Calipers: Functions, Parts, Types, How to Calculate and Example Problems

Calipers: Functions, Parts, Types, How to Calculate and Example Problems – Is that what is called a shove? On this occasion About the will discuss about the Sorong Term and the things that surround it. Let's look at the article below to understand better.

Calipers: Functions, Parts, Types, How to Calculate and Example Problems

Calipers are tools that can measure the length and thickness of an object with a very good level of accuracy and precision, namely ±0.05 mm. Calipers are usually used by engineers to measure the diameter of objects or pipe holes. Not only that, this object can also measure the depth or height of a small hole.

The person who first invented this measuring device was none other than a figure named Pierre Vernier, a French engineer. "Vernier" itself is used as the name of the scale in measuring the caliper. The inventor of this term is also the inventor and eponym of the vernier scale. The vernier scale is commonly used in measuring devices on caliper.

The inventor whose full name is Pierre Vernier was born on August 19, 1580 in Ornans, Franche-Comté, Habsburg Spain which is now France. He died on September 14, 1637 at the same location where he was born. Vernier, the inventor of the vernier caliper, was none other than a French mathematician and inventor of the instrument.

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Caliper function

Here are some functions of the caliper or vernier caloper in measuring an object:

  • To measure the height of a multilevel object.
  • To measure the thickness of an object. Objects measured can be round, cube, square, block, square, and many more.
  • To measure the inner ring or the inside of an object.
  • To measure the outer ring or the outside of the object.
  • Measures the depth of objects.

Caliper Sections

  • Deep Jaw
    Consists of 2 jaws, namely sliding or sliding jaws and fixed jaws. The inner jaw measures the outer diameter and thickness of the object.
  • Outer Jaw
    The outer jaw also has 2 jaws like the inner jaw. The function of the outer jaw is to measure the inside diameter of an object.
  • Depth probes
    Depth probe is used to measure the depth of an object.
  • Main Scale (cm)
    Serves to express the results of the main measurement in units of centimeters.
  • Main Scale (inch)
    Serves to express the measurement results in inches.
  • Nonius scale (in 1/10 mm)
    For each scale line shows 1/10 mm. But there are also those with a scale of 1/20, etc. Ten nonius scales are 9 mm long, so the distance between two nonius scales that are close to each other is 0.9 mm. Thus, the difference between one main scale and one nonius scale is 1 mm – 0.9 mm = 0.1 mm or 0.01 cm. By looking at the smallest scale of the object above, the accuracy of the object is half of the smallest scale of the object, namely: 0.005 cm
  • Nonius scale (for inches)
    Shows the scale of measurement in fractions of inches
  • Lock button
    Serves to hold moving parts, so users can measure more easily.

Types of Calipers

These objects have two types, each of which has differences in reading the scale, namely:

  • Analog caliper (manual)

caliper and screw micrometer drawing
This type is usually often used in practicum in schools. How to use this measuring tool is still manual, so it requires more accuracy. In addition, to find out the measurement results we have to calculate it first.

  • Digital caliper

This type is the development of analog calipers. In general, this digital model is rarely encountered in school practice. This type of digital vernier caliper has a digital screen that can display the value of the object being measured without having to calculate it manually. Using this type of model will make it easier and faster to measure objects. However, in terms of price, the digital type caliper is more expensive than the manual type.

  • Hourly caliper/hour

namely a vernier caliper whose reading uses an analog gauge needle attached to the face (with a stopper). The vernier caliper uses a measuring hour instead of a nonius scale in interpolating the position of the index line relative to the scale on the measuring rod. The translational movement of the launcher is converted into a rotary movement of the pointer by means of a gear on the measuring shaft and a toothed rod attached along the measuring rod.

  • Altitude calipers

A type of slide rule that serves as a measurement of height is called a vernier caliper or high caliber. This measuring instrument is equipped with measuring jaws that move vertically on a scale rod that is perpendicular to the anvil.

