Badminton Game: History, Techniques, Regulations, Facilities and Infrastructure

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Badminton Game: History, Techniques, Regulations, Facilities and Infrastructure – On this occasion About the will discuss the game of badminton and of course about other things that also cover it. Let's look at the discussion together in the article below to better understand it

Badminton Game: History, Techniques, Regulations, Facilities and Infrastructure

Badminton is a game where each player needs the help of a racket. As a substitute for the ball, a shuttlecock is used which is beaten alternately by each team that is playing.

The objective of the game of badminton is to get the shuttlecock by returning or hitting it shuttlecock in such a way that it falls to the floor or the opponent cannot return the shuttlecock properly.

Badminton is quite popular in the world, especially in the East and Southeast Asia region, Indonesia. The parent organization for national badminton is PBSI (Association of Indonesian Badminton), founded in 1951. The rules for the game of badminton are set by the IBF (International Badminton Federation). Indonesia officially became a member of the IBF in 1953.

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History of Badminton

A sport where the game uses rackets and how come it was originally grown 200 years ago in ancient Egypt. The ancestor of this badminton game is a game that originated in China called Jianzi. Which is how to play it using a ball but not using a racket.

The goal of the Jianzi game itself is that players must be able to keep the ball as long as they can so it doesn't touch the ground.

In the Middle Ages in England, badminton games began to be played by children, which used to be called battledores or shuttlecocks. At that time, they played using a bat made of paddles or sticks.

The popularity of badminton continued to grow so that in 1854 this sport appeared in a London magazine called "Punch". The magazine also publishes cartoons for this sport.

Next, the British began to bring this game with them to Japan, China and Siam. Badminton sport was discovered by one of the British army officers in Pune, India in the 19th century to 19 when they are still adding netting equipment or nets and playing with contrary.

Therefore, the city of Pune, which is known as Poona, makes badminton games have another term, namely Poona. In the 1850s troops brought this game back to England.

In 1877 was the first year the draft rules were written by the Bath badminton club. After that, in 1893 a badminton association was formed in England. And the All England championship became the first international competition in 1899.

Badminton Game Rules

The rules for playing badminton are as follows.

  • Players in badminton consist of:
    • single player (single)]
    • double player (double)]
    • mixed doubles players.
  • The game is led by a referee assisted by four line judges. If the ball goes out of line, the line judge's signal is to spread both arms to the sides.
  • Before the game starts, a toss is held in advance to place or serve first for the team that wins the toss/foss.
  • Calculation (scoring) in badminton has the following provisions.
  • Done with two wins.
    Since 1 February 2006, all game parties use the system of ''winner of two out of three sets'' (best of three) each of which is won by the rally point scoring system, namely by the number of each game is 21 and if there is a score of 20-20 then it is called deuce or yus so to look for victory after the position has a difference in value of 2 points first be thirsty achieved.
  • If the server (inside) makes a mistake, the server receiver (outside) is declared to have moved the ball and is awarded one point.
  • If the receiving server makes a mistake, the server player scores one point.
  • The server throws an error if:
    • the location of the suttlecock when hit is higher than the server's waist, or
      when the shuttlecock is hit, the racket body is not directed downward in such a way that the whole the head of the racket is not clearly and visibly under the server's holding hand racket.

Badminton Technique

Some of the techniques used in the game of badminton:

  • How to Hold a Racket

The quality of a badminton player is determined by the first basic technique that must be mastered. Which is none other than the technique of how to hold the racket. Because, this technique will affect the results of the quality of the resulting strokes.

A beginner really has to master this technique first to be able to proceed to the basic techniques of the next badminton game.

There are 2 kinds of techniques in holding the racket, including:

    • Forehand grip

Here's how to hold the racket using the forehand style:

      • Hold the racket with your left hand and position the head of the racket sideways.
      • The racket is held as if shaking hands.
      • The "V" shape of the hand is placed on the handle of the racket.
      • Three fingers, namely the middle finger, ring finger, and little finger, hold the racket, while the index fingers are slightly apart.
      • Position the thumb between the three fingers and forefinger.
    • Backhand grip

Meanwhile, the way to hold the racket with the backhand style is to slide the "V" of the hand inward. Then the thumb pads are on the wide racket grip.

