√ Definition of Experiential Marketing, Functions, Benefits, Strategies, Characteristics and Their Implementation

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Understanding Experiential Marketing, Functions, Benefits, Strategies, Characteristics and Their Implementation – In this discussion we will explain about experiential marketing. Which includes the notion of experiential marketing put forward by experts, functions and benefits, strategies, characteristics, implementation of experiential marketing discussed in full and light. For more details, please see the review below carefully.

Understanding Experiential Marketing, Functions, Benefits, Strategies, Characteristics and Their Implementation

Let's discuss the meaning first carefully.

Definition of Experiential Marketing

Experiential marketing is an effort process used by companies or marketers to package products so that they can offer emotional experiences that can touch the heart and make people curious consumer. Experiential comes from the English experience which means experience

Experiential marketing is a new marketing technique introduced by Bernd H. Schmit through his book entitled "Experiential Marketing: How To Get Customers to Sense, Feel, Think, Act and Relate to Your Company and Brands

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Another meaning is an activity to carry out the anticipation, management and achievement of satisfaction consumers go through exchange processes which are events that occur in response or several stimulus.

Understanding Experiential Marketing According to Experts

From some of the general meanings above, the following is the definition of experiential marketing according to some experts.

  1. Kartajaya (2004:166)

    The definition of experiential marketing according to Kartajaya is a marketing concept that aims to establish loyal consumers by touching their emotions and giving a positive feeling towards the product and service

  2. Smilansky (2009:13)

    The definition of experiential marketing according to Smilansky is the process of identifying and satisfying consumer needs and aspirations profitable, engaging consumers through two-way communication that brings brand personality to life and adds target value audience. Two-way communication and interactive engagement are the keys to creating a memorable experience encourage word of mouth, and turn consumers into brand advocates and customer loyalty to a brand brand.

  3. Handi Chandra (2008:166)

    The definition of experiential marketing according to Handi Chandra is a marketing strategy that is wrapped in the form of activities so as to provide an experience that can make an impression on the hearts of consumers.

  4. Andreani (2007)

    The definition of experiential marketing according to Andreani is more than just providing information and opportunities for customers to gain experience for the benefits derived from the product or service itself but also evoke emotions and feelings that impact marketing, in particular seller. Experiential marketing refers to the customer's real experience of the brand/product/service to increase sales (sales) and brand image (awareness).

  5. Schmitt (1999.p60)

    The definition of experiential marketing according to Schmitt is a process of offering products and services by marketers to consumers by stimulating consumer emotions that produce a variety of experiences for consumer.

Functions and Benefits of Experiential Marketing

Experiential marketing is often applied to companies to create experiential connections with consumers Experiential marketing is closely related to marketing companies because it can be utilized and profitable in many ways situation. The benefits and functions of experiential marketing for companies are:

  • Uplifting a declining trademark
  • Differentiate from competitors' products
  • Create identity and brand image of the company
  • Introducing innovation
  • Supports trials, purchases and loyal consumers

The experiential marketing function is for marketers to be able to use various options that suit them the expected goals, both to achieve brand awareness, brand perception, brand equity and brand loyalty. Experiential marketing is an opportunity for customers to gain experience with brands and services that provide sufficient information to be able to make a purchase decision. The emotional and rational aspects are some of the aspects that will be the goals of marketers with the program.

Experiential Marketing Strategy

Experiential marketing strategy according to Bernd H. Schmitt is as follows.
A company can be said to be good at implementing experiential marketing if it meets the five elements or strategy criteria, namely:

  • Sense (Five Senses)

    Sense marketing has a fascination with the senses. It aims to create sensory experiences through sight, sound, touch, taste and smell. Sense marketing can be used to differentiate companies and products, motivate consumers, and increase product value. Sense marketing requires an understanding of how to achieve sensory impact.

    The aim of all sense campaigns is to create aesthetic pleasure, joy, beauty, and gratification by sensory stimulation. There are three key strategies that can motivate sense marketing. Organizations can use sense marketing to differentiate themselves and their products in the market, motivate consumers to buy products and provide value to consumers.

