Nationalism Is: Definition, Characteristics, Forms, Purpose and Examples of Attitudes

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Nationalism Is: Definition, Characteristics, Forms, Purpose and Examples of Attitudes – What is the meaning of Nationalism? At this opportunity About the will discuss about Nationalism and the things that surround it. Let's look at the discussion together in the article below to better understand it.

Nationalism Is: Definition, Characteristics, Forms, Purpose and Examples of Attitudes

Nationalism is a political attitude of the people of a nation who have the same culture, and territory as well similarity of ideals and goals, with that the people of a nation will feel a deep loyalty to that nation Alone.

In general, the notion of nationalism is an understanding of the nationality of the people of a country that has awareness and spirit of love for the homeland and nation which is shown through the attitudes and behavior of individuals or the people.

In language, the word nationalism is an absorption from the English language, namely nation which means "nation". Referring to the origin of the word, the notion of nationalism is something related to the nation.

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According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), nationalism is an understanding that teaches a person about the attitude of loving his own nation and country. From the explanation of this definition, it can be understood that nationalism is closely related to the attitude of loving the country, both its culture, society and order.

Definition of Nationalism According to Experts

In order to better understand what nationalism is, we can refer to the opinions of the following experts:

  • According to Dr. Hertz

In his book entitled Nationality in History and Politics put forward four elements of nationalism, namely:

    • The desire to achieve unity.
    • The desire to achieve independence.
    • The desire to achieve authenticity.
    • The desire to achieve the honor of the nation.

From this definition it appears that the state and nation are a group of people who:

    • Having common ideals that bind citizens into one unit;
    • Having a history of living together so as to create a sense of shared destiny;
    • Having the same customs, culture and habits as a result of the experience of living together;
      occupy a certain area which is a territorial unit; and organized in one
    • sovereign government so that they are bound in a legal society.
  • Otto Bauar

According to Otto Bauar, the notion of nationalism is an attitude of unity that arises because of a feeling of shared destiny. In this case, the feeling of shared destiny is the same feeling in a person because of being in a country with certain conditions with other people.

That is, a sense of nationalism is a feeling of shared destiny and responsibility that arises within a person. Thus, everything that happens in his country is also felt by him and is a shared responsibility.

  • Ernest Renan

According to Ernest Renan, the notion of nationalism is a desire to unite and have a state. That is, in nationalism there is a great desire to realize unity in the state.

This unity will make a country stronger in facing disturbances and threats, both from within and from outside. In other words, national unity can only be realized if citizens have high nationalism.

  • Hans Kohn

According to Hans Kohn, nationalism is the formalization (form) and rationalization of the national consciousness of the nation and state itself. Furthermore, Hans Kohn stated that nationalism is an awareness that a society is a unit. In this case, the awareness is in the form of national awareness that a society is in the same state structure.

With this awareness, the condition of a nation will become stronger and more powerful. But when this awareness is lost, a nation will be fragile.

  • L. Stoddard

According to L. Stoddard nationalism is a belief that is shared by most people where they express a sense of nationality as a feeling of belonging together in a nation.

With this feeling of belonging, each citizen is obliged to protect and maintain something he owns.

  • Smith

According to Smith, the definition of nationalism is an ideological movement that is used to achieve and maintain autonomy, cohesion, and individuality. This movement is carried out by a certain social group that is recognized by some of its members in order to form or determine a nation or in the form of potential only.

  • Louis Sneyder

In the opinion of Louis Sneyder, nationalism is a combination of social, political, economic, and human intellectuals. Louis Sneyder further stated that nationalism is closely related to attitude social, political, economic, and intellectual, where these aspects are very important for a country.

  • Benedict Anderson

According to Benedict Anderson, the notion of nationalism is an awareness that every individual is in a particular community or country. By having this awareness, each individual must strive to protect the community or country where he is.