The measuring jaw surface is made parallel to the base, so that the measuring line will be perpendicular to the surface on which the foundation is placed. Therefore, in use, calipers of this height require a flat surface as a reference, which in this case can be met by a flat table.

How to Use Calipers Easily

Loosen the locking bolt, then slide the jaw slowly, estimated according to the size of the object being measured, make sure that when the jaw is closed it shows zero.
Once the tool is ready to measure, clean the surface of the jaws and the object to be measured. Don't let any dirt stick to them. Because it can affect the accuracy of measurements.
Clasp the object being measured by closing the jaw that was opened earlier. Then we can see the main scale and the minor scale.

How to calculate and read the results of measuring the caliper

In reading the results of caliper measurements, we will see two types of scales, namely the main scale and the nonius (vernier) scale. The main scale consists of a row of numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 cm, and so on which are in a fixed part. There is also a main scale in inches at the top, just like a ruler. Then on the part that can be shifted is the nonius scale to show units of 0.1 mm.

First Example:

measuring the vernier caliper The figure above shows that the main scale on the vernier caliper which is close to the number 0 is seen at 4.7 cm or 47 mm. Then the nonius (vernier) scale line which is straight parallel to the scale line above it is located on the 4 scale line, which means 0.4 mm. So that the size of the object from the measurement with the caliper is:

47 mm + 0.4 mm = 47.4 mm or 4.74 cm

Second Example:

In the picture above, it is likened to a small object (red) whose thickness will be measured. We will read and find out the thickness of this red ball. To read and find out the size of the red object, we first look at the numbers listed on the main scale.

Look at the line on the main scale that is closest to the 0 on the vernier scale. It turns out that the part of the main scale that is closest to the number 0 (zero) on the vernier scale is 1.1 cm or 1 cm more than 1 mm or 11 mm. After that, the next step is that we look at the two scale lines on the main scale and the vernier scale which are parallel or the straightest or most coincide. It turns out that the two straight parallel scale lines are located between the numbers 6 and 7, which means 0.65 mm.

So, to find out the size of the thickness of the red object that we are measuring, we do this by adding up the two numbers that we have obtained on the main scale (11 mm) and the vernier scale (0.65 mm).

11mm + 0.65mm = 11.65mm

So the result of the measurement of the red object is 11.65 mm or 1.165 cm.

Well, that's how to read the measurement results using a vernier caliper. For the examples above, each line on the vernier scale represents 0.1 mm, making it easier to calculate. Some calipers sold in the market have several types of variations, for example one line on the vernier scale represents 0.02 mm. or 0.05 mm, so the number shown on a straight line on both scales must be multiplied by 0.02 or 0,05.

Problems example

Problem 1
Look at the measurement picture using the coin diameter using the caliper below!

The result of measuring the diameter of the coin using the vernier caliper above is...
A 2.03cm
B. 2.08cm
C. 2.11cm
D. 2.23cm
E. 2.28cm

Discussion :
Measurement results = main scale + nonius scale = 2.20 cm + 0.08 cm = 2.28 cm

Answer: E

Calipers: Functions, Parts, Types, How to Calculate and Example Problems

Problem 2.

Calipers with an accuracy of 0.02 mm. Count the measurement results!

Measurement result = Nominal number (A) + Decimal number (B)
Nominal number = 9 lines (1 line = 1 mm)
Decimal number = 13 lines (1 line = 0.02 mm)

Measurement result = (9 x 1 mm) + (13 x 0.02 mm)
= 9mm + 0.26mm
= 9.26mm.

Problem 3.
Look at the following caliper image.

The magnitude of using a vernier caliper based on the picture above is ….
A 3.59cm
B. 3.62cm
C. 4.18cm
D. 4.24cm
E. 4.57cm

Discussion :
Measurement results = main scale + nonius scale = 4.20 cm + 0.04 cm = 4.24 cm

Answer: D

Thus the review from About the about Vernier calipers, hopefully can add to your insight and knowledge. Thank you for visiting and don't forget to read other articles.

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