  • Feel (Feeling)

    Feel marketing evokes feelings and emotions in customers for the purpose of creating experiences affective from positive moods related to the brand to strong emotions of excitement and pride. What is needed in feel marketing is an understanding of what stimuli can stimulate certain emotions and also the willingness of consumers to be involved in taking perspective and empathy.

  • Think (Mindset)

    Think Marketing draws intelligence that aims to create cognitive, creative problem-solving experiences that concern consumers. Think makes the customer think centralized and diffuse through surprise, intrigue, and provocation. Think marketing is not only high-tech products but can also be applied to retail product design, and in other industrial communications.

  • Act (Behavior)

    Act marketing has the goal of influencing bodily experiences, lifestyles and interactions. Act marketing changes consumers' lives by enhancing their physical experience, showing customers other ways to carry out activities, alternative lifestyles and interactions. Usually lifestyle changes are more motivating and inspiring and spontaneous in nature and also serve as role models. Advertising on act marketing shows the results of behavior or lifestyle.

  • Relate

    Relate marketing contains the marketing aspects of sense, feel, think and act. However, relate marketing grows beyond individual personality, personal feelings, it makes individual experience increases and connects the individual with himself, others or culture.

    Relate marketing campaigns are attracted to individual desires in self-development. They attract the need to be perceived positively by others. They connect people with wider social systems that build strong brand associations and brand communities.

Experiential Marketing Characteristics

Experiential marketing has 4 characteristics according to Schmitt (1999:57), namely:

  1. Focus On Customer Experience

    Experience is woven from meeting, undergoing or passing through certain situations that provide sensory, emotional, cognitive, behavioral and relational values ​​that replace functional values. Having experience can make a business entity and its products connected to the lifestyle of customers which encourages personal purchases within the scope of the business.

  2. Comsumption Pattern

    Analysis of consumption patterns can make the relationship to create greater synergies arise. Products and services are not evaluated separately, but can be evaluated as part of all consumption patterns that fit the consumer's life. Most importantly, the post-purchase experience is assessed through satisfaction and loyalty

  3. Rational And Emotional Decisions

    Life experiences are usually used for fantasies, feelings and pleasures. Often decisions are made on the basis of conscience and are irrational. Experiential marketing consumers feel happy with the purchase decision that has been made.

  4. Methods And Devices Are Electrical

    Methods and devices for measuring a person's experience are more electrical in nature. This means that it is very dependent on the object to be measured or refers to every situation that occurs rather than using the same standard. In experiential marketing, the brand is not only an identifier for the company, but rather a giver of experience positive towards consumers so that it can lead to consumer loyalty to companies and brands the.

Understanding Experiential Marketing, Functions, Benefits, Strategies, Characteristics, Implementation

Experiential Marketing Implementation

In experiential marketing, the tools to implement it are Experiences providers (Expros). Based on the statement Schmitt (1999:72-74), experience providers consist of the following:

  • Communications

    Communication at experiential providers is promotion carried out by the company in the form of advertisements, magazines, catalogs, brochures, newspapers, annual reports and so on.

  • Visual/Verbal Identity

    Verbal identity can be used to create products that can touch the senses, feelings, thoughts, behaviors and relationships in the form of names, logos, and also company marks.

  • Product Present (product form)

    Product present expros includes product, packaging and product appearance as well as brand character as part of the packaging

  • Co-Branding

    Co-branding is used to raise one or several experiential modules, Epros co-branding includes event marketing, sponsorship, partnerships and other forms of collaboration.

  • Spatial Environments (Space)

    Spatial environments include the design of buildings, offices, atmospheres and others.

  • Website (Site)

    A company website can shape the creation of SEMs, Colours, sound and menu creativity on the site are all part of shaping the user experience of a company website

  • People (Staff or employees in the company)

    People can be used as a strength among other ExPros, this is because their existence is something that dynamic, its ability to interact with consumers, as well as its influence that can be felt directly by consumer. People in ExPros include salespeople, company representatives and other personnel who can directly interact with consumers.

Thus has been explained about Understanding Experiential Marketing, Functions, Benefits, Strategies, Characteristics and Their Implementation, hopefully can add to your insight and knowledge. Thank you for visiting and don't forget to read our other articles.

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