Understanding Nationalism According to Pancasila Values

The Indonesian nation's sense of nationalism had emerged long before independence. This can be seen from the contents of the statement contained in the Youth Pledge, on 28 October 1928. In the Youth Pledge it is stated that Indonesia claims to be one nation; the Indonesian nation, with one homeland; Indonesian homeland, and one language; Indonesian.

In addition, the value of nationalism is also contained in Pancasila and the Preamble to the 1945 Constitution. At the opening of the 1945 Constitution it was emphasized that Indonesia loves its country and will also participate in maintaining world order.

So, nationalism based on the values ​​of Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution is a form of love for the homeland and nation while continuing to participate in maintaining world peace and order.

Characteristics of Nationalism

  • There is already unity and unity of the nation.
  • The nature of the struggle is national.
  • The goal is to achieve independence which later wants to establish an independent state whose power is handled by the people.
  • There is already a modern and national organization.
  • Relying on the power of the brain (mind), where education plays a very important role in educating the life of the nation. (Drs. Sudiyo, 2002: 4)

The spirit of nationalism (nationalism) is accommodated in the 3rd Pancasila precept, namely "Indonesian Unity" which has the following characteristics:

  • Love the nation and homeland of Indonesia.
  • Willing to sacrifice for the nation and the country.
  • Proud to be the nation and the homeland of Indonesia.
  • Putting the interests of the nation and state above personal and group interests.

Forms of Nationalism

  • Citizenship Nationalism (or civic nationalism)

It is a form of nationalism in which the state obtains political correctness from the active inclusion of its people, the will of the people, or political representatives.

  • Ethnic Nationalism

Is a kind of national spirit in which the state obtains political correctness from the culture of origin or ethnicity of a society.

  • Romantic/Organic/Identity Nationalism

Where the state obtains political correctness naturally (organically) as a result of the nation or race; according to the spirit of romanticism.

  • Cultural Nationalism

A form of nationalism in which the state obtains political correctness from shared culture and not "hereditary traits" such as skin color, race and so on.

  • State Nationalism

Variations of civic nationalism, always combined with ethnic nationalism. Nationalistic feelings are so strong that they are given priority over universal rights and freedoms.

  • Religious Nationalism

A form of nationalism in which the state gains political legitimacy from religious equality.

Goals of Nationalism

Basically, nationalism that appears in various countries has the following objectives:

  • Guarantee the will and power to defend the national community against external enemies so that
  • engenders a spirit of self-sacrifice.
  • Eliminate Extremism (excessive demands) from citizens (individuals and groups).
  • Foster a sense of love for the motherland
  • Creating harmonious and harmonious relationships, and strengthening the intact brotherhood.
Nationalism Is: Definition, Characteristics, Forms, Purpose and Examples of Attitudes

Examples of Attitudes of Nationalism

The manifestations of nationalism and patriotism in the family environment include:

  • Helping parents;
  • Listen to parental advice;
  • Maintain the good name of the family; as well as
  • Respect and appreciate parents.
  • Show exemplary religion to family members

Forms of nationalism and patriotism in the school environment include:

  • Carry out school rules;
  • Follow the flag ceremony properly;
  • Respect teachers; And
  • Maintain a safe classroom environment.
  • Help friends who are in trouble

The manifestations of nationalism and patriotism in society, nation and state include:

  • Honoring the services of the heroes;
  • Appreciate the national anthem;
  • Respect the national flag;
  • Maintain and preserve historical objects;
  • Loving domestic production;

Examples of behavior or attitudes of nationalism in everyday life:

  • Maintain public order by complying with applicable regulations.
  • Obey and obey the laws of the country.
  • Willing to defend and advance the country.
  • Preserving Indonesian culture.
  • Using domestic products.
  • Upholding the values ​​of national unity and unity.
  • Participate in efforts to defend the country.

Thus the review from About the about Nationalism, hopefully can add to your insight and knowledge. Thank you for visiting and don't forget to read other articles.

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