Football Material: Definition, Benefits, Goals, Techniques, Football Rules

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Soccer Material: Definition, Benefits, Goals, Techniques, Football Rules – Of course we all know what football is, right? Football is a sport that is very well known and very popular. At this time, we will discuss in full about soccer material, which includes definitions, rules, basic techniques, other soccer summary. For more details, see the review below

Football Material: Definition, Benefits, Goals, Techniques, Football Rules

Football is a sport that uses a ball made of leather and is played by 2 teams of 11 in each team. as well as some core players and some reserve players "

Definition of Football According to Experts

In order to understand more about what football is, we must know some of the expert opinions below about the meaning of football and its goals.

  • Muhyi faruq: The definition of football is a form of physical sport that aims to nourish the body, strengthen the mind, expand social life, and make achievements.
  • Agus Salim: The definition of the game of football is the sport of playing ball using the feet which aims to score as much as possible against the opponent's goal.
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  • Muhajir: Football is a ball game that is played by kicking and aiming to kick the ball into the opponent's goal and defending its own goal.
  • Hasan Alwi: The game of football is a sport consisting of two opposite groups with each team consisting of 11 players and aiming to score goals against the enemy

So, from several definitions of football according to the experts above, we can conclude that:

Football is a game consisting of 2 teams, each team has 18 players with 11 core players and 7 reserve and aim to defend own goal and score or make it to the opponent's goal as much as – many. The equipment used in this game is called a ball which is made of leather, rubber, and the like.

The Benefits of Playing Football

The benefits of playing soccer are as follows:

  • Improve physical health. In a soccer game, you are required to walk and run to chase and dribble so that you can defend and score successfully against your opponent's goal. This activity can increase energy.
  • Makes you smarter. In soccer, you don't just move your body, but also use your brain so you can win matches according to a pre-planned strategy. And also in a soccer game you have to think quickly when to pass and when to kick.
  • Increase cooperation and socialization between teams. Communication is needed between players in soccer. Because with communication, cooperation will be created within the team.
  • Strengthens mentally. In pursuing a competition, there are times when you win and also lose. When you lose, don't be discouraged, it becomes a lesson so you can be better than before.
  • Be a disciplined person. If you want to be a soccer player, you have to try by practicing regularly. Soccer will make you more disciplined in practice.
  • Increase gratitude to God. Winning a match in playing soccer will make you feel more grateful for that victory.

Soccer Game Goals

The main objective of the game of soccer is for players to put as many balls into the opponent's goal as possible trying to protect his own goal, so as not to concede / concede the ball from the opponent so as to win match. The following are some of the goals of soccer players in playing:

  • Resulting in success against the opponent's goal.
  • Avoid or block the ball from going into its own goal.
  • Protect sportsmanship between players and produce a fair game.
  • Building teamwork so that it is solid.
  • Improve the fitness and health of players.
  • Achieve achievements.

Basic Football Techniques

Before playing soccer, you must know what are the basic methods or techniques of soccer and their explanations. You don't need to study ball freestyle like juggling, balancing, and so on because that's not very important. What you have to know and learn are the basic types of motion in the game of soccer, including:

Dribble / Dribbling

Dribbling or what is commonly called dribbling is a method of hitting the ball by pressing the ball slowly while running or walking. This method is really needed in soccer games, because if your dribbling is good, it will make it easier to break through the opponent's defense.

The dribbling method can be tried with the outside of the foot, the inside and the back. There are 2 methods in dribbling.

Speed ​​dribbling, this dribbling method is tried when your position is far from your opponent or in front of your opponent. This method is tried by kicking the ball at a distance of 3-5 m, then running as fast as possible to chase the ball so that it is difficult for your opponent to catch you.

Closed dribbling, this dribbling method is usually done when your position is uncomfortable or in 1 on 1 conditions. The way to do this is to kick the ball slowly from a distance of less than 1 m so you can control the ball well so that your opponent doesn't grab it.

Kicking the ball / shooting

Here are the basic methods of kicking the ball including:

  • Kicking the ball with the outside of the foot, this method is generally used for free kicks or dead balls.
  • Kicking the ball with the inside of the foot, this method is generally used when your distance is close to the goal and when the ball is rolling.
  • Kicking the ball with the instep, this method is usually used when the ball is inflated, the ball is dead, and the ball is live or the ball is rolling.

