Definition of Floor Gymnastics: History, Types, Elements and Benefits

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Definition of Floor Gymnastics: History, Types, Elements and Benefits of Floor Gymnastics – What is meant by Floor Gymnastics and examples? On this occasion About the will discuss about Floor Gymnastics and the things that surround it. Let's look at the discussion together in the article below to better understand it.

Definition of Floor Gymnastics: History, Types, Elements and Benefits of Floor Gymnastics

Floor gymnastics is a sport that relies on the activity of the whole body (strength, speed, flexibility, balance, agility and accuracy).

Quoted from the Encyclopaedia Britannica, gymnastics floor (gymnastics floor exercise) is exercise whose movements are carried out in a special place made and used for gymnastics.

Floor gymnastics is a gymnastic exercise performed on a mat. The criteria for a place for gymnastics are: Floor measuring 12×12 meters in a room measuring 14×14 meters. The floor is covered with a springy carpet about 0.045 meters thick.

Floor exercise movements involve rolling, jumping, jumping, spinning in the air, supporting with your hands or feet to maintain balance or to jump forward or backward.

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Floor gymnastics is sometimes also called free exercises, because floor gymnastic movements are performed without using special equipment. Equipment in floor gymnastics is generally only used to improve the movement functions of flexibility, relaxation, strength, skill, and balance.

History of Floor Gymnastics

It is not known since when this floor exercise existed. But gymnastics itself is thought to have existed since the era of Ancient Greece. In 1776, a German national attempted to incorporate gymnastics into school lessons.

In the same year, Johan Christian Fedrich Gathmuts produced a systematic gymnastic movement called Gymnastick Furfie Jugend. Thanks to his services in the world of gymnastics, Gathmuts has been named the father of world gymnastics.

The development of gymnastics in Indonesia itself began around 1963, when the first GANEFO (growing countries sports event) was held in Jakarta. Previously, Indonesia only understood the basic exercise recommended during the Japanese colonial period which was called Taiso.

In 1977, lecturers from STO (School of Sports) succeeded in producing a gymnastic movement called the Indonesian Morning Exercise. This gymnastic movement is a combination of Taiso movements and pencak silat moves. After that, this exercise grew into the SKJ exercise

Types of Floor Gymnastic Movements

There are various floor exercises that involve several movements. Among the many floor gymnastic movements, here are the floor gymnastic movements that are very universal:

Roll Forward

The initial floor exercise movement is a forward roll.

A forward roll is a forward rolling motion that begins with the back of the neck, back, waist and pelvis. This forward rolling motion has several variations.

Various types of floor exercises such as forward rolls, such as forward rolls with legs bent, forward rolls with straight legs, split front rolls, elastic front rolls, and elastic rolls on the crate jump.

The method for carrying out a forward roll is as follows:

  • Take a squat position, palms on the mat and chin pointed to the chest
  • Straighten both legs, body weight rests on both hands
  • Place your shoulders on the mat
  • Repel both legs until the body is inflated
  • Just before your feet land, place your hands on your knees
  • The final behavior is to squat back after standing up

Roll Back

The second floor exercise is a backward roll.

In contrast to a forward roll, a backward roll is a rolling movement that starts from the hips, back of the waist, back, back of the head, and finally both legs.

Various types of floor exercises for backward rolls or backward rolls, such as leg rolls bent, back rolls ending with straight legs, back rolls straight leg prefixes, split back rolls, and back rolls stutter.

The method for carrying out a backwards roll is as follows:

  • Take a squat position, arms bent and palms facing up beside the ears
  • Point your chin to your chest and arch your body
  • Roll your body backwards starting from the legs, then the hips, waist, back and shoulders
  • When your shoulders hold the mat, push your body up until it rolls up
  • The final position is a squat then standing.

Tiger Jump

The tiger jump movement is basically not much different from the forward roll, so it requires the ability to roll forward to carry out this movement.

Here are the steps for doing the tiger jump:

  • Squatting behavior with hands in front of the body, elbows bent, and extension forward.
  • Next, shifting the thought upward coincides with the stepping motion.
  • When both hands hold the mat, quickly bend your elbows and insert your head between your 2 hands, then roll forward.
  • The movement ends by returning to the squatting behavior, then standing up.

Handstand movement

Handstand movement is a standing behavior with the palms of both hands.

This movement can train agility, flexibility, and also body strength. The following is a method of carrying out a handstand movement:

  • Start with standing behavior.
  • Place both palms on the mat.
  • Pull the leg back to the top with a swinging motion, starting with the right foot and then accompanied by the left foot (or it could be the other way around)
  • Maintain this movement for a few seconds

Candle Attitude

You may already be familiar with this floor exercise.

