9 Best Free Google Chrome Extensions of 2023

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aroundknowledge.co.id – Many of us use Google Chrome on a daily basis to handle work and personal browsing needs. In fact, it is the most used browser in the world. However, you may not have fully maximized the performance of all Google Chrome extensions.

With nearly 200,000 extensions available, you'll find tools to help with tasks and processes boring associated with marketing, network and sales, operations, business analysis, and writing. And that's only scratching the surface. The best part is that most of them are free extensions.

9 Best Free Google Chrome Extensions

Let's take a look at our top 9 recommended Chrome extensions that will brighten up your day.

1. Keyword Surfers

Best Free Google Chrome Extensions

On-page keyword research

We're all familiar with the old keyword research, and there are lots of tools out there to help make the process more comprehensive, accurate, and efficient. But if you don't have the budget for such a complex tool, Keyword Surfer is a great free extension.

Shows monthly search volume and suggestions directly from Google Search. It also generates AI-powered article outlines based on search engine results pages (SERPs).

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Whether you're copying and pasting keywords from YouTube videos, blog posts, or social media posts, Keyword Surfer makes your life easier by adding them to your clipboard.

2. Minions SEO

On-page SEO audit

An SEO audit is an important part of your digital marketing strategy, especially when running a competitive website like an ecommerce store or blog. SEO Minion helps you audit your web page content, including meta tags and links.

Use it to find redirects and broken links, check internal and external links, and follow and unfollow links. You can also preview SERPs based on specific keywords or locations.

3. Lusha

Free Google Chrome Extension

Collect contact information for sales promotions

Nobody likes the process of researching contact information for future sales efforts. Luckily, Lusha is a free extension that can help.

When you're on a LinkedIn website or page, you can view detailed information about the company, such as employees, and contact information such as phone number and email address.

The free version includes 5 credits per month, and you can upgrade to the paid version to unlock more contact information and continue building your prospect list.

4. Calendly

Simple Meeting Schedule

When everyone has a busy schedule, finding meeting times can be a total nightmare. If you do this dance every day, Calendly can help. It is available as a free extension with options to upgrade and pay for more features.

Add a booking button that can be placed in LinkedIn messages, Gmail signatures, and many other places where meetings appear.

Customize your account by displaying availability, adding forms and questions for gather more information from invitees, and set rules such as maximum number meetings per day.

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Google Chrome extension

Call recording and bookmarks

How many hours a day do you spend on Zoom and/or Google Meet calls? When you're in the zone, it can be hard to choose between listening and taking good notes. This Google Chrome extension will give your brain a rest by recording calls and marking important parts of meetings for viewing later.

If you can't attend a meeting, you can use the app to record the meeting and check back later. Free and paid versions are available, but there are some feature differences, such as being able to vote to whom the recording will be sent in the paid version (in the free version, the recording is sent to all person).

6. LastPass

Save and share passwords

Everyone must have felt the pain of forgetting a password. This number multiplies when you run your business and try to remember passwords across multiple accounts and platforms. LastPass is like a vault that allows you to store your passwords safely and organized in groups.

You can also use LasPass to generate a secure password and then enter it automatically when logging into your account. Upgrade to the paid version for more features, such as sharing with multiple users in your company or family.

7. BlockSite

Block distractions for productivity

Raise your hand if you are distracted. (We'll assume your hand is raised.) The web is a beautiful place with lots to see and do. The web can be as bad as it is good when you have urgent business to attend to.

As the name suggests, this Chrome extension blocks certain sites which are a common cause of distraction during the day. In the free version, you can add up to 3 websites to block.

8. Grammarly

Spelling and Grammar Check

When you spend hours a day in front of your computer, typos are bound to happen. Even if you do your best to find all the problems, the error seems to keep happening. Grammarly frees you from the tedious proofreading process and helps you focus on the items that have the biggest impact.

When you write a blog post or email and it points up typos and things like odd grammar and sentences with punctuation, the app runs in real time on the page. You can use our free extensions or upgrade your plan for more advanced features.

9. Liners

Content highlights and curation

Liner is designed to help you find the most valuable content on the web. This Chrome extension enhances your browsing experience in a number of ways.

For example, you can highlight a read/view section and save it to your Liner library, rendering new tab experience of featured content, and fetching the best resources from Google search results.

Use Liner to save time sifting through less valuable content and enhance self-education by gathering useful information from videos and articles. And if you need inspiration, launch a new tab page to access a content feed tailored to your preferences.

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