Papers: Definition, Characteristics, Functions, Types, Structure, How to Make and Examples

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Papers: Definition, Characteristics, Functions, Types, Structure, How to Make and Examples - What is meant by paper and how to write it properly and correctly? On this occasion About the will discuss about the Paper and the things that surround it. Let's look at the discussion together in the article below to better understand it.

Papers: Definition, Characteristics, Functions, Types, Structure, How to Make and Examples

The paper is a scientific paper on a particular topic that is included in the scope of knowledge. A paper has a systematics which is divided into four parts, namely introduction, literature study, discussion and conclusion or closing.

Papers are one of the requirements for completing a study, a paper has characteristics, namely, the results of a literature review or report implementing an activity, demonstrating an understanding of the theoretical issues being studied in the paper, demonstrating ability on the contents of the various sources used and demonstrates the various sources of information from the paper in a unified synthesis intact.

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The following are some definitions of paper according to experts, including:

  • According to KBBI "Big Indonesian Dictionary"

In this case the paper is divided into two meanings, namely:

    • Paper is official writing on a subject which is intended to be read in public at a meeting and which is often prepared for publication.
    • Papers are student or student writing as a report on the results of carrying out school or college assignments.

  • According to Panuti Sudjiman

Papers are prose essays, not fictional stories that talk about a certain subject. Usually papers are published in magazines or newspapers, but papers can also be an anthology book.

  • According to W.J.S Poerwadar Minta

Papers are written descriptions that discuss a particular problem put forward for further discussion.

  • According to Cape Dan Ardial

Papers are written works that contain thoughts on a particular topic problem that are written systematically and coherently accompanied by logical and objective analysis.

  • According to Surakmad

Papers are all types of coursework that must be completed in writing, either as the result of a book discussion or as the result of an essay on a subject matter.

  • According to E. Zaenal Arifin

Papers are scientific papers that present a problem whose discussion is based on data in the field that is empirical-objective.

  • According to A.E. Fachrudin

A paper is a type of coursework that must be completed in writing, either as a result of a book report discussion or as an essay on a subject matter.

  • According to Drs. S. Imam Ash'ari "1984:17"

Papers are semester manuscripts, usually papers are demanded by a lecturer for their course if the semester will take place or the lecture will end. This essay is not that long, maybe 10-15 folio-sized pages.

  • According to Drs. Madyo Ekosusilo And Drs. Bambang Triyanto “1991:16”

Papers are writings that contain suggestions, opinions that also discuss a subject that will be discussed in work meetings, symposiums, seminars, and the like.

  • According to Muhammad Ali "1984:61"

Papers are scientific writings whose discussion is focused on a particular problem. Usually associated with a particular subject or area of ​​specialization.

  • According to Siswoyo Harjodipuro

Paper is a piece of writing, whether written by students as a fulfillment of coursework or written by scholars as a result of study or investigation.

  • According to M. Widyamartaya and Veonika Sudiarti

Paper is a written work composed by a person or group discussing a subject which is the result of research in the field of education and culture.

Paper Features

The following are some of the characteristics of the paper, consisting of:

  • Is the result of a literature review and/or report on the implementation of a field activity that is in accordance with the scope of the problem of a lecture;
  • Demonstrate students' understanding of the theoretical issues being studied or students' ability to apply a procedure, principle, or theory related to lectures;
  • Demonstrate the ability to understand the contents of the various sources used;
  • Demonstrate the ability to mix various sources of information in one unified synthesis.

Paper Function

The following are several functions of papers, consisting of:

  • To train writers to be able to compile scientific work correctly and carefully
  • broaden scientific horizons for the author
  • contribute ideas both in the form of theoretical concepts and practical concepts
  • provide benefits for the development of scientific concepts and problem solving

Types of Papers

Scientific Papers

Scientific papers are generally used for scientific papers that contain problems and discussions. It should be noted that in terms of scientific principles and procedures, scientific papers resemble simple research reports. Scientific papers are usually written as a scientific problem solving suggestion. Of course, writers of scientific papers need a library study and this can be seen in the included revisions.

Working Papers

Working Papers are generally read at seminars. Working papers are presented in the form of arguments in a research result. In the working paper read out there must be a problem. The presenter of the working paper has included assumptions and hypotheses to answer the problem. Based on the contents of this paper, a discussion arises.

Study Paper

This term is used for scientific writing which is a suggestion for solving a controversial problem without the intention of being read in a seminar.

How to Make Papers

Here are several ways to make papers, consisting of:

Topic Selection

Topic is the theme of the paper. Topics can also be obtained from the description of the background of the problem. Background is the reason why a research was conducted or the reason the paper was written. While the theme will appear because of a cause in the background. The choice of topic must be interesting and include a variety of social science studies.