The candle movement relies on the strength of the abdominal muscles so it is often used as a movement to shrink the stomach. This movement also trains the flexibility of the waist, back and neck muscles.

The method for carrying out the candle attitude is as follows:

  • Start in a lying position and place your hands by your sides
  • Raise your leg to a 90 degree angle
  • Lift your waist and make sure your feet are always vertical off the ground (you can use your hands to help lift your waist
  • Hold the position for a few seconds, then slowly lower your waist.

Kaya's attitude

The Kayang attitude is one of the movements of floor exercise with the position of both hands and feet resting on the mat with the body upside down. After that stretch and also the pelvis and abdomen are raised up.

The efficacy and purpose of this kayang is to increase the flexibility of the body. Mainly in the abdominal muscles, legs, shoulders, arms and also the waist.

There are 2 different methods of carrying out the Kayana behavior, namely the sleeping prefix method and the standing prefix method.

The following are the steps in carrying out the Kayang movement using standing prefixes:

  • Take the behavior of standing straight and legs with a slightly apart position.
  • The position of each hand is next to the feet.
  • Hand movements simultaneously or with one hand swinging it back. The head is tilted back and the body is bouncy to the back. Make sure that the position of your palms holds or lands on the mat in the right and good position.
  • For those of you who are newcomers, you can use the wall as a support or you can also ask friends for encouragement. To help hold on to the stomach.

What are the steps for doing the Kayangan movement by using the prefix lying down:

  • Start by lying down on the floor or mat.
  • Bend both knees, then bring your feet together at the hips.
  • Bend both elbows, then follow with your palms resting on the mat and place your thumbs next to your ears.
  • Carry out the movement of the body being raised upwards for a long time, followed by a push from both hands and straight legs.
  • Finally, do it with the movement of the head in between the hands.

Some mistakes while doing rich behavior:

  • Not doing enough warm-up or stretching beforehand. So that you will often experience pain to muscle soreness because the muscles are pulled after doing the kayaking movement.
  • Crooked elbows, due to stiffness in the shoulders and joints.
  • Lack of balance.
  • The body position is less bowed because the back is less flexible and also the stiffness in the abdominal muscles.
  • Try to make sure that the head position is suitable and don't look up too much.

Cart Wheel

Cartwheel is a sideways movement in floor exercises. When resting by using both hands with feet wide apart.

Meroda can be tried by using the path to the left or right, it's up to you according to how the position suits you. Cartwheels will require good movement coordination and accuracy.

Here are some steps to do the cartwheel:

  • The first step that must be tried is to stand straight and both arms straight at the sides of the body.
  • After that open your feet shoulder-width apart while your hands are straight up and form the letter V.
  • Drop your body to the left while placing your left palm on the mat.
  • Lift your left leg straight up.
  • Next, put your right hand next to your left hand.
  • Lift your right leg straight up while your left leg starts to go down again.
  • Raise your left hand accompanied by your left foot.
  • Return to starting position while standing straight.

Here are some ways to help drive the cart wheel:

  • A friend will provide assistance by standing behind the person who will later do the cartwheel.
  • At the time the body as well as the two legs that do the wheeling lifted up. Until the best friend was about to quickly hold both sides of his hips
  • Accompanied by carrying out a cartwheel to the side. And friends who help always hold both sides of his hips until both feet rest on the floor.
  • Mistakes that often occur when wheeling:
  • Footsteps or kicks that are less sturdy.
  • The kick or throw of the foot moves towards the front, which should be towards the top.
  • Place the starting hand on the floor very close to the kicking leg.
  • Less bouncy body behavior.
  • Both elbows bent.


Somersault is one of the rolling movements in the air, somersaults can also be tried forwards or backwards.

It could be that somersaults are one of the most difficult floor gymnastic movements. So it must be trained often in order to do this movement. Because if you run aground in carrying out somersaults it can have a severe impact.

Before doing somersaults, it's a good idea to warm up, one of which is by doing tiger jumps.

Here are some ways to provide encouragement to do somersaults:

  • The first step that must be tried is to stand straight and position your arms straight at your sides.
  • Next, take a few steps or if you need to run, just before pushing as hard as you can.
  • Swing your hand downwards during the push to give a bonus boost.
  • When your body is floating in the air, fold your hands to your knees and then lower your head.
  • After turning your body 360 degrees, straighten your legs to land.
  • And accompanied by hands raised up.
  • The final position is to stand straight again using your hands as a counterweight.

