√ Definition of Expository Writing, Characteristics, Structure, How to Create and Examples

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Definition of Expository Writing, Characteristics, Structure, How to Create and Examples – In this discussion we will explain about expository essay. Which includes the definition, characteristics, structure, how to make and examples of expository essays which will be discussed in full and easy to understand.

Definition of Expository Writing, Characteristics, Structure, How to Create and Examples

For more details, please see the review below carefully.

Definition of Expository Writing

Expository essay is a type of essay that presents an explanation or describes some knowledge or information in a clearer and more detailed manner. In expository essays there are supporting data facts, making the information obtained clearer.

Expository essays are also often called factual essays. That's because this essay discusses concrete things according to research and scientific experiments so that the contents of the essay can be justified.

Apart from research and experiments, expository essays are accompanied and supported by internal data the form of facts, examples, personal opinions and so on makes the information conveyed strong. More precisely, expository essays contain information to increase the reader's knowledge.

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Characteristics of Expository Writing

The characteristics of expository essays are as follows:

  • Provide and explain information so that readers can know and understand
  • Give something to the reader in accordance with the facts
  • Provide an objective analysis of the facts
  • Describe the process of events that occur
  • Has a neutral nature and has no element of influencing or forcing the will of the reader.

Expositional Structure

The structure of an expository essay includes thesis, argumentation and restatement.


The thesis is an opening that contains the author's point of view on the topic to be discussed. The thesis can contain theories that will be reviewed or strengthened by arguments.


Is part in the form of evidence reasons that can strengthen the argumentation thesis can be in the form of expert opinions, research results, or general statements that have reliable reference bases.


This is the final part of an expository essay. As the name suggests, reaffirmation contains conclusions that reaffirm the thesis and proof or reinforcement in the argument.

How to Make an Expositional Essay

The steps in making an expository essay are as follows:

  • Set the theme of the essay
  • Choose supporting data according to the theme of the essay
  • Create an outline
  • Developing the framework into a complete essay

In making an expository essay, the writer must know the details of a topic to be discussed. Then divide the details according to chronological order.

Chronological order in making expository essay is an explanation of the process of occurrence or problems that arise on the topic, functional sequence, cause-and-effect analysis and analysis comparison.

Definition of Expository Writing, Characteristics, Structure, How to Make, Examples

Example of expository essay

Process of Making Tempeh

Tempe is one of the typical Indonesian foods which is certainly no stranger to the world. The place is made by using a fermentation process on soybean seeds.

Another ingredient used for making tempeh is Rhizopus oligosporus or often called yeast tempeh. Fermentation of soybeans with the help of this tempeh yeast will produce tempeh food.

In general, the process of making tempe begins with the stages of boiling, peeling, soaking and pickling, washing, inoculation with yeast, wrapping and fermentation. The wrap used in the packaging process is usually banana leaves, but often the wrappers are replaced with plastic, waru leaves and teak leaves. The fermentation process can be carried out at a temperature of 20°C-37°C for 18-36 hours.

The process of making tempeh is relatively easy, but that doesn't mean it's free from failure. Failure to make tempeh is often caused by inaccurate room temperature, bad soybean ingredients, or even the quality of tempeh yeast.

Indonesia is currently trying to develop superior Rhizopus to get tempeh that is faster, of better quality or to improve the nutritional content of tempeh.

Thus has been explained about Definition of Expository Writing, Characteristics, Structure, How to Create and Examples, hopefully can add to your insight and knowledge. Thank you for visiting and don't forget to read other articles.

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