Standby Scout Materials: Ranks, Honor Codes and General Proficiency Requirements

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Scout Standby Material: Grades, Honor Codes and General Proficiency Requirements – What are the materials for scout level alert? On this occasion About the will discuss it, covering the level of alert scouts, and of course other things that also cover it. Let's look at the discussion together in the article below to better understand it.

Standby Scout Materials: Ranks, Honor Codes and General Proficiency Requirements

In the history of the formation of Scouts, that the purpose of this scouting movement is to shape the character of the youth. So that for the formation of these characters, at each level of the scout group, each has a code of honor which is mandatory scouting material. In this case, Pramuka Standby has a code of honor which includes Dwisatya (Promise and Self Commitment) and Dwidarma (Moral Provisions).

Standby is the designation of Scout members who have an age of 7-10 years. It is called Pramuka Siaga because it is in accordance with the allegory during the struggle of the Indonesian nation, namely when the Indonesian people were on alert himself to achieve independence marked by the establishment of Boedi Oetomo in 1908 as the initial milestone of the nation's struggle Indonesia.

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Scout Level Standby

The smallest unit in Alert Scouts is called Barung and units of several barung are called Perindukan. Each Barung has 5-10 Standby Scouts and is led by a Barung Leader who is chosen by the Barung members themselves.

Each of these Barung Leaders will later choose one person from them who will become the Main Barung Leader called Sulung. Pelongan consists of several Barung led by Sulung.

In Pramuka Siaga there are three levels, namely:

  • Start
  • Help
  • System

Every Barung member who has completed SKU (General Proficiency Requirements) has the right to wear TKU (Tag General Proficiency) according to the level worn on the left sleeve under the colored barung sign green base. TKU for Siaga has the shape of a leaf or is called Mancung, which is a newly grown coconut tree flower

Scout Honor Code

The Honor Code for Standby Scouts, consists of:

  • Dwisatya's promise

reads in full:


In my honor I promise to be serious:
Carry out the obligations of the God of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) and according to family rules.
Every day will do good.

  • Moral provision called Dwidarma

which reads:


  1. Siaga obeys his father and mother.
  2. Be brave and don't give up.

Standby Scout Training Materials

Meanwhile, the Pramuka Siaga training material is a set of competency standards that must be fulfilled by every member of the Pramuka Siaga. The materials were prepared in scouting exercises which were processed with a game.

The material wrapped in the form of this game contains educational elements as well as interesting and fun songs. In its implementation, it is expected that the training material is modern, useful and adheres to the principles.

the amount of standby scout material is divided into several areas, namely:

  • Social Development Areas :

    • Early Alert Scouts: Get to know family members, friends in one barn, and know friends in one longing
    • Scout Alert Assistance: Get to know the environment and know the social rules that apply in their environment.
    • Scout Siaga Tata: Obey the social rules that apply in their environment. As well as carrying out the assigned tasks with full responsibility and knowing the national insight.
  • Intellectual Development Aspects

    • Early Alert Scouts: Getting to know scouting knowledge, technology and skills
    • Scouts Siaga Auxiliary: Able to carry out technological knowledge and scouting skills and be able to make use of them.
    • Scout Siaga Tata: Able to share knowledge and technology as well as scouting skills he has in barung and longing.
  • Aspects of spiritual development

    • Material for spiritual development is the application of the basic principles of scouting and scouting methods serves to deepen and strengthen faith, piety and to give thanks for the greatness of Allah who Almighty.
  • Aspects of emotional development

    • Emotional development materials from Scout Alert offer members the opportunity to recognize, understand, and express Scouting values. Scouting Scouts will learn to control their shyness, insecurities and rebellious traits.
  • Aspects of physical development

    • Physical development materials will explain to members how to maintain their health, care for and care for the limbs and how to love the body itself. This is a form of gratitude to Allah SWT.

