9 The virtues of Friday in Islam

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9 The virtues of Friday in Islam - Friday is a holiday every week for Muslims. Indeed, all days in Islam are not bad, everything is good. however, some are better than other days. There are many habits in our daily lives such as the custom of yasinan every Friday night, recitation at Friday, send prayers on Friday, multiply blessings, hasten to go to the mosque and others etc. Of course such a thing cannot be separated from the habits practiced by the companions of the prophet and also tabi'in tabi'at scholars.

However, now many different opinions have emerged, doing bid'ah dhikr, bid'ah yasinan, praying for bid'ah grave experts, praying in bid'ah congregation, all of which are bid'ah. Next time we will discuss more deeply about heresy, because there are bid'ahs that are dholalah and there are also bid'ah hasanahs. Immediately, let's see some of the virtues of Friday.

9 The virtues of Friday in Islam

Let's discuss what are the virtues of Friday according to Islam in full.

Friday priority

Here are the priorities.

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1. Muslim holidays every week

As stated in the words of the Prophet narrated by Abu Hurairah Ra:


Meaning: O Muslims, today is a day that Allah SWT has made as a holiday for you. (HR. Ath-Tabarani in al-Mu'jamash-Shaghir).

2. The right time to pray and efficacious

Rasulullah said:


Meaning: On that day there is a time when a Muslim servant does not coincide with him in a state when he stands up to pray that he asks something from Allah SWT but will be granted by Him. (HR. al-Bukhari no. 935).

So, don't miss to always pray on Friday, especially when Ashar or before Maghrib.

3. Doomsday happened

No one knows when the doomsday will come, but Allah has given signs that the doomsday will come and one of them is told that the doomsday will occur on Friday. As in the words of Rasulullah SAW.


Meaning: The best day when the sun rises at that time is Friday. On that day Adam was created, put into heaven, and expelled from heaven. There will be no doomsday except on Friday. (HR. Muslim from Abu Hurairah Ra).

4. The hell of Jahannam is free from the flames

Indeed, the fire of hell is always kindled and inflamed every day except Friday. So it is very noble and especially Friday for us Muslims.

5. People who die on Friday / Friday night will be spared from the slander of the grave

God willing, if you die on this glorious day, you will be spared from the torment or punishment of the grave. Rasulullah said:


Meaning: There is no Muslim who dies on Friday or night unless Allah SWT will prevent him from being slandered in the grave. (HR. Ahmad from Abdullah bin 'Amr ra).

6. It is forbidden to fast if it is devoted to Friday

The point is, if fasting is done alone on Friday without being preceded or followed by fasting the day before or after it, then the law of fasting is unlawful.

7. The reward for the way of people who pray Friday

Rasulullah SAW said which means:

Who takes a bath on Friday, then immediately goes to the mosque, and occupies the front row, then he is silent, then every step he takes gets the reward of fasting and praying for one year, and that is an easy thing for him Allah". (HR. Ahmad and Ashabus Sunan, declared authentic by Ibn Huzaimah).

So compete in goodness especially in achieving the pleasure of Allah SWT. Every step of a person who wants to perform Friday prayers is counted as a reward equal to the reward of praying and fasting for one year. Therefore, don't be lazy and don't hurry to go to the mosque. Performing Friday prayers for men is obligatory. And if Friday prayers are left three times in a row without hindrance, then he is considered a hypocrite.

9 The virtues of Friday in Islam

8. Eraser of sins

From Abu Hurairah Ra, the Messenger of Allah said: pray five times a day, Friday to the next Friday, and Ramadan until the next Ramadan is the eraser of sins between the two, as long as the sins are major abandoned.

The five daily prayers are held to erase small sins that have been committed. Indeed, it seems that it is enough to pray 5 times a day to erase light sins, provided that they fulfill the specified conditions. But sometimes humans like to fall asleep, not special', not tuma'ninah, even movements that are in a hurry so that the prayer is not perfect. But God still gives a chance, namely with a glorious day, namely Friday.

9. Increase prayer

From Annas bin Malik Ra, Rasulullah SAW said: Multiply blessings on me day & night Friday, because whoever prays for me once, Allah will pray for him 10 time". (H.R. Al-baihaqi (3/249) ).

So, those are some of the virtues of Friday, which we usually call a blessed day. Because there are so many other virtues that have not been mentioned in this discussion. Hopefully an article about 9 The virtues of Friday in Islam, can be useful for all of us wabil especially Muslims around the world. That is all and thank you.

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