LHO Text: Definition, Characteristics, Characteristics, Purpose, Function, Structure, Linguistic Rules and Examples

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LHO Text: Definition, Characteristics, Characteristics, Purpose, Function, Structure, Linguistic Rules and Examples – What is meant by LHO Text or Observation Report Text? On this occasion About the knowledge.co.id will discuss about ASEAN and the things that surround it. Let's look at the discussion together in the article below to better understand it.

LHO Text: Definition, Characteristics, Characteristics, Purpose, Function, Structure, Linguistic Rules and Examples

LHO text or observation report text is a text that contains a general description or reports something in the form of the results of observations (observations). The observation report text is also called a classification text because it contains a classification of the types of things based on certain criteria.

According to Kosasih (2014: 43) states that the text of the observation report presents facts obtained from observations, not the result of imagination. This confirms that what is disclosed in the observation report is something that happened.

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This text describes the general characteristics, forms, or properties such as objects, animals, humans, plants, or events that occur in our universe. The text of the observations is factual or based on existing facts.

Observation itself means one of the techniques in data collection techniques used in a particular study. In short, the results of this observation are a text that describes the results of observations systematically and objectively in accordance with the facts and facts. The text of this observation describes the shape, characteristics, or general characteristics of an object.

While the definition of observation according to experts includes the following:

  • Prof. Heru, An observation shows a study or learning that is carried out deliberately, directed, sequentially, and according to the goals to be achieved in an observation that all events and phenomena are recorded which are called results observation. The results were explained in detail, thorough, precise, accurate, useful and objective in accordance with the observations made.
  • Karl Welck, The definition of observation is recording, selecting, compiling, marking, replacing a series of processes of behavior and atmosphere that have a relationship with a particular organization.
  • Gibson, R.L and Mitchell. M.H, Observation is a technique that can be used to select degrees in determining decisions and conclusions about other people being observed. Observations like this cannot be done alone, must be assisted by other research methods.
  • Prof. Dr. Bimo Walgito, Observation is a research carried out in a systematic and deliberate manner using the senses (especially the eye) for events that can be directly captured at the time of the incident going on.
  • Nasution, According to him, observation is the basis of all knowledge. Scientists can only work based on data, namely facts about the real world obtained through observation.
  • Syaodih, according to him, observation is a technique used or a method used to collect data by observing activities that are already underway.

Characteristics of Observation Report Text

  • It is objective, global, universal.
  • The object to be discussed/discussed is a single object.
  • Completely and perfectly written.
  • Written based on facts in accordance with the observations that have been made.
  • Text information is the result of the latest research that has been proven correct.
  • Does not contain prejudice/allegation/partisanship that is distorted or inappropriate.
  • Interrelated with tiered relationships between classes and subclasses contained therein.

Nature of Observation Results report text

Observational text has 3 characteristics, which are informative, communicative, and also objective. For more details, see as follows.

  • Informative, meaning that it provides useful information about the object being observed to the reader.
  • It is communicative, meaning that the text uses language that seems to make us feel communicate with the text, the goal is to make the contents of the report in the text easier understandable.
  • It is objective, meaning that the text of the report must be factual and based on valid information about what really happened.

Purpose of Observation Report Text

  • Solve a problem.
  • Find the latest techniques or ways.
  • Make more effective decisions.
  • Perform supervision and/or repair.
  • Knowing the development of a problem.

Observation Results Report Text Function

  • Report the responsibility of a task and observation activities.
  • Explain the basis for preparing policies, decisions and/or solving problems in monitoring.
  • Means for documentation.
  • As a trusted source of information.

Observation Report Text Structure

There are 2 main structures that help the text of the observation report so that it becomes a single unit, the structure of the text is:

  • The general statement (classification) is the opening or introduction to the matter being reported, at this stage will be conveyed that objects in the world can be classified based on the criteria of similarities and difference.
  • Members/aspects that are reported are discussions or details about the observed object.

Another structure of the observation report text is:

  • The general definition is an opening that contains an understanding of something discussed in the text.
  • The definition section is the part that contains the main idea of ​​each paragraph "detailed explanation".
  • The definition of benefits is the part that explains the benefits of something reported.
  • Closing is the final detail of the text.

Language Rules of Observation Report Text

Language characteristics or linguistic rules used in the text of the observation report include:

  • Use noun phrases followed by typewriters and descriptors.
  • Using relational verbs, such as: is, is, is, is, that is, classified, includes, includes, consists of, called, and others (used to express definitions of technical terms or terms used specifically in the field certain).
  • Use active natural verbs to describe behavior, such as: lay eggs, make, live, eat, sleep, and so on.
  • Use conjunctions that state:
    • Addendum: and, as well
      Difference: different from
      Equation: as, as, so, so, as, the same thing
    • Contrast: whereas, but, however, but, in the meantime, even though inversely
    • Options: or
  • Use paragraphs with main sentences to organize the main information, followed by detailing the aspects to be reported in several paragraphs.
  • Using scientific or technical words, such as: herbivore, degenerative, osteoporosis, mutualism, parasitism, veins, leukemia, syndrome, phobia, and others.

Steps to Compile Text Observation Report

The steps include:

  • Make a report title in accordance with the observations that have been made.
  • Make a text outline that tends to make the main idea according to the observations.
  • Arrange the text based on the main ideas that have been made, starting with a general statement paragraph then to the body part, after making a general classification, the next step is to describe the classification based on the results observation.
  • Re-examine the results of writing the text, if there are sentences that are awkward or misspelled, correct them immediately.

