√ Definition of Deviant Behavior and Examples (Discuss in full)

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Definition of Deviant Behavior and Examples (Discuss in full) – The definition of deviant behavior is any behavior that is felt to be inconsistent with the norms in society. While the perpetrators who commit deviations are called deviants.

Definition of Deviant Behavior and Examples (Discuss in full)

The definition of deviant behavior is also put forward by the following experts:

Definition of Deviant Behavior

According to sociologists, the definition of deviant behavior is put forward by sociologists as follows:

1. James Vender Zender

According to him, deviant behavior is behavior that is considered disgraceful and beyond the limits of tolerance by a large number of community members.

2. Bruce J Cohen

According to Bruce deviant behavior is any behavior that is not successful in the adjustment process themselves with the wishes of a particular social group or society in a life social.

3. Robert M. Z Lawang

According to him deviant behavior is any action that deviates from the norms that apply in an organization social system and engenders the efforts of those in authority within a system to improve it attitude.

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Of course, from this understanding, a common thread is drawn if deviant behavior is anything that is felt to deviate from the norms that apply in the social or community environment. Then the characteristics of deviant behavior are:

  1. Assessment of deviant behavior is behavior that must be based on certain criteria and known causes.
  2. The characteristics of deviation can also be accepted or rejected.
  3. Relative deviation and absolute deviation. This means that there are differences that are determined by the frequency and how the deviation forms.
  4. Have avoidance norms in the form of deviance.
  5. Deviate from real culture.
  6. Social deviation is adaptive.

Types of Deviant Behavior

From the characteristics above, deviations do not always have negative characteristics. But there are also positive ones. Then the nature of deviation is divided into two, namely positive and negative deviations, including:

  • Positive Deviance
    Positive deviance is a deviation that is directed at the coveted social values, even though the method used deviates from the prevailing norms. An example of a mother who becomes a motorcycle taxi driver to supplement her family's income.
  • Negative Deviance
    Negative deviance is an act that is looked down upon, violates social values, is reprehensible and the perpetrators cannot be tolerated by society. Examples of murder, rape, theft and so on.

The nature of these deviations makes the difference from the types of deviant behavior. According to Lemert (1951) deviation is divided into two forms, namely primary deviation and secondary deviation.

  • Primary Deviance
    Primary deviance is a form of deviance that is committed by someone but the perpetrator is still acceptable to society. The characteristics of this deviation are temporary or temporary, not carried out repeatedly and can still be tolerated by society. For example: a driver who occasionally violates traffic.
  • Secondary Deviance
    This type of secondary deviation is a form of deviation that is carried out continuously so that the perpetrators are known as people who behave in a deviant manner. For example, people who are drunk all the time. An example of someone who often commits theft, hold-up, rape and so on.
Definition of Deviant Behavior and Complete Examples

Examples of Deviant Behavior

Examples of deviant behavior that often occur, there are also examples of deviant cases that often occur, including:

  1. A woman or mother who becomes a laborer to supplement her family's income.
  2. A child who wants to go to high school, but is not allowed by both parents because of the cost.
  3. A child who wants to be a wild racer, a wild racer is deviant behavior
  4. Women who carry out activities or establish professions that are commonly carried out by men such as careers in politics.
  5. The environment of a community in the village or in the hinterland that still uses traditional methods of doing things

When viewed from the side according to the perpetrator, deviant behavior is divided into individual deviations and group deviations.

Individual deviation

Individual deviation is a deviation committed by a person or certain individuals against the norms that apply in society. Example: a person who alone commits theft.

Group Deviance

Group deviance is a deviation that is usually committed by a group of people against societal norms. Example of a group of criminals or robbers.

Thus our discussion of Definition of Deviant Behavior and Complete Examples, may we avoid all deviant behavior that can harm ourselves and others. Hopefully useful and thank you 🙂

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