The Heyday of the Tarumanegara Kingdom: Historical Sources and Legacy

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The Heyday of the Tarumanegara Kingdom: Sources and Historical Relics – Where is the Tarumanegara Kingdom located? and who is the most influential King who brought him to his heyday? At this time we will discuss one of the kingdoms that once existed in our country. Let's take a look to find out more.

The Heyday of the Tarumanegara Kingdom: Historical Sources and Legacy

The background to the formation of this kingdom is closely related to the collapse of the Salakanegara Kingdom. Based on the Wangsakerta manuscript from Cirebon, it is known that the Tarumanegara Kingdom was founded by Rajadirajaguru Jayasingawarman around 358 – 450 AD. The kingdom originally started from a small kingdom on the banks of the Gomati and Candrabaga rivers or today we are familiar with the Bekasi area.

Early History

Information obtained from the manuscript of Pustaka Pararatwan i Bhumi Jawadwipa parwa I sarga 1, page 771, includes the following:

In India, two families or two kingdoms, namely the Calankayana and Pallawa families, were defeated in the war by Samudragupta Maharaja Maurya. The Gupta then became the most powerful in India. Unworthy temperament, ruthless and merciless towards the enemy he has defeated. Because of this, the families, princes and residents of the two kingdoms that lost the war tried to flee in search of safety.

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The war took place in 267 Saka (345 AD). As for the Mauryan maharaja, he had the title Samudragupta Mahaprabawa Raja Magada, who had a large city. Meanwhile, King Calankayana had the title Maharaja Hastiwarman and King Pallawa had the title Maharaja Wisnugopa. The two kings were friendly and united, then together they attacked their enemy (Samudragupta). The war lasted several months. In the end, the Pallawa and Calankayana kingdoms were defeated. The Mauryan Empire, won the victory.

Although the king has lost, but the kingdom is not lost. It's just that, the loser, becomes subordinate to the winner. All the inhabitants of Pallawa and Calankayana suffered greatly and many died, because the ruler, namely the Gupta king, killed many innocent people. Many soldiers and state leaders have lost their lives on the battlefield.

Therefore, in the cities of a defeated country, robbers were rampant. Meanwhile, the king who suffered defeat, along with his family, entourage and other dignitaries, hid into the forest or mountain. There were also those who, with their families and entourage, went across the sea, namely to the Peninsula, Java Island, Sumatra Island, Yawana Country, and so on.

One of the groups of the Pallawa family, who fled to Java, was led by Darmawirya, later after marrying Rani Sphatikarnawa Warmandewi, became Dewawarman Vlll (last king Salakanagara). The Hastiwarman and Wisnugopa families are scattered in various countries, especially those who used to be their family friends. The Warman dynasty (warmanwamca), as a result, many became kings in the archipelago and other countries.

The Heyday of the Tarumanegara Kingdom: Historical Sources and Legacy

Historical Sources

The existence of Tarumanegara can be known from historical sources both from within the country and abroad. Domestic sources come from four inscriptions found in Bogor, one in Jakarta and one in Lebak, Banten. Meanwhile, sources from abroad come from Chinese gossip by travelers, including:
Fa Hien's news, which dates back to 414 AD, in his note entitled Fa-Kao-Chi mentions that in the Ye-Po-Ti area there are people who are Hindus and some are animists.
News of the Sui Dynasty, which mentions in the period 528 and 535 AD envoys from To-Lo-Mo which is located in the south (China) arrived to China
News of the Tang Dynasty, which mentions that in 666 and 669 AD envoys arrived from To-Lo-Mo
From this gossip, it can be concluded that the word To-Lo-Mo was conical at Tarumanegara due to phonetic habituation. It can be concluded that the Tarumanegara Kingdom flourished from 400 to 600 AD.

Wangsakerta Manuscript

In the Wangsakerta Manuscript from Cirebon, the Tarumanegara Kingdom was founded by Rajadirajaguru Jayasingawarman in 358 AD, who was later succeeded by his son, Dharmayawarman (382-395 AD). Jayasingawarman was laid to rest on the bank of the Gomati river, while his son was buried on the bank of the Candrabaga river.

In 270 Saka (348 AD), there was a Maharesi (named Jayasingawarman) from Calankayana. Together with his followers (as accompanists), soldiers, male and female residents, also fled. Fleeing to the islands in the south, because the enemy always tried to catch them.

