10 Ways to Motivate Yourself for Success in the Future

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aroundknowledge.co.idHow to Motivate Yourself – Motivation is not easy. If you're like many people, you know the drill.

  • Set an early alarm… Then I can't get out of bed.
  • Decide to lose weight and go on a binge.
  • Make a to-do list… Get overwhelmed and escape with a Netflix binge.

It seems like this cycle will never end, right? Meanwhile, you feel drained and lacking self-motivation to get things done.

10 Ways to Motivate Yourself

Is there a way to find motivation and stay critically motivated? Thank goodness there is. Here are 10 ways to motivate yourself to be who you want to be and achieve your goals.

1. Just Get Started

The way to motivate yourself to be passionate about learning is to start. Er. Don't you hate this advice? Still, there's a reason we've all heard it a million times. It can work wonders. You don't always have to reason with your emotions or rationalize why you have to do something.

You can deal with those negative emotions later when the time is right. Instead, start putting all negative emotions aside. As the famous writer Mark Twain said, "The secret to getting ahead is getting started."

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2. Make Your Work In Small Steps

Sometimes it's the simplest things that work best. Remember that you can't do everything at once. So, as the painter Vincent van Gogh said, “A great thing is a series of little things that come together.”

Here are some ways to motivate yourself to work to get things done. Write what needs to be done on a piece of paper. Then, write down all the steps you need to take to make this happen. Ignore everything except the last working step.

Once you're in the flow, it will be easier to move on to the next task.

3. Create a Positive Mindset

Motivation is almost impossible if you look at the situation from a negative perspective. On the other hand, positivity can help energize and motivate you. So stop for a moment and ask yourself. "What's so good about this situation?"

As author Katherine Pulcifer said, “If we have the attitude that today is going to be a good day, it usually is going to be a good day.”

4. Create a Grateful Heart

When you find yourself in a rut, it can seem impossible to motivate yourself. So before you try to motivate yourself, take a step back and try to respect how you feel.

It's so much easier to stay motivated when you feel grateful for yourself. One of the quickest ways to feel good about yourself is to practice gratitude. It's almost impossible to feel depressed and grateful at the same time.

To practice gratitude, start by writing down three things you are grateful for. It can be anything from your morning coffee to your pet or even a comfortable chair to sit on.

Ideally, you could keep a gratitude journal where you are grateful for the little things in everyday life.

5. Be Kind to Yourself

It's easy to blame yourself for delays or mistakes. In fact, if you are like many people, you will find that you are internally “talking” to yourself in mean ways.

If you catch yourself doing this, stop and have a nice talk to yourself. You wouldn't talk like that to anyone else, so why talk to yourself? You deserve your own kindness.

Remember your true intrinsic value as a human being. Then gently return to the task at hand.

6. Be Constructive

Mistakes are great opportunities to learn and grow. Ask yourself when you made a mistake. “Why did I make this mistake? How can I avoid making the same mistake in the future?”

By doing this and acting on what you learn, you can turn mistakes into opportunities.

Entrepreneur Arianna Huffington said, “We have to accept that we don't always make the right decisions. We sometimes make mistakes. We must understand that failure is part of success, not the other way around.”

7. Organize your To-Do List

To-do lists help you organize your tasks and focus on what's important. But they can also overwhelm us and make us delay further. So if you're struggling to stay motivated, try reducing your to-do list to a more manageable size.

Choose no more than 3 tasks each day and create a new to-do list. Then ignore all but the first. Over time, your to-do list can get longer.

8. Set Passionate Achievable Goals

Having goals that are too big or unattainable can paralyze your insecurities and fears. This is a surefire way to get rid of motivation. Let go of the goals that paralyze you for now. Instead, choose a goal that's interesting enough to help motivate you.

As the politician Theodore Roosevelt said, "Look to the stars and put your feet on the ground."

9. Imagine the Future If It Doesn't Change

Get inspired easily with these tips. Imagine the fulfilling life you will have when you motivate yourself instead of focusing on the changes you want.

Ask yourself, “What will your life be like in 1 year, 5 years, 10 years?”

Here are some motivational quotes. “You can feel the pain of practice, you can feel the pain of regret. The choice is yours."

10. Look Back at How Far You've Come

How often do you take a short break to reflect on how far you've come? If you're like many people, you probably don't credit yourself enough for all the growth you've been through.

Take a moment to close your eyes and remember every success, no matter how small. Do it often to help promote personal development.

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