The Purpose of Establishing BPUPKI Are: History, Member Structure and Session of BPUPKI

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The Purpose of Establishing BPUPKI Is: History, Member Structure and Session of BPUPKI – What are the objectives of the BPUPKI? At this opportunity About the will discuss it and of course the things that also cover it. Let's look at the discussion in the article below to understand it better.

The Purpose of Establishing BPUPKI Are: History, Member Structure and Session of BPUPKI

BPUPKI is an abbreviation of the Investigation Agency for Preparatory Efforts for Indonesian Independence or in Japanese it is called Dokuritsu Junbii Chosakai. This agency is an organization formed by the Japanese government on March 1, 1945 along with the birthday of the Japanese emperor, Hirohito. This body was formed with the reason of getting support from the Indonesian people so they would help the Japanese people by promising independence for the Indonesian people.

Therefore the objectives of BPUPKI are:

  • Aiming to attract the sympathy of the Indonesian people to help Japan in the war against the allies by way of promised independence to Indonesia, carried out its colonial policies established on 1 March 1945.
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  • Aims to study and investigate important matters related to the establishment of an independent Indonesian state or to prepare important matters regarding the governance of an independent Indonesia.

History of the Establishment of BPUPKI

During the Japanese occupation of Indonesia, in June 1944 to be exact, the United States Army was able to conquered all of Japan's defense lines in the Pacific, namely in Saipan, Papua New Guinea, the Soloman Islands, and the Archipelago Marshall.

This event was also followed by the laying down of the prime minister of Japan, PM Tojo, who was replaced by General Kuniaki Koiso. The appointment of General Kuniaki Koiso as prime minister of Japan was carried out on July 17, 1944.

On September 7, 1944, PM Koiso gave his promise before the Japanese parliament (Teikoku Ginkai). The promise expressed by PM Koiso was that the East Indies (which at that time was what Indonesia was called) would be allowed independence.

PM Koiso's aim in making this promise to Indonesia was so that the Indonesian people would not fight against Japan and would want to help Japan against its allies. To give the Indonesian people confidence in the promise of independence expressed by PM Koiso, the people Indonesia is allowed to fly the red and white flag side by side with the Japanese flag, namely the Hinomaru.

In addition, on March 1, 1945, the Japanese occupation government in Java through the XIV Armed Forces, General Kumakici Harada conveyed announcement of the establishment of the Investigation Agency for Preparatory Efforts for Indonesian Independence (Dokuritsu Junbi Cosakai) which is abbreviated as BPUPKI.

BPUPKI Organizational Structure

The history of the founding of BPUPKI continued with the appointment of BPUPKI members announced on April 1, 1945. However, the inauguration ceremony was held on May 28, 1945 at the Cuo Sang In Building located on Jalan Pejambon Jakarta (currently the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Building). The following is the organizational structure of BPUPKI:

  • Chairman: Dr. Radjiman Wedyodiningrat
  • Young leader: Itibangase Yosio (Japanese)
  • Secretary: R.P. Suroso

Indonesian Members :

  • Abdul Kaffar
  • Abdul Kahar Muzakir
  • Agus Muhsin Dasaad
  • AR Baswedan
  • Bandoro Prince Hairo Purobujo
  • Bendoro Kanjeng Prince Ario Suryohamijoyo
  • Bendoro Prince Hairo Bintoro
  • Dr. Raden Buntaran Martoatmojo
  • Dr. Raden Suleiman Effendi Kusumaatmaja
  • Dr. Samsi Sastrawidagda
  • Dr. Sukiman Wiryosanjoyo
  • Drs. Kanjeng Raden Mas Hario Sosrodiningrat
  • Drs. Muhammad Hatta
  • K. H. A Ahmad Sanusi
  • Haji Abdul Wahid Hasyim
  • Hajj Agus Salim
  • Ir. Prince Muhammad Nur
  • Ir. Raden Ashar Sutejo Munandar
  • Ir. Raden Mas Panji Surahman Cokroadisuryo
  • Ir. Raden Ruseno Suryohadikusumo
  • Ir. Sukarno
  • K.H. Abdul Halim Majalengka
  • Kanjeng Raden Mas Tumenggung Ario Wuryaningrat
  • Ki Bagus Hadikusumo
  • Ki Hadjar Dewantara
  • Kiai Haji Abdul Fatah Hasan
  • Kiai Haji Mas Mansoer
  • Kiai Haji Masjkur
  • Liem Koen Hian
  • Mas Aris
  • Mas Sutarjo Kartohadikusomo
  • Mr. A A Maramis
  • Mr. Kanjeng Raden Mas Tumenggung Wongsonagoro
  • Mr. Mas Besar Martokusumo
  • Mr. Mr. Susanto Tirtoprojo
  • Mr. Muhammad Yamen
  • Mr. Raden Ahmad Subarjo
  • Mr. Raden Hindromartono
  • Mr. Raden Mas Sartono
  • Mr. Raden Panji Singgih
  • Mr. Raden Syamsudin
  • Mr. Raden Suwandi
  • Mr. Raden Sastromulyono
  • Mr. John Latuharhary
  • Mrs. Mr. Raden Ayu Maria Ulfah Santoso
  • Mrs. Raden Nganten Siti Sukaptinah Sunaryo Mangunpuspito
  • Oey Tiang Tjoei
  • Oey Tjong Hauw
  • P.F. Dahler
  • Parada Harahap
  • Prof. Dr. Mr. Raden Supomo
  • Prof. Dr. Prince Ario Husein Jayadiningrat
  • Prof. Dr Raden Jenal Asikin Wijaya Kusuma
  • Raden Abdul Kadir
  • Raden Abdulrahim Pratalykrama
  • Raden Abikusno Cokrosuyoso
  • Raden Adipati Ario Purbonegoro Sumitro Kolopaking
  • Raden Adipati Wiranatakoesoema V.
  • Raden Asikin Natanegara
  • Raden Mas Margono Joyohadikusumo
  • Raden Mas Tumenggung Ario Suryo
  • Raden Oto Iskandardinata
  • RadenRussian Wongsokusumo
  • Raden Sudirman
  • Raden Sukarjo Wiryopranoto
  • Tan Eng Hoa