The Maharesi Jayasingawarman with his followers, arrived on the island of Java and settled in Kulwan Java (west). To the west of the Citarum River, the Maharesi founded a hamlet, which was later named Tarumadesya. This area (Taruma‑desya), included the territory ruled by King Dewawarman VIII. Later, the Maharesi Jayasingawarman became the son-in-law of King Dewawarman VIII.[6]

About ten years later, the village grew bigger, because many people from other villages arrived and settled there. Several years later, that Taruma village, has become a nagara. Jayasingawarman kept on trying, enlarged his country, until it became an empire, then it was given the name: Tarumanagara. He later became Rajadirajaguru who ruled his kingdom, with the title Jayasingawarman Gurudarmapurusa.

The Maharesi Rajadirajaguru became King of Tarumanagara for 24 years, from 280 to 304 Saka (358‑382 AD). He died at the age of 60, and was laid to rest on the banks of the Gomati river. He was replaced by his eldest son named Rajaresi Darmayawarmanguru. He has that title, because apart from holding the Tarumanagara administration, he is also the leader of all (Hindu) religious teachers.[6]

However, many of the people in the villages of the Taruma kingdom still adhere to spirit worship, namely worshiping ancestral spirits (pitampuja) based on customs inherited from their ancestors. The Rajaresi, always tried to teach his religion to the chiefs of the villages and residents of Tarumanagara. Therefore, the Rajaresi brought Brahmins from India. However, not all residents want to follow their religion.

At that time, the life of the population was divided into four castes, namely: the first was the Brahmin caste, the second was the Ksatriya caste, the third was the Vaisya caste, and the fourth was the Sudra caste. In this way, the population was differentiated between the Nista-Madya-Main class. Residents of the class of contempt, very afraid of the religion of the Rajaresi.

Darmayawarmanguru became King of Tarumanagara for only 13 years, from 304 to 317 Saka (382-395 AD). He is also called Sang Lumahing Candrabaga (who died at Candrabaga), because he is buried on the banks of the Candrabaga river (Cibagasasi or Bekasi river). Rajaresi Darmayawarmanguru, was replaced by his son, named Sang Purnawarman, who reigned from 317 to 356 Saka (395‑434 AD).

Relief Tarumanagara Purnawarman, was born on the 8th of the dark month of Palguna in 294 Saka (16 March 372 AD). Two years before his father's death, he was appointed as the third King of Tarumanagara, on the 13th lunar eclipse of Caitra in 317 Saka (12 March 395 AD). His father, Rajaresi Darmayawarman, resigned from the royal throne, to live in hermitage through his manurajasu (meditate after abdicating until death arrives).

His first action, was to move the royal capital, to the north of the old capital, called Jayasingapura which was founded by his grandfather, Jayasingawarman. The new capital, named Sundapura (Sunda city), was built on the banks of the Gomati river in 397 AD.

About three years after he was crowned, Purnawarman built a seaside port. Its production began on the 7th of the bright moon of Margasira (15 December 398 AD) and finished on the 14th of the bright moon of Posya (11 November 399 AD). This harbor, soon became crowded, by the royal warships of Tarumanagara.

During his reign, Purnawarman had conquered other kingdoms in West Java, which had not yet submitted to Tarumanagara's authority. All the enemies he attacks, are always able to be defeated. He was a brave man, mastered various kinds of knowledge and tactics for war, which made him a mighty and terrible king (bhimaparakramoraja).

None of the enemy's weapons were able to injure him, because in war, he always wore armor made of iron that he put on from head to toe. He was mighty and agile on the battlefield, so that his opponents called him the Tiger of Tarumanagara (wyaghra ring tarumanagara).

In 417 AD, he ordered the excavation of the Gomati and Candrabaga Rivers (Bekasi River) along 6112 spears (about 12 km). After the excavation, the maharaja held a salvation by donating 1,000 cows to the Brahmins.

As a substitute for Sri Maharaja Purnawarman, his eldest son, Sang Wisnuwarman, with the title: Sri Maharaja Wisnuwarman Digwijaya Tunggal Jagatpati Sang Purandarasutah. He was crowned the fourth King of Tarumanagara, on the 14th lunar month of Posya in 365 Saka (3 December 434 AD). Held the government in Tarumanagara until 377 Saka (455 AD).

Replaced by his son, Sang Indrawarman, as the fifth King of Tarumanagara, with the title: Sri Maharaja Indrawarman Sang Paramarta Sakti Mahaprabawa Lingga Triwikrama Buanatala. He reigned in Tarumanagara until 437 Saka (515 AD).

