Crafts from Hard Materials: Definition, Types, Techniques, Stages of How to Make and Examples

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Crafts from Hard Materials: Definition, Types, Techniques, Stages of How to Make and Examples - What is craft from hard materials?, On this occasion About the will discuss it and of course other things that also cover it. Let's look at the discussion together in the article below to better understand it.

Crafts from Hard Materials: Definition, Types, Techniques, Stages of How to Make and Examples

Crafts from hard materials are a craft product that uses hard base materials. Hard material crafts can be one of the crafts that can generate rupiah coffers. Not a few of the handicraft entrepreneurs who can penetrate abroad as a product market.

The fact is that hard materials so far can be turned into a profitable business for you creative hands. There are two types of hard material crafts in the archipelago, there are crafts that always maintain variety and form of traditional decoration, there are also those who have received innovations in accordance with the demands of Indonesia market.

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According to the materials used, crafts made of this hard material can be divided into two types, namely:

Types of Hard Material Types

  • Natural Hard Material

Crafts made from natural hard materials are crafts that use materials in the manufacturing process raw materials originating from nature through processing, but do not cause changes in shape to objects the.

This natural hard material is also very easy to find and the price is also very affordable, because in some materials it can be obtained directly in the area around us.

Examples of Crafts from Natural Hard Materials:

  • Rock
  • Grains
  • Bone
  • Shell
  • Wood
  • Sand
  • Rattan
  • Bamboo.

Still confused about what craft to make? Relax, friend, there are still other crafts you can do. Well, which I have discussed before regarding examples of soft material crafts. Please you try!

  • Artificial Hard Material

Crafts made from artificial hard materials are crafts whose basic materials have gone through a reprocessing process.

These materials are processed until hard so that they can be used as craft materials.

Examples of Crafts from Artificial Hard Materials:

  • Iron
  • Wire
  • Glass
  • Cement
  • Can
  • Tin
  • Metal (Gold, Silver, Brass, Aluminum and Copper)

Craft Making Techniques from Hard Materials

There are several techniques that are often used to make a craft from hard materials, namely:

  • Woven Technique

The weaving technique itself is a craft technique in which the work system is carried out by lifting, crossing or combining materials to become a work in the form of woven.

Examples of this woven technique craft use hard materials such as plastic, bamboo and rattan.

Webbing has four (4) types, namely as follows:

    • Single cross webbing, namely webbing that has two axes perpendicular to or oblique to one another.
    • Double cross is a technique of inserting and overlapping two flat objects, namely the weft (horizontal) and warp (vertical) which are in different directions.
    • Three axes is a technique that has similarities with the cross woven technique. It's just that you need to remember that flat objects, namely the weft and warp to be woven are arranged in three directions.
    • The four axes are the technique of inserting and superimposing flat objects. Namely feed and warp with each other in different directions.

  • Welding Engineering

Welding technique is a metal connection by melting some of the main metal and filler metal. with no pressure and no added metal resulting in a continuous connection.

The welding procedure looks quite simple, but requires special skills. Therefore, in welding, knowledge or insight is needed to accompany the practice.

  • Solder Technique

The soldering technique is a technique for joining metal materials under the influence of heat with the help of metal additives or metal alloys.

Desoldering can be considered for application under the following conditions:

    • As a substitute for welding construction materials that are sensitive to high welding temperatures.
    • Result in losses or can change the structure of the material, causing tearing, cracking and breaking.
    • Joins very small, thin or specially shaped workpieces with different thicknesses.
    • For repair work on parts that are very sensitive to heat, for example tools.
    • For container joints, cracks and others.

  • Engraving Technique

At the stage of its use, this technique goes through the process of gouging out to form a concavity or convexity and then arranges it into a certain pattern. This carving method itself has been known since ancient times, namely the Young Stone Age in Indonesia.

Because at that time there were already many tools made using stone as the basic material, for example household utensils and other objects.

In essence, these objects are engraved in geometric shapes, such as circles, lines, tumpal, zig-zag, swastikas and triangles. Besides being able to function as decoration, this carving also contains a symbolic and religious meaning.

  • Lathe Engineering

Through this technique, a lathe chisel is needed whose function is to slice and shape objects. This lathe technique also produces a work of art that is symmetrical, round and neat.

Examples of hard material crafts with this lathe technique are: wooden flower vases, wooden ashtrays and other objects.

  • Cast Technique (Pour and Print)

The Indonesian state is now beginning to recognize bronze processing techniques when bronze culture has successfully entered Indonesia, including this cast technique.

There are two types that use the cast technique, namely:

    • Single Use Pouring Technique (A Cire Perdue)

In this single-use casting technique it is only made on objects such as bronze which through form and decoration is a bit more complicated. For example statues and bronze statues.

To use this technique, you are required to make a model using soil first. After that, the model is covered with wax, then covered again with clay.

Then it is burned which aims to remove the wax so that a cavity is formed.

Pour the bronze into the cavity just now. Clay molds can be broken after they have cooled to produce the desired bronze object.

This disposable technique can usually only be used for one time use.

    • Repeat Pour Technique (Bivalve)

Bivalve has two terms, namely Bi = two and Valve = pieces. Using the method of pouring repeatedly and using two pieces of mold made of stone.

So that it can be used repeatedly according to its own needs.

Molds made specifically for this pouring technique can be reused after use.

The Bivalve technique is applied to print a simple object, both in shape and decoration. Like a container and other simple items.

