Definition of Character, Purpose, Benefits and Kinds

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Definition of Character, Purpose, Benefits and Kinds - On this occasion About Knowledge will discuss about the definition of ethics. Which in this discussion explains the meaning of manners, objectives, benefits and types briefly and clearly. To make it easier to understand, please refer to the article about the meaning of manners below.

Definition of Character, Purpose, Benefits and Kinds

Ethics is an awareness of action. In the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), the meaning of character is behavior, morals, temperament and character. Meanwhile, in Arabic, character is also known as Morals and in English it is called Ethnics. Generally, character is known as ethics.

When looking at etymology, manners consist of 2 word combinations, namely mind and character. The word mind has the meaning of reason, awareness, character and mind. While character has the meaning of temperament, behavior, actions, character and character.

The two meanings are very closely related because basically a person's mind is in the human mind and is not seen before it is carried out in the form of character (deed).

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Kind of Manners

There are 4 (four) types of manners, namely:

Attitude towards God

As creatures, we must respect the creator, which can be realized through living faith. Praise and respect for the creator can be manifested in the form of our attitude of doing good to all creatures, especially to ourselves.

Attitudes Toward Fellow Humans

  • An attitude of respect for each human being, which is not demeaned but still must be increased by each human being, as fellow creatures of God and whoever they are is valuable.
  • Respect for Women, including a sense of gratitude towards women (gender). Where it is very important that women are not underestimated by men.
  • Respect the opinions of others and want to live with other people who are different
  • This attitude is an attitude that clearly helps us to become better human beings.
  • Devotion to Service, Tolerance, To Be Fair, Friendly to Promises, Loyalty, and Polite. This aims to help in association with other people and live with other people which is a form of respect for other people.
  • Democratic attitude (non-discriminatory and non-repressive) which is a form of democracy. With a democratic country, people cannot discriminate based on religion, social status, ethnicity, or level of education. This makes the form of equal treatment in obtaining community service, the state and being respected.
  • Respect for sexuality and family life.
  • The attitude of the nation and love for the motherland which has an attitude of being willing to participate in building together and living as a nation.
  • Traditional values ​​and rules of courtesy, there are some of these cultures that have values ​​to live together which are considered good. These values ​​need to be conveyed to students so they can enter the culture and be able to understand their culture and people. The value of politeness and manners does not really have an impact in public, but is more shown by the area of ​​each.

Attitude Towards Self

  • Honest and open attitude which is necessary for the self-development of students, by applying the value of honesty, our country can develop, be more peaceful and prosperous.
  • Some attitudes of development are as a human person. Such as being wise, careful, independent and disciplined and confident, all of which really support personal perfection.
  • Fighting power and self-mastery, with an increasingly developing era, of course the impact on foreign cultures that only seek their own pleasure.
  • Freedom and responsibility, which is a person who has the freedom to express himself and is responsible for his expression. With this attitude, of course, freedom of expression, freedom of speech, freedom of opinion and responsibility can be manifested.

Appreciative Attitude Towards Nature

With this attitude so that humans can use it in order to live happily and prosperously. Where the use of nature only for oneself clearly cannot be justified.

Definition of Character Purpose Benefits and Kinds

The Purpose of Character Education

According to Zuhairi (1995: 159), the purpose of character is something that will be achieved and is a world of ideals, namely an atmosphere that is in accordance with what you want to achieve. In each activity must have a goal in order to achieve the purpose of the activity can be known. Because activity without a goal can run without direction.

The benefits of character education

The benefit of character education is that it can help generations to improve themselves by instilling moral values. Besides that, generations can start learning so they can behave better.

Another principle of ethical education is to help improve human resources (HR) so that people with good morals are created. by instilling ethics in schools. Ethics education may not be immediately visible results.

Thus the explanation about Definition of Character, Purpose, Benefits and Kinds, hopefully it can be useful and add to your insight.

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