Archimedes' Law: Definition, Sound, Formula, Application, Example Problem

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Archimedes' Law: Definition, Sound, Formula, Application, Example Problem – In this discussion we will explain about Archimedes' law. Which includes the understanding of Archimedes' law, the sound of Archimedes' law, the formula for Archimedes' law, the application of Archimedes' law and examples of questions on Archimedes' law with complete and easy-to-understand discussion. For more details, please see the review below carefully.

Archimedes' Law: Definition, Sound, Formula, Application, Example Problem

Let's discuss the meaning first carefully.

Understanding the Law of Archimedes

Archimedes' law was discovered by Archimedes. Archimedes came from Greece in 187-212 BC who was an inventor and mathematician, famous for discovering the law of hydrostics or what is often called the Law of Archimedes.

When we are walking or running in water, of course we will feel that our steps are very heavy compared to when we step on the ground. This symptom is caused by the pressure of the liquid. This observation gave rise to a law known as Archimedes' Law, namely:

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"If an object is immersed in a liquid, then the object will get a force called the buoyant force (upforce) equal to the weight of the liquid it displaces."

There is a buoyant force, the weight of an object in a liquid will decrease. Objects lifted in liquid will feel lighter than lifted on land. So, it is very clear that the weight of an object seems to decrease when the object is placed in water. This is because of the upward force generated by the water and received by objects. Thus, the resultant force between the weight and the upward force is the weight of the object in the water. Then the weight is called the apparent weight, that is, the weight of the object is not real because the object is in a liquid. Objects in water are given the symbol WS. The relationship between the weight of an object in the air (W), the upward force (Fa) and the apparent weight (Ws) is:

Ws = W-Fa


Ws = weight of object in liquid (Kg.m/s2)

W = Actual weight of object (Kg.m/s2)

Fa = buoyancy force (N)

And the magnitude of the buoyant force (Fa) is formulated as below:

Fa = ρliquid Vb g


Vb = volume of the submerged object (m3)
ρliquid = density of liquid (kg/m3)
g = acceleration due to gravity (m/s2)

Objects in Archimedes' Law

If an object is immersed in a liquid, then there are 3 possibilities that occur, namely sinking, floating, and floating. The following is an explanation.

Sinking Objects

An object is said to sink in a liquid if the position of the object is always on the bottom where the liquid is.
Sinking ObjectsIn a sinking object there are three forces, among others:

W = gravity of an object

Fa = Archimedes style

N = Field normal force

In a balanced state, W = N + Fa so that:

W > Fa

m.g > ρZC. Vb. g > ρZb. Vb. g

ρb > ρzc

ρb = The type of object

 ρzc = Density of liquid

Floating Objects

An object floats in a liquid if the object's position is below the surface of the liquid and from above the base where the liquid is.
Floating Objects

There are two forces on floating objects, namely: Fa and W. In a balanced condition then:

W = Fa

ρb. Vb . g = ρZC. Vb. g

ρb = ρzc

Floating Objects

An object floats in a liquid if the position of the object partially appears on the surface of the liquid and partially immersed in the liquid.
Floating ObjectsThere are two forces on floating objects, namely: Fa and W are in a state of balance then:


ρb. Vb. g = ρZC. V2. g

ρb. Vb = ρZC. V2

because Vb > V2 so: ρb < ρZC

Application of Archimedes' Law

The following are some examples of applying Archimedes' Law in everyday life:

Archimedes' law

With description:

Vwater = volume of water displaced

ms = apparent mass of object (in water)

m = Mass of object in air

ρobject = Density of object

ρwater = Density of water

Application of Archimedes' Law in Engineering

The application of Archimedes' law in engineering is as follows:

1. Automatic Faucets on Water Storage

If at home we use a water pump machine, then we can see that the storage tank must be placed at a certain height. This aims to obtain a large pressure to drain the water. Inside the tank there is a float that functions as an automatic faucet. This faucet is made to float in the water so that it will move up along with the water level. When the water is empty, the float will open the crank to drain the water. Conversely, if the tank is full, the float will close the valve so that the valve will automatically close.

2. Hydrometer

A hydrometer is a tool used to measure the density of liquids. This tool is in the form of a tube containing ballast and air space so that it floats upright and is stable at once. The hydrometer works on the principle of Archimedes' Law

3. Submarine

On a submarine there is a tank which when on land it is filled with air so that it can float on the surface of the water. When the boat is put into the water, this tank will be filled with water so that when it can dive.

Example of Archimedes' Law Problem

1. A block has a mass of 2 kg in air. If the volume of the block is 2000 cm3, determine the weight of the block in water which has a density of 1000 kg/m3?


Is known:

m = 2 kg

V = 2,000 cm3 = 0.002 m3

ρ = 1,000 kg/m3

w' =... ?

w'= w – Fa
w' = m. g – ρ. g. V
w' = 2. 10 – 1.000. 10. 0,002
w' = 10 N

So, the weight of the block in water is 10 N.

Thus has been explained about Archimedes' Law: Definition, Sound, Formula, Application, Example Problem, hopefully can add to your insight and knowledge. Thank you for visiting and don't forget to read other articles.

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