Requirements for the Standby Scout Level

Scout Standby has levels according to SKU achievements (General Proficiency Requirements), while these levels are as follows:

  • Early Alert Scouts

In order to become an Early Alert Scout, an alert scout must meet the following requirements:

    • Religious.
      • For Siaga who are Muslim: (1) Can mention the Pillars of Faith and Pillars of Islam; (2) Can pronounce the Creed and state its meaning; (3) Can memorize Surah Al-Fatihah and mention its meaning; (4) Can memorize Surah Al-Ikhlas and mention its meaning; (5) already know the procedures for ablution and prayer; (6) Can carry out prayer movements; (7) Can memorize at least 3 daily prayers.
      • For Siaga who is Catholic: (1) Can make the sign of the cross; (2) Can say daily prayers and sing three church songs; (3) Can accept and be grateful for his own existence as God's creation, and give examples; (4) Can love his family; (5) Can love friends, teachers and others both in groups, at school and around them.
      • For Siaga who is a Protestant: (1) Can memorize John 3:16 and pray a simple prayer; (2) Being able to manifest gratitude for his existence in this world as God's creation, at least three things; (3) Can love his family; (4) Being able to love friends, teachers and others both in gudep, at school and around them; (5) Has attended Sunday school 4 times in a row.
      • For Siaga who is a Hindu: (1) Can show Anjali attitude and can say the Panganjali greeting; (2) Can demonstrate the attitude/procedure of prayer; (3) Can mention the names of flowers that can be used for prayer; (4) Can mention the name of the holy place to carry out the prayer; (5) Can mention the hour or time to carry out the Tri Sandhya prayer/Puja.
      • For Siaga who are Buddhists: (1) Can say Buddhist greetings; (2) Can act Anjali; (3) Can perform Namaskaras.
    • Can memorize Dwisatya and Dwidarma
    • Can mention the types of Scout Greetings.
    • Have a savings book, at least within the last 6 weeks.
    • Setia pays contributions to his frontline, as much as possible with the money he earns from his own business.
    • Can mention the symbol of the Scout Movement
    • Can mention one of the cultural arts in the area where he lives
    • Always be thrifty and careful with everything he has
    • Can state identity
    • Can distinguish between good deeds and bad deeds
    • Be diligent and active in participating in the Perindukan Siaga training, at least 6 times in a row
    • Can memorize the first stanza of the Indonesian National Anthem in front of his mother.
    • Can mention the figurative meaning of the color Sang Merah Putih
    • Can mention at least 3 national holidays and 3 religious holidays
    • Can name at least 5 family rules
    • Can mention at least 3 rules in the environment
    • Can mention 2 types of customs/culture in their environment
    • Can convey greetings properly and politely and respectfully to parents, fellow friends and others
    • Can state the name and address of the Head of RT, Head of RW, Lurah and community leaders around where he lives
    • Can mention the precepts of Pancasila
    • Can collect information to obtain first aid in an accident and can inform adults around him.
    • Can read digital and analog clocks
    • Can show 4 cardinal directions
    • Able to speak Indonesian in attending Standby meetings
    • Can mention at least 2 kinds of traditional and modern communication tools
    • Can name body parts
    • Can mention the basic movements of sports
    • Can fold blankets and make his bed
    • Always dress neatly and maintain personal hygiene
    • Can carry out balance exercises, can throw and receive the ball with the right and left hand at least 5 times catch.
    • Can name nutritious food and drink (4 healthy 5 perfect).
    • Can raise at least one type of useful plant, or one type of livestock, for about 1 month
    • Can fold paper shaped like airplanes, ships, flora and fauna
    • Can make dead knots, live knots, woven knots, base knots and anchor knots.

  • Scout Standby Assistance

To become a Scout Standby Assist, a scout must meet the following requirements:

    • Religious:
      • For Siaga who are Muslim: (1) Can perform Tayammum; (2) Can perform obligatory prayers; (3) Can perform congregational prayers; (4) Can mention the Messengers of Allah; (5) Can recite Adhan and Iqamah (for sons); (6) Can memorize at least 6 daily prayers.
      • For Siaga who is Catholic: (1) Can say daily prayers and sing three church songs; (2) Can mention stories from the Bible; (3) Can provide the best for the family; (4) Can maintain one of God's creations.
      • For Siaga who is a Protestant: (1) Can sing three Christian songs; (2) Memorize the prayer of Our Father; (3) Can mention the saga from the Al-Kitab at least; (4) Has attended Sunday School 8 times in a row.
      • For Hindus who are Siaga: (1) Can mention the names of holy places to carry out prayers; (2) Can practice the procedure for praying with the Gayatri Mantram prayer; (3) Can mention the names of the temples around it; (4) Can mention the name of Hindu religious scriptures; (5) Can mention the Tri Kaya Parisudha; (6) Can mention examples of good deeds; (7) Can distinguish between good deeds and bad deeds.
      • For Siaga who is a Buddhist: (1) Can pronounce the words Buddha, Dharma, Sangha (Tri Ratna); (2) Can exercise compassion (compassion) to all beings; (3) Can do the attitude of prayer
    • Can give the best to the family
    • Can maintain one of God's creation
    • Can carry out Dwisatya and Dwidarma
    • Can do Scout Greetings correctly
    • Has had a savings book and has been saving money regularly in his savings book for as long as at least 8 weeks since becoming First Alert, all or part of the money is obtained from his own business.
    • Setia pays contributions to the front group with money partially obtained from his own business.
    • Can mention the name of the creator of the Scout Movement symbol
    • Can mention at least 5 kinds of cultural art in Indonesia
    • For girls: Able to put clothes on and turn on the stove properly and
    • For boys: Can make cubits with two different materials
    • Can express his opinion
    • Be able to pay attention to and carry out the advice of parents, Yanda and Mother and their teacher
    • Be diligent and active in following the brooding exercises as First Alert at least 8 times
    • Can tell the history of the Greater Indonesia National Anthem
    • Can tell the history of the Indonesian national flag and know what to do when the national flag is raised or lowered and be able to maintain the national flag
    • Can mention at least 6 national holidays and 5 names of national heroes
    • Can do family rules, barung, parenting and school
    • Can implement the rules in the environment
    • Can carry out customs / culture in their environment
    • Can be a good example for his friends
    • Can mention the name of the province, the provincial capital and the head of the region, the name of the country, the state capital, the head of state and his deputy.
    • Can mention the precepts of Pancasila in accordance with its symbol
    • Can collect information to obtain first aid in accidents and can inform health center staff/hospitals/police.
    • Can mention the difference between digital and analog clocks and can estimate the time without the help of tools
    • Can show 8 cardinal directions
    • Able to deliver news verbally using Indonesian
    • Able to use or operate traditional and modern communication tools.
    • Can mention the function of the body parts
    • Can perform basic sports movements
    • Can wash, sunbathe, fold and store clothes neatly.
    • Can maintain the cleanliness of one room at home, school and places of worship or other places
    • Can do Scout Gymnastics
    • Can show food ingredients that have nutritional value
    • Can raise at least one type of useful plant, or one type of livestock, for about 2 months
    • Can make one cubit of work from used goods
    • Can use dead knots, live knots, woven knots, base knots and anchor knots.

  • Tata Alert Scouts

To become a Scout Standby Tata, a Scout Standby Assist must meet the following requirements:

    • Religious:
      • For Siaga who is Muslim: (1) Can read Al-Quran and know the punctuation marks; (2) Can mention Asmaul Husna and its meaning; (3) Can know and tell one of the stories of the Apostles; (4) Can mention 10 names of Angels and their duties.
      • For Siaga who are Catholics: (1) Know the prayers of Faith, prayers of hope, prayers of love and prayers of repentance; (2) Have attended Holy Mass and know the meaning of Consecration; (3) Can know the name of the parish priest and the name of the local bishop; (4) Can show the omnipotence of God; (5) Can show human actions that depend on God.
      • For Siaga who is a Protestant: (1) Can memorize Luke 10:27 (the law of love); (2) Can say and use simple prayers on certain occasions; (3) Can show God's omnipotence, at least 5 kinds; (4) Can show human actions that depend on God, at least 5 types; (5) Be diligent in attending Sunday school at his church.
      • For Siaga who is a Hindu: (1) Can memorize the couplets of Puja Tri Sandya; (2) Can mention Hindu religious holy days; (3) Can understand the different meanings of the celebration of Hindu religious holidays; (4) Can mention the name of big temples in Indonesia; (5) Can mention the part of Panca Sradha; (6) Can mention part of the Panca Yadnya; (7) Can do one of the movements in Yoga Asanas.
      • For Siaga who are Buddhists: (1) Can recite Paritta Namaskara; (2)Can pronounce Paritta Vandana; (3) Can say Paritta Pancasila Buddhist.
    • Can invite friends to practice Dwisatya and Dwidarma
    • Can explain about Scout Greetings to their friends
    • Has had a savings book and has been saving money regularly in his savings book for as long as at least 12 weeks since becoming an Assist Alert, all or part of the money is obtained from his own business.
    • Setia pays contributions to the front group with money obtained from his own business.
    • Can mention the meaning of the Scout Movement symbol
    • Can demonstrate one kind of cultural arts activities originating from the region.
    • Already have at least 5 signs of special skills
    • Can criticize a problem and can be responsible
    • Can help people who are suffering around him.
    • Be diligent and active in following the brooding exercises as Assist Alert at least 12 times as Assist Assistance training
    • Can show the attitude that must be done if the national anthem is played or sung at a ceremony
    • Can show how to raise and hold the red and white flag at the opening and closing ceremonies.
    • Can mention at least 7 national holidays, 4 world holidays and 10 names of national heroes
    • Can mention the consequences of breaking the rules in the family, barung, parenting and school
    • Can mention the consequences of breaking the rules in the environment
    • Can mention the consequences of violating customs/culture in their environment
    • Can invite friends to say and do the right thing
    • Can name ASEAN countries and show their national flags
    • Can mention good deeds in accordance with the precepts of Pancasila
    • Can collect information to obtain first aid in accidents and can inform doctors, hospitals, police and victims' families.
    • Can tell the basis for the occurrence of time differences in the Indonesian Territory
    • Can point 8 kinds of cardinal directions using a compass
    • Can write letters to friends or relatives using Indonesian
    • Can take care of traditional and modern technology and communication tools in his house
    • Can maintain limbs
    • Can do team sports
    • Can wash kitchen utensils
    • Can maintain the cleanliness of the yard at home, school, place of worship or in other places.
    • Can perform one of the athletic sports or one of the styles of swimming
    • Can name 5 types of infectious diseases
    • Can maintain at least two kinds of useful plants, or one type of livestock, for about 4 months
    • Can make 2 kinds of cubits of work with different materials
    • Can make at least 2 kinds of bonds
Standby Scout Materials: Ranks, Honor Codes and General Proficiency Requirements