Mistakes that often occur when doing somersaults:

  • At the time of repulsion, both legs are less sturdy.
  • Both arms are less or not strong enough to swing up.
  • The jump leans forward, not up. This will cause the jump to not be able to reach the optimal size. This type of error will often make you land in a sitting position.
  • Less circular body position. Because, knees and hands are not meeting, the head also does not bow.
  • At the time of landing the arms do not stretch up but swing forward. This is definitely going to reduce the balance.

Squat Jump

The squat jump is a type of jump that is attempted using a jumping crate and is attempted in a squatting body position when passing the jumping crate.

Here are some steps to do squat jump movements:

  • The initial position to try is to stand straight with your arms straight at your sides.
  • Start running with a body position that tends to lean forward.
  • Carry out repulsion with all your might in the repulsion board by using both feet.
  • Swing your arms forward while your body is always straightened and your legs open.
  • Land using your feet and body while leading to a squat position instead of stretching your arms up.
  • The last position that is done is squatting and accompanied by a standing position.

Mistakes that often occur when doing squat jumps:

  • A less flashy running prefix.
  • At the time of jumping the repulsion on both legs does not coincide.
  • When jumping, the legs are less wide open.
  • The jump that was attempted was less solid.
  • At the time of landing the feet do not coincide and are not consecutive.
  • Thought eyes do not focus towards the front.

Kangkang Jump

Straddle jump is a type of jump that is generally attempted by jumping over crates. And with the position of the feet wide open to the right and also to the left.

To do the straddle jump, courage is needed so that unwanted things don't happen later.

Here are some steps to do the straddle jump movement. But it would be nice if before doing the straddle jump, start by warming up so you don't get injured.

The initial movement to try is to run as early as possible towards the board with the body leaning forward.

Both feet resist on the repulsion board and try with all their might. Accompanied by swinging the arms down and forward, the body is straight and the legs are opened.

Mind's eye focused on the jump crate.

When both hands hold the springboard, quickly do the take off using both hands with all your might. The straight body is accompanied by the position of the hands that are stretched out.

Landing is attempted with the position of the toes, knees rolled and both hands straight up.

Mistakes that often occur when doing straddle jumps:

  • Running that is not so fast or less so that the jumps obtained are less than optimal.
  • When carrying out the kickback on the push-up board, the legs are not raised large and the body position is not straight.
  • When the hands are resting, the head is so tilted forward that the arms cannot be straight with the body.
  • The hips are not raised enough so that it is not successful in making straddle behavior on the crate.
  • When executing the jump, the knee is in a bent position.
  • The head and chest are not raised when the hands are holding the jump box.
  • When doing the jump, the arms are not straight.
Definition of Floor Gymnastics: History, Types, Elements and Benefits of Floor Gymnastics

Elements of Floor Gymnastics

  • Elements of BeautyBeauty is grown by making various variations of movements used from the disciplines of dance and acrobatics.
  • Elements of StrengthStrength of course will be the most important element in floor gymnastics. Because some extreme movements can only be done if the athlete is willing and also widens the range of his body's energy. Through basic floor gymnastic exercises.
  • Elements of CourageFloor gymnastics and other artistic gymnastics will require its own courage to do it. Because in this sport the athlete is required to be able to overcome his own fear. So that he is able and dare to do extreme movements.
  • Elements of Flexibility, A flexible body has high flexibility to perform various types of difficult movements. Flexibility is also important to create aesthetic movements.
  • Elements of DexterityThe flexibility of movement when performing a body performance will indicate the athlete's perseverance and also the depth of training that has been carried out by the athlete.
  • Elements of Balance Without good balance, it will be impossible for the athlete to perform at his best.

Benefits of Floor Gymnastics

As with other types of exercise, floor exercises can provide various health benefits. Various floor exercises can help you train your strength, agility, flexibility, balance and coordination.

Here are the various benefits of floor exercises if done correctly and regularly:

  • Body agility continues to increase.
  • Strengthens the muscles of the arms, legs, thighs, waist, abdomen and chest.
  • Increases physical strength.
  • Help train the balance of the body.
  • Correct body shape.
  • Focus training.
  • Help burn fat.
  • Help lose weight.
  • Promote blood circulation.
  • Improve heart health.

Thus the review from About the about Definition of Floor Gymnastics: History, Types, Elements and Benefits, hopefully can add to your insight and knowledge. Thank you for visiting and don't forget to read other articles.

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