Understanding Persuasive: Terms, Characteristics, Factors and Purpose

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Definition of Persuasion: Terms, Characteristics, Factors and Purpose – What is persuasive? On this occasion About the knowledge.co.id going to go into whether it's persuasive and other things about it. Let's look at the discussion together in the article below to better understand it.

Understanding Persuasive: Terms, Characteristics, Factors and Purpose

Persuasive is a form of communication that aims to influence and convince others. People who are persuasive are called persuaders. Persuader is considered successful if he is able to influence other people's beliefs or opinions after inviting them or explaining them with certain reasons. This can relate to conditions, goods or certain other things.

Persuasive means to be subtly persuasive so that someone or someone who is persuaded becomes convinced. Persuasiveness can be found anywhere, be it in spoken, written, or visual form. In oral form, persuasiveness can be seen from a persuasive speech that persuades or influences a person or group of people.

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In written form, persuasion is found in a persuasive paragraph which also has the aim of persuading or influencing so that those who are persuaded become convinced. Likewise with visuals, there are persuasive visualizations that have the aim of persuading and convincing the individual or group of people who are the target or target.

Persuasion is certainly different from propaganda, although many don't know the difference. Persuasive is an act of persuading in a subtle way and there is absolutely no element of coercion while propaganda is the act of influencing the thoughts or opinions of others by providing subjective information and manipulative. So being persuasive prohibits persuaders from lying, and unfortunately at this time many people actually misunderstand persuasion.

Persuasive Terms

  • The speaker's character and credibility must be confident and able to convince others of his opinion.
  • The speaker's ability to control emotions. This will support the decisions he makes.
  • Convincing evidence is needed to support its truth.

Persuasive traits

  • Must inspire the trust of listeners/readers.
  • Set out on the premise that the human mind can be changed.
  • Must create harmony through mutual trust. speaker/writer and the person being spoken to/reader.
  • Must avoid conflict so that trust is not lost and goals are achieved.
  • There must be enough facts and data.
  • That belongs to persuasion
  • Forms of speech, for example propaganda, oral campaigns, and selling herbs in open places.
  • The form of writing is in the form of advertisements and leaflets.
  • Electronic forms, for example advertisements on television, cinema, and the internet

Persuasive Communication Factors

After understanding the notion of persuasion, you must also know what are the basic components in persuasive communication, namely:

Source Communicator

The communicator plays an important role in the success or failure of persuasion. In order for the goal to be achieved, a communicator must have the ability to choose targets and determine the responses to be achieved. But there are also other aspects that affect the response of the person being spoken to "communicant", namely:

  • Communicator CredibilityCredibility relates to 3 components which include expertise, trust and existence.
  • Communicator Attraction, sometimes attraction is also very influential, the attraction here can be physical or psychological. With attractiveness, a communicator can be more accepted by others.
  • Communicator PowerThe last aspect is the level of power of the communicator, the higher the power of a communicator, the higher the communicant's obedience or agreement with what he conveys.


Seeing the notion of persuasive communication, persuasive communication cannot be separated from the message component as the material provided by the communicator to invite the communicant to believe it. The message can be in the form of gestures, words, tone of voice, etc. In conveying the message there are 2 basic aspects, namely:

Verbal aspects that involve words can be spoken directly or through writing.
Non-verbal aspects, which involve emotions, gestures, expressions and the appearance of the communicator when communicating.


The communicant is the target who receives the message of persuasion. There are several things that influence the communicant to respond positively to persuasion, namely attitudes, beliefs and values ​​of the communicant.

Understanding Persuasive: Terms, Characteristics, Factors and Purpose

The Purpose Of Persuasive Communication

In understanding the meaning of persuasion you must also understand the purpose of persuasive communication. There are at least 3 basic objectives, namely:

  • Forming ResponsesThe first goal is to form a response, usually this goal is carried out by the communicator on communicants who are innocent or have not received information from other parties about the topic to be discussed communicated. So this first goal is just to form a response.
  • amplify Response,The second goal is to strengthen the response, usually this goal is carried out by the communicator to the communicant who has agreed with the communicator from the start. Through persuasive communication, the communicant is expected to be more confident in the communicator's opinion.
  • Change Response,The third goal is to change responses, this goal is carried out by the communicator to the communicant who actually rejects and does not share his thoughts. Through persuasive communication, the communicant is expected to agree with the communicator. This goal is the most difficult to achieve compared to the other 2 goals above.

Develop Persuasive Messages

Effective persuasion contains four important components, namely establishing credibility, creating an argumentation framework audience, connect the audience with logical things, and establish your position with the use of good language and appropriate.

  • Establish Credibility, Credibility is determined by the extent to which the level of trust and reliability. Credibility is the extent to which we can be trusted by others. One way to grow someone's credibility is through facts. All forms of documents, statistics, guarantees and research results are objective evidence that can support your credibility.
  • Argumentation Framework, When we have collected enough facts, evidence, and other findings, we are ready to make an argumentation framework, which includes the following.
  • Attention, Is the phase where we have to convince the audience immediately that we have something useful to convey.
  • Interests, Is the phase where we explain the relevance of the message to the audience.
  • Desire, is the phase where we make the audience change their wishes by explaining how the changes made can benefit the audience.
  • Action (Action), This is the phase where we suggest the specific action we want to the audience
  • Choose Enchantment, Most persuasive messages use appeals with logic and emotional appeal to persuade the audience. To be able to find a balance between the two depends on 4 important factors namely the action we expect, hope our audience, the level of resistance we have to face, and how far we sell the idea or ideas to the audience.
  • Emotional charmer, to do something for the audience, we can use emotions based on an argument or in the form of sympathy for the audience as long as the emotional hook is very strong.
  • logic Enthusiast, When we choose logical appeals, we can use one of three types of reasoning.
    • analogy, is to use a reason from specific evidence to specific evidence.
    • Induction, is giving reasons from specific evidence to a general conclusion.
    • Deduction, is the giving of general reasons from specific conclusions.
  • Ethical considerations ,Businesses ethically inform customers both with regard to benefits, particular idea, organization, product, or action, so that customers can recognize how good something is idea.

Thus the review from About the knowledge.co.id about Persuasive Definition, hopefully can add to your insight and knowledge. Thank you for visiting and don't forget to read other articles.

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