Scout Uniform

The standby uniform is divided into two types, namely the men's reserve uniform and the women's reserve uniform. Both come with the form and installation attributes:

  • Boy Scout Uniform

    • The sign of the headgear is in the form of a parallelogram with a green base color. Mounted on the front of the scout cap.
    • The World Guide Sign (WOSM) is a purple-based square. Mounted on the right chest (above the nameplate)
    • The inauguration sign in dark brown color is attached to the left chest, under the fold of the shirt
      A light brown nameplate is placed on the right side of the chest above the fold of the shirt and below the world guide.
    • Kwarcab location sign that contains the name of the branch quartile where the scout members live. Mounted on the upper right sleeve.
    • The front group sign containing the front group number is placed just below the right sleeve kwarcab location sign, the gudep number is even.
    • Regional badges or badges containing the regional quarterly symbols where Scout members live are placed under the gudep sign on the right sleeve
    • The Special Proficiency Mark (TKK) in the form of an inverted triangle is attached to the sleeve of the right, right, left and under the area badge. The maximum number of TKK installed is 5, if there is an excess, put it on the TKK shawl
    • Position insignia in the form of the Eldest, Barung Leader or Barung Deputy Leader, affixed to the right chest, under the fold of the shirt
    • Barung sign in the shape of a triangular color according to Barung's name, attached to the upper left sleeve
    • Attribute General Proficiency Mark (TKU) Mula, Bantu, and Tata, is placed on the left sleeve, under the Barung sign.

  • Girl Scout Uniform

    • The headgear sign is a circle with a green base color. Mounted on the front of the scout cap.
    • The World Guide Sign (WOSM) is a circle with a purple base color. Mounted on the right chest (above the nameplate)
    • The inauguration sign in dark brown color is attached to the left chest, under the fold of the shirt
      A light brown nameplate is placed on the right side of the chest above the fold of the shirt and below the world guide.
    • Kwarcab location sign that contains the name of the branch quartile where the scout members live. Mounted on the upper right sleeve.
    • The front group sign containing the front group number is placed just below the right sleeve kwarcab location sign, the gudep number is even.
    • Regional badges or badges containing the regional quarterly symbols where Scout members live are placed under the gudep sign on the right sleeve
    • The Special Proficiency Mark (TKK) in the form of an inverted triangle is attached to the sleeve of the right, right, left and under the area badge. The maximum number of TKK installed is 5, if there is an excess, put it on the TKK shawl
    • Position insignia in the form of the Eldest, Barung Leader or Barung Deputy Leader, affixed to the right chest, under the fold of the shirt
    • Barung sign in the shape of a triangular color according to Barung's name, attached to the upper left sleeve
    • Attribute General Proficiency Mark (TKU) Mula, Bantu, and Tata, is placed on the left sleeve, under the Barung sign.

Thus the review from About the about Standby Scout Materials: Ranks, Honor Codes and General Proficiency Requirements, hopefully can add to your insight and knowledge. Thank you for visiting and don't forget to read other articles

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