Example of a Non-Fiction Book Review: Purpose and Benefits of a Review

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Example of a Non-Fiction Book Review: Purpose and Benefits of a Review – What is meant by a non-fiction book review? On this occasion About the knowledge.co.id will discuss what Non Fiction Book Reviews are and some examples. Let's look at the discussion together in the article below to better understand it.

Example of a Non-Fiction Book Review: Purpose and Benefits of a Review

The review comes from the Latin recensio, recensere or also revidere which means to review again. A review is an assessment of a work (works that are assessed can be in the form of books and works of film and drama art). Writing a review consists of strengths, weaknesses and information obtained from books and conveyed to the public.

According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary, a reviewer is a book discussion or review of a book. The content in a book or novel review is a brief and clear discussion that provides an explanation and opinion about the book or novel.

Actually writing a review aims to provide information on books that have been reviewed to the wider community. In addition, reviewing a book or novel aims to convey to the reader about a book that the author has made. Does the book or novel have more value or not.

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There are two elements that must be considered, namely intrinsic elements and extrinsic elements. Some of the intrinsic elements that must be considered are characterization, theme, plot, language style, mandate, and setting.

Meanwhile, what is included in the extrinsic element is the author's background, the author's view of life, and the social situation.

Review Purpose

The following are some of the reasons for reviewing books:

Invite readers to discuss further about the issues raised in the work being reviewed. Whether it's a book, novel or magazine.
Reviews are made to provide readers with more understanding and information about a work to be reviewed.
Give consideration to the reader about the feasibility of a work to be read or published.
Provide answers and information to readers regarding questions that are often raised by readers regarding a work that has been published.

Review Benefits

Some of the benefits of book or novel reviews:

  • As material for consideration and to provide a general description to readers about a work and to influence them on the work.
  • Get money or rewards as well as books that will be reviewed for free from book publishers if the work being reviewed is published in a newspaper or magazine.
  • It is a means or media for book promotion. The book being reviewed is a new book that has never been reviewed by another person. Thus, the review serves as a promotional medium for the new book to attract the attention of people who like to read.
  • Creativity development. The more often we write, the more we will be trained to be more innovative in writing. This is done to be able to develop the creativity that we have.

First Non Fiction Book Review Example

Introduction to Educational Philosophy

Book Identity

Book Title: Introduction to Educational Philosophy

Book Author: Drs. Uyoh Sadulloh, M.pd

Book Publisher: Alfabeta, CV

Printing: II

Book thickness: 183 pages

Year of Publication: 2004
Synopsis of Introduction to Educational Philosophy

Education is an activity that is only carried out by humans which includes all experiences and human thoughts about the meaning of education.

Education as a practice in life, as well as other activities. Such as economic activity, religion, law, and others.

In addition, we as humans can also study education academically. Whether it's empirically sourced from one's experience, or by way of contemplation.

The first we refer to as educational practice, while the second is referred to as educational theory.
Book Advantages

This book is able to provide information about the source of values ​​and how humans can obtain these values ​​because education is basically inseparable from values.
Lack of Books

This book lacks understanding for readers, especially for beginners, so the message the author wants to convey is not conveyed to the reader.

Example of a Second Non-Fiction Book Review

Smart girl

Book Identity

Book Title: Smart Girl.
Book Author: Ria Fariana.
Book Publisher: Human Echo.
Published City: Jakarta.
Year of Publication: 2008.
Book thickness: 200 pages.

Synopsis Smart Girl

Books are indeed designed to help young girls to be able to address the problems that occur around us. This book also examines how to become a woman who is intelligent and has a good personality according to Islamic religious law.

An intelligent woman according to the Shari'a is someone who can use her intelligence to increase her faith. A smart woman is not measured by how high her report card is.

But how can he be able to solve a problem in his life with certain benchmarks that are full of responsibility.

In general, this book contains the basics of being a pious woman. How to be a smart woman according to the Shari'a? Is it necessary for a woman to be coquettish?

We don't need the name dating. It all boils down to some simple and practical advice that can help you deal with a problem.

This book is able to help awaken young girls to behave according to Islamic religious law. By reading this book, you can think about what to do and what not to do.