This is done with the aim that the reader can benefit from the paper in accordance with the required knowledge. Topics that are usually used in writing papers include focusing on academic fields or subjects in schools such as History, Religion, ICT, Health, Biology, Geography, Economics, PKN, Physics, and Entrepreneurship.

As an additional consideration, Kusmarwanti, M.Pd suggests there are 4 things that you must adjust in determining the topic of a paper.

  • Your ability to master theory/study of problems
  • Availability of supporting materials, references and other literature that you can access
  • Interesting and unique impression of your topic.
  • How much benefit from the paper you publish in general

Language Selection

The choice of language and writing a good and correct paper will also determine the quality of the paper you write. So this is also important to pay attention to. The choice of words is also considered important so that the reader is able to understand well what you want to convey in the paper. This will avoid the possibility of misinterpretation or minimal understanding of the essence of your paper.

The choice of words must be in standard or scientific language and right on target, not long-winded but still informative. It would be better if every explanation you write is accompanied by a concrete example so that it makes it easier for the reader to understand it.

Paper Structure


The cover or cover of the paper contains the title of the paper and the author's name, logo of the institution/institution, place and year of publication. The author's name is written clearly, real name and full name without being abbreviated and without mentioning the title. The author's address contains the name of the institution or institution where the author works or is studying at university. Year of publication is the year when the paper has been researched and written and published publicly.

The title on the cover or cover page uses capital letters in bold using Times New Roman typeface with a font size of 14, written with a center layout setting (flat middle). For writing the author's name and no capital letters are needed for all words, just a capital letter at the beginning of the word. However, for writing information on the name of the institution or level of education, use capital letters in bold.

Example of cover writing :

The Influence of Patrilineal Culture in the Life of Javanese Society


Arranged by :

Benedicta Harum Dhani


Brawijaya University




Abstracts are written in two languages ​​or two versions, namely Indonesian and English. For writing in Indonesian you are not allowed to write more than 250 words, while in English you are not allowed to write more than 200 words. Abstracts can contain a summary or main discussion of the paper, research objectives, research methods, hypotheses, as well as a brief summary of the results obtained based on the research conducted.

List of contents

The table of contents contains page information from the contents of the paper. Each chapter and sub-chapter in the paper is given a page description to make it easier for the reader to find the material to be read. The table of contents also contains a list of figures and a list of tables (if any).

Example of writing a table of contents:

Cover …………………………………………………………………….……….. i

Abstract ………………………………………………………………………………… ii

Abstract ……..…………………………………………………….………… iii

List of contents ……………………………………………………………………. iv

Foreword ……………………………………………………………. 1

I. Introduction .……………………………………..………….…..……. 2

I.I Background…………………………………………..…………3

I.II Problem Formulation…………………………..…………………4

I.III Purpose of Discussion………………………………………… 5

Contents…………………………………………………………………….……… 7

II.I Introduction to Randusari Village, South Semarang ……………7

Culture ………………………………………………………..….. 8

Total population and statistics…………………….…..………… 9

The patrilineal culture in the people of Randusari Village…..………. 10

II.II Patrilineal and Class Theory……………………….…………… 22

Patrilineal Culture………………………………….…… 25

Marxism in the culture of the people of the Randusari Village ………… 29

II.III Analysis ………….…………………………………………………….……… 35

III. Conclusion ……………………………………………….…….… 42

Suggestions ……………………………………………………………………………………… 45

Closing ……………………………………………………………………..…………… 46

Bibliography ……………………………………………………..…………… 48

List of Figures ………………………………………………………………… 51

List of Tables ………………………………………………………………….53

Attachment ……………………………………………………..…………….. 54


The preface includes the contents of the entire essence of the paper, namely discussing the contents of the paper as a whole but in general. This needs to be done so that the reader has a general view of the direction of the research in your paper.

Usually in the preface, the author also includes thanksgiving to God Almighty, as well as thanks to those who have supported and assisted in the process of completing the paper.

In the preface the author can also describe the explanation of the time of writing the paper, the place of research, as well as the parties involved the author's mentor in completing papers both individuals, agencies and certain institutions that are involved and provide contribution.

At the end of the foreword, the author is also allowed to write down the hopes of writing the paper, the benefits for the reader, then the writer also accepts input in the form of criticism and suggestions from readers. As well as the inclusion of the author's full name, place and date or year (time) of writing the paper but without a signature.


Introduction is the initial discussion of the research topic in a paper prepared by and from the author's point of view. The introduction doesn't need to be written extensively, it's enough to cover the outside as long as it covers the general essence of your paper. Introduction can be explained in general and brief but the purpose and meaning is clear. The introduction can explain the initial main problems encountered. The problem here is the problem that was found and wanted to be investigated in your paper.

