High Jump: Definition, History, Style, Technique, Rules, Stages and Field Forms

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High Jump: Definition, History, Style, Technique, Rules, Stages and Course Forms – Is it the sport of High Jump? On this occasion About the knowledge.co.id will discuss about the High Jump and the things that surround it. Let's look at the discussion together in the article below to better understand it.

High Jump: Definition, History, Style, Technique, Rules, Stages and Forms of Course

According to Wikipedia, the high jump is a sport that tests jumping skills by crossing the bar. This sport is a branch of athletics. The high jump is a sport that aims to develop athletes' skills in jumping.

Of course the goal of the high jump is to make the highest jump over and without dropping the bar with a variety of means styles that may be performed, either pre-existing styles or new styles (as long as these styles do not violate the applicable rules).

Definition of High Jump According to Experts

Experts define the meaning of high jump. The following are some experts who will explain its meaning.

  • Giri Wiarto (2013:36)
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"High jump is a form of jumping up by lifting the front leg up in an effort to bring the center of gravity with as high as possible and as fast as possible fall (land) by repulsing one leg to reach a height certain".

  • Munasifah (2008:25)

"High jump is a form of movement to jump up by lifting the legs forward and upward as an effort to bring the center of gravity body as high as possible and fall (land) as quickly as possible by repulsing one of the legs to reach a certain height.

  •  Muhajir (2006:131)

"High jump is a form of jumping upwards by lifting your feet forward in an effort to bring your body weight as high and as quickly as possible to fall (land). The high jump is carried out by repulsion on one leg to reach a certain height.

  • Kurniawan Ferry (2012:41)

“A kind of skill to cross the bar that is between the two posts”.

  • Happy Yoyo, Ucup Yusuf & Adang Suherman (2000:15)

"The goal of the high jump is to move the vertical distance of the center of gravity as high as possible."

History of the High Jump

The history of the high jump was first recorded at the Scottish Olympics in the 19th century. The highest jump recorded at the time was 1.68 meters. The jump style at that time was the scissor style. Around the 20th century, the high jump style was modernized by Michael Sweeney. In 1895, he successfully performed the 1.97 meter eastern cut-off, in which he takes off like scissors, but extends his back and flat over the bar.

A more efficient jumping technique called the Western Roll was developed by George Horine. Through this technique, Horine achieved a jump as high as 2.01 meters in 1912. Then at the 1936 Berlin Olympics, the technique This jump became dominant for the high jump event which was won by Cornellus Johnson who reached a height of 2.03 meters.

Four decades later, American and Soviet jumpers pioneered the evolution of the straddle technique. The first person to use this technique was Charles Dumas reaching a height of 2.13 meters, in 1956. Then an American named John Thomas achieved a world record with a height of 2.23 meters at 1960s.

Furthermore, Valeriy Brumel took over the world record achievement by recording a jump height of up to 2.28 meters and won the championship the Olympics in 1964. Starting from Brumel, athletes tried to develop the high jump sport so that currently there are four styles in high jump.

High Jump Style

Tri Minarsih, Acep Hadi, and Hanjaeli (2010:78) mention,

"There are four types of styles in the high jump, namely scissor style, straddle, western roll, and flop".

Further according to Giri Wiarto (2013:40) explains that,

"There are 4 styles in the high jump, namely: the straddle style, the scissor style scissors style), side roll style (western roll), and back style or flop style (the fosbury flops).

Based on some of the opinions above, it can be said that there are 4 styles that are often used in high jump, namely:

Scissors style

As for how to do the scissor style according to Munasifah (2008:32) are as follows:

  • The high jumper takes the prefix from the side. If the jumper performs repulsion using the left foot, then the start is done from the left as well. However, if the repulsion uses the right foot, then the start is done from the right side.
  • When the swinging leg (the leg that is near the bar) reaches its maximum height, the rejecting leg (the leg farthest from the bar) is lifted straight up and over the bar.
  • When the swinging leg has dropped past the bar and the body is almost upright, and the bar is under the hips, the starting leg lands with the body facing sideways.

