5 Time Management Tips To Be More Effective

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aroundknowledge.co.idTime Management – Everyone on this planet wants more time at some point. In a world where we are always on the move, time is our greatest commodity. It is our best friend and our worst enemy at the same time.

We want to enjoy the time we have. But when we're in business mode, we want to achieve as much as possible as quickly as possible. Everyone can relate to this, but entrepreneurs and solo entrepreneurs feel a lot more pain.

This is where time management has a tremendous advantage. Using your time efficiently gives you more room to breathe and get work done. And the best part is that some of the most amazing time management tips are surprisingly easy to implement.

5 Time Management Tips

Let's take a look at some time management tips and tricks that will help you get the most out of your life and return some valuable time to the day.

1. Half Day Stop

This is probably the best time management advice I can give you. Half a day can destroy your productivity. But the worst part is that you may not realize how often it interferes with your time management.

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I do half work most days without realizing it.

This is it: You're working on a project and stop compulsively checking your phone for no compelling reason. Or maybe you're one of those people with 50 tabs open in your browser and constantly switching between tasks.

Half a day is dangerous because it sometimes breaks our concentration. When you're really focused and you can't capitalize on the flow you're getting, it takes longer to get things done.

If you're a semi-serial worker, chances are you spend extra time on assignments instead of managing your time efficiently.

Sometimes, it's all about being more mindful and aware of when that happens. If you can catch yourself, that's half the battle.

2. Hide HP When Not Really Necessary

This may sound silly, but it was a surprise to me. As previously mentioned, compulsive phone checking is a big problem these days. In one survey, 65% of participants checked their phones 160 times a day.

This is especially true for business owners who always have something to check. (And scrolling through social media sounds way more exciting than tackling a project you're dreading.)

That's why physical distancing is an important factor in this tip. You may be reaching for your phone just out of habit, but when you realize that your phone Unusually, you'll get a quick notification so you can focus on the task at hand There is.

It's very easy to do this. Turn on your phone and place it in another room. If you can't put it in another room, add an extra level or two, such as placing it on a high shelf or under a pillow. A very difficult place to reach without thinking.

3. Don't Let Email Control You

Do you check your e-mail a hundred times a day? For many people, email can be as annoying as a phone call. I know. It seems easier to check email as soon as it arrives, rather than waiting for 300 to fill your inbox.

However, this is one of the more deceptive time management ideas we have. If you constantly check your email, you're doing half the work. You divide your attention into different branches and cannot focus 100% on the task at hand.

Try setting some set times during the day to check your email. Cut back to three or fewer times a day if possible.

Here's an example of an email checking routine if you work 9 to 5 hours.

  • Take 30 minutes to first check your e-mail at 9:00 a.m. (or, to minimize distraction, do your most important tasks first, then check your e-mail at 10 or 11.00)
  • Another 30 minutes or 1 hour before lunch (or after lunch if first check in the morning).
  • Final 30-minute check at 4:00 p.m. This gives you extra time to finish before the day ends.

Adjust your schedule until you find what works best for your team (and internal hours).

4. Use the Pomodoro Technique

When a project is so large and intimidating, it's hard to focus and make sure you're using your time effectively. Cut large projects and tasks into smaller chunks so you can start focusing right away.

The Pomodoro Technique works wonders for this. This is one of the simplest time management tips. Here's how.

  • You work for 25 minutes on a specific task or group of tasks.
  • Rest for 5 minutes.
  • Repeat this process four times.
  • Take longer breaks of 15 to 30 minutes.
  • Try again!

You can use a simple timer like Google (just type “timer” in the search bar).

Alternatively, you can try a free Pomodoro timer like Pomofocus. It has a clean and simple interface with three settings to choose from: Pomodoro, Short Break, and Long Break. Pomofocus has a nice area under the timer where you can type what you're working on.

5. Track Time Spent on Each Project

There's no such thing as responsibility. Achieving better time management means knowing where your time is actually going. This is where it can help you keep track of all your tasks and how much time you spend on projects.

This is especially useful if you decide to use the Pomodoro technique mentioned above since you already have timers running for certain tasks.

You can use a time management or tracking app to keep track of your time, or use an old-fashioned spreadsheet like I did.

I've been tracking my time for a few years now and it's been very helpful in using my time effectively. I can't forgive myself for not knowing where my time is going because I've been tracking it all day since I started.

We recommend logging as much time on as many tasks as possible. Following it for the long term will give you a better idea of ​​which tasks are taking up your time and which are fast.

If you're growing your team, this information can help you grow smarter. You'll know which tasks to delegate to other team members or keep doing yourself, so you can maximize the value of every minute you spend building your business You.

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