Roman Numerals: History, Basic Numbers, How to Write, Formulas and Drawbacks
Roman Numerals: History, Basic Numbers, How to Write, Formulas and Drawbacks – Do you know what Roman numerals are and how to read them? At this opportunity About the will discuss it, covering basic numbers, how to write and of course other things that also cover it. Let's look at the discussion together in the article below to better understand it
Roman Numerals: History, Basic Numbers, How to Write, Formulas and Drawbacks
The Roman numeration system has been known since 260 BC. The numeration system that we know today is a development of the old system. Historically, Roman numerals have existed since ancient Rome.
In ancient times, the ancient Romans used their own numbering which was very different from the numbering system today. Roman numerals only consist of 7 numbers with certain letter symbols where each letter symbolizes/means a certain number.
Initially the calculation system was adapted from the calculation system belonging to the Etruscans. Likewise with the numbers, they are very similar to those of the Etruscans (symbolized by letters and pictures). Since Etruscan numerals were difficult to write or read, in the Middle Ages the Roman numerals were simplified.
Example in Etruscan of writing the numbers: I ^ X П 8 П. well, in the new series of roman numerals the numbers change to: I V X L C M.
In general, Roman numerals consist of 7 digits (denoted by letters) as follows.
I represents the number 1
V represents the number 5
X represents the number 10
L represents the number 50
C represents the number 100
D represents the number 500
M represents the number 1,000
Basic Roman Numbers
Even though it's basic and seems very simple, this is the most important thing for you to know.
1 = I
5 = V
10 = X
50 = L
100 = C
1000 = M
Digits in Numbers
The next step is to know all the unit digits in Roman numerals. Here are the Roman numerals:
1 = I
2 = II
3 = III
4 = IV
5 = V
6 = VI
7 = VII
8 = VIII
9 = IX
Unit digits
After knowing the unit number, then you can understand writing Roman numerals in the following tens:
10 = X
20 = XX
30 = XXX
40 = XL
50 = L
60 = Lx
70 = LXX
80 = LXXXX
90 = XC
Hundreds Digits
After you know and understand how to write Roman numerals in tens digits, then you can learn how to write them in hundreds digits, because it's different! Pay attention and understand the writing of Roman numerals in the hundreds digits below:
100 = C
200 = CC
300 = CCC
400 = CDs
500 = D
600 = DC
700 = DCCC
800 = DCCC
900 = CM
Sequential Writing of Symbols
When writing Roman numerals, you need to remember that three symbols cannot be written simultaneously. When you write down the same symbol, you usually get a maximum sum of three.
Consider the following examples:
I + I = II = 2
X + X + X = XXX = 30
- Symbol Laying Rules for Writing Roman Numerals Correctly
The symbol with the smaller value is placed after the symbol with the larger value. Similar to the previous rule, symbols that have the same value are added up. The important thing for you to remember is that the symbol that is written first is the one that has the greater value.
To understand better, consider the following example:
X + I = XI = 11
M + C + L = MCL = 1150
11 = XI
1150 = MCL
- Smaller Symbols Are Placed Before Large Value Symbols
When writing Roman numerals, the next rule for writing numbers that needs to be understood is that the symbol with the smaller value is placed before the symbol with the larger value and then subtracted. In this rule, of course, you subtract symbols that have a smaller value from symbols that have a larger value.
Here we provide an example of writing.
4 = IV
900 = CM
How to Write Composite Numbers
In how to write combined numbers in the Roman numeral rules, there are several rules that you need to know and understand. Here are some of those rules:
To write the number 4, the correct Roman numeral is IV, not IIII
The correct writing of the number 2987 is MMCMLXXXVII, with the following explanation:
The value 1000 is represented by the first M
The value 1000 is represented by the second M
The value 900 is represented by CM
The value 80 is represented by LXXX
The value 7 is represented by VII.
With the value represented by each of these alphabets, you will get a value of 2987. You can try to calculate it yourself!
How to Write Bigger Numbers
Because the number 1000 is symbolized by the letter M (there is no larger number than M in Roman numerals) so when you want to make the number 1,000,000 (one million), it is necessary to add a line above the letter M so that it is equal to one million. The line above the symbol represents that symbol times 1000. Thus, 1,000,000 is written M x M.
MMMMM represents the number five million with a line over all the M's. This method is rarely used, but it would be nice if you know the rules.
