√ 16 Definitions of Sharia Economics According to Experts (Complete)

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16 Understanding of Islamic Economics According to Experts (Complete) - In this discussion we will explain about Islamic economics. Explanations based on the opinions of experts that we have summarized from various sources. For more details, please see the review below carefully.

16 Understanding of Islamic Economics According to Experts (Complete)

Let's discuss the meaning of Islamic economics very specifically here.

Understanding of Islamic Economics According to Experts

Islamic economics is a branch of science that views, analyzes and resolves economic problems in an Islamic way based on the teachings of Islam, namely the Qur'an and the Sunnah of the Prophet SAW.

Another understanding of sharia economics is a branch of social science that addresses economic issues inspired by Islamic values.

1. Muhammad Abdullah Al-Arabi (1980:11)

Islamic economics according to Muhammad Abdullah Al-Arabi is a collection of general economic basics that we conclude from the Qur'an and As-Sunnah, and is an economic building that we establish on the basis of these basics in accordance with each environment and period.

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2. M.A. Mannan

Islamic Economics according to M.A Mannan is a social science that studies people's economic problems inspired by Islamic values.

3. Monzer Kahf

Islamic economics according to Monzer Kahf in his book "The Islamic Economy" is part of economics that is interdisciplinary in nature The meaning of sharia economic studies cannot stand alone, but requires good and in-depth mastery of sharia sciences and the supporting sciences as well as the sciences that function as tools of analysis such as mathematics, statistics, logic and ushul jurisprudence.

4. Wikipedia

Sharia economics according to Wikipedia is a social science that studies people's economic problems that are inspired by Islamic values.

5. Yusuf Qardhawi

Sharia economics according to Yusuf Qardhawi is an economy based on divinity.

6. Umer Chapra

Islamic economics according to Umer Chapra is a branch of knowledge that helps humans in realizing prosperity through allocation and distribution various scarce resources in accordance with the goals set under sharia (al-iqtisad al-shariah) without curbing individual freedom as a whole excessively, creating macroeconomic and ecological imbalances, or weakening the family and social solidarity and moral bonds that are intertwined in public.

7. S. M. Hasanuzzaman

Islamic economics is the knowledge and application of the teachings and rules that prevent injustice in earning and spending resources, in order to provide satisfaction to human beings and enable them to carry out their obligations to Allah and public.

8. Louis Cantori

Islamic economics is an attempt to formulate a human-oriented and community-oriented economics that rejects the excesses of individualism in classical economics

9. M. Akram Khan

Islamic economics is a science that studies human welfare (falah) which is achieved by organizing the earth's resources on the basis of cooperation and participation.

10. Khursid Ahmad

Islamic economics is a systematic effort to try to understand economic problems and human behavior in relation to these problems from an Islamic point of view.

11. Veithzal Rivai and Andi Buchari

Islamic economics is a multidimensional or interdisciplinary science, comprehensive and integrated with each other, including Islamic knowledge originating from the Qur'an and Sunnah as well as rational sciences. With this knowledge, humans can overcome limited resources to achieve happiness.

12. M. Syauqi Al-Faujani

Islamic economics is all economic activity and its rules which are based on the principles of Islamic teachings about economics.

13. M. M. Metwally

Islamic economics is a science that studies the behavior of Muslims (who believe) in an Islamic society that follows the Qur'an, Hadith, Ijma and Qiyas.

16 Understanding of Islamic Economics According to Experts

14. Muh. Nejatullah Ash-Shiddiqi

Islamic economics is the response or response of Muslim thinkers to various economic challenges at a certain time. In this case they are guided by the Qur'an and sunnah and reason (experience and ijtihad).

15. Zianuddin Ahmad

Islamic economics is an effort to allocate resources to produce goods and services according to the instructions of Allah SWT to obtain His pleasure.

16. Dr. Mardani

Islamic economics is a business or activity carried out by the market per person or group of people or an incorporated business entity legal or not incorporated in the context of fulfilling commercial and non-commercial needs according to principle sharia.

Thus has been explained about 16 Understanding of Islamic Economics According to Experts (Complete), hopefully can add to your insight and knowledge. Thank you for visiting and don't forget to read our other articles

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