In the introductory chapter, it includes important chapters in research papers. Usually in the introduction there are three important points which become the sub-chapters, namely Background, Problem Formulation, and Discussion Objectives.


The background explains in general the problems found, and why these problems need to be studied and then analyzed in a paper. The background is written as clearly as possible with general and easy-to-understand explanations. It can also be explained from the beginning that what you want to research becomes a problem that needs to be analyzed.

The background also explains the facts, data, findings of previous research, and references that the authors found, namely the reasons that made the researcher want to research this matter. The author also presents approaches and theoretical foundations that can be used to examine the problems found, namely from a theoretical point of view.

The background is written using the inverted pyramid method, that is, it tapers downwards. In the beginning, the writer explained broadly and in general the description of the problem, then gradually it was narrowed down to become crucial problem points, objects, and the scope to be studied.

Formulation of the problem

The formulation of the problem contains the main problems found. Usually the problem formulation is very short and concise, no more than one paragraph and contains the points of the question or problem to be studied. Question points are usually between 2 to 3 questions. The formulation of the problem is the result of the discussion on the background that has been reviewed previously.

The way to make a good problem statement is to narrow down the problem by narrowing the study of the problem which is so broad and general, into very specific, specific and leading problems, and written in the form of questions which will then be examined in depth study.

The purpose of writing the problem statement is very important, namely the reason for conducting research in the paper. The formulation of the problem also serves as a guideline or determinant of research directions, determinants of methods and theories to be adopted combined as a theoretical basis in research, as well as making it easier for researchers to determine samples and populations study.

Our purposes

The purpose of the discussion contains the benefits of the research conducted. Basically this benefit is intended for readers. Benefits are obtained if you have found results or conclusions from the problem and confirmation of the initial hypothesis. The purpose of the discussion is usually written briefly but describes and describes the benefits of research to the reader.

The purpose of the discussion is divided into two, functional goals and individual goals. Functional goals are more aimed at agencies that are affected by the results of research papers that are you make, namely the benefits of your research are expected to be the basis for making policies or decision. Individual goals are more beneficial to individuals, namely adding knowledge, introduction, and new experiences to studies that have not been studied before.

The purpose of the discussion also has research benefits for the writer, which is to add to the author's insight rules.


The contents contain the main description of the topic of the paper. The contents explain the problems, research conducted, research methods, research locations, research objectives, as well as a description of the results of the data obtained in the field. The data obtained can be qualitative data, quantitative data, or mixed methods. If the data is collected through an interview process, the writer can include excerpts from the results of the conversation with the person being interviewed or the source.

However, if the research data is in the form of quantitative data, the research results can be included in the form of a list of tables containing numbers or things that are numerical in nature. The research method can be carried out by survey methods, interviews, and observations as well as data collection in the field.

The contents explain the definitions and theoretical basis, material reviews, problem solving, and research solutions or results.


The conclusion is the elaboration of the research results obtained. The research results were obtained from the analysis of the problem formulation found and then analyzed using the theory and research methods carried out, so that the research conclusions were obtained. Conclusions can be in accordance with the hypothesis but may also not be in accordance with the initial hypothesis so that a new conclusion emerges from the problem formulation that has been described previously. The conclusion also describes whether the research conducted has answered the formulation of the problem or further research is still needed.


Suggestions are directed more writers to readers. Suggestions are obtained from research conclusions to be further developed, followed up, and implemented. Suggestions containing the benefits of research to readers based on the results of the research obtained are then expected to be carried out or applied by readers. The aim or hope is that the reader is able to apply or use the results of the research that has been carried out in its direct application in society both theoretically and practical.


The closing contains the author's hope for the reader, namely that he hopes that this research will be useful to the reader. The author also gives impressions and messages as well as thanks to those who support the author for his contribution to completing the research paper. The closing also explains the advantages and disadvantages of writing research papers.


The bibliography contains a list of references listed or used in the preparation of the paper. The bibliography contains at least 25 references, either from journals or books. Writing a bibliography must be arranged systematically and systematically sorted alphabetically according to the author's name.

The bibliography consists of the author's name, publication year, publication title, and place of publication and publisher. The arrangement for writing names in the bibliography is with the provision that the family name must be written first, followed by the nickname.

If the bibliography used is written by the same author but at different times or different years of publication, then what must be written first is the first issue. However, if the author's name is the same, and published in the same year, then the stipulation is that the author's name is arranged by distinguishing the year of publication with letters of the alphabet. Writing the author's full name, only for the first item, while for the next item it is enough to be marked: ——- (strips with a number between five or seven continuously).