Japanese Members:

  • Matura Mitukiyo
  • Miyano Syoozoo
  • Tanaka Minoru
  • Tokonami Tokuzi
  • Itagaki Masumitu
  • Masuda Toyohiko
  • Teitiro's idea

BPUPKI meeting

  • BPUPKI First Session (29 May – 1 June 1945)

The agenda for the first BPUPKI session was to formulate the basic philosophy of the Indonesian state that would be formed. Various views were expressed by several members, namely Muh. Yamen, Prof. Supomo, and Ir. Sukarno. According to Muh. Yamin, the basis for an independent Indonesian state is as follows:

    • National fairy
    • Human fairy
    • Divine fairy
    • Citizen fairy
    • People's welfare

Meanwhile, Prof. Supomo revealed that the basis for an independent Indonesian state was as follows:

    • Unity
    • familial
    • Inner and outer balance
    • discussion
    • Social justice

Meanwhile Ir. Soekarno, the opinion regarding the basis of an independent Indonesian state which was conveyed on June 1, 1945 was as follows:

    • Indonesian Nationality
    • Internationalism or fairy humanity
    • Consensus and democracy
    • Social welfare
    • Belief in the one and only God

The first meeting of the BPUPKI did not produce a formulation on the basis of the state, only a general view on the basis of an independent Indonesian state. To accommodate the suggestions, suggestions and concepts provided, BPUPKI formed a small committee chaired by Ir. Sukarno.

Members of the small committee consisted of Mohamad Hatta, Abdul Kadir Muzakir, Muh. Yamin, Ahmad Soebardjo, A. A Maramis, Wahid Hasyim, and Abikusno Tjokrosujoso.

The small committee produced a draft joint agreement on the basis of the state, which is called the Jakarta Charter. The Jakarta Charter reads as follows:

  • Belief in God with the obligation to carry out Islamic law for its adherents.
  • Just and civilized basis of humanity.
    The unity of Indonesia.
  • (And) the people who are led by wisdom in representative deliberations.
    (As well as by realizing a) social justice for all Indonesian people.

This draft was accepted and served as the core of the preamble to the Constitution.

  • BPUPKI Second Meeting (10 July – 17 July 1945)

In the second meeting, BPUPKI discussed the draft Constitution (UUD), including the opening of the UUD. In this case, BPUPKI formed a Drafting Committee for the UUD which was chaired by Ir. Sukarno

Within the committee, a small group of seven people was formed, chaired by Prof. Soepomo and consisting of Mr. Wongsonegoro, Mr. Achmad Soebardjo, Mr. A A Maramis, Mr. R. P Singgih, H. Agus Salim, and Dr. Soekiman.

This committee is tasked with formulating the draft Constitution. The language formulated by the small group was perfected by the Language Smoothing Committee consisting of Husein Djajadiningrat, H. Agus Salim, and Prof. Soepomo

There were three drafts resulting from the discussion of the Constitution Drafting Committee which were presented at the BPUPKI session on 14 July 1945, namely the declaration of Indonesian independence, the preamble of the Constitution, and the body of the Constitution. The three concepts were accepted at the BPUPKI meeting. The results of the second session of the BPUPKI can be broken down as follows:

  • Agreement on the territory of the country, namely the former Dutch East Indies territory, plus Malaya, North Borneo (currently the territory of Sabah and Sarawak in the state of Malaysia, as well as the territory of the state of Brunei Darussalam), Papua, Timor-Portuguese (currently the territory of the state of Timor Leste), and the islands in surrounding.
  • The agreement on the form of the state is unitary or unitary.
  • The agreement on the form of government is a republic.
  • The agreement on the national flag is Sang Merah Putih.
  • Agreement on the national language, namely Indonesian.
  • Agreement on the declaration of Indonesian independence.
  • Agreement on the preamble of the Constitution and the body of the Constitution.
The Purpose of Establishing BPUPKI Are: History, Member Structure and Session of BPUPKI

Dissolution of BPUPKI

BPUPKI was dissolved on August 7, 1945. BPUPKI was disbanded because it was considered to have completed its duties. BPUPKI was then replaced with the Preparatory Committee for Indonesian Independence (Dokuritsu Junbi Inkai), abbreviated as PPKI and chaired by Ir. Sukarno.

Thus the review from About the aboutThe purpose of the establishment of the BPUPKI, hopefully can add to your insight and knowledge. Thank you for visiting and don't forget to read other articles.

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