Replaced by his son, Sang Candrawarman, as the sixth King of Tarumanagara, with the title: Sri Maharaja Candrawarman Sang Hariwangsa Purusakti Suralagawageng Paramarta. He reigned in Tarumanagara until 457 Saka (535 AD).

Replaced by his son, Sang Suryawarman, as the seventh King of Tarumanagara, with the title: Sri Maharaja Suryawarman Sang Mahapurusa Bimaparakrama Hariwangsa Digwijaya. He reigned in Tarumanagara until 483 Saka (561 AD).

The Pasir Muara inscription which mentions the incident of returning the government to the King of Sunda was formed in 536 AD. In that year, the ruler of Tarumanagara was Suryawarman (535-561 AD), the 7th King of Tarumanagara. The Jawadwipa library, parwa I, sarga 1 (pages 80 and 81) offers information that during the reign of Candrawarman (515-535 AD), father Suryawarman, many regional rulers regained government power over their territories as a reward for their loyalty to Tarumanagara. Viewed from this point of view, Suryawarman did the same thing as a continuation of his father's politics.

Suryawarman not only continued his father's political policies which offered him more trust regional lords to take care of self-government, but also to turn his attention to the cut areas east. In 536 AD, for example, Manikmaya, Suryavarman's son-in-law, founded a new kingdom in Kendan, the Nagreg area between Bandung and Limbangan, Garut. The son of the Manikmaya figure lived with his grandfather in the capital city of Tarumangara and later became Commander of the Tarumanagara Armed Forces. The development of the eastern region became more developed when Manikmaya's great-grandson founded the Galuh Kingdom in 612 AD.

Suryawarman was succeeded by his son, Sang Kretawarman, as the eighth King of Tarumanagara, with the title: Sri Maharaja Kretawarman Mahapurusa Hariwangsa Digwijaya Salakabumandala. He ruled in Tarumanagara until 550 Saka (628 AD).

Having no children, Kretawarman was replaced by his younger brother, Sang Sudawarman, as King The ninth Tarumanagara, with the title: Sri Maharaja Sudawarman Mahapurusa Sang Paramartaresi Hariwangsa. He reigned in Tarumanagara until 561 Saka (639 AD).

Replaced by his son, Sang Dewamurti, as the tenth King of Tarumanagara, with the title: Sri Maharaja Dewamurtyatma Hariwangsawarman Digwijaya Bimaparakrama. He reigned in Tarumanagara until 562 Saka (640 AD).

Replaced by his son, Sang Nagajaya, as the eleventh King of Tarumanagara, with the title: Sri Maharaja Nagajayawarman Darmasatya Cupujayasatru. He reigned in Tarumanagara until 588 Saka (666 AD).

Replaced by his son, Sang Linggawarman, as the twelfth King of Tarumanagara, with the title: Sri Maharaja Linggawarman Atmahariwangsa Panunggalan Tirtabumi. He reigned in Tarumanagara until 591 Saka (669 AD).

He was succeeded by his son-in-law, Sang Tarusbawa, as the successor to the throne of Tarumanagara, with the title; Sri Maharaja Tarusbawa Darmawaskita Manumanggalajaya Sundasembawa. The Tarusbawa was crowned on the 9th of the bright moon Jesta in 591 Saka (18 May 669 AD). In the same year, another son-in-law of Sang Linggawarman, Dapunta Hyang Sri Jayanasa, was crowned King of the Sriwijaya Kingdom in Sumatra.

The Tarusbawa is not a descendant of the Warman dynasty. He was born in Sunda Sembawa (Sundapura), as a king of native descent in the kingdom of the Sunda Sembawa region. When he ascended the throne, changing the name Tarumanagara, became the Kingdom of Sunda. The incident was fatal. The eastern region of Tarumanagara, bordering the Citarum river, became independent, becoming the Galuh Kingdom, under the reign of King Wretikandayun.

Given the glory of Sang Purnawarman, of course his subordinate kingdoms in the Banten region (Salakanagara, Ujung Kulon, Kosala, and Rangkas), played an important role for Tarumanagara.

News from China

News from China said that a priest named Fa Hien was stranded on the north coast of Java Island (414 AD) when he was about to return from India to his native China. In Fa Hien's travel notes, he mentioned that in the northern coastal area of ​​the western part of Java Island, people who had been influenced by Indian Hinduism had been found. The people found are thought to be part of the society of the Tarumanegara Kingdom.

In his book entitled Fa Kao Chi, Fa Hien tells that in Ye-po-ti (Jawadwipa) there are only a few people who are Buddhists, of which there are many people who are Hindus and "dirty religion" (meaning animism).

