√ Definition of Words, Functions and Types (Complete Discussion)

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Definition of Words, Functions and Types (Complete Discussion) – In this discussion we will explain about the word. Which includes the meaning, function and types of words with complete and easy-to-understand discussion.

Definition of Words, Functions and Types (Complete Discussion)

For more details, please see the review below carefully.

Meaning of Words

Based on the language, "Word" is from the Sanskrit "Katha" which means conversation, language, story, or fairy tale. A word is a unit of language that contains meaning and consists of one or more morphemes.

Also, words can be interpreted as the smallest elements in language that can be spoken or written and are a realization of the unity of feelings or thoughts used in language. Groups or combinations of words will become phrases, clauses and sentences.

Word Function

Words have the function of forming sentences. Each word has a different meaning, the meaning of the word can change according to its use in the sentence. Making effective sentences requires several types of words as constituents.

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Types of Words

According to standard Indonesian grammar, words are divided into seven types, namely:

Verbs (Verbs)

A verb or verb is a type of word that has the function of explaining an action, experience, presence or all other forms of dynamic activity.

In the sentence, the verb has a position as a predicate. For example, an example of a verb is to eat, drink, run and so on. The characteristics of the verb include:

  • Has the meaning of deed, activity or action
  • It means process
  • Usually followed by a noun
  • Usually followed by an adjective or adverb
  • Usually formed with the affixes me-, di-, ber-, ter-, di-ka, ber-an, per-an, and per-i
  • Words can be preceded by words that express time, such as already, will, currently, almost, soon.
  • It can be expanded by adding "with + adjective after" for example like Doni walking fast, and so on.

Noun (Noun)

A noun or noun is a word that refers to anything that can be objectified. Nouns are used to refer to living things, inanimate objects or places. Examples of nouns include humans, science, food, and others. The characteristics of nouns include:

  • It can be expanded by adding “the + adjective”, an example is a good bike.
  • Canceled with the word not, for example like not glass
  • In the sentence can be located as Subject (S) and Object (O). For example, like Andri buying a new car, in that sentence the words Andri and Car are nouns.

Adjectives (Adjectives)

Adjectives or adjectives are words used to describe the nature or condition of a thing, such as living things, eye objects, place, time or something else.

In its use in sentences, adjectives are used to describe the state of the subject (S) or object (O) of the sentence. The characteristics of adjectives are:

  • Can be canceled or which is with the word "no" or "not". Examples are not good, not smart and so forth.
  • Can be given reinforcing information, reinforcement words that are commonly used include very, very, most, once, true. Examples are very broad, very many and others.
  • A comparative explanation can be given. Words of comparison that are commonly used include: more, less, most. An example is: This car is more expensive than that one. When compared to this one, the motorcycle feels less comfortable.

Adverb (Adverb)

Adverbs or adverbs are words that show information (explanations) about other words (numbers, verbs, and adjectives) in a sentence. But adverbs cannot describe nouns or pronouns.

According to language, the word adverb comes from Latin, namely "ad" which means for and "verbum" which means word. In sentence structure, adverbs are often denoted by K which means adverb. The characteristics of adverbs include:

  • Give an explanation of other words
  • Cannot be used to describe nouns or pronouns
  • Often it is located at the beginning or end of a sentence
  • Can be used for all types of sentences

Pronouns (Pronouns)

Pronouns or pronouns are a type of word that is used to replace a noun or person in a sentence. Pronouns (pronouns) function to refine sentences that are pronounced or written. Examples of pronouns include I, we, we, they and so on. The characteristics of pronouns include:

  • Usually in a sentence, pronouns are in the Subject (S) and Object (O) positions. Only in certain sentences pronouns are used as predicates.
  • The type of pronoun used varies according to the word to be used and its use in the sentence.

Number Words (Numeralia)

Numbers or numerals are a type of word that has the function of expressing the number of objects or their order in a row. There are two types of number words, namely:

  • Definite Numbers (Definitive)
    Is a number word that is used when it is clear what nominal is intended. Like one, seventh, half, and others.
  • Indefinite Numbers
    Examples such as some, all, many and others

Task word

The word assignment is a type of word in Indonesian which only has a grammatical meaning or can changes according to the context and does not have a lexical meaning or a fixed meaning, there are several groups of intermediate assignment words others, namely:

  • Prepositions (Prepositions)
    A preposition is a word that joins words or parts of a sentence followed by a nominal or pronominal. A preposition is a word that connects a noun with the rest of the sentence.
    Often, prepositions are used to convey the accompanying object of the sentence and cannot convey the subject of the sentence. Examples of prepositions include: To, in, will, with and so on.
  • Conjunctions (conjunctions)
    Conjunctions / conjunctions / conjunctions are words that function as a liaison between one and the other word with another word (in a sentence), or one sentence with another sentence (in a sentence). paragraph). Examples of connecting words include: and, as well as, or, whereas and others

Article (article)

An article or articula is a word that has no meaning which is used to describe a noun or a certain word. Articles can be used to accompany basic nouns or derived nouns or certain other words.

Often the article comes before the noun it describes. Examples of articles include: Yang, sang, people, para, si, and so on.

Definition of Words, Functions, Types

Interjection (Injection)

Exclamation is a type of word in Indonesian that is used to express the feelings of the writer or speaker. Interjections are used to confirm these feelings. Examples of interjections include: ouch, ah, damn and others.

Affirming Particles

Emphasizing particle is a type of word that has no meaning when it stands alone and its function to display the accompanying elements, there are four affirming particles, namely: -kah, -lah, -tas, and -even.

Thus has been explained about Definition of Words, Functions and Types (Complete Discussion). Hopefully it can add to your insight and knowledge. Thank you for visiting and don't forget to read other articles.

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