Double Check Your Work
After you finish writing Roman numerals, to be even more sure, you can check the results online. Currently, there are online media that can convert Latin to Roman numerals, one of which is
Tips for Learning Roman Numerals
CM = 900
VI = 6
C = 100
L = 50
X = 10
VIII = 8
IX = 9
V = 5
III = 3
MCMLXXXIV = 1984 (M=1000; CM=900; LXXX=80; IV=4)
II = 2
XL = 40
XX = 20
M = 1000
IVs = 4
XC = 90
MMM = 3000
VIIs = 7
I = 1
MMXI = 2011
D = 500
Roman Number Rules
To read Roman numerals, we can describe them in addition form as in the following example.
Example :
II = I + I
= 1 + 1
= 2
So, II is read as 2
VIII = V + I + I + I
= 5 + 1 + 1 + 1
= 8
So, VIII is read as 8
LXXVI = L + X + X + V + I
= 50 + 10 + 10 + 5 + 1
= 76
So, LXXVI reads 76
CXXXVII = C + X + X + X + V + I + I
= 100 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 5 + 1 + 1
= 137
So, CXXXVII reads 137
From the examples above, it can be seen that: the further to the right, the smaller the value. There are no base number symbols that line more than three. From these examples we can write down the first rule in reading Roman numeral symbols as follows.
If the symbol representing the smaller number is on the right, the Roman symbols are added together.
There is a maximum of three digits.
Roman Number Subtraction Rules
What if the symbol representing the lower number is on the left? To read Roman numerals, we can describe them in the form of subtraction as in the following example.
IV = V – I
= 5 – 1
= 4
So, IV reads 4
IX = X – I
= 10 – 1
= 9
So, IX is read as 9
XL = L – X
= 50 – 10
= 40
So, XL reads 40
From these examples we can write down the second rule in reading Roman numeral symbols as follows.
If the symbol denoting a lesser number is on the left, the Roman symbols are subtracted.
The maximum deduction is one point.
The number I can only subtract the numbers V and X.
The number X can only subtract the numbers L and C.
C numbers can only subtract D and M numbers.
Combined Roman Numbers Rule
From the two rules above (addition and subtraction) can be combined so that it can be clearer in reading the Roman numeral symbols. Let's consider the following example.
XIV = X + (V – I)
= 10 + (5 – 1)
= 10 + 4
= 14
So, XIV is read as 14
MCMXCIX = M + (M – C) + (C – X) + (X – I)
= 1.000 + (1.000 – 100) + (100 –10) + (10 – 1)
= 1.000 + 900 + 90 + 9
= 1.999
So, MCMXCIX reads 1,999
How to Write Roman Numbers
After being able to read Roman numbers, of course you can also write the Roman numeral symbols from the specified natural numbers. The rules for writing Roman numeral symbols are the same as those you learned earlier. Let's consider the following example.
24 = 20 + 4
= (10 + 10) + (5 – 1)
= XX + IV
So, the Roman numeral symbol for 24 is XXIV
48 = 40 + 8
= (50 – 10) + (5 + 3)
So, the symbol for the Roman number 48 is XLVIII
139 = 100 + 30 + 9
= 100 + (10 + 10 + 10) + (10 – 1)
= C + XXX + IX
So, the Roman numeral symbol for 139 is CXXXIX
496 = 1.000 + 400 + 90 + 6
= 1.000 + (500 – 100) + (100 – 10) + (5 + 1)
= M + CD + XC + VI
So, the symbol for the Roman number 1.496 is MCDXCVI
Lack of Roman Numerals
Roman numerals are very commonly used today, including in clocks, book chapters, numbering movie sequels, numbering series of sporting events such as the Olympics. However, Roman numerals have drawbacks in numbering, namely:
There are no zeros / 0
Too long to mention specific numbers
Limited to small numbers only
To make up for the lack of Roman numerals on the limitations of small numbers, a thousand multiplier was created with a dash symbol above the letter symbols (except I).
V / v with the line above for the five thousand / 5000 figure
X / x with the line above for the number ten thousand / 10000
L / l with the line above for fifty thousand / 50000
C / c with the line above for the one hundred thousand / 100000 digits
D / d with the line above for five hundred thousand / 500000
M / m with the line above for the numbers one million / 1000000
Roman Numeral Formulas
Roman numerals are arranged from left to right in decreasing and increasing order. For example, MMII = 2 * 1000 + 2 * 1 = 2002. If the lower number appears before the higher one, it is deducted from the higher number, not added to the total.
For example, IX = -1 + 10 = 9. Similarly, XC = -10 + 100 = 90, and XL = -10 + 50 = 40. This avoids writting Roman numerals with more than three consecutive occurrences of the same letter, for example, IV
Thus the review from About the about Roman Numerals: History, Basic Numbers, How to Write, Formulas and Drawbacks, hopefully can add to your insight and knowledge. Thank you for visiting and don't forget to read other articles.
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