for humans who have developed physically and spiritually.

11. Frederick J. Mcdonalds

Expressed his opinion that education is a process whose goal is to change the character of humans or students.

12. Ahmad D. Marimba

Suggests that education is a coaching process that is carried out consciously by educators towards a process of physical and spiritual development of students which aims to make the personality of students very superior. This personality has quite a deep meaning, namely people who are not only smart, academically smart, but also good in character.

13. Carter V. good

Defining education as a process of developing one's skills in the form of attitudes and behavior applied in society. The process by which a person is influenced by a guided environment, especially in the school environment so that he can achieve social skills and is able to develop his personality.

14. Indonesian Education Encyclopedia

Explaining education, namely as a process of guiding humans or students from darkness, stupidity, stupidity, and intelligence.

15. SISDIKNAS Law No.20 of 2003

Education is a conscious and planned effort to create an atmosphere and learning process so that students can actively develop potential to have religious spiritual strength, good personality, self-mastery, noble character, intelligence, and good skills needed. by himself and society.

16. Abdullah Ibn Al-Muqafah

Education is the need to obtain something that will strengthen and achieve high cultivation or perfection which is spiritual and spiritual food.

17. Plato

Education is something that can help develop the body and mind of the individual with something that can make perfection possible.

18. Mary McLeod Bethune

Education in a narrow sense is an act or process to acquire knowledge.

19. Edgar Dale

Education is an effort that is carried out consciously by the family, community or government through coaching, teaching, learning and training sustainable, both carried out at school and outside of school throughout life to prepare student participants so they can play a role in the environment for the future front.

20. Thedore Brameld

Education is a broader process than the process that takes place in schools. Education is a social activity that allows society to continue to exist and continue to develop.

21. Prof. Zaharai Indris, M.A.

Education is a series of communication activities aimed at bringing together adult humans or educators with students or by using the media in order to provide assistance in the development of children whole.

22. An-Nahlawi

Education in Arabic is tarbiyah, what is meant by tarbiyah or education is all efforts in managing, manage, and improve everything or potential that has existed since birth to grow and develop into more mature.

23. Ibn Sina

Education or learning is related to all aspects that exist in humans, ranging from physical, mental or moral. Education is prohibited from ignoring physical development and everything that affects physical development such as exercise, drinking, eating, hygiene and sleep. So education does not only pay attention to the moral aspect but also forms a holistic individual including soul, character and thoughts.

24. Godfrey Thomson

Education is the influence of the environment on individuals to produce changes according to habits or habits of behavior, thoughts and feelings.


"Education is now moving is preparation for the life of a society that does not yet exist" or education now to prepare people for a type of society that does not yet exist. The concept of the education system can change according to the development of society and the transfer of cultural values. The concept of education today cannot be separated from education which must be in accordance with the demands of past, present and future educational needs.

26. Darmaningtyas

Education as a basic and systematic effort to achieve a better standard of living and progress.

27. Paul Freire

Education is the path to permanent emancipation, which includes two stages. The first stage is the period when man realizes his own liberation, Damana changes things through practice. The second stage builds on the first, and is a liberating process of cultural action.

28. H. Horne

Education is a continuous (eternal) higher adjustment process for humans who have developed physically and mental, free and aware of God, as manifested in an intellectual, emotional, and humanizing environment man.

29. S.A. Bratanata et al

Education is an effort that is deliberately held either directly or indirectly to help children grow and develop to reach maturity.

30. Drs. Wasty Soemanto. M.Pd

Education is a learning process that produces experiences that provide personal well-being, both physically and mentally.

31. GBHN

Education is a conscious effort to develop personality and abilities both inside and outside of school, and lasts a lifetime.

32. Prof. Dr. Dedi Supriadi

Education is one of the functions that must be carried out by the family and society as well as possible in an integrated manner with various institutions organized with the aim of developing educational function.

33. Girex B

Education is the various efforts and efforts made by adults to educate students' reason and regulate their morals.

34. Dr. Sutari Imam Bernadib

Science education studies the atmosphere and educational process. The process in question is the method used to obtain education systematically and gradually.

35. Drs. M. Ngailim Purwanto

The science of education is a science that investigates, contemplates educational symptoms.

36. Prof. Dr. Iman Barnadib at the Faculty of Philosophy UGM

Education is a conscious and systematic effort to achieve a better standard of living or progress.

37. UU no. 2 of 1989

Education is a conscious endeavor aimed at nurturing students for future roles through teaching, teaching and/or training.

38. UU no. 2 of 2003

Education is a conscious and planned effort. The goal is to create a learning atmosphere and learning process so that students can actively develop its potential to give play to the nation's spiritual strength, self-discipline, personality, and moral wisdom and country.

39. Wikipedia

Education is the study of the knowledge, skills and habits of a group of people passed down from one generation to the next through teaching, training or research.

From several definitions of education, it can be concluded that education is a guideline for children to achieve deep maturity the process of growth and development that aims to increase knowledge, form self-characteristics and guide children to become more personal Good. Education can also be understood as a conscious effort to prepare students for future roles through teaching, teaching and training activities.

40. Rocky Gerung

Education is a war against ignorance.