Belly roll style (Straddle)

Munasifah (2008:34) explains the implementation of the belly roll as follows:

  • The jumper takes a lead from the side, a lead between 35 degrees to 45 degrees. The initial distance depends on the jumper itself. Usually use odd steps. The last three steps should be longer and faster.
  • Doing repulsion with the foot closest to the bar as hard as possible upwards, assisted by swinging the back leg (swing leg) forward and assisted by swinging both hands back up.
  • After the swing leg reaches maximum height, immediately pass it over the bar. The left arm should not touch the bar.
  • After the leg swings over the bar, immediately the body is rotated to the left with the head over the bar preceded. Turn your body so that your chest and stomach are facing down while on the bar.
  • The left leg that is used to reject immediately the knee is folded to the left side slightly up and slightly back. The right arm should be relaxed downwards.
    If the right foot is used for the swing leg, then the first to land on the mat is the right foot and right hand together.
  • Then roll sideways forward with the body rounded and resting on the right shoulder.

Western roll style

How to do it:

  • Prefix from the side or a about 35-40 degrees. When resting on the right foot, the prefix of the right oblique rests with the left foot, the prefix of the left oblique. The pedestal with the foot that is with the bar (foot in).
  • The free leg is swung forward over the cross bar. Hovering over the bar oblique body attitude and parallel to the bar.
  • At that time, the head is immediately lowered, so that the position of the head is lower than the hips, continues to roll and slide down.
  • After developing for some time, when above the bar the position of the body is not parallel to the bar, but the head, body and both arms cross the bar first and then dive down like a dive, so this style is also called "dive western".
  • Landing with one hand and one foot supporting almost simultaneously, or with both hands first continuing to roll into the bar. (Guide athlete, 1985:97).

Flop Style

How to do it:

  • Prefix long and fast strides, with an upright attitude position. The kicking leg is the dominant leg or one that can be used for support. The distance between the kicking leg and the bar is approximately 22-35 cm. Starting with doing the prefix, walking, running, stepping. Then the feet press to pass the height of the bar. The starting angle, from the point of departure to the place where the start takes place, is approximately 45-50 degrees. The step from the starting place to the starting place must be fast.
  • Repulsion, solid foot movement and when refusing use one leg with the body leaning slightly backwards. After doing the repulsion, the legs are straightened, the hands are always at the sides to maintain balance.
  • Position your body over the bar, bend your waist so that it is completely parallel to your back with the bar. Both feet are originally under the body, but when the body crosses the bar both feet must be quickly lifted, along with the position of the body that is down to the surface of the mat.
  • Landing falls all over the body from the back, both legs to the arms on the mat, the fall must be in a supine position. (Basics of athletic skills, 2001:65).

High Jump Basic Techniques

Hans Themer (1996) states that the technique in the high jump is limited to several movements which include: prefix, repulsion, crossing the bar and no less important is landing. Based on the above it is explained as follows:


The prefix is ​​the first key for high jumpers in their efforts and exceeds a height. To master well how to do the prefix, you need to pay attention to the following things:

  • The starting point and starting angle must be right, what is meant by the starting point is the starting point or standing place before the jumper starts doing the starting run.
  • The starting direction depends on the pedestal foot, technically the left and right foot is used to lean on determine from which direction the jumper should start the prefix, this also depends on the style worn.
  • Footsteps from slow increasingly accelerated, done naturally and smoothly. The running speed at the end of the prefix does not need to be done at full speed (100%), because the prefix is ​​at a high level done at full speed will complicate or reduce the emergence of leg repulsion to bring the body soar to the top.
  • There are no definite provisions for the number of steps. However, in general, the number of steps ranges from 9-15 steps.