Requirements/Criteria Text of the Observation Report

 The terms or criteria for the text of the observation report to be considered good and true and ideal, are as follows:

  • Has an orderly and complete text structure.
  • In the structure of the text does not have a conclusion / conclusion.
  • In the text there is no opinion of the author.
  • The text explains an information based on facts.

Type of Observation Report Text

The types of observation text results are divided into 2, namely:

  • Formal Observation Report

Namely reports on the results of observations regarding the objects observed using the format conventions in compiling reports (more detailed structure, standard language variety, header/header included). Generally filed for official events such as political interests, news reports, and others.

  • Non-Formal Observation Report

Namely reports on observations that have a simpler structure and are generally written in a popular way.

Example of Observation Result Report Text

  • Example of Text Observation Report on Animals

Komodo dragon

Did you know, Komodo is the largest type of reptile in Indonesia and is protected by the Indonesian government. Komodo dragons usually live in bushes and in a number of forests in Indonesia. In addition, the Komodo dragon is the heaviest reptile in Indonesia because it has a body weight of around 100 kg and some even more than that.

There is the largest Komodo dragon in Indonesia that has ever been measured for its height and weight, namely its weight reaching 166 kg and its length reach 3 meters, because in general the length and weight of this Komodo animal is only about 2.5 meters with a weight of about 91 kg. kg. However, there are indeed several types of dragons that reach the length and weight of the usual dragons.

Komodo has a type of skin that is scaly, gray in color, the shape of the muzzle is sharp, the limbs of the arms are quite strong, and the tail is muscular. To detect the presence of its prey, the Komodo dragon uses its sense of smell because the Komodo dragon's sense of smell is strong enough to detect its prey (Komodo carcass).

Komodo dragons also prey on other reptiles such as large mammals. Almost all parts of the Komodo dragon's teeth are covered by gums so that the teeth are not visible. When the Komodo dragon is eating and chewing, its gums will bleed because it is an ideal medium for the growth of harmful bacteria.

The bacteria that live in the Komodo dragon's mouth can cause the blood of the victim it bites to become poisoned. The Komodo dragon will bite its prey and then follow it so that the prey is limp and unable to leave. But it is very regrettable because these reptiles are endangered. This is caused by irresponsible hunters who destroy their habitat.

  • Example of Observation Results Report Text About Beverages


Drinks generally refer to liquids that are swallowed. This word is sometimes used in a narrower sense to refer to alcoholic beverages. The main function of the drink is to quench thirst.

In general, humans consume clean, clear and sterile water as the main drink for consumption. However, there are all kinds of nimuman around us. Therefore, drinks can be classified into alcoholic drinks and non-alcoholic drinks. Drinks without alcohol can be classified again into soft drinks and non-soda drinks.

Based on the presentation, drinks can be served warm or cold. In Indonesia, examples of drinks that are served warm are wedang ronde, sekoteng, bajigur and wedang ginger. Meanwhile, typical Indonesian drinks served cold are teller ice, dawet, pletok beer and cendol.

In addition to various ways of serving, we can find various kinds of drinks with different packaging. Such as glasses, cups, plastic bottles, even the simplest carton packaging uses clear plastic.

In addition to eliminating thirst, drinks also have various functions including stimulating appetite, adding calories and helping the digestive process.

  • Sample Text of the Observation Report on the Benefits of Manure

Benefits of Manure

Manure is the easiest fertilizer to get. This manure can be obtained from livestock manure such as chickens, goats, rabbits, guinea pigs, or cows. Besides being easy to obtain and cheap, manure is also better than chemical fertilizers.

Plants that are fertilized with manure are more resistant to disease and more fertile. Leaves and flowers on plants that are fertilized by using more manure. Plants also look strong and healthy. Meanwhile, plants that are fertilized with chemical fertilizers have fewer leaves and flowers.

Manure turns out to be able to maintain the balance of nutrients in the soil so that plants still get nutrients in a balanced way. In contrast to chemical fertilizers that can damage the soil.

LHO Text: Definition, Characteristics, Characteristics, Purpose, Function, Structure, Linguistic Rules and Examples
  • Example of Observation Report Text About Blue Vanda Orchid

Blue Vanda Orchid

The Blue Vanda Orchid is one of the new hybrid species of Vanda. The size of the plants varies from small to large. Flowers that live in tropical or subtropical areas and are a type of orchid that are easy to care for. Blue Vanda Orchid flowers have distinctive characteristics from their stems, leaves, flower buds, and roots.

This flower is a monopodial orchid, which has a main stem that grows continuously upwards without limit. The shape of the stem is straight, slender and not bulbous. On this stem, a flower stalk will appear which is located on the segment between the two leaf axils. In these stems can grow 1-15 flower stalks.

The shape of the leaves is like a pencil (cylindrical), thick and elongated. The leaves are about 10-15 cm long. The shape of the leaves of the Vanda Orchid causes the need for full sunlight.

The size of the flower buds is large and has a blue color. The flower stalk to which the wreath is attached will be found between the two leaf axils. In the center of the flower you will find male and female reproductive organs.

Orchid root is a fibrous root, which grows from the base of the stem. The root shape is cylindrical, soft fleshed and pointed. Orchid roots are velamen, which means that the outer layer of the root consists of several layers of cells that are hollow and transparent. The function of the velamen in the roots is to protect the roots from excessive water loss during transpiration process, protect the inside of the root, and help attach the root to the object he rides.

Thus the review from About the knowledge.co.id about LHO Text or Observation Results Report Text, hopefully can add to your insight and knowledge. Thank you for visiting and don't forget to read other articles.

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