  • Footwork

The function of the footwork movement itself is to support the body so that the body can be placed in a position that allows it to make an effective punching movement.

Thus, in order for the stroke to be carried out smoothly, the position of the player must be precise and at the same time have movement speed.

The speed of this footwork cannot be achieved if the foot movements are irregular.

  • hitting position

The position in hitting the shuttlecock is also commonly referred to as preparation. The time before the preparation period will also be used to determine which stroke to use later.

Therefore, this preparatory position is very important to do well in an effort to produce quality shots.

Here are some things to consider in doing hitting position.

    • Overhead For Right Hand Grip

Way to do the overhead on the right hand grip:

Body position sideways towards the net.
The right foot is behind the left foot.
When hitting the ball, the player must experience the transfer of body weight from the right foot to the left foot.
The position of the body must always be behind the ball to be hit.

    • Underhand Net shot

How to do an underhand net shot:

One of the legs position is in front.
The knee of the right leg is bent so that the lower thigh drops slightly.
Its lowness corresponds to the height of the ball that will be hit later.
Meanwhile, when the ball is hit, the position of the left foot must remain behind and only shift slightly forward.

  • Service

Serve is the first hit to start a game of badminton. This serve is also used after a layoff. If the service is wrong, then it will benefit the opponent and add points to the opponent.

This type of technique must get the main attention before giving other techniques in badminton games.

This serve is divided into 3 types, namely short serve, high serve, and flick or half high serve.

    • Short Forehand Serve

The purpose of this serve is to force the opponent so they cannot attack. So that automatically the opponent will be in a defensive position. The way to do this short forehand serve is that you have to hit it with a relatively short racket swing.

And when the racket leaves touch the shuttlecock, the position of the elbow is bent in order to avoid using wrist force. And pay attention to the shift in your body weight.

    • High Forehand Serve

This service is usually used during a singles game.

Here's how to do a high forehand serve:

      • Full concentration with the shuttlecock that will be hit.
      • How come it is hit as hard as possible, which functions so that it can fly high and fall perpendicular to the back of the opponent's field line.
      • Open both feet shoulder-width apart when hitting the shuttlecock and both feet are always in contact with the floor.
      • Watch the movement of the racket swing.
      • Followed by the movement of the body weight shift from the back foot to the front leg which must take place continuously and also harmoniously.
      • Do it perfectly.
    • Backhand Service

If previously it was commonly used during a single game. It's different from the backhand service which is usually used in doubles games.

Here's how to do a backhand serve:

    • One foot is in front, the toe of the right foot is pointing towards the targeted target.
    • Open your feet hip-width apart followed by bent knees.
    • While the attitude of the body remains relaxed and in a state of concentration.
    • Then the racket swing is relatively short, so that later it is only pushed with the help of shifting body weight from the back to the front leg, with a continuous and harmonious rhythm of movement.
    • Aim the ball or shuttle precisely.

  • Underhand

To perform this technique, players must be skilled at running with wide strides. The right foot is in front of the left foot to be able to reach the fall. In this reaching position, the elbows are bent and still maintain an upright posture. So that the right knee is in a bent condition.

There are functions of the underhand technique, namely:

    • To return a short stroke or net play to an opponent.
    • As a way of defense as a result of the opponent's attack. Because, if the player is in a stressful situation in the game.
    • Then the player must make a saving stroke by lifting the shuttle high to the back towards the opponent's field.
    • Can be done with forehand and backhand techniques.