  • Press Carving Technique

Is a technique for making decorations on the surface of a thin metal plate with a thickness of approximately 0.2 mm for brass metal plates up to 0.4 mm for copper metal plates.

The tool that is always used for this press carving is made of cow horn, which has been shaped according to the needs of the press carving itself.

If the horn cannot be found, you may also use something else, such as using bamboo or wood.

How to use this press engraving tool is to press on the surface of the workpiece and follow the shape according to the motif in the predetermined image.

  • Etching Technique

The word etching itself comes from the German language which means to corrode, eat, or rust.

Etching technique is a process of using a strong acid to erode the unprotected metal surface to produce designs on the metal.

Provide a coating with an acid-repellent agent on parts that do not wish to be etched by the acid solution abrasion. Meanwhile, leave the parts that you want to etch according to the design open so that they are exposed to acid erosion.

For the type of metal to be etched, it is also very influential for several solutions and chemicals that separately bite and dissolve it.

Even this acid solution consists of a solution of organic acids, inorganic mineral acids and a mixture of the two earlier. Some of these acid solutions have very good abrasive power on certain metals.

While in some other acids only very little or sometimes no effect at all.

Success or failure in etching depends to a large extent on careful control and adjustment of the strength of the etching acid solution such as:

    • Application of an acid repellent agent to the metal.
    • Techniques and skills when making a design to always be open through the use of resist (protective material).
    • Supervision will continue to take into account the time for measurement and acid removal, so that the etching image they can appear on metal surfaces with the degree of regularity and depth that you desire want.

Hard Material Craft Function

The function of crafting hard materials is divided into 2 parts, namely:

  • As a consumable

Craft works are created and prioritize their function, while the element of beauty is a support.
For example: cupboards, bookshelves, tables, chairs, and so on.

  • As an ornamental object

Crafts made as objects for display or decoration, this function prioritizes aspects of beauty rather than aspects of usability and function. For example: frames, statues, wall hangings, key chains, and others.

Stages of How to Make Hard Material Crafts

Crafts from hard materials with examples of train wood

At the manufacturing stage, hard material crafts are not so different from soft craft, only the process is different, here are the stages:

  • Make a plan

Design is the most important thing to do after getting the idea to make a craft from soft materials, a good design is usually able to produce good results. The design is generally made on a paper and then draw it.

  • Prepare tools and materials

After the design is made, the next step is to prepare the tools and materials. The tools and materials are prioritized to have good quality so that they will get good results.

  • Make things according to plan

Then ready to start with the manufacturing process, first make a basic part of a craft so that it is easily formed and speeds up the manufacturing process.

  • Completion stage

The final stage of making a craft is tidying up and giving decorations or some other additions such as painting and smoothing to improve the quality of the craft.

Examples of Hard Material Crafts

Examples of products produced from this hard material craft are very diverse. Following are some examples:

  • Metal Crafts

Metal hard materials have hard properties, so that their processing requires a slightly complicated technique, such as processing by burning/heating and forging techniques.

Metal crafts are often used as jewelry and accessories, then developed as decorative and functional objects such as glasses, containers, even championship symbols.

  • Woodcraft

handicrafts made of hard wood Forests that are spread all over Indonesia have made our country a field for wood materials. This carving craft work uses mostly wood as its main material.

The wood that is often used is teak, mahogany, hibiscus, sapodilla, jackfruit and so on. Apart from being objects that have uses, wood crafts are also made as decorative objects and displays such as toys and knick-knacks.

  • Bamboo Crafts

Since ancient times, Indonesian people have used bamboo for various needs, from the simplest to the most complex. Many handicraft products that have high artistic and economic value come from bamboo. Woven products from Indonesia itself have been favored by foreign countries with various interesting motifs and shapes. Various products from bamboo are often made as household utensils.

  • Rattan Crafts

Rattan is one of the natural resources in Indonesia, and Kalimantan Island produces the most rattan.

Rattan handicraft products are often used for household needs such as tables, chairs, cupboards, food containers, and others.

Crafts from Hard Materials: Definition, Types, Techniques, Stages of How to Make and Examples
  • Stone Crafts

handicrafts made of hard stone Apart from wood and rattan, Indonesia also has natural sources of rocks. Various types of stones exist in our country, and again the island of Borneo is a producer of very unique colored stones. Hard black stones and soft white/brown padas are often used for handicraft products.

Stone crafts are usually used for interior and exterior decoration. In addition, these handicraft products are also made as accessories to complement clothing or to decorate objects.

  • Fiber Glass Crafts (Fiberglass)

fiberglass hard material craft Glass fiber or fiberglass is glass fiber in the form of molten glass which is pulled into the form of thin fibers. This fiber is spun to become a yarn or woven into a ready-to-use cloth. Then, impregnated with resin so that it becomes a material that is strong and resistant to corrosion. Fiberglass crafts require several mixtures in the manufacturing process, namely:

  • Resin Liquid (resin oil, the basic ingredients of petroleum and residue)
  • Catalyst, meth or fiber, polish or silicone cream soap for making impressions.
  • Talk to deepen the color.

There must also be a comparison in how to make it in order to get good and maximum results. If the liquid zar (resin and catalyst) is mixed, the reaction will turn from liquid to solid and hard, and shiny clear color.

Thus the review from About the about Crafts From Hard Materials, hopefully can add to your insight and knowledge. Thank you for visiting and don't forget to read other articles.

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