10 Functions of Family Institutions and Their Explanations

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10 Functions of Family Institutions and Their Explanations The family is the smallest unit and is the basis for achieving social life in society. The family institution has the main function of meeting biological, emotional, socio-economic and educational needs. The family institution is one of the basic social institutions. Some of the functions of the family institution will be explained below.

10 Functions of Family Institutions and Their Explanations

The family institution is the smallest social unit in society consisting of father, mother and children. In the family, relations between family members are regulated so that each family member has a role and function assigned to him. A family is formed from a legal marriage based on religion, customs, and government.

Let's discuss what are the functions of the family institution.

Family Institution Functions

The functions of the family institution include:

1. Biological or reproductive function

Every human being has biological needs, both male and female. To meet these biological needs, there will be breeding in the form of offspring. Therefore, the family functions as a means of reproduction.

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2. protective function or protection

Namely the function that provides protection for all family members. One of the reasons for forming a family is to get a sense of security and protection, both physically and psychologically.

3. economic function

The economic function for family life is very important, because the economy is the main support for the survival of the family. The economic function of the family consists of earning a living, planning and using it.

4. educational function

Family is one of the most important forms of responsibility borne by parents. The family is the educational environment that is first absorbed and accepted by children. It is parents who play an active role in providing education in the family for their children.

5. socialization function

The socialization function is closely related to the educative or educational function, because it contains elements of socialization and vice versa.

6. affective function

When children are very young, affective plays a very important role. When a child communicates with his parents, he can feel and catch the feelings of his parents. Children really need parental warmth. Therefore, parents must carry out the function of this feeling properly so that children can grow up and have a healthy soul.

7. Religious function

The religious function of the family means that the family is obliged to introduce and invite their children and other family members to carry out religious life according to their beliefs each. Therefore, parents must create a godly family life.

8. Recreative function

The family must be able to provide peace, spiritual comfort and a peaceful atmosphere in the family. It doesn't always have to be outdoors for gatherings or entertainment, but it has to be entertainment that all family members can feel and experience, without fuss and conflict.

9. Social control function

The family also functions as a place of social control for family members. Families can make preventive or preventive efforts against family members so that their behavior does not violate applicable social norms.

10. Manifest function

With the existence of a family they can continue their descent or biological function. Most of the residents who have lived in this area for a long time are big families, you could say they have lots of children. This may be influenced by the motto of the ancients, in the past, if you have many children, you will have a lot of fortune.

The role of the family institution

The family plays a role in providing guidance and guiding its members to adapt to the physical and cultural environment wherever they are.

When all members are able to adapt to the environment in which they live, then social life will be created to be a life that is calm, safe and peaceful.

The family is formed from the existence of a legal marriage according to religion, custom, and government. Whether we realize it or not, every family member has a role related to the regeneration process for their children.

Functioning Family Education

  1. As the first experience of childhood
  2. Ensuring the emotional life of the child
  3. Instill basic moral education
  4. Provides the basis for social education.
  5. Establish the basics of religious education for children.

The Process of Forming Family Institutions

Social / community life wants order, tranquility in interacting, communicating to fulfill basic human needs, in fact as long as supervision does not exist without social institutions that regulate people's lives, they will not be controlled according to their free will.

Example of Family Institution

  1. KUA (Office of Religious Affairs)
  2. religious courts
  3. LPA (Child Protection Agency)
  4. KPAI (Indonesian Child Protection Commission)
  5. BKKBN (National Population and Family Planning Agency)
  6. Family Welfare Consultation Institute (LK3)
  7. PKK (Family Welfare Development)
  8. Posyandu (Integrated Service Post)
  9. Youth organization
  10. SERIOUS (Children and Family Services Foundation)
  11. BP3A (Women's Empowerment and Child Protection Agency)
  12. PKBI (Indonesian Family Planning Association)
  13. DP3AKB (Women's Empowerment, Child Protection and Family Planning Service)
  14. FOFI (Focus On The Family Indonesia)
  15. KISARA (We Love Teenagers)

Stages of Family Institutions

Below are several stages of family institutions, including:


The preparatory stage is characterized by an organized and intense process of recognition between the male and women followed by an agreement between men and women to build a family within wedding.


The stages of marriage are the beginning of a family journey, as evidenced by the existence of a marriage ceremony that takes place based on religious and state laws, followed by marriages that take place according to customs certain.

Child Care

In this stage, several years after marriage and the family is blessed with children. Children are the result of love that grows in family life. The family is obliged to look after and care for the children who have been born, and raise and educate them until adulthood.

Adult Family

The last stage is shown by the acquisition of maturity by children born into families, in the sense that children are able to stand alone regardless of the dependence of their parents.

The characteristics of the Family Institution

  • Is a social group consisting of various ages and genders.
  • At least 2 of them have a husband and wife relationship that is recognized by society and have family members through a legal marriage.
  • Has a certain set of social rules that are recognized and applied jointly by all family members.
  • Has the main function, including the function of reproduction, economy, socialization, and protection.
  • Occupying a certain place at a certain time
10 Functions of the Family Institution and their complete explanation

Purpose of the Family Institution

  • Uphold God's law in all matters in the household.
  • Create peace and mental calm.
  • Realizing the Sunnah of Rasulullah SAW. by giving birth to pious and pious children so that humanity will feel proud of our presence.
  • Fulfilling the love needs of children.
  • Maintain the nature of children so that children do not do things that deviate.

Thus a brief explanation about 10 Functions of Family Institutions and Their Explanations. Hope it is useful. That is all and thank you ?

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