Feeding the Ball / Passing

Passing the ball or passing is a basic method in football games which for us is a method that must be understood and which is very meaningful. Why do we say that? Because if you are not very good at dribbling, it will be covered by your good bait. And if your shot to score is less reliable, then it can be covered by giving a beautiful pass to a friend. There are 3 methods of baiting the ball.

  • Feeding the ball with the outside of the foot, this method is used for passing short distances.
  • Feeding the ball with the inside of the foot, this method is also used for passing short distances.
  • Feeding the ball with the instep, this method is used to feed long distances.

Stopping the Ball / Stopping

Stopping the ball or stopping is generally a method in soccer games that is not very difficult to learn. Many people can easily stop the movement of the ball, but many people find it difficult to stop the ball. For example, a ball that is kicked hard will be difficult to stop. The following is a method of stopping the movement of the ball for circumstances and conditions;

  • Stopping the ball with the soles of the feet, this is a very easy method of stopping the ball. Most people can easily do it without special training. This method is used to stop the ball when it rolls on the ground.
  • Stopping the ball with the instep, this method is usually used to stop the ball that is in the air.
  • Stopping the ball with the inside and outside of the foot, this method is used to stop the ball that is in the air but not too big and when the ball is rolling on the ground.
  • Stopping the ball with the chest, this method is used when the ball bounces big in the air. It's a bit difficult to control, but if you practice regularly it will be easier to try later.
  • Stopping the ball with the stomach, this method is actually not used often, because it is generally a method This is done if the ball happens to go to your stomach quickly so it must be stopped using it stomach. But it must be done properly so that no injury occurs and the ball can fall at the feet properly.
  • Stopping the ball with the thigh, this method is used when the ball bounces in the air.

Heading the Ball / Heading

Many people when they head the ball use the crown. You need to know that, heading the ball using the crown is not very effective. Why do we say it's not efficient? Because it will be very difficult to see the direction the ball is coming from, so it is difficult to control it.

But what's an effective way to head the ball? The trick is to use your forehead. By using your forehead, you can see the direction the ball is coming from and it will be easier to control it.

Sweeping the Ball / Sliding Tackle

Sweeping the ball/Sliding tackle is a method in a soccer game that is attempted by launching the body onto the grass in order to seize the ball from the opponent. Of course, this sliding tackle method is very dangerous and has a big impact.

Because if your timing when doing a sliding tackle isn't right even a little bit, so that it can cause injury to your opponent and you can get a yellow card or even a card red. There are rules that cannot be tried in sliding tackles, namely not being able to do sliding tackles from behind, lifting your feet up, and using the scissoring method.

Seizing the Ball/ Intercepting

Seizing the ball or intercepting is a way to catch the ball from the opponent's feet. You need to know, agility and speed are needed in winning the ball, why? If you are less agile and quick than your opponent, your opponent will easily pass you.

Catching the Ball / Goal Keeping

In fact, the basic method in this soccer game is not really necessary if your position is not the goalkeeper/goalkeeper. This method of catching the ball only has to be learned by the goalkeeper.

Football Material: Definition, Benefits, Goals, Techniques, Football Rules

A Brief Football History

The following is the history of football in the world which has entered several countries in the world.


In fact, the world is still discussing the problem of where the origins or history of football first appeared in the world. Some say the game of soccer originated in mainland China, some say it was from Rome, and some say it was the British who first played the game of soccer.

In conclusion, FIFA or the International Football Federation confirmed that the game of football originated in mainland China, precisely during the Chinese dynasty. tsin in the 3rd century BC. And it has been determined that the Romans and the English were only developers or perfecters of soccer games originating from the mainland China.

The fact that the game of football originated in mainland China is that there are military documents which state that during the tsin dynasty, around the year 255–206 BC, one of the things that soldiers tried to train their bodies was by playing soccer or at that time it was called tsu chu.

After that, in the era of the Han dynasty, which was around 206 BC – 220 meters, tsu chu was already known in the society and began to be played from children to old people.


Kemari, is the name of a soccer game that existed in Japan around 300 meters. Traders and students from Japan who were in mainland China brought the game Tsu Chu to Japan and developed it. It is said that around the year 50 meters, tsu chu players from mainland China had competed against players from Japan, but this news is not certain to be true.


Little is known about the game of football in Rome. But for history, the game of football in Rome, or at that time it was called the harpastum game, was played in 146 BC.


