How to Read Quickly Before Going to Bed at Night

click fraud protection ​​Reading – We all want more time in the day. But how do we work towards that coveted goal?

Some of us set strict schedules. Some of us outsource our work and duties. Some of us strive to learn new, more efficient skills. Speed ​​reading is one such skill.

Of course, learning how to increase your reading speed doesn't make you a master of almighty knowledge. But it will add a productivity boost to your routine.

Changing the way you read sounds scary, but there are a few speed reading techniques you can start working on now. You will see visible results by the time you go to bed tonight.

I know, sounds like cheating. Listen to me. It's about understanding how our eyes and brain work and using some simple hacks to regain control we didn't even know we had lost.

I tried this tactic myself and was pleasantly surprised at how fast I could read.

This article will explain speed reading and some key concepts. Then we'll look at four steps that can help you start reading more quickly. We'll also look at some additional tips to keep in mind as you continue your journey of increasing your reading speed.

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How Does Speed ​​Reading Work?

When we read, there is much more going on with our eyes and brain than we realize. Simply put, to read faster, you need to have better control over eye movement and distraction.

Before getting into it, it's important to understand the saccadic eye movement. This is when the eye jumps between different fixation points or places of focus.

In general, slow readers have a lot of extra pockets that slow their reading down. This can be conscious or subconscious. That is, sometimes you do it on purpose, sometimes it happens without you knowing it.

If you've never tried increasing your reading speed before, you can save a lot of reading time by becoming more aware of saccades.

How to Speed ​​Read in 4 Steps

Now for the good stuff. Let's look at some speed reading techniques you can use right now to get up to speed.

Here's what you need:

  • Books that automatically recline when opened to minimize distraction. Look for books that don't have a lot of special formatting like bullet points, charts, or info boxes. Books with lots of text are best for practice.
  • Pen or pencil.
  • Blank note card or piece of paper.
  • Calculator (if you don't like doing quick calculations in your head).
  • timer.

We'll start using Tim Ferriss' great tips.

1. Measure Initial Speed

The only way to measure progress is to document where you started. The tracking metric is words per minute (WPM). Here's how to measure WPM.

  • First, estimate the number of words on five pages of the book. Start small by counting the number of words in five lines and the number of lines on one page. If in 5 lines there are 50 words, then the average is 50/5 = 10 words.
  • Then multiply that number by the number of lines on the page. At 30 lines per page, 30 x 10 = 300 words per page.
  • Now set the timer to exactly 1 minute and read at normal speed. Don't force yourself to try. Just read at your natural pace when you want to retain all content.

At the end of the minute, use the count to find out how many words you read. If you read 30 lines, 30 x 10 = 300 WPM.

2. Image Margins On Each Page

To be a good speed reader, you need to make better use of your peripheral vision. Peripheral vision is what you see around a focused or fixed point. For example, if you look at the center of your computer screen, you can see what's going on around you.

The better you are at using your peripheral vision when reading, the faster you will read. So I drew vertical margins on the left and right side of each page roughly intersecting one word each. It will look something like this:

The goal is to read only the things in the middle. This way you don't have to waste time reading every word. In contrast, peripheral vision provides clues about out-of-bounds words.

Read page 5 or page 10 this way. If you have the expertise, make the margin bigger. Leave two word spaces on each side. Then go higher. Eventually you should be able to read the words in the middle third of the page while still retaining sufficient comprehension.

3. Use Card, Pen or Finger to Speed ​​Up and Fasten

This speed reading tool serves two functions.

  • Reduce the number of anchors or locations on the page where the eye can bounce.
  • External speed settings that force you to stay on track without having the freedom to reverse or reverse

To do the card technique, take a blank card and place it over the line you are reading. As you read, slide the cards down to cover the row above.

This prevents you knowingly or unknowingly from reading what you have read. There is no choice but to rush forward!

To do the finger or pen technique, use your finger or pen to follow the line you're reading (with the lid on… never draw in a book again). Use constant speed.

This speed reading technique is called the “tracker and pacer” method. It forces you to maintain a constant pace while telling you where to fix your sight.

This method feels like magic to me. I didn't realize how much my eyes skipped the page and how slowly it made me read.

4. Now Too Fast!

Now that your brain is used to a steady, artificial pace, your risk will increase. The next step is to really go faster to the point where you start to lose about 10% of your understanding.

It sounds counterintuitive, but it's a smart exercise. Think of it this way. Assume you are walking leisurely. Then you have to run as fast as you can. This will feel very excessive and uncomfortable.

However, if you slow down to jog, you will feel much better. The fact that you are no longer running at full speed.

Reading too fast is a similar concept. As you push through your comfort zone, you will naturally pick up speed as you return to a more comfortable pace. Speed ​​up your tracker or pacer (if it's a finger or a pen) a bit to read too fast.

Do this for 5 minutes. Then return to a pace that feels natural to you. Set the return time when it returns to normal. I'm sure you will be faster than before.

List of contents


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