√ 4 Definition of Environmental Health According to Experts and Its Purpose

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4 Definition of Environmental Health According to Experts & Its Purpose – for this opportunity about knowledge will provide information about environmental health. Of course we know that the environment is very important for the life of every individual.

If the health of our environment is good, of course the health of each individual must be good, but what does environmental health really mean? Here we will review in depth so that it can help readers understand it. Because if the environmental health is not good, the body will definitely get sick easily.

Therefore, let's discuss and also listen to the explanation that will be given in this article. So that we can maintain the health of our environment we will get a healthy life, because of course health is expensive. So let's study and find information about environmental health which will be explained in the following article.

4 Definition of Environmental Health According to Experts & Its Purpose

Let's discuss it in full starting from its meaning first.

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Definition of Environmental Health

Environmental health is a science and art in achieving a balance between the environment and humans. Science and art in managing the environment so that conditions that are clean, healthy, comfortable and also safe can be achieved so that various kinds of disease can be avoided.

Environmental health sciences also study the dynamics of interaction between population groups and also with various kinds from changes in environmental components that also pose a threat or have the potential to disrupt the health of the general public.

Definition of Environmental Health According to Experts

The meaning of environmental health in general has been explained, and more details will be provided an explanation of the meaning of environmental health based on experts will be explained below This.

1. Congratulations Riyadi

It is an integral part of public health science which specifically studies and also deals with the relationship between humans and their environment in in balance from the ecology with a goal of fostering and also improve the degree of health or life is very optimal.

2. H.J. Mukono

Environmental health science is a science that studies a reciprocal relationship between health factors and environmental factors.

3. WHO (World Health Organization)

Environmental health is an environmental condition that can support the ecological balance that must exist between humans and the environment in order to guarantee the healthy state of every human being.

4. HAKLI (Indonesian Association of Environmental Health Experts)

Environmental health is an environmental condition that can sustain a dynamic ecological balance among humans and also the environment in order to support the achievement of a healthy human quality of life as well happy.

Environmental Health Goals

An explanation has been given regarding the meaning of environmental health, both in general and based on experts. And this time we will continue the explanation regarding the goals of environmental health which will be explained in the following explanation.

  • Make corrections to the occurrence of hazards from the environment on health.
  • Minimizing or modifying the occurrence of hazards caused by the environment for health and well-being of human life.
  • Carry out prevention as well as efficient management of various environmental sources in order to improve the health and well-being of human life.
  • To avoid various diseases or dangers of disease.
4 Definition of Environmental Health According to Experts and Their Purpose

So many explanations that can be explained this time regarding 4 Definition of Environmental Health According to Experts & Its Purpose, environmental health must be maintained in order to produce a healthy life and also we can avoid various kinds of diseases and also avoid the dangers of disease. Hopefully useful 🙂

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