41. Socrates

Education is a tool used to find the truth. While the method is dialectic.

42. James Mill

Education must make a person capable, so that he becomes someone who always tries to achieve happiness for himself, especially and for others besides himself.

43. Aristotle

Education is a function of the state, and is held primarily for the benefit of the state itself. The state is the highest social institution that secures the highest goal or human happiness.

Education is preparation or provision for a decent job or activity. Education must be guided by law so that it corresponds (correspondence) with the results of psychological analysis, and follows gradual progress, both physical (physical) and mental (mental or spirit).

44. Imam Khomeini

Education was born to understand humans, but this goal has the opposite effect, namely directing humans to know the form of God and know God Almighty, or what is known as ru'yah kauniyah tauhidiyah (view monotheism). Education must deliver humans not only from the material side (outside), but also true happiness (inside).

45. Muhammad Iqbal

Education is a cultural force that influences the lives of individuals and groups of people to form true believers or commonly known as insan kamil.

46. According to Murtadha Mutahhari

Education is a very important process in human life. Through education, every human learns all the things they don't know. Even with education, a human being can rule the world and is no longer bound by the boundaries that limit it.

Education gives birth to knowledgeable people, who can become caliphs of Allah on this earth.

47. Muhammad 'Abduh

Education is the most important thing in human life and can change everything.

48. Al-Ghazali

Education is the process of humanizing humans from the time they appear until the end of their lives through various knowledge conveyed in the form of teaching gradually, where the teaching process is the responsibility of parents and society, with their attitude towards God, makes them people who perfect.


Education is a process of experience. Because life is growth, education means helping human inner growth without being limited by age. The growth process is a process of adapting to various stages and improving self-development skills through education.

50. Confucius

Education breeds confidence, confidence breeds hope, hope breeds peace.

51. Muhammad Yunus

Education is a consciously chosen effort to influence and help children, the goal is to increase knowledge, body and morals so that it can slowly bring children to their goals and ideals highest.

To live happily, what he does can benefit himself, society, country, state and religion.

52. Carter V. good

Education is the process of developing personal skills in social attitudes and behavior.

A social process in which a person is influenced by an organized environment such as home or school to achieve self-development and social skills.

53. Driyarkara

Education is defined as an effort to humanize the younger generation or elevate the younger generation to a humane level.

54. Jean Jacques Rousseau

Education gives us provisions that were not present in childhood, but which we need in adulthood.


Education is a progressive discovery of self-ignorance.


Education is an attempt to replace an empty mind with an open mind.


When a person forgets what he learned in school, education will be left behind.


Education includes everything that a person does for himself or what others do for him, with the aim of bringing him closer to the level of perfection.


Education is preparing a person to enjoy a happy life. Education makes humans in harmony with their environment.


Education is an effort to guide immature humans towards maturity. Education is an effort to help children carry out their life tasks, so that they are morally independent and responsible.

61. CROW

Education is defined as human self-defense with ever-increasing needs, and is a hope to be able to develop oneself to be successful, and to broaden, intensify knowledge and understand the elements that exist in surrounding.

Education also includes all the changes that occur as a result of individual participation in experience and learning.


Education is a higher adjustment process (eternal) for beings who have developed physically and mentally who are free and aware of God as manifested in his natural environment, intellectually, emotionally and in that human will Alone.


Education is to equip ourselves with something that was not there in our childhood, but we need it in adulthood.


Education is one of the functions that must be carried out by the family and society as a whole integrated with various institutions held intentionally to develop functions education.


Education is a combination of human growth and development with social inheritance.


Education is a learning process that produces experiences that provide personal well-being, both physically and mentally.


Education is a process whose goal is to change the character of humans or students (students).


Education is the process of forming the human conscience.


Education, both formal and informal, is directed at transmitting one generation to the next which has accumulated wisdom and community knowledge as well as preparing the younger generation to safeguard the future in society and their active role in development.


Education is an effort made consciously by the family, community or government through continuous coaching, teaching, learning and training.

both carried out at school and outside of school throughout life, to prepare students (students) to be able to carry out their roles in the environment for the future.


Education is the various efforts and efforts made by adults to educate students' reason and regulate their morals.


Education has a broad function, namely protecting and changing the life of a society for the better and guiding new communities to recognize shared responsibility in society.

So education is a broader process than just a period of education in school.

15 Definition of Education According to Experts


Al-Farabi and Miskawah have similarities regarding education. According to them, education is what enables humans to achieve perfection in accordance with their nature.


Ibn Khaldun emphasizes the importance of the principle of a progressive approach to education. He advised the teacher to start the material from the easiest (simplest) to the most difficult, not the other way around.

Furthermore, external education (empiricism) cannot be separated from the development of mental talent (soul) needed for science. Both must be assimilated. As he points out:

“In the beginning the students (students) really weren't able to understand anything, except for a few points, in any case, they only understood in an approximate and summary way. When they are explained with examples taken from sensory experience (everyday experience).

This then makes student readiness gradually develop: the material or subject of discussion becomes easier to digest each repetition, and therefore the learner's thinking then develops from approximate knowledge to more assimilation in".

Here are some reviews about 74 Definition of Education According to Experts, hopefully it can be helpful and useful for readers, thank you.

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