Bibliography Writing Example:

Sigian, Sondang, (1995), Administrative Philosophy. Jakarta, Mount Agung
——- (1997), Human Resource Management. Jakarta: Earth Script
Sudjana, (1996a), Statistical Methods. Bandung, Tarsito
——- (1996b), Regression and Correlation Analysis Techniques for Researchers. Bandung, Tarsito

Paper Writing Stage

Preparation phase

Topic selection
Formulation of goals
Reader identification
Set limits on content
Determine the title of the paper
Gather reliable literature and supporting materials
Conduct interviews with key informants if necessary
Make a small summary of the material collected
Record difficult quotes and words

Draft Writing Stage

Write a rough text into each paper structure
Do the formulation of the problem and conclusions

Revision Stage

Examination of ideas whether they are appropriate to the topic and purpose, whether they cross the boundaries of the discussion or not.
What discussion is lacking in detail.
Adjustment to the needs and clarity of the description for the reader.
Add reactions and feedback from others reading.

Editing Stage

Pay attention again to mechanical aspects such as capital letters, spelling, sentence structure, punctuation, terms, vocabulary, essay format.
Use a little metaphor, rhythm, or figure of speech to style your writing.

Publication Stage

Pay attention to the cover, footer and header if necessary to suit the publication media we are going to aim for.
Consult with mentors or people who are experts in the same field.
Create a presentation version of your paper if needed.

Sample Papers

First paper

Arranged by


NIM: 17.A.60.152





Thank God, all praises and praises to the author go to the presence of Allah SWT, because only thanks to His mercy and grace, and the most holy You are the has provided convenience in compiling this paper to fulfill the course assignment, "Teaching Profession" so that we can complete this paper with Good.

Sholawat and greetings may continue to be bestowed upon the great Prophet Muhammad SAW, who has guided us from a path full of darkness to a path full of light, namely Islam.

Even though there may be mistakes and shortcomings, the writer as an ordinary human being cannot be separated from mistakes and shortcomings expect guidance and criticism from various parties, with the hope that the author can improve all errors and deficiencies in the paper This.

Therefore it is fitting that the author would like to express his gratitude, respect and highest appreciation to:

Head of Pancawahana Bangil Islamic High School Hj. Siti Romlah, M.Pd. I
The Honorable Lecturer of the Subject Subject "PAI Learning Materials" Muhammad Sulaiman, M.Pd. I
Friends who are in this odd semester (5).

Only a string of prayers that we can say may his good deeds be accepted by Allah SWT. And become a good deed that always flows to the ruler of the universe.

Finally, we realize that this thesis is still far from being perfect, therefore criticism and suggestions that can awaken our souls are very much expected. Hopefully this thesis can provide benefits and support knowledge for the writer in particular and for future generations. And always get His blessing. Amen.

Bangil, ………2020

Moh. Nasiruddin

3. List of contents


Title page ………………………………………………………………………………….

Foreword …………………………………………………………………………………

List of contents ………………………………………………………………………………………….


CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION …………………………………………………………………

1.1 Background of the Problem ………………………………………………….

1.2 Problem Formulation …………………………………………………………..

1.3 Purpose of Writing …………………………………………………………….

1.4 Benefits of Writing ………………………………………………………….




CHAPTER II DISCUSSION …………………………………………………………………

2.1 Definition of Professional Teacher ……………………………………………

2.2 Abilities A Teacher Must Have ………………..

2.3 Competence Aspects of Professional Teachers ………………………



Chapter III closing …………………………………………………………………………….

A Conclusion …………………………………………………………………..

B. Suggestion ……………………………………………………………………………


Bibliography ………………………………………………………………………………… 20



Background of the problem

Efforts to improve the quality of education are carried out by setting objectives and educational competency standards. In relation to education, competence refers to actions that are rational in nature to achieve a goal that is in accordance with the expected conditions. This competence (ability) is obtained through the process of education or training. One of the factors that most determine the success of the teaching and learning process is the teacher. A teacher needs to have the ability to organize the ideas developed among his students so that they can move their interest, passion and enthusiasm for learning.

The professional teacher in question is a teacher who is qualified, competent, and a teacher who is desired to bring in learning achievement and being able to influence the teaching and learning process of students which will later produce student learning achievements the good one.

