Understanding Prayer, Law, Terms and Pillars

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Understanding Prayer, Law, Terms and Pillars – Every Muslim has an obligation to carry out fardhu prayers, namely praying 5 times a day and night. The law of praying 5 times is fardhu 'ain.

Since childhood we have to instill the habit of praying, when we reach puberty it will become an obligation. There are many virtues of prayer that we can get in everyday life in this world and in the hereafter. In this discussion, we will discuss the meaning of prayer, the terms and pillars of prayer.

Understanding Prayer, Law, Terms and Pillars

Let's look at the following explanation regarding the meaning of prayer, the law, the terms and pillars are complete here.

Meaning of Prayer

Prayer in language means prayer, whereas in terms prayer is a form of obligatory worship consisting of: words and deeds that begin with takbiratul ihram and end with greetings with terms and conditions certain.

In essence, prayer is to reveal the soul to Allah SWT which can give rise to fear of Allah & can awaken a deep awareness in every soul of the greatness & power of Allah SWT.

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According to Ash Shiddieqy, prayer is describing a solemn prayer or the soul of prayer; It means to hope in Allah with all your heart and soul, with all sincerity before Allah and sincerely accompanied by a heart that always recites, prays & praises Him.

Khusyu means closer to khudhu, namely submission and takhasysyu, which means making oneself special. Khusyu can be through voice, body movement or sight. All three are the special characteristics of a person in worship.

In the syara's interpretation, humility is a condition of a calm and humble soul, so that humility in the heart greatly affects and will arise in other limbs. According to A. Syafii khusyu means intentional, sincere, obedient physically and spiritually; by perfecting the beauty of form or external behavior (body), and filling it with the arrival of the heart, understanding and description of all speech and physical behavior.

Prayer Law

The law of praying 5 times a day is obligatory, moreover Allah requires each of his followers to always pray 5 times even though he is sick with certain circumstances.

Not only the 5 obligatory prayers, there are other sunnah prayers, here are the types of prayer rules.


  • Fardhu prayer is a prayer that is required to do so. Fardhu prayer is further divided into two, namely:
    Fardu ain is an obligation that must be directly related to himself and is not permissible abandoned or done by others, such as praying 5 times a day and Friday prayers (fardhu 'ain for men).
  • Fardu kifayah is an obligation that is obligatory for the mukallaf and is not directly related to him. This obligation becomes sunnah after some people do it. But if no one does it, we have to do it and it becomes a sin if we don't do it, it's a kind of funeral prayer.

Sunnah prayer (nafilah prayer)

Sholah sunnah is a prayer that is recommended or said but not required. Sunnah prayers are divided into 2, namely:

  • Sunnah muakkad is a recommended sunnah prayer with a strong emphasis (almost to the point of obligatory), such as the 2 Eid prayers, the sunnah witr prayer and the sunnah tawaf prayer.
  • The sunnah ghairu muakkad is a sunnah prayer that is recommended without a strong emphasis, such as the sunnah prayer as well incidental sunnah prayers (depending on the time and conditions, such as kusuf/khusuf prayers are only performed when they occur eclipse).

Obligatory Prayer Requirements

There are requirements that must be met to perform the prayer, namely:

  1. Muslim (religion of Islam)
  2. Reasonable
  3. Baligh
  4. Holy from small hadas or big hadas
  5.  Aware

Terms of Valid Prayer

  1. It's time for prayer
  2. Facing the Qiblah
  3. Close genitals
  4. Clean the body, the place of prayer and the clothes used are protected from uncleanness
  5. Know how to implement it

Things That Can Invalidate Prayer

  1. Berhadats (all impurities that come out of the body, for example: urine, defecation, and wind).
  2. Exposed Clearly Unclean.
  3. Deliberately Saying or Talking or Talking Apart from Reading Prayers.
  4. Deliberately Leaving a Condition, Pillars of Prayer.
  5. Deliberately doing the movement 3 times in a row, which is apart from the prayer movement. For example: Scratching in the same direction.
  6. Laugh out loud.
  7. Preceding the movement of the Imam if you are a Makmum (congregational prayer).
  8. apostate.

Prayer Sunnah

  1. Before the Azan and Iqomat Prayers.
  2. Miswak (Toothbrush).
  3. Raise Both Hands to Ears.
  4. Join the Right and Left Wrists (Sedakep).
  5. Read the Iftitah Prayer.
  6. Read Taawudz (Audzubillahiminasyaitonirrojim).
  7. Reading Amen, After Al Fatihah.
  8. Reading Surahs or Verses in the Koran after reading Surah Al Fatihah.
  9. Reciting tasbih while bowing and prostrating.
  10.  Reading Prayers while Sitting Between 2 Prostrations.
  11. Read Tahiyyat and Prayers in the Second Rakat.
  12. Read the Qunut Prayer.
  13. Sitting Iftirosy In All Sitting Prayers.
  14. Sitting Tawarruk (Prostraction at the End of Tahiyat).
  15. Prayer Before Salutation.
  16. The Second Greeting After Completing the First Greeting.
  17. o After the Second Salutation.

Pillars of Prayer

There are several pillars of prayer that must be known. Among others:

  1. Intention
  2. Stand up straight if you can, and you can also sit or lie down if you have an excuse
  3. Takbiratul ihram
  4. Read Surah Al-Fatihah in every cycle
  5. Ruku'
  6. I'tidal
  7. prostrate
  8. Sit between two prostrations
  9. Final Tasyahud sitting
  10. Read the final tasyahud
  11. Read the blessings of the Prophet
  12. Say hello first
  13. Orderly (Executed sequentially)

In carrying out the prayer, it should not be done arbitrarily, but with a predetermined time such as: in the word of Allah "Surely prayer is an obligation that is determined by the time for those who believe." (QS. An-Nisa: 103).

The Meaning and Benefits of Prayer

What meanings and benefits can we get from prayer?

  • Cleanliness

Because People Who Want to Perform Prayer:

  1. Must Clean His Heart From Various Kinds of Dirt (Anger, Arrogance, Envy, Revenge, and Others)
  2. Must clean his stomach from various kinds of dirt (drinks and food that smells good, food from usury and eating the wealth of orphans)
  • Courtesy

Because people who want to pray:

  1. Must cover the nakedness with a clean and thick cloth.
  2. Must comply with the terms and conditions.
  • Health

Because People Who Want to Perform Prayer:

  1. Must perform ablution
  2. Must Get Ready and Go To Place of Prayer
  3. Must Do Rukunnya (Standing, Bowing, Prostrating And Sitting)
  • Patience

Because People Who Want / Are Carrying Out Prayer:

  1. Do not rush in carrying out pillars (both obligatory and sunnah)
  2. Must be orderly and tumakninah / calm to be solemn.
  • Self-confident

Because people who want to carry out prayer services will definitely feel in front of Allah SWT and must feel cared for by Allah SWT. So when humans are close to the Almighty, they will definitely feel safe and confident.

Thus our discussion this time about Understanding Prayer, Law, Terms and Pillars. Hopefully by reading this article we can add to our faith and can improve our prayers for the better. That is all and thank you.

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