The pedestal is done with a strong leg. When resting must be right on the fulcrum. The fulcrum is the place where the foot rests when jumping, to get the right fulcrum must be sought by trying repeatedly from determining the prefix, starting angle, rhythm, and amount step.

The starting point is said to be right, if when the body is flying in the air the maximum height point is really right above and in the middle of the bar. If the fulcrum is too close, the result is that the bar will touch the body while the jumper is still moving upwards. Conversely, if the fulcrum is too far, it will result in the bar being touched by the body when the jumper is moving down.

Besides that, there are several things that need to be considered when stacking.

  • Lowering the center of gravity by bending the knee of the pedestal in such a way (130-160) that it creates a large repulsion.
  • When you are going to rest, your body position is slightly leaning back (unless the flop style is relatively very small or avoided altogether).
  • The focus is done firmly so that it is fast and explosive.
  • Stepping on the heel, first the entire sole of the foot-toe, the end of the pedestal, the foot of the pedestal must be straight from the knee to the toe.
  • When resting both arms can be swung simultaneously or swing naturally (unilaterally).


The movement of floating outside the air occurs when the fulcrum is off the ground. The attitude of the body, the movement of the legs and arms when flying over the bar, depends on each style.

So the movement and position of the body when flying is what gives special characteristics and distinguishes one style from another.

Three principles to consider when hovering:

  • When passing the position of the center of gravity should be as close as possible to the bar. In kinesiology it is said that the center of gravity of the human body is located in front of the upper sacrum (pelvis) bone area around the back of the center.
  • The point of maximum flask height should be just above and in the middle of the bar.
  • Done with as little effort as possible consciously, in order to avoid unnecessary movements.


Landing is the final stage of the successive movement of a jump. How to do and posture when landing depends on each style, here are two principles to note:

  • Do it consciously.
  • The position of the body should be such that it does not cause pain or injury.

High Jump Rules

The rules in the high jump sport are:

  • Athletes compete to cross the bar as high as they can. Participants will fall one by one until there is only one athlete who can cross the highest bar.
  • Each athlete has 3 chances to jump over the bar at the same height. If on these 3 occasions the athlete fails, then he will fall.
  • Repulsion may only be done using one leg.
  • Competitors may not touch or drop the bar.
  • Participants wear uniforms and all attributes according to standards set by the committee.

High Jump Court

The high jump field is divided into four types.

Namely: the starting line, the repulsion area, the bar and its support, and the landing mat.

  • Arena for Prefix (Runway)
    • The prefix area of ​​length. unlimited minimum 15 m
    • The support area must be flat and the slope is 1: 100
  • Pole Jump, Pole jump must be strong and sturdy, can be made of anything as long as it is strong and sturdy. The distance between the two poles is 3.98 – 4.02 m.
  • Jump Blade, Made of wood, metal or other suitable material:
    • a) The length of the jump bar is 3.98 – 4.02 m and the maximum weight of the bar is 2.00 kg
    • b) The diameter of the ruler is between 2.50 – 3.00 m, with a circular cross-section of the ruler and the surface must be flat with a size of 3cm x 15 cm x 20 cm
    • c) The width of the supporting blade is 4 cm and the length is 6 cm
  • 4. Landing Place, The landing area should not be less than 3 x 5 m made of foam with a height of 60 cm and covered on top by a mattress that is 10-20 cm thick.
High Jump: Definition, History, Style, Technique, Rules, Stages and Course Forms

Stages of the High Jump Position

There are 4 stages of position that must be known before carrying out the high jump technique. Including the following:

  • The initial position is a running movement towards the bar before repulsing.
  • The repulsion position is a movement on the footstool on the ground floor to raise the body towards the bar or fly.
  • Flying position is a style when the body is above the bar or in the air.
  • Landing position is the position where the body falls while on the mat.

Thus the review from About the knowledge.co.id about High jump, hopefully can add to your insight and knowledge. Thank you for visiting and don't forget to read other articles.

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