As educators who have qualitative abilities, teachers must master teacher science and be able to apply learning strategies to deliver students to educational goals, in this case religious education, for example, namely the creation of a generation of believers with ulu albab personality and perfect human. (Ahmad Barizi: 2009, 144)

In the teaching and learning process, the teacher has the duty to encourage, guide and provide learning facilities for students to achieve goals. The teacher has the responsibility to see everything that happens in the classroom to help the student's development process. Submission of subject matter is only one of the various activities in learning as a dynamic process in all phases and processes of student development. (Slameto: 2010, 97)

Learning achievement is the result of learning achieved after going through the process of teaching and learning activities. Learning achievement can be shown through the value given by a teacher from the number of fields of study that have been studied by students. Every learning activity, of course, always expects to produce maximum learning. In the process of achieving it, learning achievement is strongly influenced by various factors. One of the main factors that is very influential in the success of learning is the presence of teachers. Considering that the existence of teachers in the process of teaching and learning activities is very influential, then the quality of teachers should pay attention to learning achievement cannot be separated from learning activities, because learning is a process, while learning achievement is the result of the learning process the. For a child learning is an obligation. The success or failure of a child in education depends on the learning process experienced by the child.

Again, in this context, it is the touch of the teacher's cold hand that is very much in the future, so that it succeeds in giving birth to new history-changing cadres for the future of Indonesia. This is the great responsibility of the teacher which forms the basis of its actualization in the world of education. If it's only for the sake of pursuing finances, it will be difficult for a teacher to produce history-changing cadres who require hard work, sacrifice and great struggle. If everything is measured by material, then the scientific orientation and future of the nation will be blurred. (Jamil Ma'mur Asmani: 2015, 58)

The existence of professional teachers is very far from what is aspired. The mushrooming of low quality schools gives a signal that teachers are professional is just a discourse that has not been realized equally in all education in Indonesia Indonesia. This raises a concern that does not only come from academics, but even ordinary people comment on the irregularities in education and the existing teaching staff. This fact has stirred up the academic community, so that they have formulated a formula to improve teacher qualifications through empowering and increasing the professionalism of teachers from training to instructions so that teachers have a minimum educational qualification Strata 1 (S1).

The incompetence of a teacher in delivering teaching materials will indirectly affect the results of learning. Because the learning process can not only be achieved with courage, but the main factor is the competence that exists in the person of a teacher. Limitations of the teacher's knowledge in delivering material both in terms of methods or supporting other learning subjects will affect learning.

Looking at the discourse above, it is very clear that teacher professionalism can affect learning achievement. Based on the discourse in the field, the writer wants to prove whether the perceptions that exist among the public regarding the problem of teacher professionalism are correct or not on the other hand, by conducting a study at one of the institutions in the Rembang sub-district, namely MI Roudlotul Falah, to be precise, in Kalisat Village, Rembang District, Pasuruan.

From some of the explanations above, the researcher in this case will conduct a study entitled "Inner Teacher Professionalism Improving Student Learning Achievement in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Roudlotul Falah Kalisat, Rembang District, Regency Pasuruan

Formulation of the problem

Starting from the background of the description above, the problems that can be formulated are as follows:

How do professional teachers improve student achievement?
Writing purpose

The research objectives are:

To find out teachers who are professional in improving student achievement.
The benefits of writing

This writing has several uses for research, including:

For Writers
Add insight and knowledge about problems in the field of education, especially in improving student achievement.
In addition to experience and input so that it can become a provision and guide for engaging in educational institutions in order to develop the implementation of Islamic religious education


The results of this study are expected to provide motivation to teachers as educators to improve teacher competence in improving participant achievement.



Definition of Professional Teacher

In almost all civilized nations, the teacher is recognized as a special profession. It is said so, because the teaching profession not only requires certain skills as other professions, but also carries out the most valuable mission, namely education and civilization. On that basis, in the culture of a civilized nation, teachers are always glorified, lauded, admired and respected, because of their important role for the existence of the nation in the future.

In the treasures of Islamic thought, the term teacher has several terms, such as "ustad", "muallim", "muaddib", and "murabbi". some of the terms for the term "teacher" are related to several terms for education, namely "ta'lim", "ta'dib", and "tarbiyah". The term 'muallim' places more emphasis on the teacher as a teacher and conveys knowledge and science; the term muaddib emphasizes more on the teacher as a coach of morality and student morals by exemplary; whereas murabbi emphasizes the development and maintenance of both physical and spiritual aspects. While the term that is commonly used and has a broad and neutral meaning is Ustad which is translated in Indonesian as "Teacher". (Marno & M. Idris, 2010, 15)

Defining teachers as professionals, in a sematic context, is of course very closely related to knowledge about the meaning of the word profession itself. The use of the word profession is semantically very connotative, meaning that it can be used in various fields of work, one of which is the field of education or teacher training. Therefore, it is legal for use that relies on teachers who have certain abilities referred to as professionals in the field of education and teacher training. The term profession is etymologically referred to from the English word "profession" which means position or job permanent and regular basis to earn a living which demands special education or training. (Abdul Majid: 2014, 84)

According to finch & Crunnkilton (1992), in Jamil Suprahiningrum, competencies of those taks skills, attitude, values, and appreciation they are deemend critical to success in live or in earning a live. This statement implies that competence includes tasks, skills, attitudes, values ​​and appreciation given within the framework of life success/life income. This is reinforced by the statement of Broke & Stone (1975), which states that competency is a description of the nature of teacher behavior that looks very significant. (Jamil Suprihatiningrum: 2014, 98)

Muhibbin Syah stated that the term professional (professional) was originally an adjective from third profession (work) which means very capable of doing work. As a noun, professional more or less means a person who performs a profession using profession as a means of livelihood.