Here's how to do an underhand shot:

    • The forehand racket grip is for underhand forehand, while the backhand grip is for underhand backhand.
    • The wrists are slightly bent back, so are the elbows.
    • While stepping your right foot forward, followed by swinging the racket backwards then hitting the ball and when it hits the ball, keep your hands straight.
    • The ball is hit roughly close to the outside of the right foot.
    • The final position of the racket is in the direction of the ball.

  • Overhead clear or Lob

An overhead clear or commonly known as a lob shot is a long shot with an inflated shuttlecock. This overhead clear or lob shot must really be mastered by the players. Because this type of punch is the same as several other punches.

Clear overhead shots or lob shots are divided into two types, namely: Deep lob or clear is a shot where the ball is high back. An attacking lob or clear is a shot where the ball is not too high.

Here's how to make an overhead clear or lob shot:

    • Use a forehand grip and hold the racket beside your shoulders.
    • Body sideways facing towards the net.
    • The position of the right foot is behind the left foot and when hitting the ball, there must be a transfer of body weight from the right foot to the left foot.
    • The position of the body must always be in a position behind the ball when hitting it.
    • The ball is hit as in the throwing motion.
    • At the time of contact with the ball, the hands must be in a straight position.
    • The final position of the racket follows towards the ball, then released, while the racket falls in front of the body.
    • Snap your wrist against the racket while in contact with the ball.

  • Smash

Smash is the most popular movement compared to other technical moves. Smash itself is a type of punch that is hard and sharp. The purpose of this punch is none other than to kill the opponent as quickly as possible.

The smash can be done in a stationary or standing position or while jumping or king smash. Players must master this smash technique perfectly so that the resulting punch is also satisfying. One of the benefits of a smash is to improve quality in the game.

Here's how to do the smash technique:

    • Pay attention to the grip on the racket.
    • The attitude of the body is relaxed and must remain flexible, both knees bent and still fully concentrated on the shuttlecock.
    • Hit the racket and shuttlecock above your head by straightening your arms to reach the shuttlecock as high as possible and using wrist power when hitting the shuttlecock.
    • Follow up by swinging a perfect racket in front of your body.

  • Dropshots

A drop shot is a type of punch that launches the shuttlecock into the opponent's area as close to the net as possible. The characteristic of the drop shot is that the shuttlecock always falls near the net in the opponent's field.

If the ball or how come it falls close to the net and does not cross the double line, then it can be said that the drop shot is good and right. When hitting dropskot, players must also use their feelings so that the fall is as close as possible. And as thin as possible with the opponent's field attack line.

Factors that can affect a drop shot include:

    • racket handle
    • fast feet
    • body position
    • harmonious process of transferring body weight at the time of hitting.

Here's how to do the drop shot technique:

    • Using a forehand grip.
    • Position and hold the racket beside your shoulder.
    • The position of the body is vertically sideways towards the net, the position of the right foot is behind the left foot.
    • When hitting the ball, there must be a transfer between the body weight from the right foot to the left foot.
    • Body position must always be behind the ball.
    • At the time of contact with the ball, the hands must be in a straight position to reach the ball and push it with a soft touch.
    • The final position of the racket follows the direction of movement of the ball or shuttlecock.
    • Pay attention to the movement of the steps and also the balance of the body when and after hitting the shuttlecock.

  • Netting

Netting is a short shot that is done in front of the net and directed to the front of the net in the opponent's field area. As for the characteristics of netting, namely how come it always falls rolling very close to the net or net in the opposing team's area.

And there are also factors that affect netting strokes. Among them: coordination of footwork, arms, body balance, racket position, and how come when it hits, and power.

Here's how to do the netting technique:

    • The racket grip uses the forehand style for forehandnet, while the backhand style for the backhand side of the net or net.
    • Position your elbows slightly bent and your wrists bent slightly back.
    • When hitting, the right foot is in front and the ball is hit as high as possible.
    • Just before hitting the ball, apply a small tug on your wrist. Hit the ball on the curved right and also left to the bottom of the ball. The end of the racket head is parallel or facing the ceiling.