In this book there are many words of wisdom such as "Islam encourages women to be smart so that they are not easily fooled by anyone."

Book Advantages

Can guide today's young women to move to the right path according to Islamic religious law. The language of this book is very easy to understand, because the language is popular and slang. The cover of this book is also very attractive with cute and colorful cartoons that add to the special nuances of this book.

Lack of Books

This book has very few sales and the illustrations contained in this book are still in black and white.

Example of a Third Non-Fiction Book Review

Writing Brings Change

Book Identity

Book Title: Changing Personality Through Handwriting

Author: Vimala Rodgers

Translator: Arfan Achyar

Publisher: Wisdom Publisher (PT. Mizan Publica)


Print: Print II, January 2009

ISBN: 978-979-114-233-5

Genre: Nonfiction (Graphology and Graphotherapy)

Number of Pages: XI + 215 pages

Cover Design: Draw a piece of lined paper with someone's handwriting on it

A person's handwriting is not just a series of words connected as a way to communicate. The way we write becomes an indicator of what we are feeling and experiencing. Handwriting can also describe a person's personality. When we are happy, seriously ill, or sad, the handwriting will automatically change. This fact unknowingly refers to new evidence that a person's personality can actually be adjusted through his handwriting. If we deliberately change our writing, it means the same as exploring the hidden character within.

This is what Vimala Rodgers has been practicing for years, a teacher, handwriting expert, motivator, author of the best selling books Your Handwriting Can Change. Your Life (2000) and The Vimala System: Character Building Through Simplified Handwriting (2004) and director of The Institute of Integral Handwriting Studies in Sacramento, Californian. His writings are known by many and he is the founder of The Vimala Alphabet system.

This book is divided into 3 parts, each with different chapters with different objectives. Part 1 is entitled Introduction to Handwriting Analysis which consists of 3 chapters. The first chapter explains what handwriting is, a brief explanation of Graphology and Graphotherapy, the writing system, and the Vimala alphabet is shown in this chapter. According to Vimala, the writing system is a writing system that uses handwriting not only as a way of communicating, but also as a character building tool, because each letter has a meaning certain. Chapter 2 describes the answers to questions that are often asked about Graphotherapy and also explains well what Graphotherapy is. Meanwhile, chapter 3 invites readers to take a handwriting prediction test that shows personality which ones need to be corrected and determine what Vimala letters should be learned and given attention to more.

In part two, the division of the alphabet groups and the meaning of each alphabet are explained in detail. They were also told how to write the vimala alphabet correctly because each alphabet is said to be able to change a person's personality for the better. The book also includes facts about each letter in the Vimala alphabet, which has a rich and amazing origin. The final section entitled Making Changes invites readers to begin making handwriting changes and getting used to the new way of writing. Vimala also provides tips that will make it easier for readers to practice handwriting changes and achieve the results that each reader wants.

This book is also equipped with a glossary that makes it easier for readers to find difficult words. There are also references from several books that we can use to learn more about handwriting techniques. This book is also very interesting because each part is described in detail and communicatively. In addition, this book is equipped with various examples from the author's interesting experiences. The material presented is also easy to apply. This book also doesn't seem 'cheap' because every page of this book uses white paper and the cover has a pretty attractive design.

Unfortunately, this book also has several weaknesses, including language that is not well structured and there are also some sentences that are difficult to understand. This book also uses terms that are not familiar, so you have to repeatedly open the glossary.

But despite all that, this book is interesting to read. A book that is light enough to be carried anywhere and can be understood quite easily by every reader. This book needs to be read by anyone, especially people who need support in their lives. In addition, symbols are the key to communication. So if you want to understand yourself and your abilities and want change, read this book.

Example of a Fourth Non-Fiction Book Review

Ghirah Jealous for Allah

Book Identity

Book Title: Ghirah Jealous for Allah

Book Author: Prof. Dr. Hamka (Buya Hamka)

Book Publisher: Human Echo

Prints: I

Book thickness: 154 pages

Year of Issue: 2015

Ghirah does not only belong to Muslims who are often branded as fanatics by Western nations because of their persistence in protecting self, family and religion. However, guarding muruah or nerves (Arabic) also belongs to every human soul, regardless of religion.