Near 100– 500 Meters. The Romans brought harpastum games to Europe. After that, near 1100 meters, soccer games began to be played in England. King Edward II, who at that time was the king of England in 1314 Meters, banned the game of football.

King Edward II banned the game of football not without an alibi. King Edward II's alibi for banning soccer games was because at that time, soccer games in England were played very aggressively and without rules, so there are often problems of death during the game going on.

After that, in 1369, King Edward III abolished the ban on playing football, and practiced playing football in several schools in England. But in 1572 Meters, queen Elizabeth I strictly banned the game of football without a clear alibi.

Coming to its conclusion, in 1680, king Charles II lifted the ban on playing football. Over time, soccer games have fair rules so that people are safer in playing them until now.

Football Game Rules

Mention the rules in the game of football? In playing football, we cannot be careless in official matches. For this reason, we must learn what the rules are in this soccer game. The details are as follows;

Football Field Size

Soccer field in an ordinary match;

  • The length of the soccer field is from 90 meters to 120 meters.
  • The width of the soccer field is from 45 meters to 90 meters.

Soccer field in international matches;

  • The length of the soccer field is 100 meters – 110 meters.
  • The width of the soccer field is 64 meters – 75 meters.

Ball Size

the shape of the ball must be round, the manufacture of the ball uses quality and appropriate materials, the length of the ball circumference is between 70 centimeters and 68 centimeters, the weight of the ball at the beginning a match between 450 gr and 410 gr, if the ball is damaged during the match, the game must be stopped briefly and repeated by placing a new ball in place of the ball damaged.

Soccer player

  • Number of players.Football game is played by 2 different teams, each team has 11 players.
  • Lack of playersIf in a soccer match there are only 7 players on the field due to injury or a red card, then the team with 6 players will be declared defeated.
  • Player change.Limitation of substitutions in a FIFA official match can only be 3 times. But in national matches, you can make 7 substitutions. On the other hand, in a friend match, it can be much more than that.
  • Team leader or captain.In a team, the captain is very necessary. When one of the team members has a conflict with the referee or opponent, it is the team captain who is responsible for solving the problem.
  • Player trinketsPermissible knick-knacks are Jersey, Socks, Gloves and Headgear. Items that are prohibited are earrings, bracelets, necklaces

Referee duties

  • Controlling the course of the match assisted by the assistant referee
  • Make sure that the ball used is in accordance with what is stated in provision no.
  • Ensure that all players in both teams comply with provisions no. 3 and 4.
  • Manage time and be a recorder of all match processes.
  • Suspend, stop, or end a match if a player violates the provisions, is injured, or there are obstacles from outsiders.

Assistant referee/linesman

The assistant referee or linesman is the person whose job is to carry the flag used to indicate offside, out and corner kicks.

Football game duration

In a formal match, a soccer game consists of 2 halves, each consisting of 45 minutes. The match will get bonus time by taking up wasted time such as injuries or substitutions during the match.

Opening kick / kick off

Kick off occurs when:

  • When the match starts
  • When there is a goal
  • At the turn of the round.

The ball out / out ball

The ball is said to be out not only when the ball crosses the field line, but the ball is also considered out when one of the players is injured, so the game is stopped by the referee for a moment.

Goal rule

In a soccer game, success is considered legal when the ball enters the goal without a hands ball, offside or other violation.

Offside position

An offside occurs when you are chasing the ball in the opponent's area, but when you hold the ball, your position is behind the opposing player except for the goalkeeper.

Offenses and Punishments

The occurrence of a violation during the match occurred due to hands balls, hard tackles, and so on. If you commit a serious violation, the referee will give 2 types of cards. If the referee gives a yellow card, it means that the player has been given a stern warning by the referee not to commit another violation. Conversely, if the player gets a red card, it means the player has made a serious mistake and will be expelled from the ongoing match.

Free kick / free kick

A free kick or free kick occurs when a player commits a violation.

Penalty kick

Penalty kicks occur when a player commits a violation in the penalty box of his own area.


A throw-in or throw-in can be attempted when the ball rolls outside the field line.

Goal kick / goal kick

A goal kick or goal kick is a kick that is attempted if you kick past the opponent's goal line, after which the goal kick will be attempted by the opposing goalkeeper.

Corner kick / corner kick

A corner kick or corner kick occurs when you kick the ball beyond your own goal line.

Thus the review from About the this time about Mfootball ball. Hope it is useful.

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