Furthermore, in carrying out their professional authority, teachers are required to have a variety of psychological skills, which include:

Cognitive competence (creative domain skills)
Affective competence (feeling skills)
Psychomotor competence (feeling skills) (Muhibbin Syah: 2016, 229-230)

From the explanation above it can be concluded that, profession is a position, professional is ability or expertise in holding a certain position, while professionalism is the soul of a profession and professional. Thus, a professional teacher in this case is a teacher who has special abilities and expertise in teaching children students and has experience in managing classes and organizing so that he is able to carry out his duties and functions as a teacher with maximum ability and have competence in accordance with the criteria of a professional teacher, and the profession has become a source of eyes livelihood

Abilities That Must Have A Teacher

Ability to Understand Learners

There are at least four things that must be understood by professional teachers from their students, namely:

Intelligence Level

In learning to help students who have different levels of intelligence, the teacher can do division of students into groups (based on level of intelligence and achievement), accelerated program (accelerated for smart kid).


Creativity is the result of learning in cognitive skills, so that being creative can be learned through the teaching and learning process. The levels in question are:

Non-verbal information
Fact information
Concepts and principles
Problem solving and creativity. (Slameto: 2010, 138)
Physical condition

A teacher may not discriminate between normal students and those with physical disabilities, in terms of association or in terms of assessment. A teacher must also understand their shortcomings, usually students who have physical disabilities tend to feel inferior and not confident, a teacher must be able to motivate and encourage them so they can learn well Good. And most importantly a teacher must be patient and painstaking in dealing with them.

Cognitive Development

From some of the individual differences above, educators and school principals must understand it so that they can carry out learning effectively. In this case learning can be adapted to the diversity of conditions and needs both regarding the abilities or potential of students and environmental competencies

Ability to Plan Lessons

While William H. Newman in Abdul Majid argues that planning is determining what will be done. Planning contains a wide range of decisions and explanations of goals, determinations policies, determining programs, determining certain methods and procedures and determining activities based on schedules daily. (Darwyn Shah: 2007, 28)

According to Abdul Majid planning is preparing the steps to be implemented to achieve a predetermined goal. The plan can be prepared based on needs within a certain period of time according to the wishes of the planner. However, what is more important is that the plans made must be carried out easily and on target. (Abdul Majid: 2008, 15)

In the context of teaching, planning can be interpreted as the process of preparing subject matter, using teaching media, using approaches and teaching methods, and assessments in a time allocation that will be carried out at a certain time to achieve the goals that have been set specify. (Abdul Majid: 2008, 17)

For an educator Before teaching in class, at least have prepared a syllabus and an implementation plan learning process (RPP) it is intended that learning can be directed and in accordance with what competencies you want achieved. Usually the RPP includes at least learning objectives, teaching materials, teaching methods, learning resources and assessment of learning outcomes.

Ability to Implement Educational Learning

Teaching and learning is an interaction that has normative value. Teaching and learning is a conscious and purposeful process. The purpose is as a guide in which direction the teaching and learning process will take. The teaching and learning process will be successful if the results are able to bring changes in knowledge, understanding, skills, and attitude values ​​in students. (Syaiful Bahri Djamarah: 2010, 12) In learning the teacher's most important task is to condition the environment to support behavior change for students.

The failure of the implementation of learning is largely due to the application of educational methods conventional, anti-dialogue, domestication process, knowledge inheritance and not based on reality public.

Ability to Evaluate Learning Outcomes

According to E. Mulyasa, in his book evaluation of learning outcomes is carried out to find out changes in behavior and the formation of competence of students who can carried out by class assessment, basic ability tests, final assessment of educational units and certification, benchmarking and assessment programming. In this case the researcher will describe.

Class Assessment
Basic Proficiency Test
Final Assessment of Education and Certification Units
Program Assessment. (Mulyasa: 2003, 108)

In this assessment an educator will be able to know the development and progress of students, and become reference for implementing the next steps in teaching and learning activities so that learning objectives are achieved achieved.