  • drives

Drive stroke is a type of fast and horizontal stroke. Typically, these drives are used in doubles play. The drive shot has the goal of avoiding the opponent's attack.

Or even vice versa forcing the opponent to lift the shuttlecock and be in a defensive position. Drive strokes will require shoulder muscle strength and use a wrist prod when the ball is being hit.

Badminton court

This badminton or badminton court is rectangular in shape. Which is then divided into two parts, namely the playing fields facing each other and separated by a net that stretches in the middle.

In this badminton court there are several lines which include:

    • front service line
    • center service line
    • side service line for left and right side singles play, as well as
    • back service line for doubles play.

The lines are about 40 mm thick. And the color must also contrast with the field color, so it's easy to see. The base of this court is made of soft synthetic and wood.

It is also not permissible to use a court surface whose material is made of hard synthetic materials such as concrete. Because this can result in injury to the players.

The dimensions of the badminton court are defined by international standards:

    • The length of the badminton court is 13.40 m.
    • The width of the badminton court is 6.10 m.
    • The distance of the front service line from the net line is 1.98 m.
    • The distance between the center service line and the sidelines is 3.05 m.
    • The distance of the back service line (for doubles play) from the back line of the court is 0.76 m.
    • The distance of the singles side line from the sidelines of the field is 0.46 m.
    • Net pole height 1.55 m.
    • Net height 1.52 m.

Not only that, there is also a mini field size which is usually used for children under 9 years old. Which has a length of 10.05 meters and a width of 4.40 meters. And each size of the badminton court is different, depending on the number of players.

  • Badminton Court For Single Party

In singles games, the width of the field or field of play uses the inside side court lines. As well as in length using the outer back line.

While the doubles game area is wide using the outer line on the side. And the length uses the outer back line. The following details the size of a badminton court for a singles game:

    • The length of the playing field is 13.40 m.
    • The width of the playing field is 5.18 m.
    • The length of the service receiving area is 4.72 m.
    • The width of the service receiving field is 2.59 m.

  • Badminton Court For Doubles Party

In the doubles game, the width of the playing area uses the inside side court line while the length uses the outside back line. The width of the doubles game area uses the outer side line and the length uses the outer back line.

Badminton court size for doubles game:

    • The length of the playing field is 13.40 m.
    • The width of the playing field is 6.10 m.
    • The length of the service receiving area is 3.96 m.
    • The width of the service receiving area is 3.05 m.
Badminton Game: History, Techniques, Regulations, Facilities and Infrastructure

Badminton Game Facilities and Infrastructure

  • Racket

Traditionally, rackets are made of wood. In modern times like now, rackets use a variety of selected materials such as aluminum or light metals. Nearly all professional badminton players use rackets made of carbon fiber composites (graphite-reinforced plastic).

Carbon fiber has great strength in comparison due to its weight, stiffness, and also provides great kinetic energy transfer. However, some lower models still use steel or aluminum in some or all of the racquet material.

  • strings

Strings are one of the tools or equipment that is very concerned about in the game of badminton. The type of a string has several characteristics that are different from each other. Strong and sturdy or the durability of the strings depends on the resulting performance. Most of the strings are 21 measures thick and are strung at 18 to 30+ lb. tension.

  • kok (shuttlecock)

The ball or shuttlecock used is made from a series of goose feathers. Which are then arranged to form an open cone. And has a hemispherical base made of cork. And not infrequently, there are also ones that are made of plastic.

  • Shoe

Shoes are used to accelerate the game along the field. Badminton shoes require rubber soles that function in a good grip.

Not only that, there is also a bony side to the shoe whose function is to make it last longer as long as the tug and pull between the mats is carried out. In addition to having a positive impact, shoes also have a negative impact, which can cause stress or strain on the knees and ankles.

Thus the review from About the about Badminton Game: History, Techniques, Game Rules and Infrastructure, hopefully can add to your insight and knowledge. Thank you for visiting and don't forget to read other articles.

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