In fact, each region or country actually has its own term for referring to this ghirah.

Ghirah also belongs to a peace-loving person like Mahatma Gandhi – who is known for his broad understanding and high humanity – who willing to do anything to prevent his younger brother Yawaharlal Nehru, Viyaya Lakshmi Pandit, and his son, motial Gandhi, from leaving the religion Hindu.

Buya Hamka explained that there are two kinds of ghirah, namely towards women and religion. If your sister is being bullied by other people, then you hit that person, that is one of the signs that there is still passion inside you.

If your religion, your prophet, and your book are insulted, you are still silent, it is clear that ghirah has disappeared from you.

If ghirah or siri – in the languages ​​of the Bugis, Makassar, Mandar and Toraja people – are no longer owned by the Indonesian people, this nation will undoubtedly be easily colonized by foreigners from all sides. If ghirah has disappeared from the heart, replace it with only one, namely the shroud! Because losing passion is the same as dying!
Book Advantages

As a scholar who is known to be a genius, Prof. Dr. (Buya) Hamka cleverly inspires readers not to lose their self-respect if what they love is insulted. Whether it's religion, family, even self-esteem.

Buya Hamka clearly gives examples that are factual in conveying his message that every human being's passion is getting less and less. This book is very poignant, and very good to read.
Lack of Books

Buya's background as a Minang person is set out in this book. So there are some foreign dictions for Indonesians living in other areas to hear. The arrangement of sentences and particles that don't quite fit makes the reader sometimes have to re-read a complete sentence.

Example of a Non-Fiction Book Review: Purpose and Benefits of a Review

Example of a Fifth Non-Fiction Book Review

Practical Guide to Playing Rubik for Beginners

Book Identity

Book Title: A Practical Guide to Playing Rubik for Beginners

Book Author: Wicaksono Adi

Book Publisher: Gradient Mediatama

Prints: I

Book thickness: 184 pages

Year of Publication: 2009

Rubik is a mechanical puzzle game in the shape of a cube (there are also triangles) that have six different colors on each side. Rubik was discovered by Professor Erno Rubik in 1974.

Professor Erno Rubik is a Hungarian architect and sculptor. It didn't take long for Rubik to create an international taste sensation. Everyone wants to play rubik and have it.

Rubic fever spreads both among children and adults. Like having an enchanting magical aura on this little cube. It has a simple, elegant concept, but is surprisingly difficult to complete.

One by one the competition was held to complete this rubik cube. Among them are the United Kingdom Rubik's Cube Championship (December 1981), American Rubik's Cube Championship (November 1981), Canada Rubik's Cube Championship (March 1982), etc.

The climax was in 1982, in June, for the first time the world's Rubik's Rubik's Competition was held in Budapest for the first time.

The championship was won by a student from Vietnam who was only 16 years old with a record time of just 22.95 seconds.

Interest in the Rubik's game began to fade in the 1990s. Many people are too annoyed when trying to solve it, but to no avail

Some people were more interested in the presence of electronic game consoles at that time. However, it is recorded, to this day more than 30 million rubiks have been sold. This makes it the world's best-selling puzzle game of all time.

Rubik's soul rediscovered in the 2000s, when the internet emerged. Instructions on how to solve it have been widely published on the internet, therefore, Rubik's fever has hit the world again for the second time.

Right in 2003, when the world championsip Rubik was held again in Canada, Rubik again reached the top.

Rubik is seen as a positive game, trains memory, motor skills, and encourages players to build a community and compete in a healthy manner.
Book Advantages

This book of Tips & Tricks for Good at Playing Rubik has lots of pictures so that it is interactive and easy for readers to understand. In addition, the explanations are clear, detailed, and there is also an index for words that are difficult to understand.
Lack of Books

For people who are just learning Rubik, more Rubik indexes / vocabulary are needed. And in this book, there are still words that are difficult to understand but are not included in the index/glossary.

Thus the review from About the knowledge.co.id about Example of a Non Fiction Book Review, hopefully can add to your insight and knowledge. Thank you for visiting and don't forget to read other articles.

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