Ability to Develop Learners

The development of students is part of the pedagogical competencies that must be possessed by teachers, to actualize the various potentials possessed by each student. The development of students can be carried out by teachers in various ways, such as participating in extra-curricular activities, enrichment and remedial, guidance and counseling. (Agus Maimun: 2006, 85-90)

Professional Teacher Competency Aspects

In a book written by Wina Sanjaya, the competencies that a teacher must have include personal competence, professional competence, and social competence. (Wina Sanjaya: 2014, 18)

Pedagogic Competence

Pedagogic competence is an ability related to student understanding and managing educational and dialogic learning.

Personal Competence

Personal competence is a personal ability that reflects a steady, stable, mature, wise personality and authoritative, setting a role model for students, and having a noble character, including the following personality competencies :

Have a steady and stable personality
Have a mature personality
Have a wise personality
Have an authoritative personality
Be a role model for students.

Social Competence

Social competence relates to the ability of educators as part of society to communicate and interact effectively with students and the surrounding community. The following are things that need to be possessed as social beings:

Communicate and mingle effectively
Relationship management between school and community
Take an active role in society
Become an agent of social change

Professional Competence

Teacher professional competence describes the abilities that must be possessed by someone who holding the position as a teacher, meaning that the ability shown is characteristic his professionalism.

In the National Education Standards, explanation of Article 28 paragraph (3) point c stated that professional competence is the ability to master the material broad and in-depth learning that allows guiding students to meet competency standards set out in national standards education. (Jamil Suprihatiningrum: 2014, 101-115)

From the description above the teacher is often regarded as a figure who has an ideal personality, because of that the teacher is often regarded as a teacher a model or role model that must be looked after and imitated, as a model the teacher must have the competencies mentioned above on.




Based on the explanation above, a professional teacher is a teacher who has special abilities and expertise in teaching students and has experience in managing classes and organizing so that he is able to carry out his duties and functions as a teacher with maximum ability and have competence in accordance with the criteria of a professional teacher, and the profession has become a source of eyes livelihood

In this case a professional teacher to improve student learning achievement a teacher must have the ability as an educator, these abilities include:

Cognitive competence (creative domain skills)
Affective competence (feeling skills)
Psychomotor competence (sense domain skills)


The author in this case realizes that in the preparation of this paper there are many mistakes, therefore I ask for criticism from the lecturers supporting the Teaching Profession course this odd semester,

The author also suggests that all teachers can improve their abilities in carrying out their profession as teachers, so that intelligent and useful students are born for the nation and state.


Asmani, Jamil Ma'mur. 2015. Tips on Becoming an Inspirational, Creative and Innovative teacher, Jogjakarta: DIVA Press.

Bariz, Ahmad. 2009. A Practical Guide to Becoming a Superior Teacher, Jogjakarta: AM Ar Ruzz Media.

Djamarah, Syaiful Bahri. 2010. Teachers and Students in Educative Interaction, A Psychological Theoretical Approach, Jakarta: Rineka Cipta.

Idris, & Marno. 2010. Teaching Strategies & Methods, Creating Effective and Educative Teaching Skills, Jogjakarta: Ar-Ruzz Media, 2010.

Maimun, Agus. 2006. Assessment of Learning in Madrasas (Based on Competency-Based Curriculum), Malang: Fajar Cemerlang.

Majid, Abdul. 2014. Learning and Learning Islamic Religious Education, (Bandung: Rosdakarya, 2014.

Mulyasa, E. 2003. Competency-Based Curriculum, Concepts, Characteristics, and Implementation, Bandung: PT Remaja Rosdakarya.

Sanjaya, Vienna. 2014. Learning Strategies oriented to Education Process Standards, Jakarta: Kencana.

Slameto. 2010. Learning & Factors That Influence It, jakarta: Rineka Cipta.

Shah, Darwyn. 2007. Planning for Islamic Religious Education Teaching System, Jakarta, Persada's Echo Press.

Shah, Muhibbin. 2016. Educational Psychology with a New Approach, Bandung: PT Remaja Rosdakarya.

Suprihatiningrum, Jamil. 2014. Professional Teachers Guidelines for Teacher Performance, Qualifications & Competence, Jogjakarta: Ar-Ruzz Media

Papers: Definition, Characteristics, Functions, Types, Structure, How to Make and Examples

Second Paper


Easy and Low Cost Freshwater Tilapia Cultivation
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First of all let us mention the name of Allah SWT, the Most Gracious and the Most Merciful. We also do not forget to give thanks for the abundance of His grace and guidance, so that the paper on Tilapia Freshwater Fish Cultivation for Various Frozen Food Products can be completed. We hope that this paper will be useful for the community and readers.

We have compiled this paper in a complete and detailed manner, so that ordinary people can understand information related to Tilapia fish farming. We also express our gratitude to all parties who have contributed to the completion of this paper.

We also realize that we still have many shortcomings in the preparation of this paper. We apologize if there are errors in the wording, so we are open to and accept criticism and suggestions for all readers.

