5 Ways to Eliminate Laziness and Control It

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aroundknowledge.co.idHow to Eliminate Laziness – Do you want to learn how to stop being lazy? Don't – it won't work. Here's the problem. You really are not lazy. Beneath the surface, there are other things related to your emotions that are making you lazy.

But while the causes of laziness are often hidden from us, the consequences are all too obvious.

“Laziness eats up one's enthusiasm and energy. As a result, he loses all opportunities and ends up in despair and frustration,” says the ancient Sanskrit Vedic text Sama Veda Kabir. "The worst thing is that he doesn't believe in himself."

Don't worry if this sounds a bit like you. This article will teach you how to get rid of feeling lazy and unmotivated.

The easiest way to get rid of laziness

There is no point in trying to learn how to “fight laziness”. You can't win if you don't know what you're getting into.

If you want to know How to Get Rid of Lazy Feelings, you must first understand your lazy behavior and then develop the tools to regulate the emotions that you need to change.

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Here are 5 tips that show you how to overcome laziness and stay unmotivated forever.

  1. Realize that you are not lazy by nature.
  2. Learn the real causes of laziness
  3. Gain perspective with simple but powerful questions.
  4. Connect with your inner motivation
  5. Responsible and empowering

OK, let's get started.

1. Realize That You Are Not Lazy By Nature

First things first: you're not lazy – your actions are lazy. After years of acting in a certain way, it's common to think, 'This is me.' However, that couldn't be further from the truth.

Repetitive actions create habits, and our habits determine our circumstances in life, but they do not define who we are.

Sir Fowell Buxton, 1st Baron and 18th century English statesman, said, “Laziness grows from man. Laziness begins with a cobweb and ends with a chain.” These iron chains may feel like a part of you, but they are not. It's just a chain and it's removable.

Still, cobwebs are easier to remove than iron chains. In other words, the longer you engage in lazy behavior, the harder it will be to be productive and content. But it is quite possible! So where does laziness come from, if not lazy by nature?

2. Find Out What Causes Laziness

Are you constantly asking yourself, "Why am I so lazy and unmotivated?" If so, this section is for you.

When learning how to stop being lazy, you need to know what you are up against. There are many reasons for laziness. According to Laura D. Miller of LCSW, licensed psychotherapist and psychoanalyst: Miller believes there are 7 main causes of laziness.

  1. Fear of failure
  2. Fear of success
  3. Embarrassed
  4. Fear of hope
  5. Fear of conflict
  6. The need for nurturing
  7. Depression

Each of these reasons for laziness stems from beliefs we have about ourselves or life in general. The goal of this game is: Find out what belief (or beliefs) lead to laziness.

1. Fear of Failure

Do you hate messing up or failing? Does your mood depend on your performance? When that happens, we become afraid of failure.

In this state, failure is not seen as an important part of learning and growth, but as a fact about our character. We don't think "I failed once and I can learn from it" instead we believe "I failed".

No wonder we don't want to take action under this kind of pressure. Extreme laziness protects us from the pain of feeling like a failure.

2. Fear of Success

Strange as it may sound, many people are afraid of success. Often people who are afraid of success have a low opinion of themselves and don't believe they deserve success, recognition, happiness, financial freedom, or excitement.

Remember, no matter how hard we try, we can't do anything that goes against our core beliefs.

It doesn't matter what we do if we truly believe that we don't deserve success or happiness. Our subconscious will push us to do things that will never make us successful or happy.

3. The Need for Rest and Recovery

Many people believe they need to squeeze productivity every minute of the day and feel guilty when they don't. So what drives them? There are many reasons, but these people are often driven to "run" because productivity determines their value.

But here's the thing. If our body, mind or thoughts need rest, we will find a way to relax. Often forced to act lazy. In that case, we should take care of ourselves and take time to rest without guilt.

So as you learn how to stop being lazy, remember the words of entrepreneur Alan Cohen.

4. Fear of Expectations

Many people act lazy so others don't expect much from them. They want to lower the standard.

There are many reasons why they would want to do this. For example, they may fear not meeting other people's expectations in things like performance, wealth, or relationships. They may also fear being judged, and may not want to feel protected or controlled by others.

5. Fear of Conflict

The fear of conflict with other people can lead to laziness in many ways. Some people who avoid conflict may suppress feelings of anger and resentment and use laziness as a means of being passive-aggressive. However, this tactic can create more conflict.

6. Parenting Needs

We all need to feel loved, cared for, and supported.

When we don't experience these important emotions in a relationship, laziness can be a way of forcing others to pay more attention to us. For example, if we don't do our laundry, our partner may get bored and do the laundry for us, which makes us feel cared for and supported.

Of course, this unconscious act of fulfilling our emotional needs over time alienates those we love.

7. Depression and Anxiety

Finally, depression or anxiety can lead to unmotivated and lazy behavior. Depression and anxiety are often mistaken for laziness or apathy.

There's nothing wrong with seeking help if you're feeling unduly stressed or anxious. There are many resources available online and in the community.

3. Gain Perspective with Simple Questions

After you identify the causes and symptoms of your laziness, it's time to improve your mindset. The best way to start is to ask yourself.

“If I don't change, what will my life be like in 1 year, 2 years, 5 years, 10 years?”

This can be a very uncomfortable and scary question. You may find that you cannot achieve your life goals or create the relationships you desire. Maybe you're a little intimidated by the answer.

However, if you want to stop being lazy, these questions can help clarify the need for change. This can help create a sense of urgency to improve yourself. Don't forget the words of leadership coach and author Marshall Goldsmith.

4. Connect with Inner Motivation

Now that you know what you don't want to do, it's time to decide what kind of life you want to live.

How do you feel? What kind of relationship will you have? What do you want to do? Whether you want to be your own boss or travel the world, get creative. You can even make a vision board.

Media mogul Oprah Winfrey said, “Create the grandest vision possible for your life, because you become what you believe.”

5. Take Responsibility and Empower Yourself

At this point, you should have a clear understanding of where you are and where you want to be. Now, before you start working towards the life you want, you must remember how capable and powerful you are by taking back control of your life.

How can I do it? That is easy. Take charge of your future. It doesn't matter where you are, how your life is, or how badly you have been treated in the past. It's your life, so it's your responsibility to make it right.

As entrepreneur and author Stephen R. Covey, “I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions.”

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