√ Hydrosphere: Definition, Branches, Cycles, Types and Elements

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Hydrosphere: Definition, Branches, Cycles, Types and Elements - On this occasion About Knowledge will discuss about the Hydrosphere. Which in this discussion explains the meaning of the hydrosphere, branches, cycles, types and elements briefly and clearly. For more details, see the following article about the hydrosphere.

Hydrosphere: Definition, Branches, Cycles, Types and Elements

The word hydrosphere consists of hydro which means water and shaaire which means layer. The definition of the hydrosphere is a layer of water that covers the earth's crust.

With the earth's surface covered by water, therefore the layer that covers the earth's surface is called the hydrosphere. It can be stated that the hydrosphere is the water layer of the main source of human life.

The layers that cover the earth's surface and form are also called lakes, swamps, rivers, water vapor and clouds, the amount of which on earth is relatively constant.

Hydrosphere Branch

The hydrosphere has several branches of science, including:

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  • Potamology is a science that studies water flowing on the surface of the earth and rivers.
  • Limnology is a branch of science that studies water that stagnates on the surface of the earth and lakes.
  • Geohydrology is a science that studies the water found beneath the earth and soil.
  • Cryology is a branch of science that studies snow and ice.
  • Hydrometeorology is a science that studies meteorological factors.

Hydrospheric Cycle

Hydrosphere Definition of Cycle Types and Elements

There are several cycles in the hydrosphere, including:

Long Cycle

In a long cycle which is a condition where water vapor comes from the oceans which is blown by the wind towards the mainland resulting in condensation reaching a freezing point at high altitudes certain.

In this case it contains crystals and forms clouds that rain down on the mountains. Because the earth flows in the form of glaciers and will return to the sea.

This cycle will occur when a body of water (lake water, sea water and river water) experiences an evaporation – forming steam – where the water vapor then a lot of it collects in the air - then the water vapor becomes saturated - condensation occurs to become a cloud of ice crystals - then the cloud is pushed mountains – after the clouds fall in the form of rain/ice/snow on the slopes of the mountains – the ice melt then absorbs into the ground – then returns to water body.

Short Cycle

A short cycle is a condition where seawater is exposed to multiple exposures to sunlight which results water evaporates into gas which then condenses on the plains to form clouds from the surface sea.

In this case the cycle occurs when seawater undergoes an evaporation (evaporation) - then undergoes further condensation clouds form - then it rains above sea level - then the water returns to sea water which will be experienced again evaporate again.

Medium Cycle

Medium cycle is a condition where water vapor comes from the pressure of ocean water which is blown by the wind on the plains that form like clouds as rain that flows through the rivers until it returns to the sea.

In a moderate cycle, it can occur when a body of water evaporates – forming steam – then water vapor collects more and more in the air – then steam water becomes saturated - then condenses - then it will rain - then rainwater that falls on land - the water moves towards the body water.

Hydrosphere type

There are several types of hydrosphere, including:

River Waters

River waters are a type of fresh water that always flows at a point where the source goes to the estuary to the sea with river water that is greater sourced from groundwater spring runoff.

Sea Waters

Sea water is a type of salty water that originates from the surface of the earth in salty waters covering all the water in the sea.

Inland Waters

Inland waters are a type of fresh water whose sources are shallow soils on the surface of the earth and various waters found in lakes or rivers.


Groundwater is a type of water that is saturated below the ground surface. This groundwater can be found under very dry deserts or under ground covered by a layer of snow.


Swamp is a type of wet land that is often flooded with water because of its relatively low location and is covered with various kinds of plants and grasses.

Elements of the Hydrosphere

Here are some elements of the hydrosphere, among others, namely:

  • The Wind element is a source that determines the temperature of the air or the condition of water vapor in a place.
  • The Cloud Element is a collection of various kinds of water or ice point sources with very large numbers which are part of the ground condensation core.
  • The elements of water and soil are the movement of water in the soil which has several layers of sandstone sources with aquifer layers.
  • Evaporation element is an element that originates from events or events that occur due to the change of water into ground surface vapor.
  • The evapotranspiration element is a combination of various sources of evaporation of water from plants on the surface of the earth which then seeps into the soil.
  • The condensation element is the process of changing water vapor to cool the atmosphere.
  • The Precipitation Element is a liquid form process that originates from the atmosphere to the earth's surface.
  • The run-off element is a movement of water that seeps into the ground at a certain place.
  • The element of a body of water is a part of water that can come from several sources, such as lakes, rivers, reservoirs, swamps and others.

Thus the explanation about Hydrosphere: Definition, Branches, Cycles, Types and Elements, hopefully it can be useful.

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