Ye Po Ti has always been considered as Fa Hien's designation for Jawadwipa, but there are other opinions that suggest that Ye-Po-Ti is Way Seputih in Lampung, in the area In this Seputih way (white river), evidence was found of the remains of the ancient kingdom in the form of terraced punden and others which are now located in the Pugung Archaeological Park. Raharjo.

Even though currently Pugung Raharjo is located tens of kilometers from the beach, it is not far from the site Rocks were found which prove that the area used to be a coastal area exactly as told by the Fa hien.

News of the Sui Dynasty, tells that in 528 and 535 envoys had arrived from To-lo-mo ("Taruma") which was located in the south.
News of the Tang Dynasty also reported that in 666 and 669 envoys from To-lo-mo had arrived.

From the three pieces of information above, the experts concluded that the term To-lo-mo, phonetically, is the same adaptation of the words as Tarumanegara.

So, based on the sources previously described, it is possible to identify several aspects of the life of the Taruma kingdom.

Sources of Inscriptions

Ciaruteun inscription

The Ciaruteun Inscription, also known as the Ciampea Inscription, was found on the Ciaruteun River. This inscription uses Pallawa letters and is in Sanskrit, consisting of 4 lines arranged in the form of a Sloka with the Anustubh metrum. Besides that, there is also a painting of the benefits and soles of King Purnawarman's feet. The shape of Purnawarman's soles on the Ciaruteun Inscription symbolizes the territory and symbol of respect for the gods. Purnawarman is likened to Lord Vishnu who is the ruler and protector of the people.

Guava Inscription

The Jambu inscription or also called Koleangkak was found on the Koleangkak hill in the plantation area which is 30 km from Bogor to the west. The Jambu inscription uses Pallawa letters and has a picture of the sole of the foot. The contents of the Jambu Inscription are worship of King Purnawarman.

Coffee Plantation Inscription

The Kebon Kopi inscription was found in Muara Hilir, Cibungbulang District, Bogor. In this inscription there is an elephant's foot which is then associated with the elephant's foot Airawata or the mount of Vishnu's power.

Muara Cianten inscription

The Muara Cianten inscription found in Bogor was written in curly letters which could not be read. In this inscription there is also a painting of the soles of the feet.

Pasir Awi inscription

The Pasir Awi inscription was found at the top of the Pasir Awi hill with an altitude of 600 meters above sea level, Bojong Honje- Sukamakmur Bogor.

Cidanghiyang inscription

The Cidanghiyang inscription or also called the Lebak inscription is found in the Lebak village area on the banks of the Cidanghiyang river, Munjul District, Pandeglang Regency, Banten. This inscription was discovered in 1947 and contains only two lines of sentences written in Pallawa script and Sanskrit. The contents of the Cidanghiyang Inscription glorify the bravery of King Purnawarman.

Monument Inscription

The Tugu inscription was found in the Tugu area, Cilincing District, North Jakarta. This inscription contains instructions to build the Gomati river with a length of 11 km in 21 days. After that, King Purnawarman donated 1,000 cows to the Brahmins.


The Tarumanegara Kingdom reached its golden age during Purnawarman's reign which was marked by Tarumanegara's power which reached all of West Java at this time. Apart from that, it is also reinforced by the Ciaruteun Inscription which contains “These (forms of) two legs, which are like feet Lord Vishnu is the foot of His Excellency The Purnawarman, the king in the land of Taruma, the brave king in Indonesia world".

During the golden age of Tarumanegara, rapid development in terms of territory was marked by the control of small kingdoms around Tarumanegara. Tarumanegara also built the Gomati and Candrabaga Rivers as a medium for irrigation for Tarumanegara agriculture. On the economic aspect, it is marked by the donation of 1,000 cows to the Brahmins.

The Fall of the Tarumanegara Kingdom

It is not known exactly when the Tarumanegara Kingdom collapsed because the Tarumanegara inscriptions discussed more about Purnawarman's government. Tarumanegara government itself runs by 12 kings. The last king of Tarumanegara was Linggawarman who had two daughters, namely the future Manasih married to Tarusbawa from the Kingdom of Sunda and Sobakancana who was married to Dapuntahyang Sri Jayanasa, the founder of Srivijaya.

The Tarumanegara Kingdom's throne was given by Manasih's husband, Tarusbawa. This was the end of Tarumanegara's power because Tarusbawa preferred to return to the Sunda Kingdom.

Thus the review from About the About The Heyday of the Tarumanegara Kingdom ,Hope it is useful.

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