Finally, we convey, I hope this paper can be useful and provide inspiration for all people who read it. That's all.

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• 1.1 Background
• 1.2 Problem Formulation
• 1.3 Purpose of Writing
• 1.4 Benefits of Writing

• 2.1 Definition of Tilapia and its types
• 2.2 Nutritional Content of Tilapia
• 2.3 Condition of Tilapia Ponds
• 2.4 The Best Feed for Tilapia

• A. Conclusion
• B. Suggestion





1.1 Background

You must already know that tilapia is very popular for consumption by the people of Indonesia. The market demand for tilapia is also increasing due to an increase in the population. There are many types of Tilapia that are commonly cultivated by the community, such as ordinary Tilapia, Black Tilapia, and Red Tilapia.

Tilapia cultivation is very important, because market demand is getting higher and not accompanied by cultivation which can cause the extinction of a tilapia fish species. The extinction of tilapia will also have a negative impact on the balance of the ecosystem. Tilapia Fish Cultivation also helps the government in meeting domestic food needs.

1.2 Problem Formulation

There are many types of tilapia fish cultivated in Indonesia. However, not all of these species contain high nutrients, so the hatchery must use the right species. One of the superior species is Tilapia Strain which has superior quality and can be exported.

1. What is the Tilapia Strain that is considered superior?
2. What is the nutritional content of strain tilapia?
3. How to make a Tilapia Fish Pond for good cultivation?
4. What is the best tilapia feed?

1.3 Purpose of Writing

The preparation of this paper is intended for the following:

1. To complete the task of the Tilapia Fish Cultivation course.
2. Share insights with readers.
3. Sharing information on the correct tilapia cultivation.
4. Increase the number of Tilapia fish entrepreneurs to meet domestic demand.

1.4 Benefits of Writing

1. Sharing insights about various types of good tilapia.
2. Sharing information about the nutritional content of Tilapia.
3. Sharing information on the correct tilapia cultivation.
4. Sharing information about the best tilapia feed.



2.1 Definition of Tilapia and its types

Seeds recommended for use in hatcheries are seeds whose origins and strains are known. Superior tilapia seeds can reproduce and grow quickly. The level of tolerance to the environment and disease resistance is also good.

These superior seeds make people who cultivate them not have to spend high expenses in terms of handling. There are several types of tilapia strains that are considered superior and exist in Indonesia, namely JICA, Nirwana, Larasati, Jatimbulan, Best, Gesit, Srikandi Nirwana II, Sultana, and so on. Each type definitely has different advantages.

2.2 Nutritional Content of Tilapia

Each tilapia certainly has different nutritional levels. However, the range of the nutrient content for protein is from 16.00 – 18.80%. The fat content of tilapia ranges from 0.60 – 2.80%. While the water content of tilapia varies widely from 64.80 – 81.00%.

2.3 Conditions of Tilapia Fish Ponds

You can choose to grow tilapia with various types of ponds, such as ground ponds, cement ponds, tarpaulin ponds, floating nets in brackish water. One of the most popular ponds used for tilapia cultivation is an earthen pond.

The pond must be wide and adjusted to the number of seeds developed. At least the pond must be clean of various kinds of garbage, gravel and dirt. Also clean the black muddy part.

Keep the pH of the pool as neutral as possible between pH 7- 8. Neutralization can be done by liming using dolomite or agricultural lime. Give organic fertilizer to the pond soil at a dose of 1 -2 tons per hectare. Spread the fertilizer evenly on each pond bottom.

The next step is to fill the pond with water gradually and the first stage with a depth of 10 cm and let it grow algae. After that, just fill the earthen pond completely using water with a height of approximately 60 -75 cm.

2.4 The Best Feed for Tilapia

One of the best organic feeds for tilapia is Azolla Pinnata which is a water fern. These plants will float on the surface of the water and measure 1-4 cm. The leaf shape of this plant is triangular. You will be able to buy these plants from farmers, as they are usually abundant in their fields.

The next organic feed is Lemna Sp. These plants are much smaller than water ferns. The protein content of these plants ranges from 10 – 45%. This plant can also reproduce quickly, so that it becomes an excellent feed for freshwater fish breeders.



3.1 Conclusion

Tilapia Fish Cultivation does not require too high a cost, because the seeds used are also superior seeds. You can also make your own cheap organic feed in your backyard pond.

3.2 Suggestions

Making the contents of this correct tilapia cultivation paper is still far from perfect. The author hopes for criticism and suggestions from readers.



It contains various sources of books, journals, and the internet that were used when making Tilapia Cultivation papers.

Thus the review from About the about Paper, hopefully can add to your insight and knowledge. Thank you for visiting and don't forget to read other articles.

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